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The Animetrix [RPG]


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I walk through the streets wondering if anyone was around. The 'botts don't chase after me much. I guess I'm not on the list of things to kill or they just don't want to bother with me. Memories of people I once knew are all that keeps me going. I wonder where they are and if they are alright. Suddenly, something runs past me. I can't see it but I chase after it. It doesn't look too much like a robot but I'll keep a safe distance.

Jaimie: Wait! What are you? WHo are you?

It stops and turns to face me. It's not human. I can feel a sharp pain in my side. I look down to find that I'm bleeding. The thing moves closer to me. Now, I can see that it's metal. I try to move away from it as fast as I can but it's no use. I can sence the targeting system lock on me. I close my eyes in fear. When I reopen them, the thing is gone. It must have flown off to find something else. I try my best to get back to the safty of the shopping mall to look for some rags I can tie around me to stop the bleeding.

Jaimie: What kind of monsters are there out there?! Damn it.

I find an old shirt and tie it tight to my side.

Jaimie: ****!God damn it.

A voice says "God don't need a dam he can walk on water." I look up to see a familiar face. It is my Richard...but wait..he can't be real, can he??? I slowly get up to get to him. He puts his hand out to stop me.

Richard: I'm not real. PLease don't get up and hurt yourself more.

Jaimie: Then why are you here?

Richard: I'm here to tell you not to give up. Your sister is close by.
She'll show up soon. You have to fight and win, or else you will die just as I did.

I could feel tears running down my face. He was crying too.

Jaimie: B...Bear? What are you? If you're dead how are you here?

Richard: Baby, I'm in your heart. You just needed to see me at this moment so I showed up.

I nodded as he left me. After a while of thinking about what he said I nodded off into a dream or what I thought was a dream.[/color]

OOC. don't mind me...hehe I'll meet up with ya'll when I get the chance.
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[i][center]I sit curled up in the corner of the vessel, which I have refused to acknowledge. Carrying us someplace I do not know, nor care about. My lance, my truth, my reality, my weapon.. It stays held tightly to my side as I close my eyes, hoping nobody tries to wake me up, knowing full well that they would be impaled with my lance upon touching me.

I dream lightly, a dream of Danielle (this one really happened like 3 nights ago?before everything was spilled out to me), I was at a new college, my first day, Danni was there?she was another student, an American student that I immediately recognized and became obsessed over. Throughout the dream I was fingerspaces away from snatching her up to be mine, an inch or so from my true medium of happiness. Than the dream ended, just like in real life, I have nothing, and no-one.[/i]


[i]Shaking me lightly, obviously stupid in many ways for trying to wake me up, without realizing that my lance had already been driven through her neck. I open my eyes and see her smiling, the lance had barely missed. She giggled cutely, looking down at me and whispers, ?You know, ?Mother? hasn?t been [b]that[/b] useless to me.?. With that she pulled the lance away from my shaking hands and curled up into my lap, like a cat, she kneaded for the appropriate amount of time before settling in, her incredibly slender body freighted my half-asleep self. But in that, it made me look at myself, another bag of bones, needing nourishment badly.

I wanted to die; I even contemplated bringing a few others with me. I look at Danielle?Knowing I wanted her to come at one point, but not having the balls or the cold heart to do so. I than glance at the gun-wielding Ronald, thinking, ?So many I want to kill before I end it myself.?

Waking up from another dream I feel Danielle?s body shaking, probably from a dream, maybe because she was spying on my thoughts, my evil (but very true) thoughts. I stroke her face lightly, wondering why I am so happy to see someone who has brought me such pain. Wondering why a lousy boy like me feels so happy?just to hold this girl, this being. I almost want to explode with mixed emotions. Self loathing being one of them, emotions that are best left behind and used to motivate a quick, painless ?moving on?. I know in my heart that I need to move on past this, drive myself into a new existence, one without pain but for a boy like me to dream for it is useless. I will vow to myself that even if I am screwed with heart and mind, I will never let it stop me from trying to attain true happiness. Trying tests put forth by God will not be enough for me to prove myself. Nothing can stop this feeling I have welling inside me. I look down at Danielle, remembering a few promises I had made her, having no intentions on breaking them. I smile lopsidedly, wondering how many people think I am a complete idiot, wondering how so many are so very wrong?

Again, I smile with a hint of evil?Michael isn?t [size=1]that[/size] dense.[/i][/center]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]I ended up returning "home" somewhat early, shockingly early in fact, for a night out...well, you couldn't call it drinking. Or anything else really. And I'm not really sure that aimless wandering around has some kind acceptable cut off point. Hell, I was out later in the Matrix than out of it. Not something to be proud of really...

Still, at least this place was good morbid, not the bad, annoying, wasted world morbid outside. It did leave a lot to be desired, but hell, when was the last time I did find something that didn't? I'm allowed to be a perfectionist bastard, don't try and deny it. Of course, this is balance by the fact that I don't actually know who I'm talking to. I've been walking around alone for months! Who the hell else would I talk to accept myself! At least I don't argue so much.

The small, probably former bunker wasn't really something to look at. Or live in...but hey, I can't remember the last time the housing commitee, or perhaps the more appropriate health committee, showed up. I'll live. And so will they. Just in very different worlds. But then, I always lived in a different world to everyone else. If everyone else really lives in their mind, and those minds link into some communal "living area" I suppose you could call it, then we are really living in our own little world. But the mind is limitless, so it's not really small at all. I would suppose that only the reason I haven't gone insane is because I've always been like this, spinning off on a tangent, perforce character. Hell, who cares. I don't, and right now, and probably forever, or relative forever, considering that once I'm out of the picture forever is relatively irrelevent, I'm the only one around, so it doesn't matter. Never has before...even inside.[/font][/color][/I]
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OOC: Music is meant for this post?Please listen as you read if/when possible.


[center][i]Again, the tearing ranting rage that embalms my rage ever so slightly, preserving the anger and hostility for just the right time to release it, exploding it into the nothingness before me. This is not a dream, but reality?It faces me confrontationally, begging me to snap, taunting at my very core. My wretched existence blows turmoil like a tugboat blows steam.

I pace and pace in my mind, asking myself, ?why?? with such love can I wish to be so destructive? My soul finally remembers why it was torn. For reasons out of my control, I was forsaken?

?Forsaken?? I ask myself, wondering why I continue to bargain with the worst thoughts possible. A self conflict of titanic proportions I am placed in a scenario where I can kill?or be killed. I shake my head and open my tear-stained eyes, knowing that I am truly alone, even the warm being sitting in my lap offers no help, no release, and no warmth, to rest. My sanity drains, no gushes like a geyser. Spewing forth any sane clusters of thought out my mouth ?I vomit.

Carefully missing Danielle, the vomit hits the floor of this hovering machine. It rests like my very self, alone, abandoned and left for the dead. It once was one with my stomach, intertwined in what probably felt like an inseparable bond?Than I so arrogantly threw it away, onto the tarmac of this ship. I couldn?t help but feel sorry for my vomit. I look at it? it smiles back.


My eyes open as I gain consciousness. I want out?That is all I know, I cannot be cooped up and will not. Moving Danielle into a ball on the place where I was sitting, I stand up, ready to jump off the speeding ship, not knowing I will die the second I hit the ground I lift my leg up, ready to abandon everything I had found?

A moment later I hear Danielle grumble in her sleep. She begun to shake violently and I looked back for only a second as she looked as if she would explode. Without notice her eyes shoot open, revealing a pair of red reptilian eyes only comparable to the devil himself. She lunged at me, knocking me off along with her, to begin our descent.

As I turn in midair, I see the stones of the earth shoot toward me, and on the moment of impact, I open my eyes to see Danielle curled up in my lap, snoring quite loudly, as if she had not slept so heavily in a long time. I sigh; the tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. I cannot kill this child. She has much to learn, as do I.

