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Vampires: Extinction or Survival? (PG-13)


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Cassandra followed the two guys, not knowing who they were. She just thought that she could try and get some answers as to what's been going on.... and maybe a free meal. Although she may be a vamp, she did not have any pointy ears. She looked and acted like a normal human being. She was able to walk in the sun, but she was not a daywalker. The weak and pained looking guy heard some footsteps behind them and stopped. Cassandra had no where to hide. She hoped they would not see her.

OOC: I know, i know.... crappy and short...
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Having practically shaken the feeling off, Joe eventually went to bed. He had school tomorrow, and he was already going to be walking round like a zombie. Falling asleep in class would not be a good thing. That sleep lasted for a few hours at least...

Rolling over with a groan, Joe looked at the digital clock on his bedside table. 4am... He pressed his pillow to his face with a moan. Why him? Why why why??
But what had woken him up? Shivering in the early morning cold, he went to his window. For once there was nobody there. Everything was quiet. So what had woken him up? Joe was by no means a light sleeper and it usually took his father two or three attempts to wake him in the morning.
He opened his door, to listen. Maybe they had a burgalar... There were noises lower through the house. But not burgalar noises - not unless they had some very stupid burgalars. Two male voices, one which he recognised as his father's, were argueing. But at four in the morning? What were they, insane?
Creeping down the stairs, Joe hoped to get a better idea of what they were argueing about. A stair creaked under his foot, and he thought nothing of it until the other voice, who had been in the middle of an almost coherent yell, froze. Joe held his breath, he didn't know why. Probably because he was supposed to be asleep, tucked up in bed. Did he even want to know what was going on? If he went back to sleep now, could he convince himself that it was a bad dream?
Suddenly the kitchen door opened sharply, and footsteps came towards him. Before he even had time to think about it, a blonde figure he did not recognise was standing at the foot of the stairs.
"Ahh, Joesph Dunning. At last we meet." The figure's smile was cold, curled and calculating.
Joe blinked a few times. "Uhh... who're you?"
By this point Joe's father had also appeared. Turning to the blonde, he said, "I thought I told you you weren't to speak to him." He turned to Joe sharply, "Go to bed Joe."
"No, no, no, don't go anywhere Joseph. I have a few things to talk to you about." The blonde tapped on his wrist quietly, where a watch would be, as though he was expressing a lack of time. "You see Joseph, you're a very special little boy."
"He doesn't have to hear this!"
Suddenly enraged, the figure turned towards Joe's father, his fist solidly connecting with the man's face, sending him reeling backwards into the wall, to slump down it, unconscious. "I [i]hate[/i] it when people don't listen to me..."
Joe started forward towards his father with a yelp, but was stopped by the restraining arm of the blonde. "He's just unconscious... you have far more important things to be dealing with right now." As he didn't recieve a reply from the gobsmacked Joe, he continued. "As I was saying before that interruption, you are a very special little boy my friend." He paused. "Have you heard of the vampire virus?"
Dumbly, Joe nodded. Of course he had... who hadn't?
"Well, those [i]disgusting[/i] beasts are trying to make an antidote. Certain people, people like you, have a special strand of blood that they need to make this atrocious concoction. They will be coming for you Joe, you should be thankful I got here first."
"But... why me?"
The blonde shrugged. "How long is a piece of string? Fate, luck, chance. Any of those things. Now come on." Taking a secure grip of Joe's wrist, the man started to walk forward.
But Joe had had enough of this, with a cry he wrenched his arm free and turned to run pell mell up the stairs, coming to his bedroom door and locking it behind him.
And, at the end of the day, the blonde was only human, so he stood there slamming his fist against the door and cursing and yelling. But at the end of the day, that was all he could do.

EDIT: Ick... a little bit long there, I just wanted to get my character rolling a little
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Ciiahn blinked a few times, before acquiescing with a nod. He walked in, taking in the strange, to him, world easily, processing it for analysation, perfectly logical and blase about the whole thing. Strange for a creature who hadn't had any contact with the world for centuries. He would be an interesting history lesson though...

Alastuin, uncomfortable with his absorbed silence, at last jolted him out of his reverie.[/I]

Alastuin: Would you at last bring the semblance of normalcy into this and sit down?

