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Vampires: Extinction or Survival? (PG-13)


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Xaphania lit another cigarette and drove away. Something odd was happening. She thought about this the entire drive.
"Where exactly are you going?"
"What?" She said, drawn out of her thoughts. She looked up and realized she had driven out of the city and into the surrounding suburbs. "I need to think. You can drive. I don't care where we go. Just make sure we're back to my apartment by dawn."
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"Uhh... sure..." conceeded Joe, as they stopped and switched seats before starting again. Joe didn't drive much, but he was capable. "But why dawn?"
"Why do we have to be back by dawn?"
Inhaling heavily on her cigarette, Xaphania sighed. "Do you believe?"
"Believe what?"
"That you're like me? That you're a vampire?"
The question forced Joe to stop and think. Did he believe her? Normally he would have said no, that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard. But... But he'd nearly bitten a man. And he couldn't do anything to stop it. Still watching the road, he touched one of his canine teeth with a finger.
"Well?" prompted Xaphania, taking another drag from her cigarette, the light illuminatng her face huntingly. "Do you believe? Or are you still swimming in Egypt?"
"You know... Egypt, the Nile... denial... "De Nile"?" She sighed then, giving up all hope on the boy's sense of humour. "Look you're a vampire, whether you like it or not. And vampires have to get back to their coffins by dawn. Otherwise we get caught in the sunlight and **poof** - we all vanish into thin air. Just like that." She paused before pushing the point. "So that's why we've gotta be back by dawn. Y'goddit?"
Joe nodded, choosing not to say anything. Xaphania sighed... and conversation lulled uncomfortably.
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Cassandra and Rocky arrived inside. One of the workers looked up and saw Cassandra. When she got up to the register, Cassandra did not notice that Rocky was avoiding all eye contact. She grabbed him and told him to choose.

Cassandra: Can I get a Turkey Delight? No jalapenos, no cheese. Yes I would like tomatoes, lettuce, olives, pickles, vinegar, and honey mustard. What about you Rock?
Rocky: It doesn't matter.
Cassandra: Pick something. Don't worry, you won't die...*whispers* again.

Rocky stared at her with panicked eyes. Cassandra told him to go sit down. She ordered the same for him except no vinegar and yes cheese.
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Geist! Where are you man? I can?t continue Dace?s story without your posts. Seeing as Dace is ?occupied?, I?m going to include a few new characters into the tale. Detectives Peter Morgan and Jason Green.


Death. No matter how many times I see it, the images still haunt me.
But in all my years as a servant to the public, none were as horrid as this.

Detective Green: Meat wagon?s on the way Bossman. What do you think ? vampires?
The young man had a hardier constitution than I.

Detective Morgan: This is no vampire?s work. This is something far more sinister.
The newbie nodded his head. Although he had only begun work today, he had shown real potential. I admired his composure.

Detective Morgan: Jas, I want photographs of this mess from all angles.

Detective Green: Yes sir!

I looked at the carnage once more.
The John Doe was exceptionally thin. His rib cage protruded from his chest. All that was left on him was bone and a thin layer of skin. It was as if something had literally sucked the life out of him. His skin was pale white and his clothing ripped and torn as if he was in a struggle.
And his face. The expression on his face was one of pure fear. If it weren?t for the evidence I could of sworn he had been scared to death. He had no pupils in his eyes. They were blank. White.

Everything started spinning and tilting all of a sudden.

Detective Green: Whoa man! You OK?

I rushed by him and behind the corner. I couldn?t help being sick.

Detective Green: Cough it up Bossman. It?s OK.

Detective Morgan: How do you do it Jas?

Detective Green: Do what?

Detective Morgan: Keep from throwing up! Did you even get a glimpse of the body?

Detective Green: Well you know, how tough I am and all! ????. OK, Fine! The only reason I didn?t lose it is because I skipped lunch today! Are you happy?

Of course! I thought as much.

Detective Morgan: Jas I need you to get some DNA samples of this poor guys attacker for analysis.

Detective Green: On my way!

Obedient. That?s good. My new partner was turning out just fine.
I surveyed the murder scene. Just another day in the life of a SIVAS (Special Investigations into Vampires And the Supernatural) detective.

