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Golden Sun: The Lost Age Help Thread (Spoilers)


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I got this game about a week ago, and i posted a question in a thread in the Nintendo section that had a title with Golden Sun in it somewhere, i think. That thread has dissappeared.

anyway, what i asked was do i need to do to get briggs out of jail? I am at the stage where i have the left and right prong of the trident, briggs wife and kid in the ship just say that they will visit him every day (and the kid, which has a name soughta like ecoli, ;) ) makes the flower pot float. I am at level 30 and i have about 5 or 6 djinn each per memory. I have Piers. I have the black orb, i have tremor, lash, scoop, douse, frost, whirlwind, reveal, mind read, and prolly a couple others. I have even taken the milk to the dog and given the turtle a friend and gotten as much treasure as i can.

So what do i do to get him out? (Briggs)

Would i also be right in assuming that if i take briggs, once he's out, to his mum that she will eventually teach me some kind of psynergy for summoning fire, in which case i can get the third bit of the trident and somehow use that to pull the force shield on Posioden down?

I have gotten 4 rusted weapons and given them to some blacksmith fella that fixed em up. Can i improve these weapons? I have also gotten minerals and stuff from the ground which he turns into weapons. I have 4 of the one kind, (some soughta water stone or something) can he make all of these into one weapon, or should i wait to use these in the forging of the trident or something.

Pls don't laugh at me as i only go this game last week. Thanx
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This isn't an answer... but I'd like to know where that thread went. I was looking for it as well when I saw your thread, and it's completely gone. It was always at the top, so I know it was somehow deleted.

So I'd appreciate someone telling me why it was completely removed.
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Yeah, i was puzzled by the dissapearance of that thread. I remember I had just replied to EMU's question on it when it went. I'll just post it again.

I will put a shortened version near the bottom of this post so look at the bottom if you don't want to read.

[spoiler]To get Briggs out you need to finish clearing off the mast of the broken boat in Alhafra. You need to use Burst on the big rock. This will start a chain of events and Briggs will escape, taking the boat to Champa. Follow him and he will flee to theroom with the forge. Fight some monster(easy) and then talk to his mom and give her the three trident pieces. If I am correct, the center piece is in Tundaria Tower at the far south. It is on a snow covered continent called Tundaria south of where you get to the blacksmith guy. There is also a wild Jupiter djinni s/w of the tower. Tundaria tower is similar to the shrine of the sea god and the ankhol ruins. At the top you get the burst brooch, use this on the iceicle encaseing the center prong at the entrance of the tower. [/spoiler]

Short version: [spoiler]
Go to Tundaria Tower at the south end of the world.
Get Burst Brooch.
Use Burst by the entrance to get Center Prong.
Go to Alhafra.
Use Burst to finish clearing the mast.
Follow Briggs to Champa.
Defeat salamander-like monster.
Give Briggs mom the trident pieces.

Oh and the minerals and stuff make one weapon each. So if you had 4 of the water stone thingees you could get four items. Each forgeable item can make four or five different things, but you may not get every item. The forge in Champa has nothing to do with these.

One more thing. Once you have the trident give it to any character but you don't have to equip it. I don't know if it affects your stats at all. When you start fighting Poseidon, select 'items' for the person with the trident. Select the trident and when that person uses it a giant trident will fall down on Poseidon dealing heavy damage and negateing the force field. You can use it any number of times, to the best of my memory.[/spoiler]

P.S. do you think we should put spoiler tags on these?

[color=red][size=1](I'll add some anyway, just incase so someone doesn't get upset. Although I don't know why someone wouldn't expect spoilers in a help thread...- Semjaza)[/color][/size]
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Ok, I just got the game about 2 days ago and Im already stuck but its an awsome game but.... Im at the Yelmpi Desert or whatever and im at a part where you have to cross a gap, but all that there is a pole with what appears to be a rope on and another pole on the other side. And I know what your thinking, use the rope but i cant figure out how. Can anyone help me out??:excited:
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First of all, don't double post if you plan on being here a while. It's against the rules, so I suggest you read them before someone else gets on your case.

Second of all, you need to leave more time for people to respond. You gave an hour before you posted again. This place isn't busy enough to expect a reply that quickly. Just relax, and someone will most likely come along within the day.

