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Lupin III


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Lupin the III is one of the best animes around the music is sooo kool
i really like it for the funny value like in the [spoiler] eipsode little princess of darkness were they try and nab the stamp but the end up with that little kid tailing them for the stamp [/spoiler]. Also i love seeing how the pull of all the Hiest (sp?) like in [spoiler] In Gold Summling 101 were they make the gold truck or in The Slight Before X- Mas [/spoiler]. I have to say my Fav character thou is Jigen that dude is so kool he is like the words of wisdom for Lupin. Also does any one know how long the whole show is like in eipsodesis?? also didnt lupin get his own game?
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[quote]I never really could tell that it was an old show, until I went on the *** website. 1979 I think. To lazy to check right now.[/quote][FONT=arial]I do believe it started in 1971. and to think, something made that long ago is more entertaining than half the anime they make today ^_^.

lol, Lupin is awesome. Zenigata trips me up. if only they didn't show it so late at night, I'd watch it a heck of a lot more. but alas, when you have to get up early on most weekdays, you can't really stay up until 2am watching tv, can you? not for more than a few weeks or so anyway, unless you wanna catch mono and everything else going around easier (speaking from experience, excepting the mono part). lol[/FONT]
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Lupin's the best, It was the anime that made me into an anime freak. PS to user Gargoyle God, in your signature you quote fujiko as "From here I can get alot..." The correct wording is While bending over the boat railing to fish out the spilled cash "Hey you guys I'm a pretty good fisherman, from here I can grab alot!" Lupin standing behind her says aside to Jigen "Yeah! So could I!"
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Wow, you've got money for the DVDs? I just have friends and relatives tape them for their poor crippled friend/relative and send them to me. It's cheaper that way. BTW, if youv'e got some spare change, help a friend out? Huh? Thy lord and god says: Help the wretched and incapicatent. (He says crippled, but only I can say I'm crippled. Anybody else gets run over by a wheelchair. Nobody ever knows how though...)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xai [/i]

Jigen has got to be my favorite character. He sorta reminds me of Jet from Cowboy Bebop. [/QUOTE]

Wow! I think so too. I was sure I was the only one to think that though. I see not though.

I love how Lupin is a pervert, and how he usually always fools all his advisary's. Sly like a fox, and kind of attractive(im a girl)in a cute dorky way.

[color=hotpink][size=1]Edited to fix tags. *QA*[/color][/size]

Oh yeah! According to the Adult Swim messages. (I don't know what the correct word for them is. You know, when they have the black background on and say funny stuff) Anyways, they say there is going to be a live action movie based on Lupin the III. (Then of course it says, "I wonder who's gonna play Fujiko?...Ahh Fujiko?")

So, I was curious what ppl think about that idea? I have doubts about it being any good. Or at least it representing the anime justly. Who do you think would make a good Fujiko? or Lupin? My friend and I think Matthew Lillard would make a good Lupin. I'm just not sure if he's a little too old now or not. Let me know your thoughts.

[color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post. Just go back and edit your first post. *QA*[/color][/size]
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Who is James Nero? I tried looking him up on ask jeeves and the internet movie database, but I didn't come up w/anyone by that name. I want to see what he looks like. I hope his hands aren't as hairy! LoL. I know what you mean though about his hands being freaky. It makes you wonder where else he is that hairy. Yikes! :)
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Lupin the 3rd is hilarious. i get kicks out of that show.hehe! Lupin kinda acts like a little kid to some point though. i think thats what makes him so funny, plus the fact that he disguises himself so often that its funny how he can copy what that person acts like so well. haha!
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I think that the older style animation at this point really sets it apart. It fits in so well with the goofiness of the show. It is also really well translated. I still worry when new shows come out that are comedies that it will end up with lines like the ones out of dragonball z. Man though, did you guys see the episode with the women at the spring who tried to turn them into old men? I cant believe they showed so many boobies in that one. Adult swim for sure.
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