[I]Ciiahn cast around for a moment then found a couch, sitting on it easily, folding one leg up, that foot on his other knee.[/I]

Ciiahn: Well? What happens now in your terms?

[I]Alastuin sat down beside him, a tired look on her face.[/I]

Alastuin: We talk for a while, you pretend to be charming and witty, you yawn and stretch, accidently placing your arm over my shoulder. I smile and pretend not to notice and move slightly closer. You suddenly remark that you like my hair, I giggle and thank you, you make another remark, then you suddenly move to kiss me, I act surprised, you pull back, I tell you it's alright, you kiss me, five minutes later we end up in bed, ten minutes after that you're asleep.

Ciiahn: I see. Where do we start?

[I]Alastuin just looked at him. Ciiahn smiled, and she realised the remark had been simply out of an understated sense of humour. Witty and charming....

Then he skipped the next few steps, and leaned in to kiss her. Surprised, she didn't react in time, and within a second, he had his mouth to her neck, rather than her face. Suddenly realised, she struggled, but didn't have the slightest chance. He pulled away for just enough of a moment to whisper sotto voce in her ear.[/I]

Ciiahn: Don't worry. You'll be a very strong creature my dear.[/font][/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin reached through the wall of shock to the memory of her brother as she last saw him - dead. Or so it had seen. He screamed, kicked, convulsed, fought, lost, and succumbed. Just before he was too weak for the task, he meagerly returned the kiss to his grantor and fainted, finally being dragged out the window and away. It was going to happen to her.
She stilled her mind and concentrated on her feelings - there was no pain, only where his teeth pierced her skin. She began feeling lightheaded, as the blood left her, and after a while she developed a mild headache as her brain started to malfunction. She started to panic, and he could feel it. He encircled her with his long arms and held her tightly, rocking her back and forth. Alastuin became unconscious of her surroundings and her mind was plagued with visions of her captor's life. She craved blood, and there was none.
Spiralling downwards, she became aware of a movement, her mouth pressed against a throbbing vien. She wondered why vampyres drank from veins, and then found out for herself...[/i][/color][/font]
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Cassandra looked around once again and found a dark alley, but wasn't quick enough. Another man behind her saw her.

?????: HEY! Where do you think you're going?
Cassandra: Fresh meat...
?????????: Here, Davey. Lie here. *turns to face Cassandra* Do you think you're a match for me?
Cassandra: I can take you on any place, any time.

The two unknown vampires advanced on her. She jumped into the air, like a gymnast, and landed right near Davey. She looked down at him and noticed that he lost a lot of blood. She raised her hand as if to signal them to stop.

Cassandra: Alright, the name's Cassandra. I'm a vamp. What's up with this guy?
Sebastian: My name's Sebastian and that guy is Davey. He gave most of his blood. This gentleman right here is Rocky. A friend.
Rocky: So you're a vamp. How come you don't got any pointy ears?
Cassandra: I have a lot of characteristics most vampires don't have.
Davey:*weakly*Like what?
Cassandra:*looks down once again at Davey* Like Rocky said, no pointy ears. I can also walk in the daylight, but i'm no daywalker. I also have greater strength and greater agility than some female vampires. I also can hear and smell humans as well as vampires from a mile away... and coming our way is a Hunter.
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Spacecowboy type something relevant please.

Dace crept around the corner. The coast was clear. He had to be careful though. By now just about every vampire hunter in this god-forsaken city was after him.
He began walking along the streets again.
He felt everybody?s cold gaze upon him. Eyeing him. Watching him.

Dace: OK. Now I?m paranoid.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a woman screaming. The screams came out of the dark alley just ahead. Dace looked down the alley as he walked by and saw a young vampire draining a woman of her blood.

Dace: Vampires! I hate vampires!

Dace walked towards the couple. The vampire turned and growled, sensing Dace?s presence.