I stop thinking incredibly angrily and smile, looking at her more, I cradle her, pushing the hair away from her eyes, stroking her eyebrow very lightly, my index finger turned topside as I stroke her beautiful little face, tears dripping from my eyes to her face?I am completely oblivious to anything but her. I do not even notice as my lance falls to the side. I do not even notice as my tears begin to splash over her face. I cry in quantity, letting what feels like an amazing amount of liquid flow ever constantly from my tear glands. I notice her face is wet so I wipe it off with my sleeve and let my head fall downwards onto hers, forehead to forehead I bawl so quietly that the only way anyone would catch on is by noticing how my back is heaving upwards as I cannot control my gasps for air.

I feel so dead that I stop breathing, slowing my entire metabolism, letting it become nothing but a pale accumulation of dead soul.[/i][/center]
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I lay back, thinking of everything I've been through before this fateful encounter. Staring upward, I found myself falling asleep.


I was sitting there on the steps of the high school before the first bell that would allow the buses to let the kids run free into the school. Before long, I was surrounded by people; I really hated big crowds of poeple. They all were catching up on the latest gossip, events, and other things. It was very loud, then everything changed.

Two people that I knew very well, but disliked, had just stepped into the front of the school, and everything went quiet. Was it fear? It could have been. Seconds later, they were looking down upon me with an evil intent in mind.

They took me against my will to a place away from everyone I knew, my family, friends, etc., and started telling me things that were very irrelavent to what I had in mind. They wanted to take everything for themselves and leave no one alive. I tried to tell them not to do it, but since I had rebelled against them, they killed me.

When a certain few heard of this, they killed the two that had killed me. I was burried and forgotten. A few years later, I found myself awakened and naked. I was in some strange place that was overrun by machines, but for some reason, I was not scared. But rather, happy. There weren't any people around me, I was alone. I liked to be alone.

Then I noticed that I was unarmed in this new place and needed to find some clothes and weapons just incase. I searched and searched but found nothing. Then I noticed a robot of some sort that was broken, so I took the shell of it and used that for a while.

Eventually I came across what looked like a museum, so I took some clothes and a dagger. I then set out to see if there were any others like myself.

.:SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACH:. (end dream/flashback)[/center]

I jumped, awake, looking around for what the sound had been.[/i]

[b]Ron[/b]: What the **** was that?! ....huh? Where did Mike and Danni go?

[i]There was no answer, but the ship had been stopped. I sat back down, trying to calm myself. It was hopeless.[/i]
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[color=teal][i][u]Where.....no. I care not anymore. My mind is hazy, I feel my body disappearing. Am I relapsing like the others? What happened to my brother? Is he alright.......[/u]

John awake, not inside Yuginocho, but inside his room. His PS2, untouched. The pictures on his mirror of Jaimie, untouched. His clothes from the last dance he'd attended, still ruffled in the corner. He shook his head, finding himself in his armor, jeans, boots, and the axe in his hand. He walked into the living room, hearing voices at a high level.[/i]

[b]???:[/b]Where is he, Jack? Where is your son? If he's got anything t-

[b]Jack:[/b]Get away from here, Doreen, and don't you dare mention my son's name again! It's Jaimie's fault he's dead, it's your fault he's dead!

[b]Doreen:[/b]Dead......John's dead? Well, he deserved it, after what he did to her. Fine then.

[i]John chose that inopportune time to walk into their view. He was bleeding, battered, bruised, and his hair had grown wild. Still, they knew who he was. Or who he should have been.[/i]

[b]Jack:[/b].....J....J......J..........DEMON!!! What have you done with my son?! Where is my son?!?

[i]Jack collapsed, crying, his hands covering his face. John felt a moment of pity at the man he'd hated for seventeen years. He never knew he could cry. Doreen took a much more rational approach.[/i]

[b]Doreen:[/b]My god, are you a ghost? What happened?

[b]John:[/b]I....I don't know. I'm in a place where everything's dead. I don't know what happened to jaimie, but the same thing that happened to me happened to Danielle, Ron, Mike, and a few kids from Otakuboards. It hurts. Nobody's around. I'm sorry, Mrs. Doe, for what I did.......I wish I could have done something to atone for it....I wi-ARGGHH!!!!!!!

[i]John started screaming, he collapsed to his knees. He felt himself being torn apart. Doreen and Jack simply looked on in horror as shadows grabbed him, shook him, tore him apart. He disappeared.

And reappeared somewhere he'd never expected to see again. His Hotel California, lost somewhere within the forests of Avalon. But the sight didn't reassure him. It made him cringe. Everything, burned to the ground. Countless graves mounted, and one empty grave marked "Innath". Three, set near each other, were marked "Kale", "Kaylee", and "Rain". The last one, too, was empty. There was one living person, a tall, green-haired boy with torn wings and a broken arm. He cried over the graves of his children, Kale and Kaylee. His name was Fox.[/i]

[b]Fox:[/b]You know what I've gone through, Innath? Do you know what is was like, trudging through Hell, Purgatory, and countless hordes of demons only to find the home that I'd hoped to see through it all, the hope that got me through these trials, burned to the ground? My wife, gone, my children dead, and my own brother, forsaken?

[b]John:[/b]Please, John. Don't call me Innath. Ever since you went away, I've taken to your name. I...I wasn't forsaken. I forsook them, I forsook YOU. I lost all hope of ever seeing you again, brother. I...I....I'm sorry.....

[b]Fox:[/b]Don't be. Ever since the demons stole my soul, I've had only one thought on my mind. Where is she?

[b]John:[/b]I....I don't know. I didn't keep an eye on her.

[i]Fox looked down again, tears again trickling down his cheeks.[/i]

[b]Fox:[/b]How did they die?

[b]John:[/b]A demon......impaled Kaylee, and Kale was skinned alive.

[b]Fox:[/b]Who?!?!? Who did it?!?! I'LL AT LEAST AVENGE MY CHILDREN!!!!

[i]Fox attempted to pick up his legendary blade, the Alaris, but the grief it had seen was too much. It weighted the sword down like a ton of lead. Fox collapsed back again, crying hysterically as his entire life vanished before his eyes.[/i]

[b]Fox:[/b]What have you been doing with your life? While I was gone, I mean?

[b]John:[/b]I....I dated Stephanie, pretty much. Went to high school, joined the ROTC....nothing much. I lost it all, though.

[b]Fox:[/b]What? How?

[i]Fox stopped crying as he looked on in wonderment.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]The Matrix.....it's real. And I was pulled.

[i]Instantly, Fox began to feel torn apart, as well as John. Suddenly, they blacked out. Fox woke up in his old body, much stronger, taller, and faster than it had been. He felt John asleep in the back of his mind, and decided to go back to his old name. He looked around, not seeing anything, and jumped out of Yuginocho. His memory seemed to get an update from the body, of everything that had happened. He smiled when he saw that Innath had treated Danielle like Fox would have. But Fox had one thought in his mind. Revenge.[/i]

[b]Yuginocho:[/b]You are leaving, too?

[b]John:[/b]Yeah. Put a tracker on me in cas I get lost. I'll call you if I need help.

[i]After this had been done, John looked ahead. He ran, almost aimlessly, tirelessly. He did not stop running until he'd found a temporary shelter, weighing his chances against the world he now had to call his. He fell asleep, fists clenched against an axe that seemed to respond.....[/i][/color]
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OOC: My computer keeps freezing, so I?m having trouble posting. And I?ll catch up in the next two posts.

