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The Animetrix [RPG]


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[color=teal][i][u]Hmm.....Mike seems.....different. Not Mike....I must be careful. Already, my body seems tense and ready to battle.....yet there is no fight. The mirror.....something about me is missing.......I know.....[/u][/i]

[b]John:[/b]Ciel......give me a pair of glasses, Peachtree frames, prescriptioned for genetic nearsightedness.

[i]Ciel complied, the black frames appearing on John's face, but still Ciel was not satisfied. She altered them to be prescription shades, in the style of Blade-meets-, and the rest of his body followed in the makeover. His muscles seemed more smooth, his skin tanned, his scars reddened, two more growing just on his shoulder blades, as if he was an angel whose wings were torn off. His hair turned smoother, lighter, and shorter. His black eyes shifted through a spectrum of colors before settling on a sparkling silver, a new scar crisscrossing his old one, forming a red "X" on his chest. A tattoo appeared on his left shoulder, just the numbers "01" with the word "GUNDAM" underneath. A green tanktop took the place of his tattered black t-shirt, his jeans repairing and changing color to white. A pistol holster appeared on his right side. Ciel snapped her fingers, his transformation complete.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Owch......all this for a pair of glasses?

[b]Ciel:[/b]I hate stereotypes, and you looked exactly like a post-apocalyptic hero from too many movies.

[b]John:[/b]Yeah, I thought I looked kinda like Mad Max....

[i]John smiled, liking the new him. He looked over at Jaimie, asking for approval.....[/i][/color]
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Looking at the new John,
smiling happily at what Ciel had applied. I finally had started to wish for
myself to look different, but again, I held back, waiting, searching for
what my soul would look like. Instead I look at Ciel (A composite copy of
Danielle but with different eyes and different hair. A more slim [if that is
possible] body and she is taller.). "Ciel, replace my mossimo shirt with one
of them 'nutter' shirts that Denny is so stylin' in. I want one.", Ciel and
I shared a glance. "So you have yet to decide upon a transition yet? You are
so stubborn. Fine.". A second later I was flashing around in my brand new 'nutter'
shirt, loving every second of it.

Gazing back at Danielle,
I try to keep my mind straight, my goals aligned and my sanity intact. I am
going to need it if any of this ******** is going to end. To me there was
far more to it than just killing these creatures of dictating power. It was
about freedom for my heart as well.

Fusing the information I
had successfully retrieved from what I now like to call the XIRTAM, I smile
and realize upon mere scanning why I was propelled from the system. Three
days after Danielle had died, I had blamed it on some unnatural force.
Knowing her well enough or just being to stubborn to admit loss, I began a
very in-depth Matrix-wide search. I was deep into my searches and was
actually unfolding the secrets of the matrix. No body believed my theories
were actually feasible, most were too scared to admit that the facts
presented were true. Besides that, I had the one, final piece of evidence
that would allow everyone to believe...and rebel.

Either way, when I was
flushed, all memory had been drawn from my brain, deleted as though I was a
giant hard drive and they were an even larger magnet. However much they
tried to destroy my memory, nothing could remove Danielle, who's very
existence was etched, burned into my soul. Still, it hid nothing about my
activities. Everything but the one bit of evidence needed to wake everybody
up. I smile to myself, knowing it will come to me eventually. Little did I
know, but in the Matrix, I had devised the ultimate in 'flushing'
technology. A virus that would make the matrix's operating system work like
reverse psychology. Everything that has no access to leave the matrix can
leave. Everything that does have access, does not anymore. And
mostly...everyone who is not flushed....IS flushed..

A shame that my 'real
self' doesn't remember anything about this, but it will...It is ever trying
to remember...And it will.

Looking over to
Danielle, Ciel following me like an obedient slave. "Ciel, you are one in
your own, you do not need to follow me around, hell why don't you go find a
safe spot and learn all about what 'masturbation' means. I am sure you will
get a kick out of that.", i remark slyly. Having already searched her
databases on 'masturbation', she looked at me and walked off, arms folded.
"Christ, she is turning into a real girl....I guess I should watch my mouth
from now on.", Danielle walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face,
calling me a couple unpleasant names in the process. "Have you even stopped
to think that maybe she liked following you? You did give her what she has
right now!? Cant you ****ing grow up and act mature!?", her words burned my
consciousness. Reminding me about how stupid and selfish I have been.

It did not take much
more than that to make me see. I began sobbing, not from pain, but from
realization of my false existence. I had never so much as looked at everyone
here as real people, just tools, toys to play with. I smiled and wiped at my
eyes, no longer wanting to play, my serious face had come back, and probably
would not leave for a long long time.

Chasing after Ciel, like
I knew that I should, almost laughing at myself if for that remote chance I
would find her masturbating. I laughed that over inside my head a few times.
But she wasn't. In fact, she was sitting in the cockpit of her old
existence, looking at her parts and wondering about things out of my

I picked up her
relatively minute body and hugged her, apologizing. For only a second I
thought Danielle, but after which I relished in the fact that this is not
Danielle. Ciel is real, and mostly I think I hurt her. "Ciel, I am sorry, if
you do not want to follow me around anymore, I wont make you, but know, IT
would be an honor for me to be followed by such a smart girl like you.
Again, I am sorry, nothing like this will happen again. Also, please come
back, not because I asked you, but because everyone needs you."

