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Vampires: Extinction or Survival? (PG-13)


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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Thanks for the intro.

Dace stood only a few metres away from the trio. A broken streetlamp cast a shadow over him and emitted an eerie glow that gave him an aura of mysteriousness.
He inhaled a long, deep breath through his nose. The kid was nearby; it had to be one of the three vampires.
Vampires. Disgusting creatures.
He glared at them.

Dace: I?m looking for the one called Davey.

Sebastian: Can I help you?

Dace slowly paced himself towards them. As he did, they walked backwards in the same fashion.

Sebastian: Are you friend or foe?

Dace ignored the question. He appeared occupied.

He inhaled another deep breath through his nose and exhaled cold steam out of his mouth, an indicative of Night City?s cold climate.

That?s the one.
He could tell by his scent.
His dirty, primitive, vampire scent.

He examined the child. He was small and frail. Dace envisioned the kid as being a large, macho creature.
Dace dashed at Davey so fast, that before the others could react, he was face to face with Davey looking into his eyes.

Sebastian: What the hell??

Startled, Davey stumbled backwards and lie on the ground.

Dace: (calmly) You see Dave. Can I call you Dave?
He chuckled to himself.
Dace: You have something that I crave. Something that I desire.

Davey: W-w-what do you want?

Dace: What do I want? WHAT DO I WANT?

Dace burst out into a fit of laughter. The others looked at each other in fright and confusion.

Dace: Dave, I want your blood.

Davey: What?

Dace: You see I feed to increase my strengths and to decrease my weaknesses. Feeding off common folk is fine but their blood can only aid me so far. If I drain your blood, I will reach my peak and be able to reach a new level of power.

Sebastian: But you are a vampire. Vampires don?t feed off their own kind.

Dace growled at his comment.

Dace: I am no vampire. I am far more superior to any insignificant vampire.
Dace struck Sebastian with a hook to his jaw.
Dace: Don?t compare me to you simians.

While Dace was concentrating on Sebastian, Cassandra stabbed Dace in the back with sharp object that she picked up off the ground. Dace let out an almighty scream and fell to the street writhing in pain.

Cassandra: Sebastian! Now?s you?re chance! Take Davey and get it out of here! I?ll hold this creep off!

Sebastian obeyed her command and fled the area with Davey following close behind.

Dace let out a yelp and painfully extracted the piece of shrapnel with his bare hands from his side. He turned to face his aggressor.

Dace: (angered) ?I?ll hold this creep off?? You think you stand a chance against me? Big mistake!

He unsheathed a large, slightly curved, silver sword that Dace had pried from an ex-hunters cold dead hand. The blade?s edge and hilt was coated in a thick layer of blood. Human blood. It would seem that Dace killed the unfortunate man with his own weapon. How ironic.

OOC: OK just a couple of things. The hunter that Dace had killed isn?t necessarily DFX. Unless if he doesn?t post anything else just assume that Dace did. Heh.
Moving along.

If you are unhappy with this post just tell me somehow and I?ll change it with no fuss.

Tasrai I'm sorry I didn't include your character. I had finished planning my post and seeing as you hadn't posted anything for a while. Well...you know!I apologise once more.

Geist I would prefer that Dace did not die at this stage in the story, as I want to continue posting. I?m sure you understand.

I am quite pleased with the story. I don?t like joining ones, eg. Pokemon, Digimon, etc. that are unoriginal.

Keep up the good work buddy!

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OOC: My posts are now going to be in pink... looking back at my info thingy, i thought what the heck, it's pink... guys in dark blue and me/girls in pink
[I][COLOR=deeppink]Cassandra looked into his eyes. They were stone cold. She didn't fear him. He was a vampire that hungered power, blood, and didn't care.[/COLOR] [/I]

[COLOR=deeppink]Cassandra: *cooly* Like I said... Creep. You kill for fun. Now, you want to kill a weak boy. You are low. Probably lower than a pedophile.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Dace: I hunger for blood, yes and power. But, you're blood looks strong too. I might torture you and maybe keep you alive for some games.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=deeppink]Hikage: You're a sick, demented, disgusting excuse for a... you're not even a vamp. I can smell. What are you?[/COLOR]
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OOC: No problem Tigger ^_^ I hope everyone'll forgive me... I've just had a week of eams to contend with O_o!

