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The Animetrix [RPG]


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[color=teal][i][u]Laughter......the dead don't hear laughter. Wait....he is gone. My brother, the eternal knight, dead. The body....mine. Stephanie....is she gone, too? It is my time....my time....my time.....[/u]

Blaze woke up, the Fox within him dead, murdered. Blaze struggled to get out of bed, straining against the bullet wounds in his back. With a tremendous, sweat-pulling effort....he was out. He stood up, leaning on his axe like a short crutch, blood streaming from his back and the corner of his mouth. He stumbled into the area where everyone was drinking. He looked up weakly, staring at Ciel.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Jack Daniel's, Old No. 7.

[i]The order was complied, everyone watching in horror as the convalescent uncorked the bottle.....

And poured it onto his bare, muscular back. Blaze gasped, his eyes wide open as the alcohol content cleaned his back better than it had been in months. The pain nearly overwhelmed him. Half a bottle was left, and John smiled grimly at Ciel. The bottle became full again....

And then empty in less than four gulps. John packed it away, not even belching or looking cock-eyed.[/i]


[i]He collapsed, blood pouring onto the floor. John simply grabbed Danni's hand and squeezed.[/i]

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[color=purple][I] I gripped john's hand tightly as he laied on the floor, ciel moving swiftly to him, Stephi already at his other side, he hadn't noticed she was awake. He was out cold, the No. 7 claning his back but mixing his mixing up his head causing him to throw up the blood he had swollowed from his cut lip. Ciel told everyone to stand back as She put her hand over his eyes. A lil droid I hadn't seen before. It was small, bout the size of a cat.

It jumped on john and a lil gun looking thing was attached to its arm, a small red lazer shot out from the tip of the lil gun and went over his wounds. John groaned in pain as the lil droid moved from cut to cut, healing then with great ease, I know John would dissaprove but, He said dont let him die. ^_^

He awoke after a few hours and looked up in to my eyes. He smiled. I leaned over n kissed his forhead as he turned over and looked at Stephi. His eyes suddenly poured with tears as he turned and hugged me tighter than ever.

"Uh..*choking* bro! *cough* Danni can't breath!!"

He laughed and let go giving me one more quick hug before wrapping Stephi up in his arms. I smiled and laid my head on is side, the top of my head under her arm. I sighed and started to doze off. Jaimie came over n curled up in my arms, wantign ot be huggled too. I smiled and passed out, feeling close to the ones I loved....[/I][/color]
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[b]OOC:[/B] sorry for not posting, but thanks to Danni who opened me doorway Back in this =) Its not exactly long, but I had to do something...

[I]"Humans? Quick!"
I ran towards the ship, hoping they would let me in. I ran as fast as I can, scared as hell if [b]they[/b] would find me, before I had reached the ship, and then's the question if they would let me in... "But no time for thinking now, its my only change and I gotta take it!"[/I]

[I]There it was, I heared [b]them[/b] reaching. My heart has gone wild like a bull. "I have to reach the ship, I have to!"
Jumping over a few objects and a few rocks I was only a stone throw away from it. "I cant let them get me! Im not gonna die in here! Not here and also not now!" I did a roll and as soon as I had reached the ship I started ramming on the door like a maniac![/I]

[b]Boris:[/b] Let me in! Please! I beg you!
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OOC: It's not much but i dont' have much time.

I looked at everyone watching their reactions as i was basically ignored and sighed slightly. maybe i'd have to find my own path, maybe i had to learn for myself what had happened. I got up while everyone was distracted and simply crawled away into a small room to think to himself for a while with the bottle he was given.
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[color=blue][i] Danni's arms felt so warm when she hugged me. It reminded me of how she's always would come and sit on my lap everymorning at school. I moved her arms so I could get up without disturbing her sleep that she really needed. When I was free of her grasp I walked to my little setup in the corner.
There was still half a bottle of Kettle One so I took a sip holding onto my teddybear for dear life. It seemed just about everyone that has been there a while had were a couple or some thing like it. I sighed and looked at my pictures of me and Rich. Teardrops stained them. I soon fell asleep, the pictures and teddybear still in my hand.[/i]


He was sitting on something soft. I couldn't tell in the dim candlelight. I slowly moved closer to him unsure about where I was. "Get over here!" His voice reasured me so I did as he told me. We kissed for what felt like eternity. He pulled me onto the bed with him. Things were going awesome when I heard a loud noise.