Detective Green: Oh ****! Hey Bossman I think you should get a load of this!
I ran to see what the fuss was all about.

A man, who had all of the deformities of the other victim lie across the alley, slumped up against the wall. The only exception was this one was still alive.

Detective Morgan: Christ Almighty! Jason! Alert the paramedics!
He raced off to the squad car to use the radio.

I felt sorry for the unfortunate victim. What type of hideous monstrosity could have done this to someone?
He lay there ? trembling with a lifeless look on his face.

I kneeled down to get a closer look. He suddenly reached out and grabbed me by the shirt. He pulled me face-to-face with him. Startled and terrified, I was paralysed with fright unable to resist and pull away.

Dace Victim: Kill me?
He spoke slowly in a shrill whisper.
Dace Victim: Kill me?. Please?.

He released his grip from my shirt. I stared at the pitiful creature. I had to put it out of its misery. It was the right thing to do, I thought to myself.

I drew Colt and aimed it at his forehead.

Dace Victim: Tthhhhaaankk yyyoouu?.
He looked relieved as he saw my gun.
I fingered the trigger but ?

I couldn?t do it. I couldn?t take someone?s life like that. It wasn?t me and it didn?t feel right.

Detective Green: Paramedics are on their way Boss.
I holstered the gun and began to walk away.

Dace Victim: Stop! You have to kill me! You don?t understand!
He was shouting now as if giving me an order.
Detective Green: Eh, sir? What?s he talking about?

Then the tortured soul frothed at the mouth and began convulsing. He jerked up and down in a mad fit and only one word escaped his lips?
Dace Victim: Run!

Detective Morgan: Let?s get out of here!

Detective Green: What?!
I grabbed him and forced him into the car.
Detective Green: We can?t go anywhere! Besides we can?t leave him there! And what about the paramedics? What are they gonna do?

Detective Morgan: Shut your mouth!

I started the car and began to leave the scene when the freak jumped in front of the car. I didn?t stop. He ran out so fast I didn?t have time to. He rolled over the top of the car.

Detective Green: Holy Crap! You killed the fool!

I stopped the car and got out. I let out a long, deep sigh. I killed him. It was a shame but there was nothing I could do.
Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the body twitch. I turned around but it was gone.

Detective Green: Oh hell. Did you see that? What the hell is that thing?

Detective Morgan: Just calm down!

I could feel him watching us but I couldn?t see him. I kept telling Jason to calm down and not to panic, but in reality I was probably more terrified than he was.
I tried to hide it though. Under a ?tough cop don?t mess with me? attitude.
He could have left us. I wasn?t sure.
In anger I turned and punched a brick wall. If I had obeyed and killed him when I had the chance we would not be in this predicament. The whole friggin? town would not be in this predicament.

Now there?s another bloodsucker out there. Another one to feed on innocent people. Another one to make me regret taking this job.

Detective Green: Sir, are you OK?
Jas sounded flustered but better. I could not say the same for myself.

Detective Morgan: Just get in the damn car!

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"We should go back," Xaphania said. They had been driving around for a hour or so. "I'll drive."
"Uhh...that's okay." Joe drove back to her apartment and they arrived a few minutes before the sun rose. "You can sleep if you want. I have something I need to do." He walked over to the bed in the corner and collasped onto it, instantly asleep. She went to the phone and quickly dialed a number.
"Hi, Mom. It's me."
[i]Oh honey, it's so good to here from you! Have you been busy studying?[/i]
"Yeah. College can be pretty hard sometimes."
[i]When are you coming home again?[/i]
She grimaced. "I'm not sure, Mom. I...have a lot of work to do. I'll try to come home next time. Okay?"
[i]Of course. You know I just worry about you. The police have been finding people... I'm sure you've heard about it.[/i]
"I'll be fine Mom. Don't worry. I have class soon. Gotta run."
[i]Just call more often. Bye.[/i]
"Okay Mom. Bye." She hung up and sighed. This was getting harder and harder. Her parents still thought she was at the university. It had been so long since she was there last, she didn't even remember the name.
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Cassandra looked around. She got the sandwiched and payed for them. She gave one to Rocky and they left. They went back to where Sebastian and the others were. They sat on a bench and ate. Rocky just stared at his sandwich. Cassandra was already biting into hers. She looked at Rocky. She swallowed what was in her mouth and tried to get him to eat his.