"B... But wait! Hey!" Joe watched, incensed, as she slammed the door shut behind her. What the heck...? Why him...? And...
He growled to himself sharply. What good were questions going to do for him? She was lying... of course she was... This was some kind of sick twisted... thing...! Still grumbling to himself he stood, and stalked about the room. He was feeling faint and a little light headed... but she probably just clobbered him really hard. Three days? That just wasn't possible... It just wasn't...
His gaze snapped up as the door opened again. "I didn't give you the bag to leave it on the floor. After three days you [i]need[/i] a new change of clothes..."
"What's [i]that[/i] supposed to mean?!"
She smiled slightly. "Whatever you want it to." She paused before continuing. "I'll be waiting in the car outside when you're done. You don't [i]have[/i] to come with me... but those aren't love bites on your neck there."
Subconsciously Joe put his hand to his neck, feeling the two roughened pimples there, toothmarks... No! It was some kind of insect bite... [i]Big insect...[/i] But it wasn't... It had to be! [i]Was it...?[/i]
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OOC: Sorry, BB. If I had known it was exams, I would have waited!
IC: Xaphania laughed. It was almost cute. But still, he needed to eat something. Again, she stood against the wall, smoking another cigarette. "You really do need to eat something. Or, more correctly, someone. There's a club nearby. That's where we're going. Please, shower and get dressed. Now." He didn't move. He merely sat there, staring at her in disbelief. "Look, I'm not a very patient vampyre. You took too long to answer before. Now, you're a vampyre. Take too long again, and I'll do much worse." That woke him up. He took a quick shower and they left. Xaphania drove even more recklessly than usual.
"Umm, do you always drive like this?"
"Do you have a problem with my driving? I don't take critizism(sp) too well either."
"Uhh, no."
"Good." They got to the club without much more conversation. "Wait, before you get out, pull up your hood."
"Why? Is something wrong with me?"
"Did you even bother to look in the mirror?"
"It was kind of hard. It's broken."
"What?" Suddenly she remembered. She had punched her mirror yesterday. She was a little upset at having taken him. "You have pointed ears."
"How can I? I've never had pointed ears! You don't even have them!"
"Correction, I know how to do my hair so that no one sees them. You, on the other hand, don't have enough hair. I gave you that hoodie for a reason." She got out of the car. "Are you coming?"
"Yeah, I guess so." He still felt light-headed, and was pretty slow. They walked in with no trouble at the door.
"I guess they found his body. Too bad. One of them would have made a good first kill for you."
"Whose body?"
"One of the bouncers. Well, now you can learn how to lure someone. Go for a blond."
"They can be pretty easy. (OOC: Sorry to any blonds out there. Nothing personal. I just know some very...silly ones.) That one." She pointed to a girl in the corner. "Ask her to dance."
"I'm still too light headed."
"Just do it. You'll be fine. After a little while, tell her you want to go somewhere more private. Take her to the car. Simple. Now go." She handed him the keys and pushed him in her direction. He seemed to be doing very well. They walked out and she followed. "The rest is up to you."
OOC: Okay, BB. You'll have to write whatever you do next.
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Ciiahn watched her in amusement for a few moment longer, letting his eyes run over her newly made flesh. Eventually, he held out a hand, and she let him help her up. He bundled a towel around her, not concerned about clothes for the moment, and led her back out to the living room. The bodies were still there. Alastuin, suddenly less hesitant, fell on one almost immediately. Ciiahn merely watched, occasionally correcting her if she made a mistake.

Eventually, she finished all three, the bodies left professionally pale white. Ciiahn was impressed, and pretty damn proud of himself. This was after all the first he had created. Most first creations tended to die in the process to. So he was doing alright.

Later, as they both sat on the couch, Alastuin turned to him, her voice subdued.[/I]

Alastuin: Why, really did you do it?

[I]Ciiahn suddenly leant forward, and placed a light kiss on her startled lips. Light though it was, it was a kiss that carried several thousand years experience, and was quite effective. When she had recovered, his voice was just as soft.[/I]

Ciiahn: Why did I just do that?[/font][/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin stood up, slightly repulsed. Then she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

Pale as death, skinny as all hell, as always, but now with a newfound grace. Her hair hang wet over her shoulders and back, framing her gaunt face and the twists of towel. She dropped the towel and stretched up onto her toes, pulling her arms high above her head. She was a goddess.