[b] End Dream [/b]

[i] I woke up to find someone standing over me. My bottle was knocked over and that is what I heard.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Blast your timing! Things were just getting good!Why'd ya go and wake me up for?

[b] Denny:[/b] Oh uh sorry... we were playing with a ball and it fell over here.

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Oh....*sigh* I guess I'll stay up now. [/color]
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[color=blue][b]Danielle:[/B] YOU ****ING IDIOTS! You don't hear the door!

[I] I shook my head as I jumped up and ran to the door, a guy, looked kinda young, fell in screaming, just then a few hundred sentenitals appeared in the doorway.[/I]

[b]Danielle[/B] UH JOHN!! RON!! MIKE!![/color]
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OOC: Sorry guys, i have been really busy and then OB wasn't workin for me earlier >_<;
PS. I've been here 1 year and a day ^_^.


[i]I kicked the ball running to the front door, i wiped out my pair of Uzi's.[/i]

Denny: Ciel! Please reinforce these bullets to be much more effective against them!

[i]Ciel took them off me, a green auro glowed as she handed them back touching my hand.[/i]

Ciel: Be careful...

[i]I nodded as i ran away, i passed the "newcomer" he kinda looked a bit like someone i knew. I shrugged it off, there was no time. Mike, Ron and John were already out there. I passed Danni as i nodded, he patted my back as i jumped forward off the edge of the ship.

The bullets pierced their etalic bodies like knife through butter. The new bullets worked a mircle and that was exactly what we needed. I stood with the other three facing these horrible creatures, we were here to defend the ship, our race and ourselves...[/i]
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Flagrant, annoyed and
perplexed, I gaze over at the door, waving off Denny and flustered anger,
sending his guns adrift in the air, each intermittently landing, a clang
that rung throughout the steel hull of Yuginocho. "Bakaa...There isn't any
threat here, if there was you would all be dead."

Walking to the door, I spin
the metallic locking mechanism on the outer compartment, opening it to the
darkness beyond. Sticking an arm out, it returning with a young Dutchman. I
toss him on the ground beside Denny. "Boris, sind Sie... erwartet worden".
He looked at me quizzically. "wer sind Sie Leute? heilige Kuh, diese ist!!
verrückt!" he screams in retort. I laugh, my mind laced with irony.

"Look Boris, take a good
look at us... especially Denny." He looks at Denny, his mind flutters as he
remembers his longtime OtakuBoards friend. They share a glance, Boris's eyes
travel to the 'nutter' t-shirt. "Bloody good stuff!!" he hollers. I smile at
the two european nutcases and continue working.


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[color=teal][i][u]Enemies......music.....we need music......but Fox......we need him most of all......his battle expertise.....without his pain......we need my brother......[/u]

Blaze walked outside, seeing the Squiddies multiplying. There was a threat now![/i]

[b]Blaze:[/b]MIKE! RON! DENNY! They're back!

[i]Blaze twisted rapidly, looking at Ciel and tapping his head. Instantly, an explosive sheet of light covered him, and when it decipated....

He stood, long, green hair flowing in the wind, a silver longsword extending from his elbow joint instead of a right arm. A pair of emerald wings burst from his shoulder blades, huge muscles flexing within them. A single tear ran from his eye as the pain of his scars worked into his sallow skin, his cry of agony audible as his sword extended. He looked straight ahead as his white armor and long, flowing emerald cloak finished the transformation.[/i]

[b]Fox:[/b]Revenge is for the weak. I must protect Danielle and Stephanie!

[i]He allowed his wings to power him into the air, right at a bunch of sentinels. Tentacles came up, razors extended.....

Tentacles fell down, no longer attached. Afterwards, Mike pulled out a pair of Mp5s, sending bullet after bullet into the steel carapaces of the Squiddies. Still Fox powered his blade into the enemies, his wings never tiring, his muscles never wavering. Eventually, he came down, allowing the others to have the fun of the battle and retracting th swordarm. He strode over to Stephanie, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply. She sighed and turned, leaning against him as he wrapped his arms around her and rocked back and forth, humming his favorite lullaby to her.[/i]

[b]Fox:[/b][i][u]On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair,
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air.
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light.
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night.....[/i][/u]

[i]Stephanie nodded off into a deep sleep, allowing Fox a little freedom of movement. He looked over, and then something happened when his eyes made contact with Jaimie's.[/i]


John and Jaimie appeared in the Spiritshift, the realm where those with no destinies, no true lives, live. Jaimie looked about in wonder and fear, looking around her. John, or rather, Innath, stood stock still, knowing what was about to happen.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Why? Why'd you sing that to her? It was OUR song!

