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Ah! That makes more sense ^_^

Legato is able to trigger the Angel Arm metamorphosis in Vash, but I dont know whether or not this has anything to do with Legato having Vash's left arm. It seems to me (now I get to try out my gun-flashylight-arm theory!) that the secondary fire on both Vash's and Knives's guns are the triggering of the Angel Arm, which seems to be done psychically by the bearer of the weopon-- noting how Knives only had to snap his fingers to make Vash use it back in July. Vash himself only learns to take control of it late in the series, and has full comprehension of this psychic ability by the last episode.

Legato, having the power to take control of other people, will have used his ability to make Vash use the mental command to the gun. Note, it is not the gun that transforms, the instructions for the process are inside the gun, and its in reaction to these that Vash's arm begins to change around it (more boring Plant theories I have)

There is one thing that confuses me, in episode 24, Legato explains to Vash that his left hand shakes uncontrollably

"because it happens to be the very arm that attached your arm to your body"

What? Which arm? Legato are you saying you attached Vash's fake left arm to him??
I think Vash had his own right arm from the beginning, he does have a heck of a lot more years to his name than Legato!!
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I think that Vash is vulnerable to Legatos mind control because Vash really doesnt have a clue about what he is or what he's capable of. He does learn at the end, but I beleive it was Legatos intention that he would...
Knives must have sat around all that time just experimenting with his abilities (I mean, he had to go BACK to look for those guns, he must of made them when he was a KID! Meanwhile, Vash would be learning about flowers with Rem).

Maybe Legato can control any being with a concious mind, which rules out non-thinking beasts, although perhaps he can but has never seen the need for that. I think Knives is able to resist any power Legato might use with mental blocks, being an explanation for why Legato follows him (either peace of a mind that he cant hear, or absolute awe that there is someone/something that can resist his power). Or at least one possible theory!
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Hmmm, good point. Of course there are soo many explainations(forgive my spelling) of why Vash can be controlled adn not Knives...Knives is stronger in a way than Vash isn't and I have no argument w/you on anything that you said so I really dont know what to say about this..hmmm, mabye Legato wants to find out why Knives can resist him..wait, you kinda said that already *giggles*
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~.^ Hey, that could very well be it. ~.^ Seriously (and this is just an opinion of an L/K K/L shounen ai/yaoi addict) I think that Legato/Knives, at least in the animeverse and more so in the manga, is very possible.

I mean, Legato's devotion to Knives is just so intense, and neither actually have canon love interests that they show anything toward (unlike Vash or Wolfwood, who [i]do[/i], at least in the anime, have somewhat-relationships with Meryl and Milly). Also, both are so sick and twisted that Legato would accept anything that Knives did to him-and enjoy it.

In the mangaverse (which I'm not as familiar with) I think Knives/Legato might be somewhat implied as well. . .although I'm not sure.

Sure, Knives stated how much he hated Legato in the manga, but that doesn't mean a twisted psycho like Knives wouldn't basically use his slave in that way, because it would provide both a means for destroying Legato's humanity further and yet another way to slowly, sadistically kill a "spider."

In fact, I think the crushing incident would back this up: With Legato being a quadriplegic, he would no longer be able to experience any so-called pleasure from anything that happened to him, and he would be entirely unable to "fully" serve his master Knives. . .what would be a better way for Knives to torture him?

Anyway, yeah, I read too much fanfic. Nevertheless, I think that this could very well be implied to be part of Legato's motivation.
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Hmm...I have a question, what is the difference between anime and manga? Like what shows are manga and which ones are anime? I am confused because I watch Trigun and Inuyasha adn pple keep talking about the manga versions(same w/Rurouni Kenshin), what's the difference and what would you call the shows showed on CN adn AS?
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Anime is the name for the animated cartoons and the manga is the graphic novels or comic books. ^_^

On the yaoi/shonen ai point, I think that Legato must be horribly frustrated because Im sure Knives wouldnt even consider touching a human being, except maybe to kill it. I think the only being of any interest to Knives in 'that' way or any would be his brother Vash, and even so he might just have the morals not to.

Knives seems to have very strong morals himself, he is righteous toward his fellow beings and would to anything to save and protect them......so long as they are Plants and not human beings. He sees humans as lesser than insects, Im sure he doesnt hold much against insects themselves other than to use them as metaphors and of how easily he can crush pitiful humans.

Knives cares only for Vash (and his other Plant siblings) which must be torture for Legato who cares only for his 'master' and not his fellow human beings or even himself. The reason Legato was crushed by Knives is that he was so bold as to give the order to kill Vash and Knives dissapproved, to understate it a little, so showed no remorse in crushing his body, but then, his methods towards Vash are rather unsympathetic.

To Knives, Vash is a traitor of the worst proportions. I mean, I was watching the Matrix and it made me think of this...If Neo is the hero for wanting to eventually free his fellow humans from their Plant-like captivity, then isnt he a lot like Knives.....?? In that case, Vash is the villian.....

Interesting, I thought (actually i hope I havent said that before).
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That is interesting, and thanx for clearing up the difference..I thought manga was also animation.."yaoi/shonen ai" I have a clue on what that is, but I just want to make sure, what exactly is that too? I dont know the Japanese language so I was just wanting to know..
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'Shonen ai' literally translates as 'boys love' whereas 'yaoi' will mean 'no point' though is taken as being the same as shonen ai. There are varying degrees of soft and hard yaoi, but they all mean a relationship between two men.

I can see your confusion with manga, possibly because of 'Manga Entertainment' which is a distribution company for anime, confusing or what?
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Yeah, confusing..especially if yer new to all this..I have been watching anime for bout 4 years now..It started off w/DBZ, then it went to Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu-Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, and Trigun..so when ppl start talking bout manga and such I get lost..Hey Angel, could I add you to my buddy list? That's if ya want to be my pal..*sniffles*, lol
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Hey, Animangademon, please dont be dissapointed but I must decline...Im not desperate to join any clubs and Im not really lonely ^_^
Dont worry though, if I feel the biting loneliness of solitude I will be in touch....sorry bout that.

Um, that and I think we have gone a little off topic here....
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There are other relationships males can have besides that, and I don't think that they are. Seeing as Knives would never lower himself to touch a human in any manner that wasn't completely violent and lethal. English can be a very inadequate language, especially when it come to the word love, and love between males in this instance is great admiration in a nonsexual manner. at least in my opinion.
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I agree with Molleta here, it may not be a sexual drive and even if it was Legato doesnt have a ghost of a chance to do anything about it.
It does appear to be great admiration, great 'love' in a nonsexual manner, more like the love you would devote to a superior, more than that, to a God. And who does not strive to be loved back by their God?
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Agreed: that may also be a legitimate explanation. I personally lean toward the shounen-ai/yaoi explanation myself now, but that one was the position I used to hold.

IMHO, both positions are tenable, both have almost equal evidence for or against, and both could coexist or could have coexisted.
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