Also, there is an existing help thread on this game... so I'm merging the two together. If you see a similiar thread in the future post in that, it reduces clutter.

Otherwise, just go to Gamefaqs.com. Should be easy to find what you need there.
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You need to use a psynergy called lash. You can learn lash by going back to Dailia(sp?) and then heading west once you get to the base of it. In that direction, there is a temple that will teach you it after a trial. :)

I hope that helped.


Hello again pplz. I have now completed the game and lit the Mars tower, an excellent game in all respects imho. I am now going back through places collecting any remaining djinn and the like. I was wondering what I am supposed to do to that statue of a women pouring water in the abandoned area of Lemuria. You know, the place that you can visit only once you have learnt grind?

I am pretty sure that you can do something to it, as there is a line of rocks around it, and it shows up in highlighted colours whenever you use psynergy, yet i cannot find anything to do to it. Pls help.

[color=indigo]I combined the double post. If you want to add something, please just use the edit button. Or, if you want the thread to appear back at the top of the page, copy the text out of your previous post, delete the post, paste the text into a new post, and then add in anything new that you want to say. Thanks. :) - Desbreko[/color]
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Over in a s/w corner of the screen there is a bush you can use Cyclone(?) on. When the bush is gone, a djinni pops out and hides underneath the statue. Use tremor to fish it out.

:note: remember not to double post, EMU!
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Sweet, thanks m8. Sorry bout the double post. I was kinda trying to bump it up to the top again too, but only so ppl could see a new question was being asked. I'll do what Semjaza advised next time pplz. Thanks again for the help. :D
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ohh I got stcuk here too. What you should do is go to Gamewinners.com, look up Golden Sun 2 in the Gameboy Advance section, scroll all the way down, go to strategy guides, and click it. Itll show a ton of guides to use. You should fine it in there.
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[b]EDIT:[/B] Oh wait semjaza >.> This is lost age help.... >.<

I am missing some weapons and armors and such and maybe u peeps know where to find them =/ (its a lot so be afraid... be VERY afraid)
[b]Swords: [/b]
Ninja Blade
Sol Blade
Blessed Mace
Demonic staff
Zodiac wand
Dragon Scales
Spiked Armor
Feathered Robe
Mysterious Robe
Blessed Robe
War Gloves
Battle Gloves
Aura Gloves
Guardian Armlet
Turtle Boots
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had the game for about a month and it sweet, alot better than the first. The graphics are the same but the story line is alot better and you get alot more psyenergy and weapons/armour!

Ok at the desert if you have already gotten scoop go back to the place where the mayor of madrid was and go south. There should be a dark or light spot where you use scoop. Then you go down the stairs that you just found and go down, then u follow the trail and your out.

And no you dont have to get Briggs out yet.

By the way Im stuck in Magma Rock if anyone knows how to get through please P.M. me or e-mail me, thanks!!!

Inside info.: Later on in the game if u have put in the transfer codes, Isacc and co. join your party with all the stuff they have on the first game. Also later on the boat you get ( if you already dont have it) gets wings that you get to fly with!!:toothy:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i]
[B][b]EDIT:[/B] Oh wait semjaza >.> This is lost age help.... >.<

I am missing some weapons and armors and such and maybe u peeps know where to find them =/ (its a lot so be afraid... be VERY afraid)
[b]Swords: [/b]
Ninja Blade
Sol Blade
Blessed Mace
Demonic staff
Zodiac wand
Dragon Scales
Spiked Armor
Feathered Robe
Mysterious Robe
Blessed Robe
War Gloves
Battle Gloves
Aura Gloves
Guardian Armlet
Turtle Boots [/B][/QUOTE]

Masuame= Yallam or the place where you can forge items,the only way to get it is by having the psyenergy Force so you have to use transfer codes to get it!
Dragon Scales=You forge dragon scales at Yallam
Turtle Boots=You get them on a secret island that the turtle takes you to. (the turtle is on one of the islands in the Eastern Sea)
Kikuichimonji=You have to have it on the first game and use the transfer codes
And with alot of your items listed you can get them by going farther in the game!

P.S. If anyone knows where I can get an American version walkthrough of the Mar's Lighthouse I would really appreshate it if you would P.M. or E-mail me the address! Thanks!:smirk:
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