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[color=teal]Hmm.....you still gotta finish that pic of the feline versions of us, sis, and that pic of Deed is awesome! Just needs Parn and it'll be a perfect work....lol. Great pic sis, and hurry with the bro and sis kitties, ok? Love ya![/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]That's lovely, Danni! ^^
The proportions are a little off, but they're really hard to notice. My favorite parts are the eyes, and they would look really neat if they were colored. ^^

9/10.[/color] [/size]
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Ah, ya had ta see the thing i drew it from, thats lips, but the way it was in what I looked at, i'll try n get the pic, it was from my dvd of cronicles of the heroic knight, i own all 27 eps. ^_^ I'm a big rolw fan. The opening, when shes standing on the pillar and the wind blows by her, its really soft and sad looking, I was moved by it and insisted on drawing it, much to the displeasure of my younger cousin who was watching it with me. Teeheehee :)
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