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Imagination Art Contest


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i]
[B]O_O Then why did you rate my new version?! ARGH! This is confusing me... [/B][/QUOTE]
I didn't, I didn't even see your new pictures until I went back to read my post. The rating had come straight from the original. ;)

daedalus: Interesting. Not necessarily eye candy, but when looking at it for imagination, it has a lot of different meanings. If you look at it in a certain light, and I'm not sure you meant it this way, but if you see it as if human nature sometimes mirroring that of certain animals or insects, it kind of brings out the picture. Good job. :)

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]8/10[/b]
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Interesting use of the spiral filter and lens flare. I wish I could tell what all the blurred objects are, but nonetheless, a very nice entry.
Does this mean you feel alone in your imagination, and it is the only thing that brings you hope in your life?

[b]DarK DeatH[/b]
Whoa...hee. Pyro tornado. You have some empty space, too, but the image doesn't look nearly as chaotic as it is striving to be.
I really really like the effect, nonetheless.

When do we make the final judge?
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The contest is now OVER. No more entries are allowed from this point in time, given that Sunday night was the final chance. I will edit later to give you my last ratings on the contestants. The only people who should now be posting are the judges, anyone else who does will have their post deleted.

Zidane: Hmm, it's really hard to tell in these images what you are trying to convey as your imagination. It's a fine image, but you could have added a lot more images, or set them up in a different way to imrpove it for this competition, in my opinion.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]6.5/10[/b]

DarK DeatH: A very nice image, indeed. The graphics are amazing, and through the words you can kind of tell what you are thinking. I can't really make out any of the images, but it appears as if you intentionally added some pictures that have been on your imagination. You could have tried adding some more images, in my opinion, and outlined a few of your themes a bit better. Overall, it's a good rendition.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b] 7.5/10[/b]

[i]Final Ratings:[/i] (some may be different from originals)
Chinchiromon: 4/10

*Sara: 9.5/10

Shinobi: 7/10

WW2: 7/10

Phantom?s Angel: 6.5/10

*Maladjusted: 8.5/10

*KittyLynn: 7/10

Kaisuke: 8/10

Daedalus: 8/10

Zidane: 6.5/10

DarK DeatH: 7.5/10
*Hand-drawn pictures

My rating would go to Sara, either way, but if we are counting computerized and hand-drawn seperately, my computerized award would go to Kaisuke or Daedalus, of which I would choose Daedalus for creativity.
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The Majin-8.5/1o.
DarK DeatH-*9.2/1o.

My final hand drawn choice is [b]maladjusted[/b]. The words floating, the hands reaching in, the mind like a box, the person in the middle--I could go on for a bit about this one. ^^ I think I said that the first time, too.

My final graphics choice is [b]daedalus[/b]--I've already gushed about this one as well. ^^ *see previous post on daedalus, then*

Both pieces really made me think for a full 30 seconds, to delve into the artist's mind about his/her imagination, and to think about my own. Well, done both of you.

And a cookie for everyone else. I enjoyed all the entries immensely.
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[b]Chinchiromon: [i]4/10[/i][/b]
Not really imagination style ya know. This is more like... just an ordinary drawing...
[b]*Sara: [i]8.5/10[/i][/b]
Very Imagination-like. All things together in one big nice picture which is drawn good aswell. Thats what I like =)
[b]Shinobi: [i]8/10[/i][/b]
Weird picture fits you good Shinny ;P. Anyways... I dont know what it all means but i do see ur favvy color and band, aswell as some notes so... Nice mind speaking ;)
[b]WW2: [i]7.5/10[/i][/b]
You dont seem to have a peacefull mind =P. Nice picture! Is that a beatle borg guy to the left Oo? Anyways. I liek how its dont, very clear, but something about it doesnt appeal right...
[b]Phantom?s Angel: [i]7/10[/i][/b]
Nice one. It is imaganation-ish. the BG doesnt realy seem to fit the pictures that good, so that is already a minor (sp?)... Well. Its clear as a mirror. No need to look at it for an hour to see what it is.
[b]*Maladjusted: [i]9/10[/i][/b]
I liked this one very much. Looks like he is poking in my brains, .Very nicely done shows a lot Imagination for sure. And the drawing itself is good too. Cant seem to read the text good though. Little too unclear, but...
[b]*KittyLynn: [i]7.5/10[/i][/b]
shows much imagination too. The drawings are drawn very good, but it seems to be unclear/too light, so cant see all too good...
[b]Kaisuke: [i]7.5/10[/i][/b]
I must say its nice, but apart from what's on it allready, its not really imagination-ish. If it was just a gfx contest you would score better prolly.
[b]Daedalus: [i]7.8/10[/i][/b]
It is very nice, kinda something that would reming me of Nomad... I dunno. Oh well. It [i]is[/i] very creative and nice. The circles round the insects look good and it makes you think for a while...
[b]Zidane: [i]6.5/10[/i][/b]
It aint really imagination-ish... Its a nice one, but you couldve made it more to your imagine. Now it is just (to me) a piccy with effects. not really the thing i was looking for...
[b]DarK DeatH: [i]9/10[/i][/b]
Make it a diff colour and it would almost fit me perfectly. the eyes looking right into your soul, the text jumping through your mind and just the flashing and unclear colours and effects. Just looking at it made me.... dunno.... Also the text right above fits it good.

[b]My Drawing #1:[/B] Maladjusted
[b]My Graphics #1:[/b] DarK DeatH
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Shinroku- 6.0
maladjusted- 8.7
DarK DeatH-8.6/10

Drawing- Sara
Graphic- Kaisuke[/color][/spoiler]
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  • 3 weeks later...
O_O I almost forgot about this. -_-;;; Sorry everyone.

Here are my final ratings.

Chinchiromon: 3/10

Sara: 9.5/10

Shinobi: 7.5/10

WW2: 8/10

Phantom?s Angel: 5/10

Maladjusted: 7/10

KittyLynn: 6/10

Kaisuke: 8.5/10

Daedalus: 8/10

Zidane: 6/10

DarK DeatH: 8/10

[COLOR=blue]Graphic: Kaisuke [/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Drawing: Sara[/COLOR]
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[color=teal]Okay, I have since found the average of each score for the particapants, and come to an overall score. Thank you to everyone who entered the contest, and to those who judged these peices of art.

Chinchiromon: Not voted by all of the judges

*Sara: 9.2/10

Shinobi: 8.04/10

WW2: 7.78/10

Phantom?s Angel: Not voted by all of the judges

*Maladjusted: 8.48/10

*KittyLynn: Not voted by all of the judges

Kaisuke: 8.38/10

Daedalus: 8.08/10

Zidane: 6.76/10

DarK DeatH: 8.46/10

The winner of the hand-drawn pictures is [b]Sara[/b]! Congrats to Sara!


And the award for the best computerized picture goes to [b]DarK DeatH[/b]! Good job to DarK DeatH!


Those who were not voted by all of the judges probably would not have altered the final decisions, for those wondering. This contest is now over! Done! Out! Shoo![/color]
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