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Terrible day


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I found out last night that my half sister (different mother, same father) passed away from lung cancer, she was only 28 and had 2 kids, both girls

We were pretty close, even more so considering were only half siblings and I'm very saddened from her death, I've been drinking all night and its 7.00 am right now, I'll probably drink more before I go to sleep

I even smoked some marijuana last night, the first time I had done so in at least 3 years, I feel like **** and just feel like going to bed

I'm going to see my father when I wake up, see how he's taking it, probably taking it even worse than I am

I just felt like saying something, sorry if some of you take this thread the wrong way or something

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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
:( My condolences deeply go out to you Seph, I'm sorry to hear about your sister, and truly hope that you're strong enough to cope with this and not do anything to drastic or detremental to your health man. If you need to talk I'm here for ya, you know where to find me. :(
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]My condolences. Drinking and smoking probably won't help much, but take your time and work through this as you feel you need to...we're here if you need someone to talk to.

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[size=1]Hey, Safer... *soft smile* Remember goofy likkle Cera?

I'm so sorry--that must be just awful for you.

I wish you the very best. Please be safe. Grief can lead people to do very foolish things. Don't, please?

Be well, Safer. [/size]
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[color=#808080]Ahh Seph. :( This is such terrible news.

You should definitely get some rest and try to relax. As Sara said...we all hope that you don't do something destructive to yourself at this point. Grief is very difficult to deal with and you know that you can [i]always[/i] talk to me if you ever need to.

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[color=hotpink][size=1]I hope you feel better, Sephiroth. I know it must be very hard to lose someone close to you that you love. Just let your family know you care and be there for them, especially her daughters...they are probably suffering the most right now.[/color][/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Yikes. ><
I'm really, really sorry that happened. And as Sara and James already said, you shouldn't try to hurt yourself, even though it hurts alot to lose someone you love.

*hands you a biiiig cookie*[/color] [/size]
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As many other said... don't do anything self-destructive... remember that another death in the family right after your sisters will be even more devastating to the others. You have all of the Otaku Board members to talk to... so talk to one of us... Losing a loved one is hard, but you need to look at what is left for you to do... Sorry if I sounded rather cruel... I offer my deepest condolences... and I will pray for your sister in my prayers.
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[color=deeppink]Ohhh :( I know exactly what you're going through Seph, it's so super ******. I know that lots of people can tell you that everything is going to be ok and eventually it may, but the reality is that nobody can really understand that things won't seem normal for a long time. After nearly 3 months I STILL cry every time I think about my brother, it's such a painful process.

But the good part about it is that you have support from family, friends and, if nothing else, Board members. Your feelings are justified and don't let anyone tell you it's not ok to be sad or greive...because it iisssss ok! :whoops:

I hope that seeing so many members send their condolences helps, I know that it helped me a little :)[/color]
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I won't pretend to know how awful you feel, because I've never lost a brother or sister. But, even though I don't share the same father with 'em, I can imagine how terrible the pain and heartache would be.

The worst thing you can do is grieve alone, so I'm glad that you're going to check up on your father. Maybe the two of you can discuss everything that made your sister a great person and hold onto those memories. Because they'll never leave you and in your heart she won't either. She'll always be a part of you guys. And when your daughter grows a little older, you can tell her about her aunt and how special she was.

You'll always feel the impact of her loss, but try to live how she would want you to live and do her memory proud. She wouldn't be happy to see you hurting yourself.

Take care, man.
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[color=darkblue]Damn, I don't know what to say. If something happened to either of my brothers, I'd be crushed for life. The only thing I can tell you is to stay close to your loved ones, they will be there for you. And I'd probably be getting drunk, too, so I won't say anything about that, other than everyone copes in different ways, so do what you gotta do. Just don't make yourself go through it alone.[/color]
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Ah Seph, I feel sorry for you, but Marjawana is not goign to help you get over it, and niether is drinking, the thing to do just visist with family and friends, and talk to them about it, instead of drinking and smoking pot. But if thats the way you handle things, then don't lisen to me, none the less. I still think, no matter what, that you should talk to your family about it. And see the openions, and there point of views about it, and not only that, but to circle in, as a family, and try to grow stronger from this type of experiance, I've learned in my life, that in these type of these situations, the ones closet to you will help you the most in life, atleast in these types of situations. Never the less, I'm very sorry, about your sisters death. My god be with her soul.
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