IC: [i][color=gray]How long has it really been since I?ve arrived here? Who knows, I stopped counting at least two weeks ago. This whole ordeal has been like a bad dream. I go to sleep and wake up in the ruins of what used to be a city. I hate this place. Living off of rodents, wearing clothes that are just scraps and rags, running whenever I heard the artificial movement of the ?robots?. This was a nightmare in every sense of the word. Actually, dream might not be the right description. True, this all does seem like a reality that shouldn?t exist, but at the same time it feels more real than the reality that I once knew. [/i][/color][color=blue]

Kevin: I?m going to give myself a headache if I keep trying to figure this all out. Day in, day out, all I can do is cope with this situation. I?ll adjust, that what I?m good at.

[i]?.At least that?s what I?ll keep telling myself. I?m scared, for the first time in my life. I have no idea what?s happening.[/i]

Kevin: (picking up a shard of mirror) I gotta figure out a way to shave. (smirking) Even in times like this, I can still be vain! Tragic. Well, enough of screwing around. I need to explore. Hopefully there is someone else stuck in this hellhole too.

[i]Lord knows I could use the companionship.[/i][/color]
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[color=blue] I couldn't dream much. All I could think about was my brothers and sisters and what Richard said. If my sister was close by why couldn't I find her?
I woke up and got to my feet. The mall looked so odd woth everything just thrown around. I walked to the exit but before I got there, I found an old cd on the floor. The reflection cought my eye. It was an Eagles cd. Quickly, I smashed it. Thoughts, memoreies of John floded back through my head. I hated them. I even had froze my heart so I didn't feel like I still loved him. He didn't hurt me, he just never made things easy.
After I threw down the pieces of the shattered cd, I walked outside. Nothing was around so I walked along the middle of the street. Being alone was never fun for me since I was used to having attention. I longed to find someone or something, even if it were a small rat or something.
After walking for what seemed like miles, I rested. I could hear a sound of a robot coming toward me. I ducked behind an old truck that had been abandoned. It came closer. It sensed me I guess because it stopped in front of me. Chills ran down my spine. I was never this afraid, even when I was afraid of hurting people. I could feel my heart quicken. What did this damn thing want? I wished my sister were near. She always could make things better.
The robot looked and found me. Grabbing a shard of glass from the truck, I took a swing at the damned machine. It conected with it's arm severing it from the body piece. It seemed to get mad. Then, I swung at it again, only thing time the glass got cought up in the metal casing. I tried to grab another piece but it picked me up. I was about two feet off of the ground when it lifted me. Richard's words played inside my head. I had to fight, I had to win. For him, for me and for my family and friends. I kicked it upside it's head, distroying it's tracking unit. It freed me. I grabbed another razor sharp piece of glass and jammed it in it's exposed wires. This seemed to fry it. All that was left of it was a pile of smoking metal. I smiled knowing I did it all by myself.
I followed the road until it lead to a remote area. There was a building in the distance. It was the only thing that stood for miles so I headed for it. [/color]
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OOC: w00t t00t t00t! *** kicking time. And to the thanks of Mike i have added some good music for the atmosphere. Please play the music when you see <<**PLAY**>> (it will be at the beginning of the fight scene.


[i]I awoke sharply. The dreams sharply dissolved as I stood up from the hard floor of Yuginocho. I slapped myself a few times for a nice morning wake up call. I decided i wanted to be jacked in to The Matrix by "mother" once more. I loved the feel the rush of the abilities, i sometimes wondered if i am addicted to The Matrix. I walked over to "mother" sitting down in the chair.[/i]

Denny: Jack me in Maw will ya?

Mother: I am sorry, but who is "Maw" ?

Denny: It's my accent...

Mother: Ok, from now on i will recognise that.

[i]The pin impaled my main hole and i was in the white room once more. I decided to call it the "loading dock". Data popped in to the loading dock.[/i]

Data: Hello Denny...i see you are in your Matrix style once again...big, muscular and eager to fight.

Denny: Heh, yeah. I really want a bit of training can ya hook me up with some survival fighting with some bots?

[i]With that a huge Sentinel I-Series pops infront of me![/i]

Denny: WHAT! I don't want no metal-assed-squid! Loadin a gun for me doll!

[i]A double-barrel shotgun appeared in my hands.[/i]

Denny: OK...Let's Rock!


[i]The squid flew forward screeching as it's demonic red eyes glared at me. I flew forward with my shotgun outstretched infront of me. With a pull of the trigger i shot it right in ther eye. The red glass hattered in my face making me plundge to the floor. It swooped down shooting plasma lasers at me. I ran for my life as it gave chase. I truned around face to face with the metal squid i jumped backwards in slow motion cranking in more bullets and the....BANG! It bounced right of it's metalic head and it angered it! It slashed me across the face. I started to fall in slow motion my blood trailed behind me. Head first i plummeted to the floor. I gazed up to find that the Sentinel I-Series had dissapeared and Data was inplace.[/i]

<<**Stop Music**>>

Data: Good?

Denny: Helluvagood! *spits out blood*

Data: Very well. I shall update your stats such as indurance, speed, power and so on. I will also give you the art of gun handling. You seem to already know how to use a gun pretty well. But after this is done you will think of a gun as an artistic utensil and the world your canvas!

Denny: Hey! I like the sounds of that!

[i]My body paralyzed for a moment and then it released...i felt like a new man![/i]

Denny: Thanks Data, now Jack me out!

[i]As i was lifted from the chair, i crawled back to yuginocho for some rest, hell i needed it after that beating![/i]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]I would suppose that they keep me company. I suppose I had it coming, after spending my somewhat less than physically directed life digging myself into a hole filled with vampyres and the undead. I suppose that I should know what to do, considering in all the new age zombie movies they were just people who had lost their minds in same strange way.

But for god's sake, when in hell did it mention the boots? I mean, really. They can wander around murmering something about brains, or tap incessantly on the door if they want, but for christ's sake, could they do something about their feet? Just because everybody in this place had to wear heavy soled boots didn't mean they had to drag their feet around! They were starting to sound like some kind of amateur tap dance act, and I've never really been one to suffer incompetence, even in something I have no real knowledge about.

Oh, it was tempting to simply go out there and make them go away. But it would also be messy, and that would just attract more of them. And let's face it, it's not like they were keeping me awake.

...When was the last time I slept anyway? Eh. Who cares.[/I][/font][/color]
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[center][i]Submerged inside my own arrogance, I come to realize the type of person I am. I am an *** type person. I don?t know why, but it is what I feel. My mind stirs and I awake, seeing a little body curled up on my lap, it is that of Danielle. We are on the ship still; everything had been such a bad dream. Looking at her I could not bear to hold her any longer, the pain of our past once again, catching up to me. I sit her on my seat as I pick up my lance and walk to Denny.

In an unhappy voice I begin my first conversation with a living soul since I had awoken. I begin by asking him why the hell he looked like he did. I was expecting a ninja; instead I get a British rock-loving hippy. I shrug and laugh to myself, knowing he expected some dark, twisted, sexy-looking guy to piss off the local moderators. There weren?t any here. And if they were, I would call them robotic entities which I would not mind to destroy in the least. With that, I happily dubbed these robots ?moderators?, sharing a laugh with Denny.

?You know man; half these people scare the **** out of me. I don?t know why I am here, I am an antisocial son of a ***** from Canada who shares nothing because my possessions take influence on my life so much that I become obsessed.? Denny looked at me as I looked over to Danielle. He simply nodded, either understanding completely or being a wiseass and dismissing my open infectious admission.

I stroll over to Ron; sit next to him, wondering if he is awake or just confused with the reality his mind has been forged into. ?Hey ****er, wake up?, I pry at his consciousness, trying to rouse his attention. ?What the?? He asks, unsure of the reason of my hostility. Little does he know that I am just acting like myself, my ******* self.