Fledging Vampire: Move along friend. This meal?s taken.
Dace stood still.
Fledging Vampire: What are you deaf? I said get lost!
He reached out to Dace who caught his hand and broke it.
Fledging Vampire: Oh god! Let me go man!
Dace: Do you know what I hate more than vampires?
Dace thought for a while.
Dace: I guess nothing.
There was a short awkward silence.
Fledging Vampire: What are you!?
Dace squeezed his broken hand.
Fledging Vampire: Aargh! Please don?t kill me! Wait. I know. If you promise to let me go I?ll tell you some info that you might find interesting.
Dace released his grip.
Dace: Tell me. And be quick with it.
Fledging Vampire: Somewhere in Night City is this boy.
Dace: I hope for your sake that?s not all.
Fledging Vampire: Let me finish! Anyway this boy has this ?special blood?.
Dace: What?s so special about his blood.
Fledging Vampire: I don?t know. It?s supposed to have special powers or something. I bet if someone drank his blood?
Dace: What?s his name?
Fledging Vampire: I don?t know the kid?s name!
Dace grabbed him.
Fledging Vampire: Wait! I remember. Is it David? No Davey. That?s it! Davey.

Dace thought for a moment. If I drank this kind Davey?s blood, imagine how powerful I would become! People would call me ?Freak God? or ?God of Vampire Freaks?.

Fledging Vampire: Can I go now?
Dace: I changed my mind. I will kill you.
Fledging Vampire: But you promised!
Dace: I lied.

Suddenly before Dace could do anything.
DFX: I found him!
Fledging Vampire: Oh no! Vampire Hunter!
The vampire ran away. Dace followed.
DFX: Freeze!
The vampire hunter pulled out a crossbow and fired bolts at Dace. Dace stumbled. It burned where he had been hit. A silver crossbow bolt.

The hunter walked over to Dace?s body and pulled out what looked like a blade.
Reacting to this, Dace spat in the hunter?s eyes.
DFX: Acid!
Now?s he?s chance. Dace took advantage of the opportunity and made his getaway.

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Xaphania left the club around 4 in the morning, leaving herself only an hour to get home. Something just didn't feel right. With nothing better to do, she went back to Joe's house. He always made her feel better somehow. When she arrived, she noticed his light was on. 'He can't still be studying, can he?' she muttered to herself. 'It's so late!' There was a tree nearby, the same one she had been standing under earlier. The window was open so she could hear everything. A vampyre hunter was trying to convince him not to join us. What an idiot. She jumped through his window, scaring him a little.
"Who are you?"
"My name's Xaphania. If you haven't noticed, I'm a vampyre. If you want to leave here, come with me."
"You aren't gonna kill me, are you?"
"No. And I probably never could." With that, she turned and stood by the open window. "Well, are you coming?"

OOC:Well, that was crap.
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Suddenly, Joe found himself trapped between two evils. The scary blonde guy, who had paused as Xaphania spoke, and was now trying to kick the door off its hinges in his attempt to get to Joe before the vampire did. And there was Xaphania, having promised not to kill him in a rather pathetic, and cryptic kind of way.
"I...I don't want to..." his eyes were wide, like some kind of rabbit caught in headlights.
Xaphania's face was serious. "C'mon kiddo, this is no time to be messing me around. You either go with me or him."
Joe paused, totally and utterly confused. What the heck was going on? Suddenly, with a sudden burst forward he pushed past Xapnania, braced a foot on his window ledge, and pushed off, willing to jump a whole storey in his bid for freedom.
Xaphania turned sharply as he leapt past her with a curse, watching him land with an almighty thump in the grass, pick himself up, and break away at a run.
"What's he so afraid of...?" she murmured, before hurling a little abuse at the blonde, still kicking away at the door, and taking off after her "prey".

OOC: Oekakiotaku, I don't think the blonde is a hunter... because they want to keep the vampires alive don't they? I think he's in league with the daywalkers... in that they want to make the virus, they just want joe so the vampires/hunters can't get to him first... i think... O_o Geist can correct me if I'm wrong X_x
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OOC: Okay, now I'm really confused. I'm just gonna go with what you said, Baka. And if you want, you and everyone else can just call me Tigger.
IC: "Where did he go now?" Xaphania muttered. The blonde turned out to be in league with the daywalkers. Didn't matter much anyway. Suddenly she heard the roar of an engine. It sounded suspicously like the car she had stolen. She turned just in time to see Joe drive off in her car. "If he puts so much as a scratch in that paint job, I'll kill him, no matter what kind of blood he has!"
OOC: This is really short put I have some stuff to do. I'll be back later.
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[B]OOC: BB, the Enemies of the Night want to kill all of the vampires, they feel that it's their duty. The hunter mercenaries want them to stay alive. If they became extinct, they couldn't make anymore money. Also, the Day Walkers made the formula originally but the humans changed it into the virus. So that blond guy is probably a mercenary. I Hope that clears some stuff up.[/B]


