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[color=rainbow] It's me, Matt.D, typing slow...Why? Cuz I broke my left arm.:( Man it hurts! But still, I gathered enough strength to post here...I love this place so much that not even injury can stop me. Anywayz, have any of u ever broken any bones? If u did, u know how I feel right now..:( :( [/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i]
[B]no i haven't..i heard it hurts like hell..sssssssss...sorry that happend matt..btw..how'd you broke it? [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] I was playing soccer, then I triped and my 145lb body fell on top of my wrist...:( :( :( This is the third accedent this week....on monday I put my right hand through a window, and on tuesday I smashed my nose and got a huge nose bleed...and they all happened at school... :( :( [/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i]
[B][color=rainbow] I was playing soccer, then I triped and my 145lb body fell on top of my wrist...:( :( :( This is the third accedent this week....on monday I put my right hand through a window, and on tuesday I smashed my nose and got a huge nose bleed...and they all happened at school... :( :( [/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

...good think it's the weekend, eh?
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[color=deeppink]Heh, speaking of pain...that burn from my heating pad that I suffered last Friday is still as non-healed as ever. And yesterday at cheerleading practice I tripped backwards (don't ask how THAT happens :rolleyes: ) and fell on my friend. I, in turn, fell on the floor, rolling my ankle in the process. I've never hurt my ankles, even when I've landed wrong, but yesterday I think it sorta did. I can't roll it out today, or it hurts :)

And of course...feel better Matt! :D[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i]
[B]Once my friend broke his arm while wrestling. He got a cast on his arm and the doctor put something metal inside. He said the doctor screwed it in. It was creppy!! [/B][/QUOTE]
my friend experienced the same thing
he said it was a little painful since his arm was numb
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I haven't ever broke anything.I fell on a fence post and got 16 stitches but thats something else.But my friend,Timmy, was in a car wreck last year I think.He broke his ankle and i think right wrist.That was the worst thig that happened to him in 7th grade.This year he has already hurt himself..It wasn't anyones fault.His friend slung the guitar and hit Timmy in the forehead..He had to get 15 stitches in his forehead.He said it was reall bloody.I felt sorry and sick when he told me..Sorry I got a lil off topic...
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I have never broken anything in my life (franticly knocks on wood repeatedly) I hope I never do. Its not all the break that Is scary it just sucks having to walk around with that cast on all the times and depending on what cbroke you can be hindered from doing alot fo things.

As for stories. My friend fell out of a tree stand and broke bothe arms. They had to help him do everyting. it was just if he had both arms amputated. It was sad. I hope nothing like that ever happens to anybody.
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