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Evangelion: Mind and Soul (spoilers included)


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Unit 04 appears umm... lets see... *thinks hard*... never? Lol maybe thats why they didn't put it in. And Unit 04 didn't create the Sea of Dirac... a glitch in the S2 engine probably tore open a hole to the Sea but not intentionally created.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Demondrake [/i]
[B]Lillith is the mother of humanity. I think angels were created from Adam, but I could be wrong on that. No one truly knows where Lillith came from, but you can speculate where Lillith did come from.[/B][/QUOTE]
That's something I don't understand...Lillum lived a good deal before the second impact, at which Adam caused. We know this because Lillum produced Lillith, whose AT field shatterred for some reason, making us, humans. So does that mean that Adam was alive all the way back then, and just never came out? After all, Adam has always been reffered to as the first Angel. *shrug* That was just a quick thought.
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Syk u got Lilith/Lillum mixed up -_- Lilith created Lillums(humans) If you go by all the biblical stuff, then I guess Adam was there before Lilith since Adam was created first, and Lilith was Adam's first wife. And yes, I guess Adam existed long before, but never came out. And its really hard to say which angel actually came first because the angels are numbered in order of conformation by NERV. I'm guessing they 'discovered' Adam on the second impact, and then they found the geo front, in which Lilith was crucified. Thus, Lilith became the second angel. Then, the rest came. I think its something like that. Gendo says that the Geo-front was not created by humans, and 89% of is still buried. Therefore, I'm guessing it has something to do with Lilith being there. I doubt that Lilith was actually confirmed before Adam cuz then, Lilith will be the first angel. however, the adam/lilith who came first is hard to settle as there are multiple theories to it. Some sites even categorize Lilith as the first angel. Uh... yeah... my 2 cents :p
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oradriel [/i]
[B]Syk u got Lilith/Lillum mixed up -_- Lilith created Lillums(humans)[/B][/QUOTE]
Ah, yes, that's my bad. I just keep trying to go into my mind and think...

Kaworu: "You filthy _________."

A) Lillith
B) Lillum

At first, Lillith seemed like a good answer, but now Lillum makes more sense I suppose.

In any case, I think I must have missed a lot of this kind of information from the series. Do they say these things in the manga? This "geofront" sounds familiar, but I don't remember what Gendo had said about it. This is what was located behind "Heaven's Door", yes?
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Noooo Terminal(or central me forgets too :p) dogma was behind the Heaven's Door(where Lilith is crucified). Geo Front is where the NERV head quarters is located(that pyramid underground) Gendo talks about the Geo Front I think in Episode 21? It was a flash back episode. I think he talks about the Geo-front before he shows Fuyutsuki the proto type for Eva.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oradriel [/i]
[B]Noooo Terminal(or central me forgets too :p) dogma was behind the Heaven's Door(where Lilith is crucified). Geo Front is where the NERV head quarters is located(that pyramid underground) Gendo talks about the Geo Front I think in Episode 21? It was a flash back episode. I think he talks about the Geo-front before he shows Fuyutsuki the proto type for Eva. [/B][/QUOTE]
Ohhhh, I didn't understand you the last time, lol. I thought you were saying that the geofront was where Lillith was sacrificed, as it that particular room. I know what the Geo Front is now. ;) I suppose it's been longer than I thought since I last saw the series -- back during Thanksgiving.
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Evangelion is confusing isn't it? :p I had to rewatch that whole thing atleast 3 times before making heads or tails of that thing. Too many religious implications such as Keel being the wandering Jew, the Baron of Hells being Eva, The Angels, Tree of Sephiroto, Tree of LIfe, Tree of Wisdom... list goes on... btw, added a little bit to my sig for each angel :)

P.S. Sacrifice? i said Crucify :p
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  • 3 weeks later...
*sighs* This does not belong here, but cloud wishes that I not create a new topic, and thus has locked the thread with the following post. This post is a deviance from the original topic, but I need these questions answered. I apologize if this seems a bit out of the blue...


Ahhh, just watched the series again. So damn good.

Well, my most urgent question pertains to Evangelion music. Whereas most of the music has been found on this website, there is one particular one that it is missing. In it, there is a cello (I assume) playing a very sad tune. I can remember it being played vividly in the scene where Shinji and Misato first see the Rei clones in the chamber. The music is played in the background. Is there anywhere that I can download it from?

What is the beaker filled with water in Rei's room for? I've read somewhere that assumes that it is a representation of Rei's soul.

Is it called Central Dogma or Terminal Dogma? I can't get that straight. :P I do believe it was called both Central and Terminal before in the series and movie however.

Why does Kaji tell Misato that the being in Termial/Central Dogma is Adam, when he knows for sure that it isn't? He did deliver Adam to Gendo personally in embryo form.

There is a scene where all the pilots are testing naked. I'm confused to what the heck they were testing in. There seemed to be Evangelions that were without armor floating in the water, but they can't be the original Evangelions, since Nerv wouldn't want to risk taking off the restraints that bind the Evangelions to them. They also can't be pure simulations, as Israfel (I think that's the angel name) did start infecting the things. And if they were other Evangelions, then Nerv would probably put armor on them and use them. I doubt that they are dead Evangelions, cause then you can't synchronize with them. So what the heck are those?