Cassandra: Rock... eat it. You're going to get hungry. Plus, it's good.
Rocky: Ok.
Cassandra: That's a good boy.
Rocky: I'm glad you're older than me. Cause then I could have an older sister figure.
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Guest Oyeah
Detective Green: Great! Just freakin? great! Would you look at my car?
A large imprint was made from the impact by the creature. The headlights were smashed as well.
Jason had an uncomfortable look on his face. To me he looked as if he was trying to contain his anger.
Detective Green: Your payin? for this!

I purposely ignored him. His chattering was beginning to grate in my nerves. Small talk was never my forte.
The many vehicles whizzed by us. A city with a large population meant a city with a lot of cars.

Detective Green: Would you look at this town? Damn man, I remember hanging out just over there when I was a kid.
Detective Morgan: You hung out at a strip bar when you were a kid?
Detective Green: It used to be a milk bar a long time back.

It was true. This town did go to hell.

Detective Green: You know what I think? I think it was the city?s names fault!
Detective Morgan: What?
Detective Green: Hear me out! The city became like this when the vampires arrived right? So a metropolis with the name Dark City is likely to draw them in. Well?
I didn?t know what to think. His theory sounded stupid to me but how do I know how the freaks think in their messed up minds.

Detective Green: Say Boss-
Detective Morgan: Call me Pete.
Detective Green: OK Boss.
He greeted my frown with a cheeky smirk.
Detective Green: Anyway can I ask you something?
Detective Morgan: You?ve asked me everything else.
Detective Green: Why did you become a SIVAS cop?
I stared blankly at the traffic. The question hit me hard. It was some time before answered it.
Detective Morgan: A vampire got to my old man when I was a kid. I couldn?t do anything. All I could do was watch in horror. I ran away. Far, far way and I didn?t look back.
Detective Green: Sucked him dry eh? I?m sorry Bossman. That was cold. So let me get this straight ? you?ve got this little vampire vendetta thingy going and you want vengeance for your pop?
Detective Morgan: Can we just ?
Detective Green: Your right I?ll stop talking.

It was a morbid topic. I felt a tear come to my eye as I remembered that day. Jas was right. I did have a ?vampire vendetta?. And I swore to myself that I would never rest until every single friggin? vampire in this sleazy little town was taken care of.

Detective Green: Boss? BOSS?
I was in a trance. Jason snapped me out of it.
Detective Green: We?re at HQ.

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[B]OOC: Sorry, Oyeah, I've been busy. And Kiara, my character is going to be with Xaphania and Joe since they met up with him first.


[I]The next night, Joe walked into Davey's room. Sebastian was by the side of the bed and the younger vampire was soaked in sweat and shivering badly.[/I]
"What's happening to him? Is he okay?" [I]Joe asked.
Sebastian held out his hand.[/I]
"This is no time for questions. Hand me that knife over there."
[I]Joe did as he was asked. Sebastian took the knife, cut his own wrist, and held it over Davey's mouth. Joe turned away and asked.[/I]
"What are you doing?"
"This is an emergency. I can't get him human blood in time so he's going to have to feed off of mine for now. This won't hold him for long though. He needs to feed if he's going to recover."

[B]OOC: I'm sorry that this was so short. I'm just trying to let you guys know that I'm still alive.[/B]
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OOC: It's okay, Geist. I understand.

IC: Xaphania walked into Davey's room. After seeing what was happening, she immeadiately turned and left, returning a few minutes later. "Joe, come with me. I need your help." They went to her car. "Help me get him to Davey." In the back seat lay a half-conscious(sp) man.
"What did you do to him?"
"I knocked him unconscious obviously. Davey needs to feed but he's not strong enough to hunt. Now help me." Together, they managed to drag him back to the room. "I hope this helps." She took out one of her sais and hit the man with the hilt of it. Making sure he would be out for a little longer, she cut one of his wrists and held it over Davey's mouth. "You need to eat something, Sebastian. I'll take care of Davey."
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Cassandra looked around for the others. Tasrai was no where to be seen and Sebastian was up somewhere with Davey. Cassandra gave up and collapsed on a bench. She hated being alone. But then again, she was alone all her life. She looked across the city and could not see one single house that was not lit. She looked up and saw that she couldn't see the stars on account that the city was too bright. But the moon was bright and glowing. She remembered the night when she turned into a vampire the moon was bright and full, like the one this day. She looked over and saw that little Rocky fell asleep, she rummaged through her bag and found a blanket. She put it over Rocky and let him sleep. After a few moments she fell asleep.

