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I'd like to see a "Futuristic"zelda.

Senor Ding Dong

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Much like Final Fantasy went sci-fi, I can't help but wonder what Zelda would be like if it took that turn. I imagine that Ganon would probably be the head of some massive corporation(I'd be surprised if he wasn't). Link would probably get around in a Gas Guzzling SUV called an "Epona" with license plates that say "RED LION". Zelda would be street trash or some environmentalist or something that's out to try and stop Ganon's corporation. Could be interesting if Nintendo did that.
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While I don't care what someone does with fan fiction and their imagination... that's something I don't want to see in the series at all.

I don't mind the introduction of crude mechanical type things into the series, but nothing futuristic like you're explaining here. It's practically blasphemy lol.

Honestly, the first thing I think of when I read that is FF7, and I don't want Zelda becoming anything like that in terms of world, style or characters.
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Well, now, let's not be too hasty (and let us NEVER speak of Zelda as street trash ever again).

Perhaps some sort of deal where, by freeing the Sages, the mechanical world is reverted back to its (for lack of a better word) medival nature we all know and love. Though, with improper producing, it [i]could[/i] turn into a rip of FF7 and 8.

It's a thought...but I don't see it happening any time soon.
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[color=indigo]I agree with Semjaza, I really would hate to see that happen to a Zelda game. The Zelda series, from the start, has been a medieval fantasy type world. Turning it into a futuristic sci-fi type world just wouldn't fit the series at all. It'd be about like trying to take the Metroid series and turn it into something like Zelda. That is, it just wouldn't be possible without completely butchering the game.[/color]
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Well, maybe an evil genius with the knowledge to make evil bronze automatons to spread the darkness and is cutting down the forests and poisoning the rivers, or sea if you like, creating ghastly monstrosities and mutations and attempting to make the Zelda universe the way Clowmet has suggested. You know, bossess like the turantula at the end of Wlid Wild West, big evil robot things, but sort of crude(ish) like scary stuff from the Victorian era.

I mean, the mere suggestion has already got you guys riled, what would you do if this villain attempted to make it a reality? Only YOU could prevent it!
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[color=indigo]That's the thing, though; Ganon wouldn't try to make it into some sci-fi world. Sure, burn, pillage and loot, spread nasty monsters through the world, but he wouldn't bother trying to really build anything like that. I mean, look at Zelda: A Link to the Past, in the Dark World. Ganon ruled that for a long, long time and he was perfectly happy to leave the land in ruins.

In the end, Ganon has always been after absolute power and control, not some sort of empire.[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm....Maybe that could be done in a Zelda game. Please, read my idea before pointing to it as blasphemy:

[i]The game would start with a battle between Link and Gannon (think Castlevania for PSX). After Link triumphs, and Hyrule is once again saved, he decides to explore the world. During his "vacation", Link meets a magician who sends Link through a portal.

Link awakes in a world he doesn't recognize. During his travels through this new world, Link finds the magician, who tells him that this is Hyrule, but in a distant future. He's been brought here to restore the world back to its original form.

The story could be about the loss of innocence and values, or something similar. If anyone's played Terranigma (SNES), think of what the older people tell you late in the game.
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[color=indigo]Well, sure, it could be made to fit into the storyline of the series, but that doesn't really have anything to do with why I wouldn't want a futuristic sci-fi Zelda game. My point was that it wouldn't fit the series itself, since the games have always been set in a fantasy setting. I mean, sure, some change can be good, but I don't think I'd want [i]that[/i] much change.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i]
[B](and let us NEVER speak of Zelda as street trash ever again).

[color=009966]I second that....

I'm not sure about that idea. I really like the midieval-type setting, but who knows?[/color]
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[color=teal]Nah, I'd have to say keep it the way it is. I mean, Zelda has pretty much survived with its medieval approach since the '80's, and I'd only submit to a change if the series was DYING. Wind Waker introduced an entirely new approach with the Cel-shaded environment, as well as the sailing-oriented world. THAT'LL take a serious amount of time to get off of, in my opinion.

Another thing.....how can Hyrule become industrialized and futuristic if IT'S NO LONGER HYRULE?!?! Does nobody remember that the land in the Wind Waker is NO LONGER HYRULE? Hyrule is completely submerged, adios, finito, vamanos. The islands themselves are too far apart to unite, eradicating any chance of industrialization. There are realistic morals involved as well as the appeal of the series.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legacy [/i]
Another thing.....how can Hyrule become industrialized and futuristic if IT'S NO LONGER HYRULE?!?! Does nobody remember that the land in the Wind Waker is NO LONGER HYRULE? Hyrule is completely submerged, adios, finito, vamanos. The islands themselves are too far apart to unite, eradicating any chance of industrialization. There are realistic morals involved as well as the appeal of the series.[/spoiler][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

If you remember the very last part of WW, [B]Link, Tetra and her crew depart to create a new kingdom, which is the Hyrule of LttP, LOZ and AOL.[/B] This Zelda is very early in the storyline, only taking place after the N64 games.