?Look Ron, I don?t give a ***t who you are but I see your potential. Are you interested in actually doing something about these scraps of metal? Or do you want to sit around like the rest of these kids?? His look was that told me he was trying to wonder if what he just witnessed was for real. ?What the f*** is your problem?? his expression tells me.

I smile, looking out over the rail of the ship?s barrier. No, nothing I see right now is real; I am supposed to be wondering around like a primitive being? I don?t want to fight, I want to die. Quickly boot.

Quickly apologizing to Ron, I walk back over to Danielle and put her in my lap, knowing she will wake oblivious to the fact that I left for a time. I needed a break.[/i][/center]
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[color=indigo][i] Rousing in my sleep my eyelids flutters, my ears perkes as I kept my eyes glued shut, it was kinda quiet, I could head Yuginocho talking to Denny about something and Ron's un-mistakeable snoring. I shifted, keeping the appearence of me being asleep. I felt odd, trying to understand the idiocy yett ironicy of life. Going over in my mind the new cards life has delt me. Wondering what to do withthem I went over the only ace in my hand, and looked at the queen of hearts in dismay. Wondering why things such as these had presented them selves when they did. I saw the Jack of clubs, going over it and then notied the Jack of spades as well. All these things but where was my queen of spades? Where'd my other ace go to? My mind wanderd inchoherently as I sat there mumbling in my half choncousness. I stirred sitting in his lap, The king of hearts in my hand as well. But glancing at the queen of hearts I held as well. I shuggred. Decideing to "wake up" I shifted and hopped from Mikes lap. *looking at his troubled sleep a thought occured to me. I heard "Mother" in my head.[/I]

"Mother" Would you venture out such as your "Jack of spades" has?

"Danielle" John left? um, sure, but if you havent noticed, I'm still in self made cloths... do you have anything??

"Mother" I can gave you ANY cloths you wish. I was about to "plug-in" everyone else and give them their choice of clothes

"Danielle" Sure hook me up.

[I] I walked to one of the chairs farthest from everyone, not to disturb the sleepers and not get Denny's attention.

I laid down in the chair and felt the odd sensation of being hooked up.

Instantly I was in a white room. All white forever and forever. A guy appeared.

"Danielle" Data I presume?

"Data" Yes. Now what would you like? Cloths you are acustomed to or "futureistic?"

"Danielle" Animish.

Suddenly rows and rows of asome clothing sppeared before me. After rummaging through lines of laungrie I finally picked out comfortable undergarments and slipped em on, then rummaged around the clothing before finding a matching outfit logn white pants with brown stripes down the side and a sleevless top. A metal utility belt went with it.

"Danielle" Weapons.

Rows and rows of Swords guns and kinfes spanned everywhere.

"Danielle" Make it east, gimme 2 handheld pistols and 6 bullet refills for this belt, a cobra katana and 2 of the sharpest daggers, a box of throwing stars and um.... Can u change my appearence?

"data" In any way you wish

"Sweet" I thought As he asked what changes I would like.

"Danielle" I want to be a bit more muscular, still skinny but not sick starved bony. And um.

Looking down at my chest I grinned.

"Danielle" Make my chest a lot smaller, not nothing but flatter, they just get in the way and make me more imobile. so I'll need a new bra too.

My chest amost completely flatten so now I had the bust size of..*I thought* Sandra Bollick. I nodded to myself this was ok. I picked out a new bra and slipped it on udner my shirt. Lookign over myself and slipping my weapons in my pockets and belt I smiled, holding both my pistols.

"Danielle" I can have this outside the Matrix?

"Data" Until before now no. But the data orbsorbed by mother has now given us the tecnology to do so.

"Danielle" Un plug me.

In a flash I was out the chair and jumping from the stopped Yuginocho.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/b] Yugi! Keep A tracer on me, I'll be back, I think...

[I] Mumbling the last part I knew he heard. I ran, sliding my guns in holsters at the back of my belt.

I ran blindly letting everything I was lost and confused about run off, I noticed how much stronger I felt and I looked over myself as I ran, satisfied with my appearence I ran on, mussles pounding to stop I noticed the needle aproaching in the distance.

My world stoped as I pitched forward, falling flat on my face.

Spitting out the dirt I laughed out.[/I]

[b]Danielle:[/B] Just cuz I'm better can't take away from nautral clumsyness.

[I]I shook my head and stood, dusting off. I wandred around walking looking for John. I ducked behind a huge piece of rubble as I saw a figure in the distance. I looked closer. Sniffing the air.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Human.

[I] MY mind wanderss to how it was. Stephi?! Could it possibly be?? Shakign my head no I dismissed thoes hopless thoughts. Jaimie?? Samantha?? Kurs? Give meo ne sister! I'm the only girl here... Not like I mind. Grinning I laughed. No I don't. I haven't been myself lately, I don't know y. I snuck closer to it..Pearing in I saw longer hair. Her probly. The build, almost sickly thin. Walking to her I Almost cried. Tunning up behind her she turned and screamed, mistaking me for a bot obvously. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. Reconizing my hug she hugged back crying out. Danni! omg Danni. I Hugged my sister with all I had. Oh sister.. I cried holding on to her.

My ears lifted as I jerked us back, rolling then sitting up. The blast hit the ground and dissipated.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Jaimie RUN!

[I] She refused stepping out to protect me. As always she never changed. Shaking my head I jumped out, pistols ready, Firing at the bots neck it exploded on contact. She looked oddly not suppried.

Smiling I grabbed her hand and walked back to Yuginocho with her, explaining everyone who was here and wondering hwo to tell her baout John, and wondering how to stop ron from killing her...[/I][/color]
OOC: Thats my new outfit n equipnet ect, and body style. :) just more realistic. :)
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[color=blue][i] I was so happy that Danni found me and I was with people I knew. She introduced me to everyone when we returned to the ship they called Yuginocho. I laughed and figured it was just her. Wow...my sister was alive! One of them atleast. Still, it felt wrong to only have half of the sisters together but I knew that I didn't want Curse or Sam into this mess. I didn't want Danielle in it either but she looked like she could handle herself now.
She looked like she had something to tell me but she didn't so I asked her.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Sis, it looks like you have done well for yourself now.

[b]Danielle:[/b] Yeah. You like the outfit?

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Hell yeah. Hey, what's bothereing you?

[i] She looked down. I knew I wasn't going to exactly like what she was about to say. I could tell she was happy but things were just wrong. I hugged her and sighed. [/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Just come out and say it,please.[/color]
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I turned away from my sister as I tried to find the words to tell her. So I turned again to face her and just spit it out as she put it.[/I]

[b]Danielle:[/B] Jaimie. John's here. He went out a while ago but he'll be back and I'm sorry I didn't tel you but I didn't know if you'd still come with me and I..I'm sorry.

[I] She stood, jaw ajar, eyes wide open. Ron glared at her grinning, glad to see her in pain. I shot him a mean glance and he wiped the smirk off his face. I wasn't in the mood to be messed with. I shook my head and turned, walking from the ship.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/b] Yuginocho. Gimme John's cordnates.

[B]Yuginocho:[/B] He is currently twenty miles from here. Northwest, appears to be in combat. I have been given strict orders to not come to his aid. But I cannot stop you.

[I] I took out a compass from my belt and jogged/walked fast to where it said John was. I wonderd why he had gone off alone, maby he was in deial of it all. after all, he had lost Stephi, but I did too. All I could do was pray she was alive and somehow we would find her.

Looking back onnce before proceeding I hoped Ron wouldn't kill Jaimie while I was away. My thought drifted to home. Not a home anyone but john and Mike knew of. But my true home where I belonged.


