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Fed up with cartoon network?


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[FONT=arial]I say that cartoon network should just put on the origanol gundam or gundam wing again because i am fed up with G Gundam. we have only seen the whole series 3 times and the animation is horrible for a gundam seies and it was a stupid story. Whose wit me? [/FONT]
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Well I'm sort of with you, G-Gundam is just good enough to see once and probably is one of the worst Gundam series created. Though it's highly unlikely that CN will put on Gundam Wing since they played it to death almost as much as G-Gundam and they certainly won't put the original Gundam back on due to it's poor ratings when it was on at the 5 o'clock timeslot. Don't expect a new Gundam series to come along until Gundam Zeta airs later on this year on CN.
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  • 2 weeks later...
One series I wish would return is 08th MS Team...that was a good series.

G Gundam is getting a bit tiring...Though after showing a series for the 4th time, they usually change...

G Gundam's about to run on it's 4th in just a few weeks.
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Meh, I really like G-Gundam, its more perky and lively for me, although I haven't seen all of the UC timeline Gundam series. But I just got a little tired of the gloom and doom theme of the other gundam series, I just really like the gundam design for G-Gundam and the final showdown as well.
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I'd prefer them playing Gundam Wing to death again. Atleast the characters had some nice characteristics to them ya know?

I'm used to CN doing this by now so it doesn't bug me that much. Just wait till Zeta comes out then we'll all be happy for a year.....then it'll play over and over and over again then we'll get sick of it as well...


Gotta love American attempts at getting Anime!
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back on topic: Heavyarms is my favorite gundam,it has more weapory than it needs, although you can never have to much ammo if your primary weapons are gatling guns, machine guns, and rockets. and I think the fact that it lacks a beam saber is nice because it sets it apart from the rest of the Gundams
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Okay first off (_)ltryneo, G-Gundam has been running only since August of 2002. Please get your facts straight. Secondly Kojin, this isn't a topic about your favorite gundam.

Okay now that's settled. 08th team won't air anymore because its already done and over and it would work great over the summer or G-Gundam would also. Zeta gundam is one of the most gripping Gundam series I've heard of, besides Victory gundam which i heard has gotten great praise for a gundam series, so I hope we get to see Victory gundam series soon.
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Domon if u were watching cartoon network at midnight they had a action hour one of the animes that they showed on there was G gundam so my facts are straight for it was airing on there sence 1998 but it only was showen on wensdays.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (_)ltryneo [/i]
[B]Domon if u were watching cartoon network at midnight they had a action hour one of the animes that they showed on there was G gundam so my facts are straight for it was airing on there sence 1998 but it only was showen on wensdays. [/B][/QUOTE]

Your facts are only half right, in the majority of the states on the Eastern and Western coast G-Gundam has been airing since the summer of 2002. If you live in certain states, Canada or out of the country chances are you haven't seen it or already have seen it before this airing date. Since each CN to some degree varies on there schedule. However for the majority of this board its aired in the summer of 2002.

So to both of you, you're both half right and also half wrong. Now end your bickering. -___-
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I like G Gundam but I am dying to see Gundam Wing again. I also can`t wait to see the new gundam seiers but I would really love to see Gundam Wing again.

Inever saw G Gundam though in 98. I only saw it last summer and I loved it. I also would like to see 8th ms team again too.
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Yes 08th was one of my personal favorites just because they managed to fit so much character development into it and the mech designs alone were impressive. I loved the RX-79 Ground type gundam. But I guess they beat it into the ground. I'd really like to see 0080 run during normal times for Toonami instead of the midnight run. But I really can't wait for Gundam Zeta.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Wild Rose
I WANT GUNDAM WING BACK TOO!!!!! I really wish they would put it back on. maybe we could go to cartoonnetwork.com and complain....
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Anyone with enough time on their hands can download all this stuff *laughs* Besides the japanese versions of all this anime is much better than the americanized stuffs. *has no clue if I am jumping into the middle of a convo I have no clue about, but does so anyway*
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Ummm. ZeroG214, I hate to say it but CN is going to edit a lot out of Gundam Zeta, because there's just too much stuff they don't want you to see. They do that with every anime series. I mean buy the unedited video tapes of Gundam Wing, you'll see what I mean. And Gundam SeeD won't be airing on CN untill its over in Japan, and then it might take a year or two to even get it translated. So you don't have to worry.
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[COLOR=indigo][FONT=arial]I'm fed up with CN too. Look what they are doing with DBZ and DB. They play 15 new episode and then move back 30 episodes. Really annoying. I am excited to see Gundam Zeta when it comes on. I agree, when G Gundam first came out, I was like, YIPPEE!!! After they played it over, and over, and over, G Gundam got so boring. :therock: I got so mad when they didn't even show the episode, let me think, episode 24 was it, of Outlaw Star...Cartoon Network is not totally the best, but at least they show anime for those who don't own digitally cable and who are cheap/broke. Remember, CN is not the only one that show anime. There are a handful of other channels who play the original [B]X the movie[/B], and [B]Akira[/B]. Oh yeah, I don't remember who said this, about downloading the series onto your computer, well, that doesn't always work. Some ppls' computer don't have enough drive space or RAM to be abled to do that, so that isn't the best answer. Iwant Gundam Wing back on too!!!!!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: I miss Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell! [B]Endless[/B] Waltz is my favorite anime movie as well[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[color=crimson]I have seen Gundam Wing, 8th Ms Team, G Gundam, Gundam 0083, Gundam 0080, Mobile Suit Gundam, and a few eps of various gundam series. If they could play something they have never played, that would be cool. But if they couldn't, a repeat of any of the above except G Gundam would be fine with me. Toonami needs something new though.

~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
G Gundam is OK.. But, as with all shows, it just got plain tired.

Heh.. that would be cool if eventually, once CN had enough gundam translated, they could just have a gundam marathon weekend.. *a ray of hope stretches down from the heavens*

..'course, that would mean more way overshowed anime. X_X ..Nevermind.
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G Gundam is fun to watch, but the story is frightening in its utter sap and ridiculousness. I mean, Domon saved the day by admitting his love for Rain? How freakin' corny! HEERO saved the day by blowing a battleship to kingdom come! Now that's how you win a freakin' war, baby! Big guns, big explosions, maladjusted angsty teenagers, deep philosphical moments and a lotta blood, no more irritating group unisons and stupid poses, yeah! Evangelion and GW got it right!

Ahem. Yeah. Okay, so I, um, miss Gundam Wing, all right? A lot. Later.
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G-Gundam was meant to stray away from the gloom and doom atomosphere of the previous gundam series which happened to be the Universal Century Gundam saga which had come to a close with the Victory Gundam series. So in my opinion G-Gundam was a breath of fresh air from the gloom and doom, although that fresh air went stagnet after the 4th run of the series but hey I at least got to catch up on episodes I missed. ^^ And although some people think the sereies wasn't too great it is.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i]
[B]G-Gundam was meant to stray away from the gloom and doom atomosphere of the previous gundam series which happened to be the Universal Century Gundam saga which had come to a close with the Victory Gundam series.

This is true. G Gundam was created for the ? yr.anniversary and was meant to be a celebration. Sorry I forgot what yr. G Gundam
is a good series but I think I've memorized every episodes plot and alot of the dialogue. *sighs*. I too miss Gundam Wing. I watched every episode while it was on Toonami and I never got tired of rewatching it. But I am looking forward to Gundam Zeta.
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