And now for a quick comment about the series after watching it again. It seems that the beginning is awkward, then it gets funny, then it goes serious and depressing. I only wish that the series would keep a more steady mood throughout.

Thats all I can think of after finishing it again. There are probably tons more that I can think of later. :P Thanks. :)


Oooohhhh. I thought of more questions.

Why did Unit 1 come out of Leliel's shadow instead of the real angel itself?

And I forgot where, but I remember seeing Ristuko with the mole on the right side of her face, and Misato once wearing...stockings. o.o *eyes completely bug out* Are those just mistakes? :P

I wanna know what Unit 04's power, or special characteristic was! Unit 00 was a cyclops. Unit 01 had a pointy horn. Unit 02 had 4 eyes. Unit 03 could extend its arms. Units 5-13 could fly and do all the stuff the Eva Series could do. So what the heck does Unit 04 do? Just create a Sea of Dirac by some error with its s2 engine like Leliel? :( Do the Dead Sea Scrolls say anything about Unit 04?
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Guest AlexNR

Well, my most urgent question pertains to Evangelion music. Whereas most of the music has been found on this website, there is one particular one that it is missing. In it, there is a cello (I assume) playing a very sad tune. I can remember it being played vividly in the scene where Shinji and Misato first see the Rei clones in the chamber. The music is played in the background. Is there anywhere that I can download it from?[/b]

The name of it is Thanatos. Try a p2p program like KaZaA Lite, Direct Connet ++, or WinMX.

[b]What is the beaker filled with water in Rei's room for? I've read somewhere that assumes that it is a representation of Rei's soul.[/b]

Don't read too much into it. It probably is just the water that she used to take her medication with (her medicine is always near the beaker and they are pills. You usually drink water when you take a pill).

[b]Is it called Central Dogma or Terminal Dogma? I can't get that straight. :P I do believe it was called both Central and Terminal before in the series and movie however.[/b]

Central Dogma is the control center. Terminal Dogma is the area where Lilith is kept.

[b]Why does Kaji tell Misato that the being in Termial/Central Dogma is Adam, when he knows for sure that it isn't? He did deliver Adam to Gendo personally in embryo form.[/b]

He probably didn't think it was the right time to tell Misato the truth about NERV.

[b]There is a scene where all the pilots are testing naked. I'm confused to what the heck they were testing in. There seemed to be Evangelions that were without armor floating in the water, but they can't be the original Evangelions, since Nerv wouldn't want to risk taking off the restraints that bind the Evangelions to them. They also can't be pure simulations, as Israfel (I think that's the angel name) did start infecting the things. And if they were other Evangelions, then Nerv would probably put armor on them and use them. I doubt that they are dead Evangelions, cause then you can't synchronize with them. So what the heck are those?[/b]

They are Eva simulators. Bodies made to simulate the Evas.

[b]And now for a quick comment about the series after watching it again. It seems that the beginning is awkward, then it gets funny, then it goes serious and depressing. I only wish that the series would keep a more steady mood throughout.[/b]

That's why Eva is so popular. It starts out all nice and full of action/comedy. But later on it gets dark and somewhat depressing.

[b]Why did Unit 1 come out of Leliel's shadow instead of the real angel itself?[/b]

That is something I do not know. ^^;

[b]I wanna know what Unit 04's power, or special characteristic was![/b]

It had an S^2 Engine.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've searched for Thanatos, but I can't find the cello version that I really like. The ones I've downloaded are ok, but just aren't sad enough without the cello. :( I'm going to keep searching until I find the version that is used multiple times during the series.

As for simulators, how can Israfel infect simulations? That kind of confuses me, as I thought you can only infect something that is real, not a simulation.

As for Unit 04, having an s2 engine isn't a power or anything that makes it special. Unit 01 has a s2 engine, though it was taken in through eating. The Eva series also had them, so that doesn't set Unit 04 apart from the others.

Thanks for the other answers though Alex. They helped. :)
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Guest AlexNR

I've searched for Thanatos, but I can't find the cello version that I really like. The ones I've downloaded are ok, but just aren't sad enough without the cello. :( I'm going to keep searching until I find the version that is used multiple times during the series.[/b]

It's from the second OST, if that's any help.

[b]As for simulators, how can Israfel infect simulations? That kind of confuses me, as I thought you can only infect something that is real, not a simulation.[/b]

Why wouldn't you be able to? The MAGI aren't "real", yet they were infected.

[b]As for Unit 04, having an s2 engine isn't a power or anything that makes it special. Unit 01 has a s2 engine, though it was taken in through eating. The Eva series also had them, so that doesn't set Unit 04 apart from the others.[/b]

Eva-04 was special because it was the first Eva to have an S^2 Engine (though it didn't last long :P).

[b]Thanks for the other answers though Alex. They helped. :) [/b]

Anytime Demondrake. ^_^
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Guest AlexNR
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid [/i]
[B]speaking of eva music, in the end of evangelion, when the world turns into that (forgot the name) orange liquid stuff, there was a music playing in the backround, anybody know how its called? [/B][/QUOTE]

That's "Komm Susser Tod" (German for Come Sweet Death).
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