Suddenly with the overwhelming desire to get millions of tattooes and piercings, and dye her hair black and wear black and kill people, she felt a new person. She liked it. Turning back to Ciiahn, she saw a thin, tall, pale man of intense knowledge and intellect sitting there, folded up, staring at her breasts. Being a vampyre was not as bad as she'd once thought.... the thought of her brother completely out of her mind, she took Ciiahn's hand and led him into the bedroom.[/i][/font][/color]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Afterwards, they simply lay there and held each other, Ciiahn with one arm under her neck, the other stroking her back. She moaned in contentment, and moved closer to him. He stroked her back, marvelling at the feel of her skin under his supersensitive fingers. He was far more surprised by what was going on in his head.

It was not like him to act upon a whim. Even less like him to feel upon a whim. But what he felt now was surprisingly, almost shockingly strong. And he was far less than adverse to it. He...he loved this magnificent creature in his arms. And when he whispered that fact to her, he got the reply he wanted to hear.

Such affirmation of course, could only lead to one thing...[/font][/color][/I]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Indeed it could, Alastuin thought, sensing the thought patterns of the God that held her in His arms. He created her... she was divine....

It meant only one thing - shopping spree.

Alastuin slid away from the Creature on her bed and took a moment to admire him. An hour later she stood, dressed herself, grabbed her wallet and drove downtown. In the car, she hacked off her hair at the nape of her neck and threw it out the window. First stop, body modification parlour.

It was late evening when she returned home, five shopping bags under her arm, quite a few bandages here and there, and a few piercings. Her hair was jet black with purple streaks. Wondering if He would notice the transformation, she realised that she missed Him terribly. She slammed the door behind her and dropped her bags on the bedroom floor. He was as she left Him.[/i]

Alastuin: My Lord...

Ciiahn: What the hell did you do to yourself?!

Alastuin: Nothing. I'm hungry.

Ciiahn: We'll go hunting later if you want.

Alastuin: Not hungry for that....

[i]she whispered as she stripped and climbed back into bed. The bandages came off easily, she didn't bleed now anyway. She was invincible...[/i][/color][/font]
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What the "heck" was going on here? Confusion was the purest understatement thathad ever been made. The blonde, a girl called Deborah, was nice enough. But that was the problem. What was supposed to happen now? He was like a virgin pondering the way to make love.
"Uhh, listen... You're gonna have to go now..."
Deborah blinked large blue eyes in surprise. "What d'you mean?"
"I mean you're gonna have to go home... like right now."
She huffed a little. "What's [i]that[/i] supposed to mean? You were fine about this a few minutes ago!"
"I'm a little clearer about it now... trust me, you want to go home. [i]Right now[/i]."
"Are you threatening me?!"
"No, nonono." He sighed, not sure how to deal with the annoyed girl. "Just... I'm not interested anymore okay? It's for your own good..."
"Really?! Well...!!!" words failed her as she turned and huffed off, stalking up the street.
Joe didn't have to listen hard for Xaphania's disappointed snort. "That's not how you do it," she murmured. "You can still catch her. I'm sure her temper would cool if you sweet talked her a little."
"I'm not sweet talking her..."
"Oh, why? Spoilsport."
Joe finally turned to face the vampire, who was leaning against the wall, seemingly hypnotised by the tendrils of smoke from her cigarette. "Will you just leave me alone? I don't need this crap about being a vampire or whatever..." He rammed his hands into his pockets and made to stalk off, before Xaphania clamped a hand onto his shoulder.
"You're not going [i]anywhere[/i]. Not yet at least..."

