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AP Tests? *High School Students Only, Please*

Queen Asuka

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[color=hotpink][size=1]I was just wondering if you high school folks are enrolled in any Advanced Placement classes? I was in one last year and two this year (it's all my school offers) and those tests are AWFUL!

Is anyone else going through the same inferno as me? I have Calculus tomorrow and I am a NERVOUS wreck! >.< Literature was on Monday and it was...wHoo...I don't know if I liked it better than the History one from last year...[/color][/size]
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Guest Matt
[color=red][b]I am in AP History and AP Chemistry. Both classes are the most fun classes I have. In AP Chem, we have FULL access to the chemical closet. :) We have had some fun in that class. We lost 3 lab coats to "accidents" :) I am not to worried about the Chem AP final. I am not to worried about the history final either. I am going to major in History when I go to college, so history comes real easy to me. :) I am worried about my math final (non AP). I hate math, my worst subject.[/b][/color]
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Well I'm not in highschool... But I was a couple years ago heh.

I took mostly AP classes... English, History, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Calculus (and probably others I forget).

I never did well enough on the tests for them to count (so I didn't even wind up taking some of them). Thanks to my school closing Junior year (and having to go elsewhere for Senior), I wound up not giving a crap about most of those AP classes and barely made my way through them (there were other reasons too).

It was pretty stupid of me, because I threw away any benefits doing well on the AP tests would have given me. I just wasn't interested in doing well in school anymore.

The tests themselves (the ones I took anyway), weren't that bad overall. The main problem, I thought, were the damn essay style questions. I could never tell exactly what they were asking of me.

The math one was definately the least enjoyable heh.
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[size=1][font=rockwell] That's too bad Semjaza. But I suppose you've learned from that mistake.

I'm only taking one advanced class next year: AP English. Of course, heh.

It's really worth it to take these tests, college credit sounds really nice.[/size][/font]
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Ha Ha Ha! That's a good one Mitch. These tests count for squat. Most colleges will "advise" that you take their coruses. The only test I care about is the Calc AB, and that is only cause I get a $2,500 from my state govenment if I pass it.
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well I live in canada, so school is harder up here then down there I know that for a fact for like a month I was down in the U.S. I was in almost all ap classes. They were supposed to skip me up a grade never got around to it though.
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Guest Imsirion
I don't know about the advanced placement classes but theres this running start program at my school. The classes are at the local college and count, like, double the credits and work for graduation requirements. I'm not doing anything like that, because hating school and trying to do well now is keeping me preoccupied. Though, since I'm currently half a credit short, it'd work in my favor. :p
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[color=deeppink][b]Well, I'm going to high school next year. My schedule says I'm going to be in all Pre-AP. I liked the GT-Honors-Level system [i]much[/i] better, but for some reason, they changed it!
I already know that High School isn't all 'fun and games...'
But, I have my electives on my side, so I'm not too worried. Actually, I'm looking foward to High School! ^^;[/color][/b]
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About the college credits...

A good deal of schools take them towards entry level classes and that's about it (if even that). If you're going to a normal university/college and get a 4 or 5 on the AP tests, you're bound to get some sort of credit for it. 3 or less means jack **** to be honest, and that's what most people get.
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Oh, AP ****ed my GPA. I had 3 classes of it. And it cought me in the 2nd 6 weeks. I got low grades in my AP English and AP History classes. I now only have AP English, the others are regular. Next year I'm taking AP Algebra 2 insted of English, I have more potential for a career in mathamatics.
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[size=1]I have AP History test on Friday, heh. 300 years of history in 3 hours, heh...

I love history class, though, I really do. ^_^

"I promise you that by the end of this class, you will think [i]DBQ[/i] is a four-letter word." --My history teacher, heh.

I've been studying all night!

