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Lupin III


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Lupin III rules! I reall like heist movies, and with Lupin you get a cool new heist in every episode. The humor in the show makes it even better.

Plus Jigen and Goemon kick a**!:D
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Lupin the III is classic, retro anime at its best. It set the stage for shows such as Bebop and Trigun. What's not to like? BTW, who saw the Funimation domestic release movie, "Secret of Twilight Gemini"? I though it was handled very well, especially the quality on the subs. Anyone else agree, or did anyone feel the movie was intriguing yet humorous like I did?
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Ah Lupin the III a great anime classic that certainly inspired some of the more recent anime shows like Cowboy Bebop. Fujiko was the Faye Valentine of the 70's! Definitely would recommend it to anime fans that can see past the animation style. Has anyone seen the Lupin movies?
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  • 2 months later...
I like the show. The old animation doesn't matter as much as the storyline. even though the animation is old, the same time it was being created America was making little animals hit each other.
Does anyone else like Lupin? Probably not but just checking up on it.
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Yeah, Lupin III is one of the best animes CN has on right now.

What is better then lechery for the sake of humor? Just like GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka).

Personally, I like the old school style of art they have on Lupin. With legs as long as their's are they must have custom make pants. :laugh:

[i]"You better turn around if you want to pick you nose."
"No way. I believe in sharing the fruits of my labor. Besides, my patented corkscrew technique belongs to humanity." --Jigen & Lupin[/i] :D (I always loved that quote)
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I love the show. I rarely get to watch CN or Adult Swim, but I've seen some of all of these shows you all go on about... Trigun, Kenshin, etc. I found all of them to be rather uninvolving.

Lupin is an exception. I have a good time watching each episode. My only problem with the animation is their hands. They look so damn freaky. Other than that, they repeat a lof of background characters... but so did every other cartoon back then.
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I've seen it everynow and then and I must say it is good. But the way Lupin's legs are kind of annoys me. Heh, though I would have to say it's a very good anime for how old it is. I've been looking for the manga for quite sometime now.
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Wow. I posted this at 10:00 in the morning, at 2:00 pm it had all these replies. Amazing. Yeah their hands are freaky and their legs are so long its funny. Lol the first time I watched the show I cracked up laughing when they ran. I really didn't think so many people liked it though. I posted on another anime board about it and everybody said it sucked.
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[COLOR=orangered]I didn't like the show that much when I first saw it, but it grew on me.:D

Jigen has got to be my favorite character. He sorta reminds me of Jet from Cowboy Bebop.[/COLOR]
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I love Lupin the III. I think it actually deserves more credit for its dub; they updated all the cultural references and it's still interesting and clever.

I also love how the theme music starts to play every time something good happens.
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I bought the 1st DVD of it the other day b/c I like it so much! I just can't believe it was made in the 1970's! That is awesome! Lupin is so funny when it comes to liking Fujiko!! He is so funny b/c he is such a perv!!

Love, Kaola
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[color=orangered][font=times new roman]Well the series grows on you...I was kinda thrown off by the old animation but the storylines make up for it...

I really like goemon(sp?) Hes just a fun cool character...Fav scene with him had to be when he was playing the slot machines and getting all ticked off...heh :D

But yeah its a really fun series...[/color][/font]
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Guest OldMan Zenigata
I never really could tell that it was an old show, until I went on the *** website. 1979 I think. To lazy to check right now.
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Like most people said it grew on me. I didn't like the old animation
at first but it's all good. heh. I must agree about the long legs and freaky hands. The comedy is so funny. Lupin is such a perv. I've only seen a few eps. but they were all great. Overall it's a great show.
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I love Lupin III, same for me, i posted about lupin III at another forum and they were all like it really sucks the animation is so bad and blah blah blah, the first episode i saw was Hell Toupe(sp?) i liked it wen lupin was all [spoiler]throwing the german soilder dudes out the window and he was all counting in german to 3 and then he said whatevery the heck 4 is in german , that always cracks me up. Also how they get out of that predicament it always makes me laugh sooo hard ::laughs::[/spoiler]
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[B]lupin the third is a hilarious show first of all and dosn't matter if the animation is old. what is with so many people? "i can't buy this video game the graphics aren't all 3D and this anime isn't pretty enough for me to watch", bah! theres more than looks to everything, and as far as anime goes you've gotta know your roots and appreciate what things have evolved from.

damn, now i feel old after all that.[/B]
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  • 2 weeks later...
At first I didn't like it too much but, now I think it's pretty good.
It was just the ep. I watched the first time that I didn't like, not the animation at all. I actually like the way it looks, it has a historical look, which I think makes it stand out in your mind.

I like Goemon because he's some, uh samurai, dude weilding a sword and going around as a theif and he sorta has the whole 'swordsman' attitude too. Also, he's quite funny, to me.
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