Later on in the night, Cassandra was awoken by a "GET OFF OF ME!" Cassandra jumped up and saw that Rocky was being taken away by some creeps. She jumped over the bench and kicked one of the guys in the face. He fell backwards. He released Rocky and Cassandra grabbed the blanket and her bag. She knew the sun was about to be up, so she put the blanket over Rocky. They ran from he scene, the group of men pursued.
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Guest Oyeah
Dace stopped his pursuit. He sensed approximately six other people with the child. Dace thought for a moment. I could probably kill them all but there is a small risk involved in doing so.
The risk being that they could actually kill him.
Dace was courageous but he wasn?t stupid and although he was an ?almighty super being? he wasn?t powerful enough to defeat six vampires at once. At least, not powerful enough yet.

Dace: Until we meet again boy.
He gave him a salute, wherever he was, and returned to walking aimlessly through the many streets of Dark City.
It?s a shame really. I was looking forward to meeting him in person.
He wondered why he was called ?special?. Was he retarded?
He chuckled to himself. It?s funny how no one is ever around to hear his jokes.
He stopped walking all of a sudden and inhaled the air. Funny. There were many ?specially retarded people? all over Dark City. That couldn?t possibly be right. Unless? they all had special blood.
Dace coughed and spluttered. When he breathed air he got nose full of cigarette smoke from a nearby citizen.

He approached the man.

Steve: You got a problem pal?
The man blew smoke into his face. Before the man could react, Dace swiftly took the cigarette out of his mouth and into his own.
Steve: Hey ?
Dace took a deep inhale of the smoke before throwing it to the ground at squashing it with his boot.
Dace: *cough* You enjoy sucking on those things?
Angrily the man slipped another smoke into his mouth.
Steve: I?m a creature of habit. Now get lost!
He mumbled some profanity under his breath as he angrily lit another cigarette in his mouth.
Dace: So you?re telling me that you actually pay to slowly kill yourself?
The man grabbed Dace by the neck and held him up against the wall.
Steve: Don?t say I didn?t warn you!
The man threw his fist at Dace who caught it before it hit his head. Dace squeezed and the mans finger?s cracked.
Steve: Ow! Let me go!
Dace: Tell you what. I?ll do a deal just for you. I?ll kill you, slowly, for free.
Dace looked around to see if anybody was watching. Nope. He was sick of being interrupted in the middle of a meal.
Dace: Now where were we?
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Cassandra looked back to see if anyone was following and no one was. She looked around for somewhere to stay and Rocky was already lock picking an abandoned home. Cassandra sniffed the air and not a single human scent was there. All she could smell was vampire. Recent vampires crashed here and left for good. When Rocky picked the lock and opened the door. Cassandra looked under the mat and found an extra key. She took it and clipped it on her key chain that was one her left belt hook. They went in and Rocky was seen raiding the fridge. Luckily he found blood. He took some. Cassandra sat in the Lay-Z-Boy and turned on the T.V. She turned it to Channel 2 and it looked at the Index. On Channel 13 was "Rush Hour". She turned to it so that Rocky could watch. He came over and sat on the couch. With his blood he had cookies. Cassandra just smiled at him, then reached in her bag and got out her hand made photo album. She went to the first page and read in her mind the dates and what she was doing. It was of her and her first boyfriend. Her boyfriend was a cop who liked to attract danger and Cassandra's middle name was Danger. Actually it was. Cassandra Trinity Danger-Lee. Then she flipped the page and it was of her and her friends, then her boyfriend, the cop, then the next page was of her recent boyfriend. He was a vampire in another gang, other than Feral Beast and Shadow summin. He offered her his blood so that she could be one with him. She wanted to. All he wanted was that she would be his bride and that he could get power. She drank his blood and was given a lot of power. Then she killed him after she learned that he was using her. Now, she was just involved with nobody. She put her album away once the movie was done. She saw that Rocky was sleeping and went to get a blanket. She put it over him and laid his head down. She stood by the window and thought of all the bad situations she could be in right now. For example, getting her *** kicked by Dace or being surrounded by Vampire Hunters.
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[Size=3][Font=arial][Color=dark-blue]OOC: I?m just going to call Tasrai Tas because, well, I?m lazy.