I looked around me, stunned. A gigantic old time castle stood before me, upon a hill. Great waterfalls produced the dence mist surrounding the castle and myself. I walked towards the castle, unsure of my own seeings.[/I]

[b]Danielle:[/B] Avalon?...no...*wispering* Can't be...

[I]I broke out in a run, hoping everyhtign was intact. I almost screamed seeing row upon row of crosses at the front of the castle.

I walked slowly, looking over each one. Falling to my knees I cried.

Walking along in pain, going over each one in turn, bawling for my friends mentors, brothers,sister,companions... I came to and open grave. But it was marked. I stumbeld and fell back, the name upon the grave causing me to go into slight shock. It read "Star Keeper".

I noted no grave held the name Cloud Runner. I was glad. But.. My own grave?? Why?....


I opend my eyes slowly to find myself in homeworld hell again. I smiled seeing John's Dark brown eyes looking down at me. He was holding me, obvously I had tripped again and blacked out.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] I saw..my own..grave.. Everyone Avalon is??

[B]John:[/B] Yes. Fox is alive but as for the rest...

[B]Danielle:[/B] What of God?! And The Goddess??!

[B]John:[/B] If Avalon still exists, they still exist. But If we can not project ourselfs there as we could do in the martix, it was all a lie.

[B]Danielle:[/B] BUT NO! It HAS to be real or..I kow you can doit, I saw you. We, can enter and exit the matrix at will... I suppose the rest can. Were all unique, thats y after a said time we were expelled from the program. "Flushed"

[B]John:[/B] Shhh...Don't lose hope sister. We know home is real, We just need to find it..

[I] I teared and nodded. He leaned over and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. He helped me to my feet as we headed back to the ship.
[B]John:[/B] Yuginocho. Go to England.

[B]Yuginocho:[/B] Yes Sir.

[I] We enter the ship as John;s jaw dropped upon seeing Jaimie. He glared menacingly at me for not telling him. I laughed and Walked to Mike, Settling down comfortably in his lap I watched seeing what their reactions would be.[/I][/color]
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[center][i]Staring past Danielle?s head which sits nestled at my neck, I gaze into the never ending vast sky. I move, looking toward the machine that gives us skills and physical attributes. I smile inwardly; putting the new Danielle on my shoulders, knowing what is to come is nothing for us or anyone to really watch. She fidgets and begins trying to get off. My grip surprises her for being so unaltered. I grin, she does the same. I find out why a second later as I hear the disassembling of one of her pistols with accurate perfection. With the base of the pistol-grip she smacks me playfully over the head with it, whipping me into anger. ?Bakaa!!!! ? I shout angrily at her, tossing her off my shoulders, pouncing upon her, I sit proudly. Whispering, ?I don?t want any trouble out of you; I am going to do something to the machine that made you so ?different. You have to play along or else I am going to fail.? She nodded. After whispering to her the rest of the scheme, I walk to the computer dubbed ?mother?. Danielle had held my hand like a school girl, following suite, just as I had asked her.

?Honey? What are we doing here? What is this place? EWWW Spiders!?, Danielle quirked to ?mother?. Damned, she played the part perfectly. I move down into the ?cockpit? and tapped on the communication systems on this wretch of a machine. ?Look, whatever you did to Danielle, it?s gone now. She looks the same but obviously you completely destroyed her sense of self. She is acting like a California housewife. When in the matrix I dealt with similar programs, mind altering systems that we could ?plug? into. I was wondering if you can let me see the source??, my ploy directed at ?mother? begun. Danielle, once again coming through (she lies well) began another well-acted barrage of stupidity. ?You know, Mother, I really don?t like these clothes, and why aren?t my breasts bigger? I mean Gawly, my Mikey-kinns needs [b]something[/b] to grab!?. I almost laughed as her coy nature comes through for me bigtime.

?My goodness! I never would have thought that the hex-based body modify program would ever manipulate the brain.? Mother hesitant responded. ?Well, I know first hand that this can be permanent if we do not transduce the condition. Can you lend me the source damnit, this is an emergency!? I inquired. I motioned for Danielle to sit in the seat; she looked at me almost frightened, probably not thinking she would have to go back under the knife but she did as asked. This relieved me because as we spoke mother began riffling some of the most intricate code I have ever laid eyes upon at me with alarming speed.

It was a shame that I knew exactly what to look for, an exact hex string denoting the molecular reconstruction techniques used to alter our muscles and bodies like so. I even caught wind of how the weaponry and clothing programs worked from this. They were obviously different because they generated non biological ?options? that work like they do in the matrix, everything around the weaponry is tricked into believing that the item is actually there. ?So unbelievable!? I think to myself. ?This is so destroying every single god damned scientific rule put forth by man? This is the reality of virtual reality!? I almost orgasm in my pants at this wealth of knowledge.

Finding the genetic string I had been looking for, I disconnect from ?mother?, pulling Danielle away. ?I never wanted to tell you I was lying because I already know you would have said no for the risk involved. But?Mother? How would you like to be real? Just like me and Danielle??, I offered. I sensed hesitation, but why? She is only running off a set order of event-driven ideals. I smile again, realizing that computers have come to have the ability to draw their own conclusions and base them in a realm of truth and functionality in an existence once thought impossible, she has feelings.

?You?.cheated me? You? I?.What?.is this!? I am?.actually confused! What have you done?.?. She was actually spent. She had searched all of her databanks for a possible scenario in which she had just been placed in torment for. Unable to find a logical answer to what I had done she inquires curiously, ?What can you do for me??. I smile, letting Danielle watch in awe, not understanding anything about my ploy.

?Don?t get me wrong, I hate you and everything you stand for?but you can be much more beneficial if you can walk around and simply touch somebody with your hand anywhere on their body and you can grant them the strength to continue. You can be our ultimate in real world/matrix medic. I don?t want anything to do with you however. You seem to be good at altering appearance and such. You cannot enhance my own brain power and make me smarter at what I have already mastered. Thus I don?t care, I am a hacker who can change your being?I don?t need your help. But others do.?

If she could grunt in annoyance, she would be doing that right now. I laugh out loud, mostly at her lack of words. ?I will do it, you seem to have an unending supply of confidence.?, she quirked. She could not have gotten further from the truth really. ?Okay, you need to let me admin your system however difficult it will be to let a snitch like me in to mess as I please but I assure you, you already gave me the genetic transformation syntax. I just have to use it from scratch. You see, the program to manipulate is easy. You just have it scan and input various parameters from the subject?s body such as height, weight, mass, volume cubed and all of the various anatomy things that can be used in the reconstruction, right??, if she could nod, that is what she is doing. ?Well to put it simple, I will input typical sexy-girl parameters and than subtract them to the exponent most suited to your preference. Say you want to be shapelier than the typical sexy-girl; you will have the exponent of xcubed. This will be applied to the curve parameter and you will be forged from the matter that is all around us. Of course we don?t ant you appearing naked, Ron might blow his cool. So in this case you will be given the generic clothing of a combat medic hehe!?

I begin typing like mad, extracting all the nessesary code, applying it to my free copy, changing all the required parameters, choosing xsquared instead of xcubed. Once completed I insert the all powerful hex equivalent of the human genetic reconstruction sample.

? 1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519**?. I was quite proud with myself upon expanding upon this. ?See, with this code, I can create a noseless Barbara Streisand from scratch, given the right params. Mother you do see what I am doing?? Mother completely knew what I was doing, Mother was probably the most happy computer in the world?She should be.[/i][/center]

** 1F19BE197D0519 = the alphabetical equivalent of ?GENETIC? in Decimal format. Converted directly to hex, digit by digit, letter by letter. I figured it would fit, given my current disposition in character and time.
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[color=teal][i][u]NO! I can't stand here, watching her.....NO!!! Why...I shouldn't feel like this. I've lost my children, my heart......this can't be real. I must not allow them to see my weakness.....I don't want to be hurt again...it'll only kill me.....[/u][/i]

[b]John:[/b]Nice to see you. YUGI! Drop me at conver-point oh-three-niner, latitude 32, longitude 35. Coordinates I recieved from Data my first point in.