And my idea would be for a Zelda in a future console. After all, Nintendo will eventually do all they can with the medieval setting, and then they will have to try various settings, mixing and matching.
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[color=teal]I'd have to disagree, Turkey. If you don't remember, the King manages to tell them to make the land above into their own kingdom, as in a kingdom of islands. I am inclined to believe that the Zelda series is not connected at all, aside from a few EXTREMELY obvious references mentioned in the games themselves. (I.E. LttP to Awakening, OoT to WW, OoA to OoS) And also, if anyone bothers to connect the two, there appears to be a connection between LttP and OoT, from the reference of the seven sages sealing Ganon into the dark world in LttP. In effect, LttP MUST take place BEFORE WW, or else any connection at all between the series' games would fall apart, because in WW, they mentioned that it had been the first time Ganon had risen from his prison. In LttP, Ganon did NOT escape the Dark World, and he barely threatened the Light World. Also, after Link grabbed the Triforce in LttP, everything was as it was BEFORE Agahnim began his experiments in the tower. Hence, a period of peace would seemingly have been in the part of history's place instead of a heroic struggle against evil, correct? Link then thought about the possibility of Ganon's return and set out to make himself stronger. In his absence and the absence of his bloodline, Ganon arose again, unchecked, and threatened the land. The gods heard Hyrule's cry and flooded it completely, thus WW comes into effect beginning with a new hero of a different bloodline, but the same name. I am a fifteen year old that has played Zelda since I was in diapers, and I study the games' mechanics. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i]
[B]If you remember the very last part of WW, [B]Link, Tetra and her crew depart to create a new kingdom, which is the Hyrule of LttP, LOZ and AOL.[/B] This Zelda is very early in the storyline, only taking place after the N64 games.

[size=1][color=crimson]Uh... TWW is set 100 years after OOC, it's not very early at all. Every single Zelda game is in a time of its own, apart from OOT+MM and OOA+OOC (which are kinda paired up).[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i]
[B][size=1][color=crimson]Uh... TWW is set 100 years after OOC, it's not very early at all. Every single Zelda game is in a time of its own, apart from OOT+MM and OOA+OOC (which are kinda paired up).[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
Same world, different time. After WW, other Zelda games eventually happen. Simple logic,
This is why I said that WW takes place early in the storyline:
Shigeru Miyamoto himself said that OOT was the first Zelda (thus the creation scene early in that game). WW shows dozens of times that it takes place after OOT (as in only "a few hundreds years", quoted by the King of Red Lions).

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legacy [/i]
[B][size=1][color=crimson]...there appears to be a connection between LttP and OoT, from the reference of the seven sages sealing Ganon into the dark world in LttP. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
In LttP, Gannon was killed. However, he was sealed in OOT. Also, in WW, [spoiler]when you get the Master Sword, you see pictures of the OOT sages, not of the LttP ones.[/spoiler]
Also, where exactly did you get that "kingdom of islands" part? They departed to create their own kingdom, and I doubt that they would just conquer the islands already discovered. Also, with Tetra's last words, you see that they are leaving for unknown lands.
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The wind waker takes place after the timeline with ganan in it from OOT. You know when link returned to his 10 year old self at the end of OOT? All the other games took place after then. The Wind Waker took place hundreds of years after the timeline where ganan was in power. So basically we now have two timelines. Quite gensius of them to do that. Its like starting all over again with the series.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i]
[B]The wind waker takes place after the timeline with ganan in it from OOT. You know when link returned to his 10 year old self at the end of OOT? All the other games took place after then. The Wind Waker took place hundreds of years after the timeline where ganan was in power. So basically we now have two timelines. Quite gensius of them to do that. Its like starting all over again with the series. [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Um . . . how does that work? There's only one Hyrule in OOT; Link getting sent back to his childhood doesn't create two different worlds in which two different timelines could take place. Link just gets sent back so that he can live through those seven years that he missed. After seven years passed, he would be an adult again, it's just that Ganon would never have ruled over Hyrule during those years since he'd be sealed away in the Sacred Realm. So, yeah--same world, just different times.

Personally, I think TWW is set between OOT/MM and LTP, same as I always thought. I'm still developing theories, but basically, I think it fits. Because if you look back at the story in LTP, it talks about an ancient race of people that were known as the Hylia (plural being Hylians), who forged the Master Sword and who faught to imprison Ganon in the Sacred Realm/Golden Land. (This is in the intruction booklet, by the way). So if you notice, the people are no longer called Hylians, as in OOT; they're called Hyrulians in LTP. That means it's a different people than in OOT.

My guess is that that Great Sea did eventually subside and Hyrule was once again uncovered, with Ganon sealed away in the Sacred Realm again. ([spoiler]Didn't the King of Hyrule, when he touched the Triforce, wish that the oceans would come down and drown Ganon?[/spoiler] I'm not sure, I'll have to go beat the game again, but I think that was basically it). The handfull of people left on the islands would repopulate Hyrule, and then eventually the story of LTP would take place when Ganon attempts to break out of the Sacred Realm (aka the Golden Land/Dark World) again.

Like I said, I'm still developing theories to explain more of [i]why[/i] I think that, but I think it'll work. There'll be some guesswork involved, but there always is when dealing with the Zelda timeline.[/color]
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