[b]John:[/b]No. It was yours and the Fox's......

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Where is he? What's he doing?

[i]John shook his head, knowing why he was there. His brother, the Fox, had fallen when Jaimie left him for good. The man Fox feared most took him as a servant and exposed him to torture, pain, and the murders of his own children. Slowly, Fox had transformed into the most loyal and worst-treated servant of Richard. He'd become the Diablo Nemesis.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]WHERE IS HE?!?!?

[i]John pointed to a nearby wall, where a black-cloaked figure tended to a wounded red-head whose soul had been torn from her by his master. The figure turned, seeing John, and removed his cloak.....

The monster wasn't pretty. His skin was pale white, split to the bone in very many places, his teeth blackened and broken, his eyes black pools of nothingness.....he had none. His eyes were merely sockets, veins standing out against his torn white skin. His body was as bad, if not worse. Ribs shoved through the skin, the remains of emerald wings hung from stumps, bones broken in various directions. His arms were long, mainly bone with little flesh covering it, and long, cruel fingers at his hands. A number of various blades stuck in his body, chains wrapped around his body tightly, a brace keeping his head down. His hair was black and unwashed, his legs were torn, the muscles hanging from the thighs. A red sword, made from the pieces of another, more legendary blade, hung from his side.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Do you know where my best friend is?


[b]Jaimie:[/b]Please, where is my best friend?

[b]John:[/b]Jaimie......that IS your best friend.....

[i]Jaimie looked at the thing that had once been a proud knight, a man ready to fight until the earth ended, and saw less than a shadow of what Fox had been. He tried to speak, but the bit shoved through his throat kept his voice from saying more than "Ka...le.......". Large, bloody tears dripped from what used to be his eyes....[/i]

[b][i]End Spiritshift[/b][/u]

They came back to their senses, blaze's arms still around Stephanie. He looked close to tears after seeing his brother, the man that had given so much, in such a poor state. He'd given so much, and had more stolen from him, and got nothing back. And there was nothing Blaze could do. He decided he'd try to live John's life the way it should've been and began humming "Hotel California" to Stephanie again. Jaimie just shuddered.[/i][/color]
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[b]OOC:[/B] ^ Bringing up ^
[I]Looking around my eyes drop on the guy who threw me in...[/I]

[B]Boris:[/B] well whad'ya know? Its Mike....

[I]Then I look up to the girl and emmidiatelly recognize Danni in it.[/I]

[B]Boris:[/b] Shummy! Never thought to see you guys here...

[B]Danni:[/b] Hiya D_A!*

[I]The next moment I stood up and gave Denny a pound against his shoulder.[/I]

[B]Boris:[/B] Aint I glad I got picked up by some Insane, gunliking maniac instead of you, ey Denny?


[I]We both looked at eachother dangerous and then bursted out laughing.[/I]
[B]*= she always says that to me =P[/b]
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  • 3 weeks later...
~ It is time ~

I pronuced it to everyone as I grabbed Ciel by the arm and dragged her with me outside, my eyes seemingly flusterd with anger raidated with fear as well. The others fearing a fight followed, everyone, even the elusive Randy whom had dissapeared hours earlier, avoiding the fight, along with Ron.

I waited til everyone was outside and I pushed Ciel back, she stumbled and tripped backwards, but was caught by Mike's hand on her arm, bringing herb back up. I was frozen arm outstreched as to grab her, but having failed.

I sighed relived.

~ Ciel, I apologized, but if I ad grabbed any other they would have all dismissed it, but you, thinking I had some hidden toil and expecatant of a fight, they persued. I apologize and and deeply sorry, please forgive me, dear Ciel.~

She reluctantly nodded as I again sighed relived, my eyes gazed to Mike's as they showed all the thanks for catchng her they needed to. I wondered if h-..no, I stopped my thoughts. Another task was ta hand.

~I have gatherd you all now to tell you we must go to Zion. don't ask how I know but I know.. YUGINOCHO!~

As I yelled for the ship he came, split second after my call finished.

~Yes Ma'dam?~

I smiled feeling respected by at least someone, having swiftly becomeing my verry dear friend, a machiene, somehting thta I longed to bring down, a friend, well this friend I longed to not destroy but fellows of its kind.