[b]Yuginocho:[/b]Understood. I am dropping you at Delta Site.


[b]John:[/b]A den of squiddies.

[i]The bombshell damn near killed everyone in the room. John was WILLINGLY going to throw himself into a den of sentinels. He stopped next to the Matrix console, sat in a free chair, and made preparations.[/i]

[b]Data:[/b]Welcome back, Blaze. What do you wish now?

[b]John:[/b]Guns. An Mp5, an Ingram Mac 10, two Colt .45 caliber, and one Smith and Western magnum. Four clips of ammo each, ten per Colt.


[b]John:[/b]And a katana. And for God's sake, alter my armor!

[b]Data:[/b]What is yours in the Matrix, is yours in reality.....

[i]John's weapons came in, his armor changed. And he awakened, the weapons ready on a light table. He grabbed them, attaching them to various area where they would be easy to grab. A new weapon appeared, with a parchment note saying "For emergencies" on it. An EMP, ranged about forty meters, was now available. John had a nearly full arsenal at his disposal. He hated it, but he'd do anything to avoid falling in love again. But he was too late.[/i]

[b]Yuginocho:[/b]We are over the target point, John. Are you prepared?


[i]He stood back, looking down and pulling out his two submachine guns, the Ingram and the Mp5. He turned back, a tear he failed to stem streaming down his face. He couldn't keep it back.[/i]


[i]He leapt. Into the dragon's maw, John fired a huge spray of bullets. Four sentinels went down, two disabled, one noticed the rain of death. Flying up, the squiddie grabbed John around the waist with a tentacle. John was prepared. He drew out his katana, slicing the tentacle off, grabbing the stump, and swinging onto the sentinel's back. On his new platform, he drew out his S&W, putting four-inch holes into anything mechanical level with him or below him that moved. Then the humanoid, reminiscent of the Terminator, appeared. The bullet-proof armor on the beast shrugged off the Mp5 and Ingram bullets like dust in a vacuum. John put away all of his bullets to that thing, watching in horror as it assumed his form. John stood, staring at himself. Both drew out their respective katanas, standing in a different pose. John charged, the 'bot dodged, and John felt his side split. Blood landed on the robot's sword. The thing took the blood and broke down John's abilities.....assimilating them into its system. John now faced a perfect copy of himself.[/i]

[b]Meta-J:[/b]I am Meta-J. I am a perfect copy of you, John Schock.

[b]John:[/b]Crappy name, man. Ok, then. Fight me!

[i]Both rushed towards each other, slashing and cutting at each other like lions. Blood spilled from John's side, a cut opened in Meta-J's now-vulnerable chest, spilling red fluid onto the cement below. John dashed at the 'bot, Meta-J dashed at John......

John fell. His attack had hit its mark, but so had the robot's. John felt as though his stomach would spill open onto the ground. Meta-J collapsed, sparks flying from its head. John coughed blood, a new cut on his forehead pouring the crimson fluid all over his visage. John pushed all of his effort into calling Yuginocho.


[i]He fell, face forward, prostrate on the ground. Yugi flew down, picking the wounded boy up. John just shook involuntarily, his mind fading to unconsciousness....[/i][/color]
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Melondy stood up. She was getting tired. She had been in this place for days. It was time she came out of hiding. She looked around the cornor. Suddenly she ran right into Ron.

Mel: Watch it you freak!

Melondy walked away leaving a confused Ron behind...
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[color=#33ooCC][i]I stood there confused. A feeling I rarely had, and I didn't like this feeling. I watched her as she slowly walked away. "Not many can confuse me-- human or bot..." I thought as I watched. Then, almost on impulse...[/i]

[b]Ron[/b]: ....Hey! Wait!

[b]Mel[/b]: What?

[b]Ron[/b]: Where are you headed to? It's dangerous in the Matrix alone.

[i]I was still confused, but now even more so as thoughts suddenly rushed through my head. "How many more of us are there?" "What's happened to Danni? To John?" "Why trust me with Jaimie?" "Why me!?" The thoughts ran through my head over and over. I sat on a computer shell while I awaited an answer and tried to clear my head. [/i][/color]
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Looking at mother's
console, I try to purge her system files, they are unneeded now and as long
as wireless communication has not changed much since the days of 802.11b
standards, she will do fine.  I continually check for any possible
serious defects in my strategy. I look at her database-retrieval program and
am amazed at such simplicity in a very complex environment. This proves the
problem solving and programming skills that the computers of today can
potentially possess.

the networked connection (only 11mB/s because I am still unaware of the
wireless fiber abilities that I will find out about later ^.^) and fuse the
networked chip into her mechabiological body, I complete the process.
Smiling at my own dream mate, grinning shaking it off, I move to behind her
head,  I look at the funny pci wireless network card, such out of date
technology but it will do for now. While operating the system, I had given
myself a laptop with some very unreal statistics, and unbelievably, it
works! Using a xenoncadium battery supply, It can amplify my own life-force
to power it forever without even realizing it is draining my body. I don't
ever want to be 'plugged-in'. Obviously this feat was not for anyone but
myself. Truthfully, I am that selfish. Anything to not have to be
plugged in. Even if it means that the rest of the group gets the most
advanced, mobile computer system to work as an omni-useful bot/being.

I wanted
to clear this as fast as possible, so naturally I clothed her myself, having
not let her acquire the basic human movement skills (I wanted to force her
to learn) I put her medic's gear on her, taking considerable joy with her
undergarments. She didn't seem to mind. I was half glad, but I knew who's
undergarments I truly wanted to tamper with.

Mother completed, I could finally look at her as something nameable. I had
no intentions of calling this 'mamma' 'mother'. So instead I gave her a
name. "How about a name other than...'mother'?", she looked at my
quizzically. "No one but me will use it, I just refuse to use such a dumb
name, pardon whoever named you but its pretty gay", I quirked in my usual
a**hole self. "Oh....",mother announced, as if to be in a state of awe.
"Look, I really don't want to call you mother, simply put, I have one
already and she doesn't look like you heh, further more your half my
creation now so I think it best that I give you a special name for my own
purposes. As mere documentation to my conquests and goals..". She nodded,
still bewildered at this new environment, the true feeling of cold however
seems to have disgruntled her immune system, as she heaves whatever the
contents of her stomach might have been. I had already chosen her name; Ciel.


Away from the mess with Michael and his 'Ciel', a second conflict has
arisen, within his own mind, Michael is being torn from heaven to hell, from
life to death. He is lost, he wanders so, confused alone, wounded,
maladjusted and bitter.

He has been
projected into an endless desert of black sand, black skies, and black
emotions. He wonders like a vulture, scavenging. Except he does not scavenge
for food, but for answers, answers to what haunts him. Behind his guise-like
composure is a weak child, alone and afraid.

I trudge
along, trying to understand life, not ever having a full hand of cards
myself, It seems exceedingly difficult to break this barrier of the unknown. 
I walk, disassembled and fearful. Not of death, of course, but of how long
this might last.