OOC: And any of you who've read the Vampire Chronicles will see a Louis-alike emerging ^____^()
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Xaphania sighed. What was with this guy? "Come on. I'll show you what to do." She walked back into the club and sauntered over to a random guy. She dance with him a while and took him outside. Kissing him slowly, she moved methodically from his lips to his neck. Covering his mouth, she sunk her fangs deep into his flesh and drank a little. Taking a deep breath, she looked over to Joe. "That is how you lure someone." She propped the body against the wall. The guy wimpered a little. "Now get over here." Joe came, almost hypnotized by her work. "Now just finish him. It should be easy. I know you're hungry."
"What?!?! What do you mean? Did you even know his name?"
"No." she said flatly, wiping the blood from the corners of her mouth. "It's easier to kill that way. Now finish him."
"What happened?" The guy was starting to recover a little. "What just happened to me? Am I dead?"
"Don't worry," Xaphania said sweetly, kneeling beside him, "you will be soon. Now," she turned to Joe, "finish him before I finish the both of you."
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Joe blinked a few times as he comprehended what she'd just said. She was right... he was hungry. So hungry it hurt. But... did he really want to...?
Before he knew what he was doing, he was tentively drawing closer to the half-conscious man. He opened his mouth, drawing nearer to his throat. Just a few inches more. The skin rippled as the man swallowed groggily. Then... suddenly... a tooth touched the warm, moist skin and Joe backed off as though he'd been stung.
Xaphania glared slightly. [i]So, so close...[/i] "What's wrong with you? Do you want to die or something?"
"No... I, I just..." Joe refused to meet her gaze, feeling strangely embarassed at having refused to suck a man dry. "I can't kill another human being."
"You're not a human being anymore are you?" She sighed quietly, recollecting herself.
Joe sighed too, looking down at the damp ground. Then he looked up at the darkened sky with a slight wince. It was raining... How ironic... And why...?
Blinking, Joe shook his head. He was still feeling light headed. He felt like he was going to throw up or something any second...
"You okay...?" Xaphania asked slowly, idly slamming the man's head into the brick wall behind her as he groaned something inaudible.
"Yeah I... I just..." Joe blinked a few more times before swooning and passing out to hit the damp pavement with a thud.
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Xaphania sighed. He was so hungry. Pulling one of the sais she always carried from behind her back, she sliced the man's wrist and held it over Joe's slightly opened mouth. The blood flowed slowly. In a few minutes, he was conscious again.
"What happened?" he groaned.
"You passed out from the thought of taking human blood. You came pretty close though."
"Close to what? What are you talking about?"
She sighed again. This boy must be dense. "Come on. I'll take you to someone who can explain all of this to you." They got back into the car and drove away.
"Where are we going?"
"To see an old friend. His name is Sebastian. There is another like you with him, named Davey. I was hoping he could help." She drove, recklessly again, when they came across Sebastian carrying Davey. "You look like you could use some help."
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin flopped down on the bed next to Ciiahn, and pondered the future. She hated the city in which she lived.[/i]

Alastuin: Let's go somewhere.

Ciiahn: Where? I don't want to go anywhere.

Alastuin: What will happen to me if I go without you?

Ciiahn: Um... I might miss you a bit for a while, and you might get beaten to death or killed by a hunter, or discovered by a human, or you might not find food and die of hunger... but apart from that, not much.

Alastuin:...... I want to go to London.

[i]Ciiahn sighed at her sulky tone and sat up. He hadn't had a lover, as such, for a few hundred years. Now he remembered why. Alastuin rolled onto her back and gave the vampyre the most innocent, puppy-eyed look she could conjure. He didn't buy it, so she grabbed his hand and started to lick it. A corner of Ciiahn's mouth lifted, and Alastuin laughed, assuming that was counted as a win.[/i][/font][/color]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]Ciiahn: I refuse to fly publicly though.

Alastuin: Then what do you intend?

Ciiahn: Haven't you ever read a book in your life? All us ancients are extremely wealthy remember.

Alastuin: What?

Ciiahn: I'll buy a jet.

[I]He said this as if speaking to a particularly slow child. Alastuin glared at him, he gave her the look she had just given him. She jerked her hand away before he could lick it, so he settled for the side of her face. She giggled strangely, and as Ciiahn looked at her just as strangely, she lunged forward and wiped her face on his.[/I]

Ciiahn: I should have expected that.[/font][/color]
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[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=orange]OOC: It's O.K. if you didn't use my character, but try to remember next time if you don't oh well, I won't be mad.


Tasrai watched as Sebastian and Davey almost flew down the street, that kid better eat something and quick. Then Tasrai looked back at Cassandra and this freakish vampire he couldn't decide whether to go after Sebastian or to help Cassandra. The sound of a sword through the air decided for him, he would help Cassandra. Movingly quickly he jumped on the vamp and let out a fury of blows before the vamp threw him off towards Cassandra. Tasrai skidded a few feet before stopping, as he scrambled to get on his feet he looked up, the vamp's nose and lip were bleeding.

[I]"You'll have us both to deal with,"[/I] Tasrai smiled alittle before adding,[I]"creep."[/I] He just couldn't help it he had to add that. The vamp's eyes flashed as he once more raised the sword.

