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Dragonball Z Movies : Advice Wanted


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This is aimed more at the people who have seen them all, rather than those who have seen one or 2.

If you've seen them all, can you rate them from best to worst please? And if you've seen one or 2, can you say if the ones you saw were good or not?

I just bought History of Trunks and the Bardock DVDs. Had to get a multi-regional DVD player to play them. They may not be fantastic, but i enjoyed them both.

I want to buy more. I heard the Cooler ones were good, but i wanted to know the best-2-worst order. thanks
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This thread seems more like one of those "What do you like best" threads, and unfortunatly, we dont accept those threads here. But I will tell you this. All of the movies are good, but there are only 2 that you should avoid, and those are Movie 4(Slug Movie), and Movie 11(Bio-Brolly movie). The only reason you should get those 2 is if you're gonna do like I did and just collect em all. But if you're not a collector and just want somethin to watch, then dont get movie 4 and 11. If you REALLY wanna see 4 though, then get the tape in dubbed format. They actually gave that movie a little bit of descensy(wit the new music and everything). But the plot and everything is just horrible. So just avoid those 2, and get the rest. Everyone else would more than likely tell you the same thing. ^_^

Well, anyway, topic closed.
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