[spoiler]....If watching [i]School House Rock[/i] counts as studying,heh...[/spoiler][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1]"I promise you that by the end of this class, you will think [i]DBQ[/i] is a four-letter word." --My history teacher, heh.[/B][/QUOTE] [/size]

[color=deeppink]Are those the document based questions [or something of that sort]? Erik always talks about how he had to do those in his AP History class, it makes me a tad thankful that I never took the class :p

I never ended up taking the AP English test because I felt totally unprepared. My AP class didn't really prepare you for the test at all, we basically just read a lot of books and analyzed them. We also had lots of debates and angered the teacher with our outspoken-ness, heh. Granted, I LOVED that class and I loved most of the literature that we read...but all we ever did was like two practice tests. In no way was my class prepared to take the actual test!

Good luck to everyone who is taking those tests, I'm sure that you'll be happy that you did ^_^[/color]
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[size=1]Yeah, Document Based Question, or something like that.

Mr. Jensen tells me he's sure I'll get credit. I guess he knows better than I do, but...

Heh. The really great thing is, after we take the test tomorrow--no one is going to do anything for the rest of the year.

Hope everyone who took Calc this morning...eh...enjoyed themselves? Heh. [/size]
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[color=darkblue]My school did not offer any AP classes, which is one of the many reasons that it sucked donkey you-know-whats. Believe it or not, Tori, I am highly envious of your anxiety about the tests. At least you had the [i]option.[/i] So I guess it could be worse. You obviously care a lot about you future.[/color]
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At the beginning of this year, my AP history teacher told me I could kiss my sociall ife good bye. I told him I'd heard better from worse.

I was right. AP Language & AP US History were cake. The AP tests were cake.

Next year, I'm takin' AP Micro & Marco Economics, AP Spanish Language, & AP English lit. Bring 'em on.
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[color=royalblue]The only AP test that I've got to take is AP Chemistry. Our tiny (by tiny, I mean three) class has spent the entire year preparing for the thing, so I'm not really concerned. The only problem I'll have is getting to school on time...[/color]
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AP U.S. Histroy was great, harly ever did homework NEVER took a note, and breezed through the test and got a 5. Plus my teacher looked like Santa Clause in a Hawaian shirt and Jeans (lol).

BTW Calc AB was soooooo much B.S. those free response questions belonged on an BC!!! :flaming:
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LoL i hear yea the first time i took one it was horrible like i was stressing out the whole time while i was studying it for about a week before the AP teat and even though Chemistry is my best area of interest (lol it is my major in college) it was just to unbearable. I did good on it though and got a 4 on it but still they are so boring i couldn't stand it.

My other one i didnt really care about i just wanted the grade so i did like half of the actually AP test got an A+ for the year and just took a 2 for the test. Oh well i wasted my parents money. :confused:

Tell me which ones you are going to take if you are going to take anyother ones.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]About the college credits...3 or less means jack **** to be honest, and that's what most people get.[/B][/QUOTE]

Thats so true Semjaza i mean unless you get above a 3 its pointless even taking one, so unless you really really know the subject area (and i stress that a lot since i did horrible on one cause i just didnt really care for the subject) i recommend not taking one.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well I was pretty damn proud of the 3 I got last year for AP History. Seeing as how only four of us out of my entire class actually passed the stupid thing.

I took the Literature one last Monday and it was so hard. The essay questions pissed me off because I hate writing under pressure and the questions were stupid. Everyone who took it wrote the Free Response over Hamlet.

The Calculus one about killed me. It faked me out. It started off easy and then got progressively harder. But I feel pretty good about it. I will be very thrilled with a 3, thank you all VERY much. The Free Response questions were very difficult, in my opinion.

And all you AP History folks that took the test this year, you all SUCK! The essay questions were so EASY! It made me sick when they told me what essays they had to answer. *Sighs deeply* We had some hard crap last year.

ANYWHO, 3 does count for college credit at University of Georgia, for all three of the classes I've taken. So there...

And also, I wish I could have taken more AP classes. My school only has those three, and next year they're going to have AP Biology, which REALLY would have been my cup of tea since that's my favorite thing. Oh well...[/color][/size]
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