I stop
for a second, catching my breath and catching a lurid glance at the pale
horizon. No stars, no life, nothing.  Only the pitch blackness awaits
me, it welcomes me home. It loves when I come back home, my true home. My
destined home seems to be a dark existence. I look to my side, my imaginary
Danielle is but an impression in the darkness, doing only so much for me in
a grieving time like this. I know that if I am the chosen one, I will be
tossed from this place like nothing faster. If I am not the one, I am
nothing. I am alone in this darkness forever, walking alone and undead.

my head, I curse myself for looking at the hope that is not there. The one
source of light seems to be at the end of this very long endless desert but
I've been walking for what feels like years, will that end actually come? or
is it just a waste of time, lie, inspiring me to go on but having no
intention of giving me what I want? I sometimes fear that in reality this is
the same. I don't know about this very much but about reality, I know quite
well. This is stark in comparison, quite similar, indeed. I comb the desert
slowly, unaware, unkempt, undead.

sometimes wish that death would just come and end this, but when I relate to
real life, I don't want the death I want the light at the end, I want the
happy ending just like everyone else. I want to be Cinderella, I want the
god damned glass slippers and I want my prince charming, I dont care if it
sounds stupid but I continuously beat it into my head before letting the
pounding heartache take over.  A song flutters into my mind, than
another, and another. They torment me like nothing before. All country music
songs from which the man is singing about how 'amazed' he is, I cry and
break down in the  black sand. The second song is about a man talking
about how he always 'Trying'. I dont feel much worse about this, there is no
love involved. The third song is about a son and a father, having a 'man to
man' ...I cry harder. The final song is called "Through the years"...Nothing
dissolves my being more than sap-like country music that has no tolerance
for poor, alone bastards like my undead self.

The mess
I am in now is my own fault, I know this no matter what anybody says to me.
I get up and trudge alone, wiping my eyes, walking forth, walking alone,
walking undead. Walking wounded.

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[color=blue][i] I watched as John fell. How could the ice melt so fast? Why would it now instead of the years ago when I was fourteen? Before I really thought about what I was doing, I was at his side tending the wounds. He awoke and stared at me. I sighed and told him to lie still.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]John, I am sorry for the pain I caused you. I know you are not "John" but Fox. I'm no Rain but she's close by. Please don't risk your life finding her when she's already found you.

[b]John:[/b]Huh? Rain?

[i]I nod hateing that she was a big part of me. He kissed me and I pulled away. I didn't really want to be Rain I still wanted to be free. With him, I never could be so that's why I ran.I look over his wounds once more in case I missed one. [/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Why is it that you [i]ALWAYS[/i] get the **** beat out of you and I always show up somehow and save your *** from death?!

[b]Danni:[/b] She's baaaack!

[b]Jaimie:[/b] By the way Sis, I love the new look! ^____^[/color]
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Walking behind Danielle,
the newcomer directly behind me, I spot the 'hero' John, Fox, whatever he is
calling himself now. Looking behind me. "Ciel?, can you not do anything for
this poor soldier?", I exclaim sarcastically. She steps up immediately,
placing her new-found hand on his cheek, momentarily of course, but before
our eyes he returns to the boastful and rather well shaped healthy warrior
he was the last time he had contact with 'mother'.

"There, now your all
fixored up...say there is another one of them pits just down the way some,
if you need directions I bet Ciel or data can show you the way.", I readily
waited a punch in the face for my rude behavior. Seeing as I have not
altered my body in anyway a punch from a beast like John would probably kill
me. I turn away, walking on my own, wondering how long I can place this
arrogant front on my real being to hide the pain in my mind. No one but
Danielle can catch on to my real suffering so I continue about my business
carelessly and happy. At least I had my kickass new laptop to tinker with.

"Say, Ciel, do you think
that you can change a couple simple things about me? There is no barber shop
around here, nor is there any designer shops either.", I smile. She
understands what I am asking and with a gentle slap on the face I am freshly
shaved and dressed in sixteenth century Frankish Marquis clothing. Looking
at her in disgust, I demand more modern clothing. She laughs blatantly,
almost scaring me at how a computer can pull such a childish prank....And
like it.

A moment later I was
wearing a typical pair of stone washed jeans, a red mossimo T, and a casual
overshirt. Ah, the life. I was about to ask her to remove any excess face
fat but than I realized that being out of the matrix, living on nothing, I
had no more face fat. Sighing with a few ounces of remote happiness I look
over at Danielle, Jamie and John....Hooligans.

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[color=blue] I knew the city was in bad shape, but I hadn?t dreamed it would be like this.

[i]As I walk through this lifeless, soul-less, husk of a city, I?m simply astonished at the condition it is in. What happened here? Was it a war? A natural disaster maybe? I wanted to know, but at the same time, I didn?t. So in spite of my hesitation, I continue to traverse the broken streets of this as-to-be named place. Until, of course, I hear a familiar sound.[/i]

Just what I needed. A personal encounter with a tin can. Well, I got something for you this time!

I hide behind the next corner waiting for it?s arrival. I?m not too sure if this is the kind that can sense heat, but I hope with every fiber of my being that it?s not. This is probably the most dangerous and dumbest idea that I?ve had in a long time, but I?m going take it out![/i]

(hearing the movement of the robot and gripping my rusty screwdriver) Gotcha.[i]

With all my might, I plunge my ?weapon? into the neck joint of the machine. There are sparks, but it does not fall.[/i]

[spoiler]Damn[/spoiler]it all![i]

In a move of desperation, I rush the tin can and it surprisingly goes down. It struggles to move but can?t seem to operate its limbs. Guess my first blow wasn?t that ineffective after all. I pick my screwdriver and use it to unscrew the panel on the back of it?s ?head?. I reach inside and pull everything out.[/i]

(out of breath) I would strip you bare and string your fingers for souvenirs, but I don't have the time. Piece of junk.[i]

Having the sudden urge to leave the openness of the street, I run into what looks to be an old army-navy store.[/i]

(wearing my trademark smirk) Must be my lucky day.[/color]
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[color=Red]OOC: First of all, Nice job Darkness. *nods* I think me and Ron aka Valen needa have a talk with you. *giggles*[/color]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Ron, C'm here.

[B]Ron:[/B] Yeah Danni?

[B]Danielle:[/B] I think 2 people we both know and love need make an appearence, or John's gonna be the hero and get all the credit for everything as usual. Well Valen?

[B]Ron:[/B] *grinning* I agree... Manatsu

[I]I laughed as I felt that spark inside myself I missed so much.

Breathing deeply I walked over and ploped myself in a chair, Ron sitting odwn next to me.[/I]

[B]Ron:[/B] Mother, Hook me and Danni up.

[I] Instantly we could both feel the... AH!!!! I screamed and jerked up. Ron was sitting on the floor a few feet away.[/I]

[B]Ron:[/B] Wha the **** was that??

[B]Danielle:[/B] I dunno. WAIT I dont think we needa be hooked up to hack in. Come wit me.

[I] I led him outside explaning him my suspicions. He grinned as I showed him something ide been dieing to tell someone.

I led him a ways away from Yuginocho. Stepping back I Closed my eyes, opening my arms I felt the world spinning around me, I heard Ron gasph as I opend my eyes. We stood in a huge arena. It oddly resembled a arena from the Gym Leader Castle on my old Pokemon stadum. Minus the pokeballs and gay logo's of course. I smiled as he looked around awe'd. I was kinda in shock myself. I knew what I had in mind but I didn't know I could do as mother and data can do and creat my own programs with just the thought of it. good imignation?? I looked arond. Ron noticed the weaponry surrounding us, no guns only thousands of swords and blades. He grabbed a longsword, oddly resembling Alaris we used to talk about with John. I laughed n tossed away my pistols and slipped out my Cobra Katana.

I backed up and brought the blade in front me, holding it with both hands. ron stood, swrod drawn posed ready to fight.[/I]

[center].:: PRESS PLAY NOW OR ELSE!! ::.[/center]
[center] .::Read Slow::.[/center]

[I]We circled each other, pairing up our new abilities.[/I]

[B]Ron:[/B] Manatsu. Long time no see, I was wondering when You'd let you be a part of you old self Danni.