~Yuginocho, we must go to Zion, I trust you know the way...~

~Yes mam I do.~

His hull opened and I stepped inside greatfull for the smallness compared to "Mothers" Shell. WE all boarded and I walked with Mike as he sat behind what would be the "operators" chair but for it was not centerd but aginst a far wall and sculded, almost hidden in a mangle of wires and computer screnes, I knew my lo-..Michael would be quite at home. I walked to the front by the big screen which allowed us to see infrnont us and other small screnes allowing us to see aside and behind us.

Yuginocho took off as we headed for a way to a deep underground rut I knew to well. We headed straight down as we decended what once was great cities..

The voyage ahead would be rocky, sentinitals still romaed these pipes..
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[i]Denny sat at the back of the ship with Boris and the others excluding Danni and Mike. Denny spoke to Boris on how his life has been turned inside and upside down.[/i]


OOC: Sorry people it's so short its just i'm really busy and i just don't want this to die.
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[color=teal][i][u]Wait! I can hear them......monsters........the machines that destroyed my life! I will now destroy them!!!!

[i]John twisted rapidly, leaving a kiss on Stephy's cheek as he climbed to Weapons Deck.[/i]

[b]Dani:[/b]What are you DOING?!?!

[b]John:[/b]Squiddies are coming. There's a hatch upstairs leading outside the hovercraft. With that, I could use my weapons.....from on the hull. Yugi, get me a pair of mag-boots.

[i]The magnetic boots appeared on the holo, John grabbing them and strapping them on. He climbed up onto the ship, a somber look on his face as he pulled out his personalized Mp5's.[/i]

[b]Dani:[/b]Jaimie, Stephy, STOP HIM!!!!!

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Hey, let him die. I don't care.


[i]A single bullet pierced the ground at Jaimie's feet as John's stare pierced her soul. John turned, kissing Stephanie deeply, as deeply as he could manage with his armor on, and then climbed again.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]I have to go, Stephy. I promise, I'll be back. I promise you, tonight, I'll give you the best night of your life. I just have to do this to keep you safe....

[i]He shut and sealed the hatch from the outside, checking, loading, and prepping his guns. As an emergency measure, he carried a propelled grenade launcher and his katana. He grabbed his comm and called in.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Mike, Boris, somebody! Take the forward energy cannons and help me out, I can't do this on my own!

[i]He cut his comm after that, taking aim at a wave of Sentinels that had just begun to swarm.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Come and get some, you bastard sons of Satan![/color]
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[color=indigo][I][B]Danielle:[/B] "URG! That Idiot, he knows I won't let him do this on his own.. Stephi, Jaimie, I know this is a lot to ask but...help me out!

Ciel I need Gun's and a smaller Cannon for Stephi, gimme 4 hand held pistols with holdters for her also, and one of thoes blaster thinga ma bobs john had earlie,r for Jaimie gimme a z13550 double barreld blast ki cannon, smaller modle, also 3 9mm pistols with holsters as well and for fun, a katana. Me I'll take mt two pistols and hook em up so wiht I run out extra bullets are eaislt accessable. Also Give my my Cobra Kayana, it got mangled last fight, and...a smaller hand helf ki cannon."[/I]

[I]Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Steph and Jaimie just nodded and suited up, making their weapons eaisly accessable. I knew why Stephi agreed, she hates being helpless, and I know I can make her usefull, but..Jaimie prolly just helped cuz I asked.. And to save my asss if I get in a jam..

I Looked at Ciel as Stephi and Jaimie now had magnetic boots, like jon, I didn't. I perfer danger and mobility thna being weighted down.

We went up the way John did and he had a fit of curses seeing Stephi prepared to fight, his curses were short lived thou as amist his protective rambling a smaller squiddy came up behind it, I noticed it a second to late.. It then blew up before my eyes. We both looked at Stephi and laughed, she was standing there arm out, she had hit it.

"What? No bastard machiene messes with my man."

We all had a short laugh before going to work. Being more mobile I jumped up into a smaller swarm of squids, gun in one hand Katana in both, the gun wedged between my fingers as i fired and lsashed. I laughed my *** off as i noticed once your past the big huge head you can stand on them. Jumping from squid to squid elimnateing them as I went, my eyes ocasionally turned to Stephi and Jaimie, making sure nither of them are in trouble..[/I][/color]
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[i][color=blue] I was mad at my sister for making me do this, but since she asked I did what I was told. I didn't like the use of the guns that she ordered for me so I just left them alone. My daggers where what I wanted to play with. I threw one at a squiddy that was trying to attack John from behind. The dagger hit it and stuck into it's head. John looked at me confused.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Hey, I still care. Besides, I don't want to hear Danni or Steph cry because your *******g *** is dead.