Tas shivered as a chill went through his body, he knew he had to get to an empty building and quick or?or he didn?t even want to think about it. The last time he had lost control over himself he had ripped a man?s throat out, and had made one of his worst enemies. Shaking his head trying to lose the thought Tas concentrated on something else. Pain shot through him as he walked through a stream of moonlight, hair sprouted out all over his body. Tas gasped, and tripped, he tried to break the fall, but was to slow, he landed face first in asphalt. He tried to get up but was to weak to move, Tas layed there for a second adn rested. The pain got worse and worse because there was nothing to block the full moon?s rays now. Pain almost unbearable pulsed throughout his body, suddenly car lights were shining on him, the driver obviously didn?t see him because he parked in the space next to him Tas listened to their conversation but only caught the end of it. Something like ?Boss, We?re at HQ.? he didn?t catch anything else because a wave of pain went through his body causing him to shout, more hair became visible as it grew longer. Tas started to twitch and convulse, as pain racked his body. Just then he felt himself being grabbed by two men, the men who had been in the car, they handcuffed him and dragged him into the building that they called HQ. Once inside the pain subsided a degree, but still left Tas convulsing and worst of all defenseless. Suddenly Tas recognized the place and tried to contain his fear, he was in SIVAS headquarters, memories flooded back to him. A wave of pain and fear, caused Tas to yell and struggle. The grips on his arms tightened, as he was dragged into a room, the room was painted white, there were chairs spaced throughout the room, some of those chairs had straps while others didn?t. The men sat Tas in one of the chairs with straps and strapped him in, which took a while because of his convulsions and struggleing. Once they were through they rested, while Tas jerked in his straps, with no windows to let in the moonlight, his pain was decreasing gradually, and his convulsions were less violent and less frequent. The older man left the room while the younger man watched over Tas. Tas knew what was about to happen so wasn?t worried, his convulsions now were mere twitches and the pain had subsided down to a continuous ache.
Just then the older man walked back into the room with three other men, who were saying

[I]?I can?t believe you found a werewolf, there were supposed to have left Darkcity,?[/I]

The older man signaling to his partner who walked over to the door and they both left the room, leaving the three men to interrogate Tas, who wasn?t in the least frightened by them. They advanced towards him holding out spoons made out of stainless steel.

[I]?What is your name?[/I] the one with the nametag Owen asked holding onto his spoon as if holding on for dear life, Tas couldn?t help it, he laughed for the first time in a long time. Owen was confused, and turned to Larry and Trey who walked up with their spoons in front of them. This only made Tas laugh even harder, he was having a hard time getting air, this was going to be a long night.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest cesar906
OOc: My last post in this RPG to much
As DFx left the vampires got him and killed him and he died never to be seen again went
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: Worst exit ever! Bravo, Cesar.