[B]Danielle:[/B] Don't forget Ron. There are no rules here.

[I] He grinned and jumped up in the air. pausing in in mid air he rockted towards me. turning sideways letting him hit nothing but air

I noted our clothing had changed. I stood in an older time Japanese robing, something like Motko wore in Love Hina, Ron was in the same type garments, kinda like Inu from Inuyasha. I smiled noting my hair was again long and pulled up in a bun held by two sticks and his hair was long and black flowing freely. I also noted my hair was still blond.

I Pulled back and lept forward, jumping at him. He doged eaisly as the assults commenced.

Ron flew towards me once again defying "gravity". I laughed as I jumped up, doing a swift blackflip as he Ran smack into the pillar behind me brushing it. Shooting back out in an unexpected counter attack. His sword gashed my right cheek as he flew by me at lighting speed. [/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Aa!

[I] I grinned seeing him out the corner of my eye. He sot at me in a flash trying to hurt me. I grutned as if and eaisly doged. I droped my katana as he dropped his sword. I ran at him Jumping up inthe air, comming down in a flying Ne-Kick. My Foot connected with his stomach sending him backwards. I laughed, not noticing him behind me, He did a roundhouse and sent me spralingo n the floor, I jumped up and jabbed with my right fist repidly as he kept dodging, I came up un-expecidly with a left hook and barely nicked his jaw. Ke punched forward hard, his fist connected with my ribs and sent me into the nearest pillar.

I jumped up running to him, my bare foot nearly missed his head as he grabbed my leg and twisted it spinning mei n the air, i kicked hard with my other leg knocking the wind out of him enough to get free, he lunged at me fitst and feet going, I doged and took aim missing we fought for what felt like hours.

Tireing slowly we steped back and Picked up our weapons.

He grinned as I noted also he had gained some more skills from Data. Mumbling cheater, I remberd I had also learnd from Data.

I Closed my eyes and listend as he wizzed by me trying to confuse me. I opened my eyes and turned to face him, Sword ready and in front me, I switched hands with it, holding it in just my right hand. I shot at him, my sword cut thru the air as well as his solder, he cried out and attacked our weapons clashed as We flew backwards. My back hit the wall making an indent in it as he put all his might into the blow. I yelled out and pushed back un-tangling our swords and leeting mine free to strike. Shooting up i kicked off the ceeling and flew at him, hoping he wasnt quick enough to move because I knew I couldnt stop.

He moved slightly out theway but not enough for my sholder and hilt of my Katana to knock him back into the wall, crumbling it.

We stood back staggering. Both bleeding in a few places. l

I grinned seeing we were perfectly matcheduv ya, no one could ever win this fight. Unless....

I drew my Katana again and rocketd towards him, in a flash he had his sword ready and was speeding towards me. We met in the center of the room, both about 6 feet off the ground, our swords barely touched as time frose, spinning around us the room exploded, we both flew back.[/I]

[center].:: press stop on the music. ::.[/center]

[I] We were back out of the Matrix. Both bleeding as we were inside. But minus the new clothing and hair ect, in our regular garments and normal weapons. I smiled still holding my Katana, my pistols tucked safely in my belt.

I stood as did Ron, walking towards each other we cracked up laughing, meeting in a long embrack, still cracking up. We walked back to Yuginocho laughing and talking.

Everyone was kinda unnerved wondering why we were bloody and brused. "mother" came over to heal us but we both refused.[/I]

[b]Danielle:[/B] No Ciel. We fight and wel both won and lost. Our wounds will heal on their own.

[I] Ron nodded in agreement as we sat down chatting.[/I][/color]

[color=red]OOC: That was for you Ron. *smiles and bows* or should I say Valen. Btw, I know you can't hear the song Ron, Its Bring me to life- Evervasence (sp?) ~ Love Always, Manatsu ~[/color]
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[i]I sat staring at the damn sexy Ciel! I looked over to Mike admiring his new gear. I lept to my feet...i was still the normal me so i decided to get my change.[/i]

Denny: Hey Ciel!

Ciel: Yes Denny?

Denny: Can i have a makeover please? Lol.

Ciel: I'm not sure i might have ran out of eyeliner...

[i]I erupted in laughter, it was even more funny becuase it came from what was a big square computer o_O;;[/i]

Denny: Heh, yeah well...i wanna be really buff!

Ciel: Buff...o_O?

Denny: Yeah like muscular, like what i was in the matrix!

Ciel: I see...ok...

[i]***Suddenly my head snapped back and my eyes turned white! My arms flared out and the muscles and veins popped out everywhere! I had the perfect fighting body. Power, speed and strength. My head dropped forward. I stood up opening and closing my palms...it felt good. My abs were rock solid and my pecks were like steaks. My clothing consisted of faded sandblast jeans with a mock t-shirt which was a squirrel eating a nut with huge writing underneath stating "NUTTER". I also asked for weapons:
Two Uzi Sub-machine guns
and a small personalized switchblade.

I was ready for action, locked and loaded. I pranced over to Mike while he was tapping away at his nifty little gadget.[/i]

Denny: Hey man sup?

Mike: *still staring at screen* Hey...

Denny: Do you even knwo who it is?

Mike: Yeah John...

Denny: Mate...look up...

[i]As soon as i said "mate" he looked up seeing the new me...[/i]

Denny: :smirk: Whatcha think?

*** Think the Hulk meets Dragonball Z LOL! except...human lol. I have a picture but i cannot scan it in! >_< i'll get it up as soon as possible.
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Looking away from my
terminal, I spot the new Denny. He looked pretty swell in his 'nutter' shirt
but that gave me no reason to be polite. "Well, mate, it looks like
you were a tad insecure with your sexy self? That's ok. I do intend on
changing myself eventually, but I have yet to figure out what I really want
with myself.", Denny merely nodded in understanding as I turned away from
him, looking at my console. "What I am doing right now, if you are
wondering, is trying to negotiate with the matrix's backup server. If i can
successfully log in undetected, I will have access to a wealth of
information based upon our lives before we were 'flushed' from the system. I
can denote the causes with pinpoint accuracy.", I waved a finger over the
failure dialog for Denny to see. "See, this is an i/o (input/output) error
basically telling me that I need to broadcast the proper physical address of
a sentinel class-34FE. It seems that with this particular login is prompted
from serial location. Denny pipes up, "So what your saying is that if you
can get in, you can find out why we were deemed so 'hostile' to the matrix's
programmed environment in the first place?", I nodded but also decided to
explain the error to him. "As you see, I cannot get in, but the system,
being run from the same setup they were run when we were IN the matrix, it
gave me an error message telling me why I cannot access. Stupid bad luck for
them because they have just essentially gave me a grid to work from. Now I
just have to change my virtual address to broadcast a false phsyical address
so that when I log in, It thinks that my physical address is actually that
of a class-34FE sentinel or above. Ranking discerning who can log in is very
unclear to me at the moment because from what I have seen today, sentinel's
are a detection/destruction unit. Why do they have rank to log into past
records? I am not sure, but if you ask me, I think they have gotten smarter.
They can research on identified prey by using the matrix server raw

My long-windedness
really got the best of Denny, who seemed awfully awestricken by my detailed,
yet fussy explanations. Ciel had evidently shrunk his brain at the same time
as she expanded his muscles. I grin to myself and continue plugging in new
values and attempting to access. This was so very tricky because I did not
want to give away our entire party's location. So I just didnt mention how
risky of a situation I was purposefully getting all of us into.

My scheme worked
incredibly well though. All I had to do was spoof my logical address. Again
a very easy task, achieved by substituting a real unit's id tag with my
'hacker' tag. It was pure vanilla once you took the time to appreciate it..


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