[i] Steph looked at me. She seemed to be mostly looking after him. Danni was out of sight and I worried about her. I shrugged telling myself, "Nah, she'll be alright." I laughed as I thought about the passed and how I used to be like Steph was. Always wanting to be near John and keep him out of trouble. She was better at it then I was.

With a smile still on my face, I stuck my favorite dagger into a squiddy that latched its self onto the ship. It died instantly and I pulled the dagger out before the squiddy fell to the ground. I stared at the handle. One one side, it was the normal Bear is the blue rose that said "Baby", but on the other side, it was a bear holding a blue rose and said "Bear". The blade was stained with blood since it was the blade I used for my first kill.

There were so many squiddies. "Imposible for only us to kill them!" I said. John looked at me for a second and I thought I heard him say "Yes, you think that you coward!" Steph agreed but was willing to stand by her man. I looked at him wanting to pierce his flesh with the dagger in my hand. I couldn't though; it wasn't because I was scared, I wasn't. I'd never return into the ship.

I sighed and unhooked my feet from the stupid boots that Danni also got for me. Instantly, I fell landing on my face. I heard Danni scream. She was trying to jump to get me but John held her back."Let her go." He said, "She'll do what she wants." [/i][/color]
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[color=teal][i][u]Damned fools, all of them. They don't know what has to be done. I can't risk their safety...I have to drag the Squiddies away. Dani, Jaimie, Stephy....all of you, please be safe. If I lost any of you, my heart would never heal. Farewell, for now.[/u]

John let go of Danielle, allowing her to rush to Jaimie's side. While everyone checked to see if Dani was ok, he made his move. He deactivated the magnetic boots, jumping in the same instant onto a Squiddie's head. He quickly used all of his weight to turn it down a seperate tunnel, firing an explosive round to divert the rest of the swarm from the ship. The ploy worked, and he was left alone, one man versus about ten thousand machines. It was going to be a massacre.......lucky the whole world was a junkyard, now![/i]

[b]John:[/b]Ok, you ****sucking mother****ers, kiss your bot goodbye! [i]I've watched Medabots too damn much....[/i]

[i]He sliced the weapons of his Squiddie off, making it nothing more than an oblivious platform. Firing round after round from his guns, he brought down a good many squiddies. Using his grenade launcher, he destroyed most of a wall of squiddies, bringing the number to be deal with down to about a hundred or so. He whipped out his katana, destroying squiddies as they came close. After about forty minutes all that was left was John's "bike". He plunged his katana into it, bringing it down to the ground, leaking oil copiously. John collapsed to one knee, his armor destroyed, blood pouring almost as much as the Squiddie's oil. He took his grenade launcher and fired it, starting a rather large fire. He grabbed a broken piece of wood from the ground,lit it in the fire, and torched every single wound on his body, effectively stopping the bleeding. Using a bit of a cave behind the fire, John had an effective means of hiding from any further Sentinels, whom searched by body heat. In his "cave", John allowed the exhaustion and pain from his wounds and burns set in, driving him into an involuntary sleep. He didn't know it, but his body was going into shock.....[/i][/color]
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[color=blue][i] Danni was at my side almost instantly after John let her go. She was trying to pick me up, calling to Steph for help. I fought her.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Sis, look, I need to do something. Leave me here and I'll be back in a little while. I'm sorry that this might delay the trip to Zion a little but I have to do this.

[i] She nodded and climbed back onto the ship. I got to my feet, brushed myself off, and head toward the direction that I saw John run. I found him after a small search. I sat down next to him and pretended I was tending to my cut knee.[/i]

[b]John:[/b] Stop faking.
[b]Jaimie:[/b] John, or Innath, or who ever you are, I'm sorry for being so mean to you. Do you remember what happened a year ago on this day?
[b]John:[/b] You and John were married...
[b]Jaimie:[/b] Yes, it was when I promised so much to him and tore it away. He never deserved his fate, and it is all my fault.

[i]I looked down almost in tears again. He made me look up into his eyes.[/i]

[b]John:[/b] You know he doesn't want you to think that.