[I]Sebastian looked around nervously.[/I]
"A Hunter? Are you sure?"
[I]Cassandra nodded.[/I]
"Yes, I'm positive. This one is an Enemy of the night, not a mercenary, so we'd better be..." [I]Before Cassandra could finish, a silver bolt shot into Davey's right arm. He fell to the ground and clawed at it.[/I]
"It burns, Sebastian! It burns!"
[I]Sebastian was about to run over to Davey, but a Hunter walked out of the shadows and held the boy down with his foot.[/I]
"Don't move, any of you."
[I]The Enemy of the Night pointed his crossbow at the three vampires in front of him. He already had it loaded with another silver bolt.[/I]
"Normally I would kill all four of you, but I was only sent here for the boy. If you all leave quietly, I won't chase after you."
[I]Sebastian charged at the Hunter.[/I]
"Leave Davey alone!"
[I]The Hunter fired at Sebastian, but the bolt missed his heart. Sebastian knocked over the Hunter and yelled at the two other vampires.[/I]
"Quick, grab Davey and bring him to someplace safe! I'll deal with this guy!"
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Rocky grabbed Cassandra but she wouldn't budge. She stood there looking at the Hunter. She had hoped it was the same one that tried to grab her parents from protecting her. She stood there, fists clenched. Then out of no where, a chrome arrow was shot into the ground. She looked at it and a message was sent to them. Chrome=good, silver=bad, gold=winner, and well you know the rest. Anyways, she picked it up and called over to Rocky. He snatched the message from her and read it.

To defeat this Hunter, use the sleeping potion in the arrow. It knocks out humans in less than a fraction of a second. And if you want info on what to do with your "friends" then meet me at the pier. If you're there, call out Shadow.
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[color=indigo]Rocky quickly ran up to Davey and picked him up and ran back to Cassandra. "Here, take him and get outta here!!" Rocky ordered Cassandra. "But wait, what are you gonna do?" Cassandra asked while holding Davey. "Nevermind! Just get outta here and hurry!" Rocky ran back to help Sebastian fight the hunter. He jumped up and grabbed one of his Uzis from his coat and fired a couple blasts at the Hunter. The hunter elbowed Sebastian in the stomach and quickly shot a bolt at Rocky. "Little wretch!!!" the hunter shouted, firing another bolt. Rocky quickly dodged the first one, but the second one happened to skin him on his side. "GAAHH!!" he shouted falling to the ground.[/color]
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[I]A tall, mustached man tapped Cassandra on the shoulder.[/I]
"My name's Jacob, I'm a friend of Sebastian's. I'll take Davey for you so that you can go and help fight."
[I]Cassandra shook her head.[/I]
"No way, I'm not falling for that trick!"
[I]Jacob shrugged his shoulders.[/I]
"Alright then, I guess it's up to me to get them out of this mess."
[I]Jacob walked towards the fight and cracked his knuckles.[/I]

[B]OOC: I'm trying to give you a chance to use the sleeping potion, KiaraStarr.[/B]
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OOC: Thanks for clearing that up, Geist!
IC: Xaphania started to run after him, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw yet another fast car. With a smirk on her face, she quickly picked the locks and started the car. Driving after him, she thought of what she'd do when she finally caught him. While thinking she glanced at her watch and gasped in horror. She had about 15 minutes to get 'home'. She did a U-turn and droveas fast as she could. Arriving just in time, she took a quick shower and slept.
She awoke the next night at around nine. Feeling restless again, she went back to the club, hoping Joe would be there. He wasn't. She decided the only other place he might go was back to his house. She drove there, and seeing a light in his window, quietly climbed the tree. He was home again. She jumped through his window, though this time he didn't look nearly as suprised.
"You wouldn't happen to be following me, would you?" he asked. "If so, it would happen to have anything with that blonde guy?"
"Well," she replied, "Yes, I'm following you because...that doesn't matter. And no, I have absolutely nothing to do with that blond. But I do have a proposition for you. I can make you immortal, stronger, better in every way. What do you say?"
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Cassandra took Davey over to the wall. She looked over to Rocky, Sebastian, and Jacob. Jacob grabbed the Hunter and hung him on a nail. Sebastian looked up at the Hunter.

