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Imagination Art Contest


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel [/i]
[B]I was wondering IF we can edit our pics n post em gain here for a possibly better judgement [/B][/QUOTE]
No, I'd assume not. So many of us have already judged it beforehand; we don't want to do that all over again.

Steiner: Good, but it's like the dice one; we're not really looking for a single picture of someone. Don't get me wrong, I love the sketch, but it's not necessarily what we're looking for.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]4/10[/b]

Phantom's Angel: This is what we are looking for, and I thank you for that. The thing is that I don't think that the images fall together very well, but maybe that's just me. They seem slightly random, and have little originality. It's good, but could be better. ;)

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]6.5/10[/b]

maladjusted: Ohhh, pretty good. I like how original it is, with the character touching the water-like screen, and how the hands are coming in to grab him. Everything goes together very nicely, and although I can't see the writing, I'm sure that it is something good. I love it. ^_^

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]8.5/10[/b]

KittyLynn: Hmm, I can't really see it on my screen; it's kinda light. From what I can see, it seems a lot like Saras, and that's deffinitly a good thing. I can see a lot of interesting pictures and originality, and it appears that it's from your imagination all right. :)

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]7/10[/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]
[B]No, I'd assume not. So many of us have already judged it beforehand; we don't want to do that all over again.

Correct Syk3. That takes time. I'm sorry i didn't state this in the begining.

[COLOR=crimson]I'll need to speak with the judges soon about a closing date.[/COLOR]
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Guest Chris
[color=green]well, i'll try and enter, but if i don't get my programs installed soon, it won't matter much. *sigh* well, atleast i'm back at ob.

. . . . chris is back . . . .not that anyone cares . . .[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaisuke [/i]
[B]Well, I would've entered sooner but I thoughth it was only drawing, heres my entry anyway >>; its not got my name on but im sure that wont matter. [/B][/QUOTE]

My word! Don't you think people would see the little "hidden thing"...O.o
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i]
[B]Hatake Kakashi, you're absolutely correct. O__o

Or maybe we're just pervs who're imaginging things. >.< [/B][/QUOTE]

[spoiler][color=white]Then again, I am reading my "Come Come Paradise" ^.^;;

[b]Judge Rating: 8.9/10[/b] It's uh nice Kaisuke...very nice.[/color][/spoiler]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaisuke [/i]
[B]Well, I would've entered sooner but I thoughth it was only drawing, heres my entry anyway >>; its not got my name on but im sure that wont matter. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats your imagination? :therock:

Its a great graphic but I don't think it really shows your imagination. Unless of course thats all you think about. --;

[COLOR=crimson]Edit: Due to certain circummstances Steiner is disqualified from the contest.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i]
[B]Oh right, I forgot to ask something. Since I made a new version of my pic, does that mean the judges' scores for my new version doesn't count? [/B][/QUOTE]
You are correct, [strike]sir[/strike] ma'am. :whoops:

Kaisuke: Somehow I think you are capturing your imagination quite well. ;) For what you have there, it's a good job; decent text, great background, and, er, interesting picture, hehe. You could have added a little more, but I think you understand what we're asking for here.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]8/10[/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]

Kaisuke: Somehow I think you are capturing your imagination quite well. ;) For what you have there, it's a good job; decent text, great background, and, er, interesting picture, hehe. You could have added a little more, but I think you understand what we're asking for here.

[i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]8/10[/b] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was just a quick version, I [i]was[/i] going to make another version but then I realised that we werent allowed to make more than one...... ¬_¬
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Okay I'll enter this as my drawing...
I know it's not very obvious, so I'll explain it (just a little, you have to find the symbolic in it yourself :cross:

well I'm not sure if you can see it (b/c I had to resize the img),
but the four 'loupes' all have an element background. (air, fire, water, earth). They represent my feelings (hyperactive, angry, slow, stubborn). I know these aren't all the feelings I could have drawn, but for me, they are the most typical. And in every 'loupe' there also is an insect. I chose the specific insect because they match the most with the represented feelings (in my opinion...;) )

and for the ones who would want to know, I did draw the insects myself, only they are resized so much you can hardly see it.
(as for the elements, I didn't, they are photo's I found them on the net, but I did edit them [filters etc], altough they aren't drawn by myself.) And the big background was also drawn by me, I used a lot of editing on that.
There are more explanations about the drawing, but I'm not going to tell you, because then the clue would be gone...:D

I suppose it looks a little simple, but I can assure a had loads of work on this one... Plz rate me too :wigout:

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why won't anyone rate my pic ;)
no seriously, I think you won't be able to end the contest this sunday...
I mean, some judges hardly even posted here, so what are we going to do when one judge is missng, and he hasn't rated some pics yet?

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It's hard to rate when you aren't getting your images in. ^_~

OK mix of images. The only thing that is detracting is the open negative space you have, and the white edges.

Very very nice image. This is up there with Sara's. There's something very real, yet very abstract about it. The words, the hands, etc.--I could gush for a little while about this one.

Another composition artwork nicely done, but...the lined paper distracts and breaks it up. The lines are rather light as well, making it hard to see some of the images.

Erhm, this is a contest about imagination, not desire. ^^; Though I can see how those might go hand in hand together. I'll have to withhold my thoughts till I can decide if this fits the contest subject or not. GORGEOUSLY DONE, regardless.

Now this one is quite captivating, by far. It's actually making me think and decipher. Your description only added to the viewer's ability to appreciate it. The text mighta been handled better, but all in all, very nicely done. VERY.

I would suggest the judges make two divisions, one for hand drawn and one for computer generated.

Sara and maladjusted hold a tie for hand drawn, Shinobi and daedalus for computer generated.
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