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Where are the aussies?

The Majin

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Im looking for aussies on these boards i live in Brisbane it's pretty hard to find people who like anime like i do, And it is even harder to find a girl in Brisbane that likes anime :( maybe cause im not looking hard enough lol :P
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[size=1]Heh. Why doesn't anyone ever ask "Where are the Americans?"

I am an Australian. I am one of many. We're even considered a 'group' on here. [Go us!] All in all, living in one area, there are 14 -- or is it 15? -- of us.

There are also tons of people in Australia. Rain and Mo, for instance. ^_^

Heh. You'll find someone, I'm sure.[/size]
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Guest cloricus
*Waves hands around*
I lived in Brisbane for quite along time, now I live around the same area as the other otakus that live near me. :P

What Anime's do you like?

Eps - It's MAY where the heck's my next animatr|x instalment! ...must have animatr|x...
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[color=#808080]I'm also Australian. And so is another staff member; Warlock. You'll find quite a few Aussies on OtakuBoards, so you shouldn't have much trouble there.

Welcome to the boards and please remember to read the rules. I must admit, I'm a bit unsure as to why this thread was closed (which is why it's important for staff to post reasoning when closing threads). But nevertheless, it's done now.[/color]
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I closed it because I didn't see where much good conversation could come from. It looked to me to be little more than an introduction topic.

If anyone else sees things differently, by all means, reopen it. I can't be right all the time.

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