Sebastian: Alright, Hunter. Talk! Why do you need Davey?
Hunter: I'll never tell.
Rocky: Hey Cassandra, you hungry?
Cassandra: I haven't had breakfast, lunch, or dinner. A little snack might make me stronger. *walks over to Hunter, pulls him down, shows fangs*
Cassandra: Good, I don't like Hunter blood anyways.
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Hey Geist is it ok if my character is hunting Davey to try and drink his blood?
I?ll change it otherwise. Thanks!

In case you?re wondering, Dace is not a hunter. He?s a genetic vampire experiment gone wrong. He feeds off both human and vampire beings to increases his power and abilities.

I?ll add a post tomorrow by the ways!!!

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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin woke up in bed. It was dark, and the clock said one fifteen. She counted the red blips on her phone - nine messages. Fumbling for the button, she pressed it and sat up, her head spinning. Lighting a candle, she saw that the vampyre responsible for her head lay next to her on the bed. She would have thought he was asleep, but his eyes were staring intensely at her. He might be dead, but they followed her.

Her messages were from the school, wondering where she was. At least, the first six were. The seventh was that she had lost her job. The eighth was from her mother, calling to say she'd been around and who was the strange man who keeps answering the door? The ninth was from the police, a reminder that dropping off the face of the earth for two weeks wasn't an offence, but it was damn rude. She stared at the phone in confusion, and then at Ciiahn in annoyance.[/i]

Alastuin: Two weeks?

Ciiahn: More like three, people stopped calling a while ago.

Alastuin: Why am I not hungry?

Ciiahn: You are, but you don't know what it feels like to be hungry.

Alastuin: My stomach hurts....

Ciiahn: That's the hunger.

Alastuin: ...and my head is spinning.

Ciiahn: That's from not moving for a while.

Alastuin: And you've been here the whole time?

Ciiahn: Someone had to wash you and change your sheets.

Alastuin: What?

Ciiahn: Your fluids have a tendancy to fall out if you die.

Alastuin: DIE?

Ciiahn: Three years of research into vampyrism and you didn't know we weren't alive?

Alastuin: I'm a vampyre?!?!

Ciiahn: Of course. What do you think it was I was doing, giving you a love-bite?

Alastuin: Oh...

Ciiahn: Well, it wouldn't have been far from the truth anyway. Lie down, relax, we'll go for a feed in an hour or so. There are police outside.[/font][/color]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]Alastuin: What! Why are they there!

Ciiahn: Because I told them that I was holding you hostage and threatening to kill you. I don't think any of them saw the irony though.

Alastuin: What!

Ciiahn: You said that already. As I said though, I give it a good hour before they attempt to break that solid looking door down. Those rather interesting modern weapons of their may prove a problem, but I somehow doubt it.

[I]Alastuin closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Ciiahn looked at her clinically. He'd seen harder transitions. A sound behind him, and he spun. The police had coem in quicker than he'd expected.

From his side on vantage to the door, it was an easy matter to step his left foot up, behind the right, and side kick the door as it came in, knocking the door, and complimentary police officers, quite a ways into the yard. Ciiahn dropped his right foot, sprang forward off it, and twisted antclockwise, his left foot coming out in a stabbing back kick.

Landing easily, he looked around. Three men down, no fatalities. Yet. He absently dragged the bodies in by the ankles, wincing as their heads hit the steps. Ah well. He dumped the inert forms on the bed next to Alastuin.[/I]

Ciiahn: There my dear. See how easy that was.[/font][/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Do you mind telling me why you have knocked three policemen out and dragged them into my home?

Ciiahn: I thought it were obvious.

Alastuin: Tell me anyway.

Ciiahn: Well, you're hungry....

[i]Alastuin woke up a minute or so later in the shower. She was sitting on the floor, naked, with warm water running over her. Ciiahn was staring down at her, an amused expression on his face.[/i]

Alastuin: And how long have I been out this time?

Ciiahn: A minute at the most.