OOC: Sorry for such a short post, and sorry Oyeah if you don't like it or anything I'll modify it, I had to write something though in your post you kind of left me standing there. ^-^[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest cesar906
OOC:sorry I havent posted

DFX came in to his shop were he had all his things
DFX:I hate those vampires I'm going to kill them all.
When he got his stuff he left again the first vampire he got to he killed hi and so did he do with the next twenty he found and he said "I'll find you and kill you sebastian for killing my parents."
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Just a quick reminder that Dace?s view on other characters doesn?t necessarily reflect mine. Tee hee!

Dace: Stand aside. I have no quarrel with you two.

Cassandra: If you?ve got a problem with the kid, you?ve got a problem with me.

Tasrai: That goes double for me.

A smirk crossed Dace?s face.

Dace: You know they seemed pretty eager to abandon you.

Tasrai: They didn?t abandon us!

Cassandra: I offered to stay behind. Friends do that sort of thing. Not that you?d know.

Dace: Ah yes, friendship?
Another ludicrous human phrase. Friendships, relationships, companionships ? bonds eventually disintegrate be it greed, lust or even time.

Dace: Your so called ?friends? didn?t seem to think twice about leaving you behind.

Tasrai: But-

Dace: Were they hesitant? Uncertain? Unwilling?

Almost simultaneously the pair averted their gaze towards the ugly tar road. Dace?s words somehow made sense. Didn?t they care about what could happen to them?

Tasrai: They didn?t-
But Dace was gone. Where did he go?

Dirty nuisances.
Dace deftly ricocheted off the many rooftops that dotted the slums.

Dace: Just a brief setback.
His reassurance comforted him.

At the rate he was going, he would catch up to the pair in no time. He could almost taste the blood on his tongue.

What an irritating pest that Cassandra was. Much like a mosquito that you can?t find, all the while it is flying around biting you.

It then occurred to Dace that vampires and mosquitos have a lot in common.

Dace: No surprise there!
Bloody vermin!

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[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=indigo]Tasrai looked around a little confused the vamp's words had hit him, and had hit him hard. He guessed he looked shocked,

[I]"You don't believe what he said do you, cause you know it isn't true,"[/I] Cassandra said in a matter of fact kind of voice. Tasrai didn't answer, he hardly even heard her, so many thoughts were racing through his mind, [I]Did Sebastian abandon him? Or did he think Tasrai would follow him?[/I]

[I]"Come on, are you going to believe that freak, over your faith in one of your [B] best friends[/B] Sebastian?"[/I] Cassandra voice was soothing but, Tasrai could hint something else behind it, was it desperation?

[I]"I don't know,"[/I] Tasrai said in a dazed kind of voice.

[I]"Yes you do!"[/I] Cassandra yelled trying to get his attention, which worked, because his head snapped towards hers, he knew he looked hurt because she quit yelling.

[I]"You know,"[/I] she finished. Tasrai stared her straight in her eyes, his own eyes intensely blue.

[I]"That's just it, I don't know, I want to believe in Sebastian, but there are too many, too many past memories, that say differently. I need to go away to think, I need to think, too many memories..."[/I] Tasrai knew his eyes had turned black, like they always do when he thinks or talks about his past, but that was all he knew.

[I]"What memories?"[/I] Cassandra whispered. Tasrai breathed in quickly and started rubbing his wrists and rocking back and forth, he had never told anyone.

[I]"I won't, I won't tell you. You can't make me!"[/I] Tasrai yelled at her. She looked alittle confused.

[I]"Nobody's going to make you do anything."[/I] She said . Confused and scared Tasrai walked away down the street still muttering too many memories, just before he turned the corner he could hear Cassandra say,

[I]"But that is in the past, this is the present, a new chance to live, remember that."[/I] Tasrai let out a yell and started running, he didn't stop until he reached the harbour of Night City. Swinging over the railing, he grabbed onto the beams under one of the bridges. Sitting there in the dark, braced between two wooden beams, the in the only place where he felt safe Tasrai sat and thought, until eventually falling asleep.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Cassandra looked over to where Dace was last. She knew he was after Davey for power. But Davey didn't have enough power. And Tasrai's going crazy over trust. What has this world become? She sniffed the air and found Davey's scent. Calling over Tasrai, they both followed the scent. The three were hiding in a building. They both entered and Cassandra knew that they went straight.

