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My New Evanescence Banner...


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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Well, I'm dealing with a slight obsession with Evanescence right now, and I decided to whip up a banner or two...sadly, the band's new, and there aren't that many pics of them V.V

So, here's my first shot, and I'm kinda proud...


Opinions are more than welcome ^_^

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Nice... i like that

They sing well.. i like this group upon my first hearing them.. thanks for showing them to me...

and the banner is well shaped and color is good... a little plain but.. hey..so is mine...lol
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Very kewl. ^_^

I like the simple-but-kewl-ness of it. Also, because I have a slight obsession with Evanescence for the moment too. :bluesweat

8.9/10.[/color] [/size]
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Yeah, I blame you for getting me hooked on them...ya kept talking, about them I had to get that CD...guess I owe ya one, they're friggin' great ^_^

Hmm... *runs off to put image in sig*

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I love the banner. It is a little plain, but hey, it's better than I can do so why am I complaining? Anyways, I love Evanescence as soon as I heard their single. The vocals and instruments are in sync wih eachother perfectly.
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