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Imagination Art Contest


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We're finally getting entries! ^_^

[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 9/10
Sara that is how I'd see your imagination. You captured it very well.

[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 2/10
Chinchiromon that is a nice piece but this is a contest of creativity. One picture can't express it in such a way. Syk3 has the right idea.

[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 8/10
Ah our first graphic entry. I see you used your favorite color, very you. The thing that puzzels me is the "Oasis" part.

Thank you Syk3 for posting your thoughts. You seem to be my only active judge.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i]
[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 8/10
Ah our first graphic entry. I see you used your favorite color, very you. The thing that puzzels me is the "Oasis" part.

Ah you see, Oasis is my favourite band...;).
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[color=teal]Judge Rating:9.5/10[/color] Hey, that got Hobbes in it! Very good...I like it alot...

[color=teal]Judge Rating:2.5/10[/color] Agreed with SPX...Make more pictures...

[color=teal]Judge Rating:8.7/10[/color] Oasis rocks...I like the graphic...All the swirling...let me say [i]oasis[/i].Very sweet indeed.
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Okay here is my pic. I rushed to get it finished, so it may be a little unfocused.

I basically created a pic that shows the strange things and characters that I've created in my head over the past few days. Things such as an evil nugget, a living dragon tattoo, a hairy alien, and a super version of myself along with my very own Gundam.

Sorry it looks blurry.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel [/i]
[B]IS ANYONE A judge plz gonna answer my question? If we make a grapic image can we use anime chars??? [/B][/QUOTE]
Of course there are people that are judges, just hold your horses. lol Yes, you can use anime characters, but use them in an artistic way. Like, you should add more than just them.

Shinobi: I really like your abstractiveness of the picture, as I had been wondering when we would see one. ;) For the stuff you did put in, I think you did pretty well, except for that bit of pixalation, but we don't really grade on that. Overall, I think there was a little something missing, something that you could have added, but it is good other than that.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]7.5/10[/b]

WW2: I like your pic a lot as well. It shows that your imagination is full of anime as well as different things, and you are always thinking about them. Is that your self drawing there? You kind of look like my friend, except that his drawing style is completely different. Speaking of which, there could be a little more detail, but that's about it. Everything from there is preference.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]7/10[/b]
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Guest Steiner
ok be gentle cos im new in these competitions. ok so later ill color it but for now this is what im entering.
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Oh HO! So we [i]did[/i] start--way to tell this judge. lol ;) :p

Anyways, time for Ginny to catch up:

Impressive. I was blown away the first time I saw this, and still like it very muchly. It is drawn in a way I know I would draw my imagination--the random areas, images, the feeling that you are stepping through different areas of your mind. Every time I think I've seen everything, there's something else to pull my eye around.

Actually, if I may be so bold, lemme start with the judges. I think it's rather close minded to say that drawing a person for representation of the imagination is not legit. Before I started this post, I saw several other people put representational persons into their pictures, and we even have some people asking if they can use pictures from anime. As such, I think that Chinchiromon's is just as viable as anyone else's. [/rant]
[b]Chinchiromon again[/b]
Chibis strike again! The first thing I saw was the die on his finger, which was nifty. Then I saw Calumon with a cookie, and (if you know about the phrase "*gives you a cookie*", then you know why that is sweet) and grinned. The only thing that really bothers me is a lack of background. Remember, this is all about the imagination--I'm hoping to see pictures with very little negative space in them.
Your coloring was good, as always.

And they say the brain is, what, 90% water? Heh, looks like it. Very effective--shows us when your mind has one thing on it. I just love the watery effects--can't get over them. ^^ Something's missing, though...

Imaginative, many persons represented different parts of the brain. It is a bit fuzzy and the colors seem to rub me the wrong way, but I LOVE the dragon part. Anime is definitely in your mind. I still see some empty space, though...

Cheerful. O_o; And hey, if you draw like this, how come I haven't seen any of your stuff before now? :D Anyways, another representative figure for the imagination. And a gruesome it seems to be. Or, if we wish to delve deeply, perhaps your imagination is the unfortunate head and the ogre (if you will) is society cramping your style. Go me, go deep. ^^; Do you wish to use that as your final entry or wait till it is colored? Either way, I cannot rate it until you tell us which one is the final.

[b]Final Rating:[/b] (pending Steiner) As it is difficult to give number ratings till I see ALL entries, I must say that Sara's is my top choice, followed closely by Shinboi's.
Keep entering, peeps. This is fun!
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Guest Steiner
Ill leave it at that seeing im new at competitions ill take it slow for now but from now on ill post all my new drawings :) And the reason iv never posted any of my drawing is iv only had this scanner for about a week.
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Well, I think i'm done, its not all to good but i made the bg my self on simply ms pain, heh. Thats all i got so gimme a break. :) lol. Its grapic but also inclused a drawing of sasami i did so go head count it as grapic even htou i drew part of it, Well it isnt the best but its my imignation, at least, one side of it.. ^_-
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Here's my entry! I made about two other copies of this, so I'm kinda proud that I actually took time to work on it, even though it doesn't like it...^_^ I had to shrink it down since it was big.


-I'm not sure if you're supposed to explain what the drawing means...
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Looking forward to it Meike. ;)

[QUOTE]I'm not sure if you're supposed to explain what the drawing means... [I]posted by maladjusted[/I][/QUOTE]
No you don't have to. You picture is suppose to express it, the viewer should figure it out. Of course if you want to explain it go right ahead.
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[b]Judge Rating:9.0[/b]
Very,very nice Steiner.I like it...very "imaginative" O.o I'm looking foward to more of your entries.

[b]Judge Rating:8.2[/b]
This is an okay one, WW2.I like the mixture of the different characters.Yes it's very blurry...
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[COLOR=deeppink]Did you just ask,"Do you have to draw what in your mind?" Yeah. I think you do, that why it is called Imagination Art. Tehehe ;)

Well people what do you think of mine? Tehehe..:( Mine doesn't matter though.

-C-L (Never ever call me K-L)[/COLOR]
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Yes it would look very good on plain paper, but it does show your imagination well. The horse looks like tha mascot of my school, a mustang. Same position too. o.o'

[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR] 8/10

[SIZE=1]I may not be on much today due to the fact thats Mothers' Day.[/SIZE]
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I apologize. :o

Phantom's Angel, I really like the backround, asortment, and varity of Anime ect. but they could have been cut out a little neater, and the font is a bit hard to see, though I still can.
[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR]7.5/10

Maladjusted, its hard to see but that may just be your scanner. What I can see looks good. The character does seem to look a little out of proportion though. Do you think you could make it more clear? That would help, I can't see most of it. :/
[COLOR=royalblue]Judge Rating:[/COLOR]6/10
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>.< Hm..It looks clear on my computer...:/ I don't know how I can make it more clear..

EDIT: I made two new versions of my old pic. The first one is only a little bit lighter, while the second one if more sharpened and a lot lighter. I hope you can see it more clearly.


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