[i]I started crying; I didn't want to but I couldn't help it. He brushed my tears away and told me to stop crying. I looked around where we were.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Nice surroundings. Hey, I have a question... how's my Pheonix doing?[/color]
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[color=teal][i]She doesn't know....that's well. It wouldn't do for her to realize.....I can't stay awake..my body will sieze up soon.....funny that my own last name will kill me.....hahaha......[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Jaimie....E's fine......and so am I. By the way, Rain....Happy Birthday. Sorry I was an ***. I just.....hated to admit I still have feelings for you. I do....but......I have a life. I can't allow my feelings for you destroy me, or Stephy. Maybe one day, if life ever changes me again.....

[i]He allowed the shock to wash over his body, stopping his bloodflow,siezing his heart and gripping him into a dire state of emergency. It was all h could do to keep breathing. His breath ragged, his face pale, and his wounds evident through his scorched and broken armor. The burns of his cauterized wounds stood out as patches of fiery red skin. He couldn't stay up.....he gripped Jaimies hand one time before sinking away into darkness, one that might last until the end of time......[/i][/color]
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[color=blue][i] John was now in my arms and I was crying. How could I have let things like this happen? I'm so stupid! My tears fell onto his face, smearing the blood. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, getting blood on me. I didn't care. He was my best friend and I still loved him as ever. I knew Steph and DAnni were going to be really mad at me but I didn't care. I kissed him wishing it would do something....[/i][/color]
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[color=teal][i][u]Wake up?......Why? I can't....feel......ARGH!!! Pain....must...wake....up......[/u]

His eyes snapped open, his heart beating wildly. The burns of his torso cooled, some ointment spread across his now-bare chest. His lips occupied by Jaimie's, John lapsed into a deep reverie of the past before coming to his senses. He pushed her away, realizing her hands were on his chest.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]No....NO! Not here, not now......I'm sorry. I...I wish I could......but I have someone now. Maybe someday later, Jaimie....but not here. Not now. My life is in thehands of fate. And....please.......let's just be friends.

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Al...alright. I'm sorry. I...I lost focus.

[i]John kissed her cheek, standing and replacing his clothes, wincing as the pain set in briefly. As his shirt fluttered loosely in the light winds of the tunnel, the protective bonfire soared ragingly. John sighed, sitting back down against the wall. He pulled out his necklace, a triangular symbol much like the greek "Alpha" on the chain. John kissed it, tossing it into the fire. The token of friendship from a traitor bured black, his eyes darkening at the memory of his friend Logan's betrayal......he gave into the flow of memories from his past.....he felt home.....like friends had forgiven him....yet a feeling of pain still riddled his heart. He stared at Jaimie, tossing her his cloak.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]It's cold, the fire won't keep you warm. My body can take freezing temperatures. Take the damn cloak and keep warm.

[i]He settled against the wall, staring into the flame, natural sleep setting in as he felt something move close by, realizing that Jaimie was already asleep.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Friends......Dani, Stephy.....please be ok. I can't be there for you forever......I will be home soon, my friends....I hope.......Stephy, please be ok. I can't propose if you're gone....

[i]He reached into his jeans pocket, removing a small ring, a yellow diamond set inside an emerald heart setting on the top. John kissed the ring, looking to the roof of the tunnel, praying for his beloved's safety.....[/color][/i]
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[color=blue][i] What the heck was I thinking?! He isn't mine and I belonged to my Bear. I woke up shiverimg from the cold since I threw off his jacket. The smell was bringing back memories I couldn't stand to think about.I got up to leave when he looked at me.[/i]

[b]John:[/b] Where are you going?
[b]Jaimie:[/b] Back to Danni and everyone. I can't stay here, not with you. You should go back to Steph. She needs you so does Danni.

[i] I walked back to the ship hopeing that they were still there and not looking back to see if he was coming.[/i][/color]
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[i][color=teal][u]Stephy......please be alright. Please.....I need you.......I need you.....[/u]

After Jaimie left, John picked up his guns and the cloak Jaimie had thrown off. After pondering a while, he threw the cloak on the fire, flaring it up again, hoping to buy time for Jaimie to get back to the ship. He walked, unsheathing his shotgun and making sure the ammunition on his belt was full. He began walking again, replacing the ring in his pocket. He ran hard, ignoring the tears of farewell as he realized he might never see his Stephanie again. He was running into what Yuginocho had privately revealed to be one of the main Squiddie hives. He made his shotgun ready, preparing for the fight of his life......one that might even be tougher than the fight against his father about his change in high school plans......his plans for East Jefferson....[/i]


[b]Jack:[/b]Look, kid, you either go to King or I disown you!!!

