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Chicago Area Hazing incident


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I was shocked when i heard about it. People can be such animals sometimes, and it disgusts me! I also agree with you Lady Macaiodh.

When I was told what happened I felt like punching one of those d*** seniors right in the face, or any participents. That would be degrading but what they did gets me so mad.:flaming:
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Well I was watching the news this morning and I heard that all of the Seniors were suspended. But what shocks me is that they weren't expelled and arrested for Battery and Assualt, and Attmeptive Murder. I know the second one seems way out there but if you think about it, they did come close to killing those girls. And to me most of those seniors that participated in it are probably 18 so legally they can be prosocuted as adults. My deepest sympathy to all those girls who were brutally assualted.
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I heard that they interviewed this one girl, and she said, "I don't see why everyone's so worked up, I mean, it's not like she was DEAD or anything. She JUST had her HEAD split open."
Anyway, does alcohol take away humanity and morality? I hope not. I always knew football was a devious and deadly sport. (I'm anti-sports)
Why isn't anyone teaching their kids logic anymore? Common sense? At least the consequences for their actions, if they can't spark remorse or morals?
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I agree with Harry to a certain point. Nobody forced them to participate, if they had been dragged out of their homes and forced then thats diffrent. They went they paid the price. Kind of like that latin parade where hispanic women were molested. They chose to walk through crowds of men who continued to soak them with water guns.

They had no idea how far it would go obviously. I wonder if this is truly the first year that happened, i am guessing the hazing severity grew a bit there every year. They should have nipped it in the bud.
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LoL nothing is bad about hazing. If you cant take it then thats pretty bad, but im gonna look at the video first and answer the whole question.

Seriously i mean from what you said (sry the video isnt working for whoever put the link up) that isnt even that bad. And if they [B]paid[/B] for it thats even funnier. Unless this was a frat of some sort and even if it was they should have just taken it and not complained about it.
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People are not understanding that this football game has been a decades old tradition there. It has [i]never[/i] previously been a problem. The girls knew there would be hazing, and they admit that.

The problem is that very few of you seem to realize that there are different extents of hazing. Covering them in old food and such is something that happens at many schools (generally colleges)... beating the hell out of them isn't. There is a huge difference between both of those, and they are both hazing.

The fact remains that this escalated beyond the Juniors control. That anyone here could think that they would have expected it, especially when this has never gotten remotely this bad in the past, is total BS.

I'm wondering how many people here know anything about this other than what they've pieced together from other people. I have not heard one news report that said those Juniors knew that money was going to beer. I've not seen one video that even SHOWS the Juniors drinking it. Every single video shows the Senior boys and girls as the ones getting wasted and doing keg hand stands and everything else.

I really don't understand how that's just [i]expected[/i] by anyone here. I'm going to say it for the third time now, but it never did before. It should just be expected anyway?

Every year previous, based on talking to people [i]I personally know that have gone to that school[/i] (seriously, do ANY of you know anyone that ever went to there? It's not that far from my house.), it never got remotely into that. It was like an initiation sort of thing, and they looked out for eachother after it for the rest of the year.

I'd agree that it was probably getting worse and worse every year... but this one went way beyond what anyone I know described to me. Okay, so they paid. That means they deserve to get beaten? They deserve to get knocked over and stomped when they try to run away? They have no right to stand up against it? Sure, now is a bit too late... but at least now people realize it's a problem.

I'm not saying that them even getting involved in this wasn't stupid. It's just that a lot of you seem to think that they almost [i]knew[/i] this was going to happen. Afterall, why else would they [i]deserve[/i] it?


I really hope that people that think this is somehow what they deserve get into a stupid situation like this, because unless you're a shut in... something bad like this will most likely happen to you somewhere in your life (perhaps not this badly, but still). And I hope when that happens, you don't have the power to get past dozens of people forcing you to do otherwise. Then I can sit back, point out it was all your fault and that you deserved it... and make stupid, uninformed posts about how goddamn stupid you are. Just like some of you here now.

It's quite enjoyable I think. That everyone's better than someone else on the internet or so it seems. Everyone has better judgement than someone else.

That really makes me wonder why I have to read some of the moronic things I see on OB and other boards if everyone knows what's best all the time and every time. Obviously, most people here know what's better for this country and the human race in general... because look how much better things are thanks to you complaining and judging others on a mostly anonymous message board. Congratulations.

And I realize the irony behind me complaining about complaining, but my point stands. This place is ridiculous sometimes.
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I can't believe the posts of some of the people here. This hazing was barbaric cruelty against people who had no idea of what they were going to be facing.

To anyone who says acts such as that are acceptable: you need help. You need it badly and immediately.
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LoL seriously this is nothing compared to what ive seen and done i mean i wish...blah cant tell but seriously ive been through worse.

What i do want though is the link to the site this was on to read the whole thing if someone could give me it cause this has to be a frat/sorority thing or possibly an initiation into some type of sport.
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::sigh:: you still don't understand, do you? I don't care if you've been through something similar or worse than this, that doesn't make it right. In fact, you should have sympathy for the victims-not contempt.

pbfrontman, I would recommend that you visit a psychiatric counselor. The attitude you have toward such brutality (if that really is your attitude and not just something you're spouting on the Internet) is really seriously frightening, and you need help in a bad way.
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Has seeing and experiencing things that you claim are worse than this incident dulled your senses against violence? These things happen as people adapt to things quickly. However, feeling contempt for those who suffered only because you have suffered more is inhumane. Perhaps your senses regarding violence is dulled.
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I read in Newsweek that the hazing was a ritual at that school, and the Juniors didn't pay for it to happen to them. O__o The article I read said that the Juniors were forced to the middle of the field where buckets were put over their heads and the Senior girls hit them with baseball bats. It also said that in the rules of the 'ritual',
no boys were allowed and nothing could be forced into their mouths. I believe one of the Senior's parents provided the pig intestines and the alcohol.
It also mentioned that the Juniors accepted the punisment for social acceptance, which kinda disgusts me. I don't have contempt for the people who got hurt, I feel extremely sorry for them, and when I first read it, I was quite angry towards the drunk Senior girls. But going through all of that just for social acceptance isn't right. I mean...I wouldn't do it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i]
[B]pbfrontman, I would recommend that you visit a psychiatric counselor. The attitude you have toward such brutality (if that really is your attitude and not just something you're spouting on the Internet) is really seriously frightening, and you need help in a bad way. [/B][/QUOTE]

Look at any sorority or fraternity and then ull see how its not that bad.
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Ok, Im a little late on this post but that is really wrong. What kind of people would do this kind of thing. What is the world coming to. If this continues, mankind will officially be over by the year 2150. This is just really, the most herendous and most horrific thing Ive heard.
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