Cassandra: Sebastian! Come out!
Sebastian: What is it?
Tasrai: We lost him.
Rocky: What do you mean, you lost him?
Cassandra: We looked down the road where you guys left off because he said that you didn't even have a second thought about helping us out and you left in a hurry.
Sebastian: Dave's weak and possibly about to die. We couldn't have helped.
Cassandra: Exactly my point. But Tasrai here...
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]A day, or night, or whatever, or so later, Alastuin was looking at the inside of a rather nice private jet. It carried an aura of quiet, an aura of stateliness. An aura of luxury. It was also completely windowless. It also had seats that faced inwards, and a row of large beds down the centre.[/I]

Alastuin: Did it come like this?

Ciiahn: Yes. It used to belong to some group, some mile club or something like that. Why they would want something like this is completely beyond me.

Alastuin: I'll show you later.

Ciiahn: What?

[I]Alastuin gave him a sidelong glance, laughing at his confusion. Ciiahn sighed, and ignored it. He absently threw himself onto one of the beds, one hand going up to cover his eyes. A strangely human gesture really. Alastuin landed beside him, propped on her elbow.[/I]

Alastuin: Are we really going to London, or are you simply abducting me to some ancient lair?

Ciiahn: Well, I do have an old place in London, so perhaps both.

Alastuin: Oh, in that case...I believe I'll live.

[I]Five minutes later, the jet took off, but Ciiahn and Alastuin weren't really paying attention.[/font][/color][/I]
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OOC: Sorry I wasn't around for a while, got side-tracked.

[color=indigo]Rocky sighed as Cassandra began and looked at the moon. "Man.....everything is happening so fast....what's gonna happen to us..?!" he thought to himself. "Rocky, are you listening.....!!!?" Cassandra shouted. "Huh? oh sorry....you were saying?"[/color]

OOC: Short post, got a bit lost in the story, but I'll add more to my next one once things clear up.
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Cassandra threw her hands up in air and looked like she was about to kill someone. Rocky knew he should have been listening. Sebastian went back to Davey and helped him. Tasrai went off somewhere.

Cassandra: I was saying that Tasrai had trust issues. Damn. I need some food. I'm hungry.
Rocky: Human blood or what humans eat?
Cassandra: How about a sandwich. A Subway sandwich. MMM, haven't had those in a while. Do they still have those?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by oekakiotaku [/i]
[B]She drove, recklessly again, when they came across Sebastian carrying Davey. "You look like you could use some help."[/B][/QUOTE]

Urm... We are either invisible, or have vanished, I'm not sure which yet, anyone care to clarify?
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John Grey sighed as he walked down the dreary sidewalk, took a single drag on his newly lit ciggerate, than threw it to the ground.
"What's the point? I can't breathe anyway..."

He continued, his depresing wal, when suddenly he heard a swishing, as if something had passed by at an incredibly fast speed. He turned ot see a blur, moving almost faster than he could follow, jump up and over a building. Turning, he kicked in his own "super speed" and followed.
"this could be interesting," he mused.
Catching up with the moving oject, he saw it was another vamp, or so it seemed...

"Helo there.." John waved amicably.
The other turned to him.

"Who are you??"

"Me? I'm John Grey. And you might be.....?"
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[color=indigo]"Ehhh, I guess we can do Subway..." said Rocky as he jumped down from the building and landed on the ground feet first. Soon after Cassandra came down they both started walking down the street. Cassandra looked over at Rocky looking a bit puzzled. "Hey Rocky..." she began. "Yeah?" "...hmm, never mind its not important..." she turned back around as they continued walking. Rocky looked up at the moon glowing its silver brightness, but he didn't see the stop sign in front of him and hit his face on it. :blackeye: Cassandra laughed a bit. "That's what you get for not paying attention." she chuckled. Rocky gave Cassandra a weird look. They finally arrived at Subway. "Aww crap..." Rocky said. "What is it?" Cassandra asked. Rocky pointed to his pointy ears and light blue skin. "So?" she said. "So, there might be hunters in there and people will get freaked out at the slightesy sight of me." "You worry too much. Here.." Cassandra said giving Rocky a winter hat. "Now come on and stop being so childish." "Well..I am only twelve..." he said. "C'MON!!!" Cassandra grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him inside.[/color]
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