[b]John:[/b]NO! None of my friends, not even Dani, are going to King! I'd rather swallow molten metal than go there!

[b]Jack:[/b]Don't TEMPT ME!!!....Tempt me......tempt me.........

[b]End Flashback[/b][/u]

[i]John snapped out of his reverie, a Squiddie claw buried in his shoulder. He fired his Remington, the blast ejecting the Sentinel away. More Squiddies took the ones place, John firing repeatedly, hoping he wouldn't have to resort to his Smith and Wesson in the back of his jeans....[/i][/color]
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OOC: Holy sh... sorry I haven't posted in a while, but Mike's little embedded mp3 for the ftp had my computer going NUTS and kept reopening the ftp thing every time I closed it.... thanks Mike!

IC:[color=#3300CC][i]We saw Jaimie running towards the ship with a very saddened look on her face. I jumped up and opened the door as Danni and Stephy looked over and knew what had happened, I on the other hand, didn't.[/i]

Ron: ... Where's John?

Jaimie: He's... still back there...

Ron: ... Oh...

[i]Just then, the look in Stephy's eyes gave it away. Someone had to go get him, someone who knew how to survive, and had a good sense of direction.[/i]

Ron: Kosu!... We, I for one, can't let him die out there.

Danielle: I never thought I'd hear YOU say that...

Ron: Well, let's just say I don't want to see Stephy get hurt by him dieing.

Danielle: Uh huh...

[i]She knew the truth. There was no denying it. But if he was still alive, he wouldn't last long with all those Squiddies... I grabbed my katana and started for the door.[/i]

Ron: Danni, Steph, Jaimie, everyone, I'm outta here. John will NOT have all the damn fun![/color]
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[color=gray] [B]Danni:[/B] Oh no ya don't!

[I] I ran after Ron and swiftly placed myself upon his sholders. John ain't havin all the fun either.[/I]

[B]Danni:[/b] Time for some tag team bro!

[B]Ron:[/B] Hell yeah!

[i] I slipped my katana out and pelted any tenticles that came at Ron and me, as he severd the ones I knocked down. We made a good team but slowly the number of tenticles increased and we couldn't handle them wiht me sitting on his sholders. I paused then stood on his sholders, not worried at all about falling, 100% of my faith and trust in my brother, also, if I fell it could possible mean the end of my life.

I severed every tenticle that came at Ron, he grinned up at me. I felt like a human shield, and I sorta was. Motioning to the gun hooked to his side he smiled and pulled it out, putting his katana in its scabbard. He fired at will at the main bodies as I kept to severign the tenticles. I nearly missed a few as they wipped dangerously close to my knees, and Ron's head. But I would never let anything hurt him, I quickly caught up and removed the problems...

I almost fell off Ron's sholders as he stopped short. I yelped, because before us stood the biggest squiddy I'de ever seen. Like the size of two super domes. Woah... Ron and I exchanged glances as I felt him tence up and move slowly forward..[/color][/I]

OOC: I left ya some "fun" Bro. You handle the big guy, with me as well, of course. ^_^
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[color=teal][u][i]No....go back! Go back! This is my story...my ending. Your stories have only just begun........I have nothing left but painful memories.........I shall return, my sister......I have promises to keep.......[/u]

It was too quick to notice. The Squiddies backed off, out of anyone's range. John had drawn his magnum, drawing a line at......Danni.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Sis, go back. I'm not having fun. This is where the path seperates. You go your way, away from me. Go to Zion. I'll handle things here. Tell Steph and Jaimie I love them, and that I will return. And give this to Steph, this to Mike......now, go, or I'll pull the goddamn trigger on you, then myself......

[i]He handed an envelope labled "Sorry, Mike" to Danielle, followed by a diamond ring with a quickly scrawled note inside the metal band. With that, John ran as fast as he could, holstering his S&W, pulling out his sword, hashing it into the wall and slowing his descent. Silently, he prayed his sister would pull himout of the hole of depression he had managed to dig himself into.......he'd barely noticed Danielle had followed him before the Squiddie's blade pierced his side, just above the hip......Danielle and Ron screamed, firing ronds repeatedly as John fell, his vision and consciousness fading.[/i]

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