Alastuin: And why did I pass out?

Ciiahn: The prospect of drinking human blood.

Alastuin: Ah. I wouldn't happen to be dreaming, would I?

Ciiahn: No luck.

Alastuin: Ok, well, I'm really hungry so I'll give it a shot.

Ciiahn: Nice tattoo.

[i]Alastuin shut her legs quickly in great embarassment, and blushed. Ciiahn grabbed a towel for her as she got out of the shower. It suddenly occured to her that he had been showering her for weeks. While she was unconscious....[/i][/color][/font]
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[B]OOC:[/B] Sure Oyeah, that's fine. Are you going to come after him because he had the special blood? If you are, maybe your character could think that Davey still has the special blood. PM if you have any questions.


[I]Sebastian held out his arms to Cassandra.[/I]
"Here, let me take Davey. He needs to feed badly."
[I]Cassandra handed Davey over.[/I]
"Sure, take him. I need to get some info out of this filthy hunter, anyways."
[I]Sebastian took Davey and went to go find him some food. A few minutes later, he had found a victim, killed them, and fed Davey their blood. He was back on his feet again.[/I]
"Are you feeling okay now, Davey?" [I]Sebastian asked.
Davey nodded. He then pointed at something behind Sebastian.[/I]
"Who's that?"

[B]OOC: There's your opening, Oyeah.[/B]
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[color=indigo]Rocky grabbed the hunter shaking him. "Ok! Who do you work for?!" Rocky demanded. "I'll never tell, you'll have to kill me first" the hunter replied. "Believe me that can be arranged." Rocky extended his nails and dug them into his arm and began bleeding. "Or would you rather like to become one of us...?" "Rocky knock it off...." said, Cassandra. "Aww, I never get to have any fun." Rocky whinned. "Yea, like I want a hunter to become one of us. He'd betray us and tell his little human friends." "Crap...ya got a point there I guess..." Rocky quickly healed himself and licked the blood of his hand. "Well at least i finally got somethin' to eat.."[/color]
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[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=orange]OOC: Thank you Rokuki for keeping my character alive all this time our school was having exams for the past two weeks and I haven't been able to get on...>.<


Hearing shouts Tasrai turned and ran back around the corner, seeing a fight going on with several of his gang and vamps he didn't know he ran back down the street to help. But his wounded side impaired him, and it was over before he got half way there. So slowing down to a walk he decided not to take part in the interrogation of the hunter, besides it wasn't the one that had hit him anyways. But Davey looked horrible and so did Sebastian, jogging slightly he ran up to them totally missing the vampire in the shadows, though he did smell something. Sebastian at first looked relieved then he tensed up again, as Tasrai finally reached them,

[I]"What is it?"[/I] Tasrai whispered while helping Davey.

[I]"There's someone out there, did you see anyone?"[/I]Sebastian asked

[I]"No, but I did smell something."[/I] He answered.

[I]"Alright who's out? Enough of hiding we know you are there and will find you, if you don't leave or come out."[/I] Sebastian yelled into the shadows.

Oyeah your opening...

Sorry for not posting in a while, I feel ashamed of this post, but it will have to do.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: Sorry, BB. I feel like I'm not contributing to this RPG.
IC: They stood there for a good fifteen minutes. He must have been thinking very hard about her proposal. Xaphania glanced a her watch. "Sorry, kid, I'm gonna have to cut this little heart-to-heart short." She walked over to him, covered his mouth, and dug her fangs deep into his skin. She drained him slowly, trying not to go overboard. When she had gone far enough, she propped him against his bed and pulled a sai from behind her back. Wincing, she made a small cut on her right wrist.
~Three Days Later~
"Where am I?" Joe asked groggily. His eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom.
"You're in my apartment. You took too long to make a decision and my boss needs you. I wanted to give you a choice." He looked over to the wall she was standing against. She stood by an open window, smoking again. "Come on, you need to eat something." She tossed him a bag with some of his clothes in it. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go get my car."
"Wait!" he called. She stopped and turned to him. "Am I a vampyre? Did you kill me?"
"Yes. You've been unconscious for three days. And now, we're gonna go to the club for a bite, then we're going to see my boss."
OOC: Sorry, BB. Had to keep this thing moving.
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