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Metroid:Zero Mission

Senor Ding Dong

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In GAmepro, PAge 80, june issue, it has some info on this game.

"In a far off star system, on an unstable planet known as Quarus IX, a new Space Pirate branch is quickly forming. Using the natural elements below the planet's surface, they have already began on a massive energy cannon capable of rendering an entire planet helpless. Now Samus Aran and Commander Adam Malkovich must thwart the Pirate plans in a span of time that may quickly close: Zero Mission.

- Largest 2D Metroid ever! Over 12 hours of gameplay!

- Vivid terrain ranging from an intergalactic vessel to a luscious forest.

- Puzzles that will boggle the mind and colossal bosses.

- Partner System allows for optional help and enemy identification."

Sounds Semi-cool.
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[spoiler]The computer wasn't actually Adam... it just had the memories of him. So if it's actually [i]him[/i] it would have to take place before Fusion.

That's actually interesting because Fusion makes mention of her old missions with his help... this seems to be using that idea. I was hoping they would do something like this. I didn't expect it so soon though.[/spoiler]

Anyway, should be shown a bit at E3... so I'm excited.
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[color=indigo]*drools at the thought of another 2D Metroid game* Ohhh, yeeaaahhh...twelve hours of 2D Metroid action... :drool:

Heh, I've just come off a Metroid Fusion high, having just beaten it a couple days ago and now searching out the missed Energy Tanks and Missile Expansions and whatnot. (You were right, Semjaza, I did enjoy it more once I got farther into it, though the SA-X still freaked me out whenever it'd pop out of a doorway or something and start chasing me. I'd always panic and just start shooting Ice Missiles and running blindly, and then I'd end up dying until the third or fourth try heh).

So, yeah, I'm extremely excited about this game. The Metroid series, though I liked the games quite a bit before, are fast becoming some of my absolute favorites games. I really hope they show this game at E3.

One thing I'm wondering about, though, is whether you'll actually get to play as Adam. If so, a cooperative mode where one person plays as Samus and the other as Adam could be interesting. Depends on how they do Adam's role, though, I guess.[/color]
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Now you don't have to click the link :p.

The character art looks like the stuff from the original Metroid. I'm wondering if this takes place even before that one. The name seems to imply that...

[IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen004.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen005.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen006.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen007.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen008.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen009.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen010.jpg[/IMG]
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[img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen004.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0513b/gba_metroidzeromission05120200_screen007.jpg[/img]

[color=indigo]Is it just me, or do the areas in these two screen shots look a lot like areas from the original Metroid? I'm thinking this game, like the original and Super Metroid, takes place on Zebes, maybe?[/color]
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Sounds pretty cool to me and this is coming out for GBA right. And damn those graphics are pretty awsome. I like it. LOL. I hope its better than Fusion though because that was too easy once you got the Varia Suit and the last cannon fire.
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The video looks AWFUL. The sprite in it looks like cel shaded almost, and is nothing like the sprite in these shots. I'm hoping the shots are newer, because the video killed off any interest I had.

The video seems like it's a remake of Metroid for sure though.
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[size=1]A new one? So soon?

Is there any news of a release date? Late 2003, early 2004?

This is great news... I still haven't got around to Metroid Fusion, I lost a lot of interest after Metroid Prime... [/size]
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[color=indigo]Hmm, some of the areas in the movie do look pretty much exactly like some of the areas in the original Metroid. I don't think it's just a remake of the original, though, because there are new areas (some of them you can tell are obviously different than anything in the original), enemies (the Space Pirates, for one), and items/abilities (shooting diagonally, hanging on edges, Speed Booster, etc.)

I'm guessing this game is just set on Zebes before the planet got messed up by the bomb in the original Metroid.[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=003399]Well, i've been reading and looking around for awhile, and it looks like it infact IS a remake of the original Metroid, with a lot added to it...

I'm not sure, becasue like you said 'Sko, there's new abilities that could mess around with some old features. I doubt what i've read is true... (I hope not too, this game looks better then Fusion!)[/color]
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