Detective Green: A werewolf? But there have been no werewolves in Dark City for nearly a century!
Jason pestered me as I entered the interrogation room. Three men were inside. They stopped what they were doing as I entered.
Detective Morgan: I?ll take it from here, Owen.
Detective Owen: Yes sir!
He saluted me and led the other two cadets out. Owen was a damn good cop, but not nearly experienced enough. You had to be experienced if you wanted to survive out there. Out there, the weak perish.
My attention was drawn to a fidgeting little boy strapped up in a chair. He looked the same age as my little boy, Ken did. Before they kidnapped him. I cursed them in my mind. One day I would have my vengeance on the vampire race. Not just for Ken, but for my old man to.
Detective Green: That?s the werewolf?
Jason cockily strut around the chair the boy was confined to, cackling out loud with his head in the air.
Detective Green: And to think that I was actually scared.
He wiped a tear from his eye as his laughter slowly subsided.
Detective Green: He must be ten or twelve years old!
The boy growled menacingly, baring his teeth.
Detective Green: Hey kiddie, you hungry?
Jason started teasing him by moving his finger back and forward from his face.
Detective Green: Heh. Stupid kid!
Suddenly, the boy chomped down on his finger and began gnawing on it. Jason ripped his finger free and began running around the room shrieking and swearing in pain. Blood spurted all over the white floor. Jas stopped it by wrapping his handkerchief around it tightly.
Detective Green: You son of a-
I restrained Jason from attacking the child. He pulled away from me and clutched his severed finger.
Detective Green: Why is that?that THING here anyway? I thought we only investigated vampire happenings.
Detective Morgan: SIVAS stands for Special Investigations into Vampires And the Supernatural.
Detective Green: So?
Detective Morgan: So ? the Supernatural, meaning supernatural creatures or occurrences.
Detective Green: I wouldn?t call that a ?supernatural creature?, I?d call it a ?messed-up mistake of God?.
Jas winced in pain as he tightened his handkerchief.
Detective Green: How do you know that it?s a werewolf anyway?
I pulled out a small, silver dagger and lightly pressed it flat-end on the boys arm. The boy screamed in pain and pulled away from me.
His skin sizzled and blistered.
Detective Morgan: That?s how.
Detective Green: Ouch!
Jas appeared to feel sorry for the little guy for a moment, but then he glanced at his finger. His pity quickly turned to fury.
I crouched down and looked the boy in the eyes.
Detective Morgan: Hi. My name is Peter Morgan. I just want to ask you a few questions. Is that OK?
The child glared at me with disdain. He slowly nodded his head but said nothing.
Detective Morgan: Fine. Now, what?s your name?

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Cassandra awoke to the sound of blaring music. She looked at Rocky and saw that he was high on sugar. He turned up the TV and was jumping up and down all around the house. She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. She looked out the window and saw that it was still night. It was at least 2:00 A.M. She then smelled another vampire coming near. She turned down the T.V. and sat Rocky down. She looked out and saw Dace's shadowy figure. He was looking for Davey and others with his blood. She handed Rocky a bag of blood and told him to stay put.
[COLOR=indigo]"Listen Rocky. If anything happens to me, go to the police. Go to SIVAS and ask for Detective Morgan. Tell him a friend sent you. Oh, and take this. You might need it."[/COLOR] Cassandra handed Rocky a gold cross that didn't hurt him. It only hurt those who didn't accept it. He accepted it and thanked her. She walked over and found a window to escape from. Dace picked up the smell and followed. Cassandra ran like crazy.
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Guest Oyeah
OOC: I know this doesn?t sound at all like something the great and all-powerful Dace would do but seeing as this poem is losing it?s excitement a bit and not as many people are posting, I decided to try something different.

Cassandra ran as fast as she could. Dace felt her heart racing and her adrenalin pumping. Did she really think that she could outrun him?
Dace smugly wiped the blood off of the edges of his mouth and dropped the limp smokers body. It was time to give chase once more. He sprinted after her at incredible speed. She was fast but not fast enough.

Cassandra looked behind her as she continued to run.
Cassandra: (to self) Whew! I think I lost him.
She turned back around to face the front and nearly ran head first into the waiting freak.
Startled she awkwardly stumbled backwards.
Cassandra: But how did you- but you were back- what the hell are you?
Dace: Heh. I?m your worst nightmare.

Dace looked her up and down. Huh, cute. He was more human than he thought. So what if he still had primal urges?
Dace fondly looked into her eyes. She returned his creepy gaze with a slap to the face.
Cassandra: Don?t get any weird ideas, freak!
Dace circled her.
What is he up to? she wondered.
Dace: Don?t you ever get tired?
Cassandra: Tired of what?
Dace: Tired of being frightened. You know, of vampire hunters or the sun.
Cassandra: What are you getting at?
Dace put his hand out in front of Cassandra.
Dace: Come with me. Join me. Live with me for eternity.
Cassandra: ?
Dace: Imagine ? instead of living in fear, others would be living in fear of you. Instead of craving blood for food your craving it for power, every drop you drink increases you abilities. If you are defeated in a fight instead of weakening you become stronger.
Dace put his hand around her neck.
Dace: We would be the most powerful beings in Dark City no- the world! You at my side all who stand in our way will be crushed!
Dace finished his proposal by kissing her on the cheek.
Dace: What do you say?
Again he put out his hand as an offering.

