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Queen Asuka you have been Chibified ^^

The Majin

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My new name for things im gona chibify things i look at most of the time my new victim of this is Queen asuka yay :wigout: your name and picture made me drew you like Asuka i went a bit out of control with lightening and darkening stuff :P and everyone else watch out i might chibify you be scared unless you want it then you will be prepared
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*chuckles* Well, you like your chibis don't you? *has seen them floating around*

If I had to give a crit, I'd say try to fluff the hair up a little... it's kinda "stringy" - but it's too adorable ^_____^;;

I'm gonna give it... 8/10

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i]
[B]what exactly does this "chibi"-ness mean? [/B][/QUOTE]

*laughs* "chibi" is "child" in Japanese, but a really young child, like about 5 downwards. So, if characters are drawn as "chibis" it means they're drawn to look little and unproportioned, like a child will have a large head, so do chibis.

Hee, it's all quite sweet really ^_____^;;
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i]
[B]*looks at the number of threads about Asuka*
hmm...i do believe my Asuka has reached a celebrity status.[/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, except for the part about "my". :blackeye: I think I'll limit Asuka threads from now on; if someone wants to send Asuka a birthday gift, IM her, PM her, or just add on in a previous Asuka thread. This is getting rediculous. o_O

As for the picture, it's pretty good, but I know I've seen a similar picture to that before. Did you copy it from something, or did you make it up?
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*is afraid of a Xra Chibi :shifty:*

So, chibi-queen, you've got nice work there. I applaud it without giving a description of what I think, cause I'm not on the screen that lets you see it. But from what I can remember, that's a good 9/10 hands down. Keep up the good work.

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Ooo... looks like a cross of QA and Asuka from Eva chibified :) And chibi usually means small, or shrimp, not always used to call a child. But sometimes, its used to call a child that way... but not really polite or formal. Its rather insulting. (and hah you can't chibify me cuz u don't know how i look :p)
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