The decision was up to her ? abandon her friends or take up Dace?s offer of an almost-immortal status.

OOC: Kiarrastar, I don?t expect your character to agree. I thought it make things interesting. This merely helps in me building Dace?s side of the story and gives the tale a bit of character interaction. You know instead of me constantly typing, ?And Dace ran over there and drank that guys blood, and then that other guy?s?. Sound?s lame? Damn straight.
The decision?s completely up to you.
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[Size=3][Font=arial][Color=dark-blue]Tasrai thought carefully on what he should say, he was still angry about them saying he looked like a twelve year old, though he was eighteen when he got bit as a vampire, but he had been a werewolf for way longer than that. Not letting himself go into the past he looked wistfully at the door, angered at himself, he let go of himself, hair sprouted and grew. Green gasped and stepped back a few steps still clutching his finger, Tas suddenly thought how lucky the man was that Tas wasn't in his werewolf form when he bit him or else he'd be strapped in a chair also. Tas found control and the hair stopped growing.

[I]"Again, I ask what's your name?"[/I] Morgan asked once again slowly, looking straight into Tas's eyes. Tas hated it when people did that it made him feel trapped and confined.

[I]"I'm eighteen, and can understand you clearly, Morgan."[/I]Tas said staring straight back into his eyes, makeing sure Morgan got the message, that he wasn't a child.

[I]"Nonsense, your not eig-"[/I]Green began, but stopped as Morgan cut in.

[I]"Yes he is, I can tell. So then what is your name[/I]Morgan said turning back to Tas ignoring his partner's protests. Tas thought carefully, he wouldn't tell him his full name, if he did, Morgan would know that he had been here before. But they would figure out sooner or later because of his pictures in the files and because of the tatoo on Tas's back that all SIVAS prisoners get.

[I]"Tas."[/I]Tas said turning away from Morgan's peircing stare.
Morgan obviously knew that wasn't his real name.

[I]"Now, I don't want to use force, but if your going to lie, I'll have to. What is your real, full name."[/I]Tas shook his head defiently though he knew it was a lost cause, they'd get it out of him sooner or later and it was going to be later if he could help it. This time he was ready for the silver, Morgan put against his arm in the same spot as before, it was Tas could do but keep from screaming. The pain was intense, but Tas felt he deserved it, he deserved it for ripping the man's throat out, he deserved it for his past, he deserved it for everything he had done. Morgan held the dagger in it's spot slowly adding pressure he seemed impressed that Tas wasn't screaming by now as he had done before. Tas hadn't flinched away this time but instead was pushing into the dagger welcoming the pain. Finally the silver dagger had burned through his arm and hit bone. It was then that Tas yelled and pulled back, he looked at his arm and felt sick but was prepared for more He promised himself that after the dagger hit bone again he'd tell them his name. Blood was gushing out of both his arms, but he knew he'd live. Looking with some satisfaction he looked to Morgan and smiled. Somehow after that he felt like he a burden had been lifted off of him.

[I]"Thanks for that, I've decided to tell you my name, it's Tasrai McMonell."[/I]Tas still smileing waited as Morgan wrote that down on his interragation sheet.[/Size][/Font][/Color]
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Cassandra looked down and thought of Davey, Rocky, Sebastian, and the others. She closed her eyes and then Rocky popped in her head. He was like her little brother. How could she leave him. She looked up. Before she grabbed his hand she had a proposal.

[B][COLOR=indigo]Cassandra:[/B] If I join you, you have to promise me one thing.[/COLOR]
[B]Dace:[/B] Alright. What's your promise?
[B][COLOR=indigo]Cassandra:[/B] You don't hurt my friends. If you do hurt them, I swear you will never taste power again.[/COLOR]

Dace started to chuckle and agreed to her promise. She took his hand and abandoned her friends for almost immortal status.

Back at the house, Rocky was sitting tight. It was at least 30 minutes from when Cassandra left. He left the house and ran to a Police Station. A car hit him. He was taken and when he awoke, he was on a bed inside a room. When he opened his eyes, people were walking and talking. Somebody alerted Detective Morgan.
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