I than let go, leaving
but still looking back, she hadn't shed a tear, and if she had, it might
have been a weird feeling. Especially for her. I walked back to Yuginocho
and sat in my seat, across from everybody else. I sat alone for my own
reasons, mostly because I had no right to be with the people who cared. Ciel
had not wasted any time returning to Yuginocho. Her swift beauty had
captivated my interest because she was real, and seemed to look past my
stupidity and come back for everyone who needed her. She was now mingling
amongst the 'crew' like she was one of them. And that she was, I was
proud...I was also now sure of what my soul Looked like.



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[color=blue][i] My side was still bleeding but I didn't care. My mind was on the past. I stared out the windoe wondering why I had to still love him. I hates him at the same time too. I hated tge way he looked at me and how he used to love me. I mostly hated the way he would risk everything just to save me. How could I love him and hate him at the same time? I truly wished I could run from him as I knew he wanted to run from me. I looked at Ciel then at myself.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Hey, Ciel, can I get my change now?

[b]Ciel:[/b] Sure, what ya want?

[b]Jaimie:[/b] I would like my hair to be shorter and to have some silver pants with a black tanktop that is cut so it shows my belly. I also want a red over shirt that has longsleves with boots. And um...one more thing... cna I have my body altered just a bit.

[b]Ciel:[/b] Like what do you want?

[b]Jaimie:[/b] I want a bigger chest and ***.

[b]Ciel:[/b] Done.

[i] She did something and when I looked down I had my clothes and my chest was slightly bigger. I looked at her in approval.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Thanks!

[i] I walked back into the corner to watch everyone.[/i][/color]

OOC. I'll post the pic later when I'm not on the school's computers.
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Summing the courage to
talk to Ciel once more, I walk to where she stands, watching, listening to
her conversation, letting her finish before I open my mouth. She ignores me
as she should. Damned females, so irregular. I know I didn't allow for
menstrual cycles when altering her genetic makeup, simply because it would
not be an effective way to have a medic, designer, tomb of knowledge who
also had PMS. I laugh at myself, knowing if she wanted to, she could make
herself, by god an honest full blown girl, but I doubt she has the drive for
it, the needing for that feeling, and if she does, lets hope she doesn't act
on it.

When she finishes, she
looks to me. "Can I help you Michael?", "Yes, Ciel, you can", I think to
myself, not actually speaking. I look at her, her eyes real, they pierce my
consciousness, sending me into a dream. I shake my head, angry at myself for
being so dumb. "Yes, Ciel, you can", I say out loud this time. Hoping she
didn't notice my abstract stupor.

"Okay, what is it that I
can do for you?", "Many things...", I almost fall into the same situation
, not speaking aloud. I shake my head once more, finally
verbalizing my proposed changes. "Well, you see...Until now, everyone has
been getting a picture of Michael that isn't real. I was hiding behind a
front that was useless to myself or anyone else. Now, I have decided to
change into what my soul would probably look like.". Confused, she attempts
some playful sarcasm, "Sorry, Michael, but I am afraid that I cant quite see
into your soul, why don't you go find a place all by yourself and ask the
mysterious wind for a Tarot reading..".

Unlike her, I didn't run
from the filth shot at me. Instead I knew it was no fault of hers, but the
fault is all my own. "Ciel, if you would?", She looked at me with a cock to
her head. Reluctantly, she sits in the seat I direct her to, me taking the
one directly adjacent.

"This is it, I will just
tell you what my sexy soul would look like." , She nods vacantly. "I want
this body," I point to the monitor of my laptop.

"I see", Ciel states,
allowing me to continue. "From this you don't really get a good facial shot,
which is what I want to give you. Here is is", I point to the second picture
on my laptop, almost blushing, knowing this is far too hot a boy to be
asking for, not wanting all the girls to flock around me. I laugh, knowing
my looks wouldn't be what does the attracting...or at least the kind of
attraction I long for.




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I sat back away from everyone. Watching them talking, my eyes narrowing every time Ciel came into my viue, as with Jaimie and john. Seeing everyones new appearences I thought of the irony of it all. Wonderying why couldn't thigns be as they used to. my mind slipped from reality again as my thoughts drifted to her, the one person I knew I didn't wanna live without, and damed to hell if I was gonna let John forget it. I stood brisly walking past everyone, making certin to brush by John's sholder on my way outside. He watched me leave and slam the hull door behind me, that got everyones attention.

I noticed Ciel follow me outsid,e probly to inquire my mood.[/I]

[b]Ciel:[/B] Is something the matter?

[I] Turning to look at her my eyes showing all I needed to say.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] And what do you care? Your supposed to be a michene. A tool as some might say. Its human kind's fualt AI's got out of conrtoll. You don't think I didn't see?!? I saw everythign you showed me! WHY ME! Why didn't you show Mike or john! Stronger people!! Why a weakling likem e, howcome I alone mustb are the burdon of knowing the trusth?? Is it because I....

[/I] My head dropped looking at the dirt as I started feeling the freezing temptures of the barren earth. I kicked a nearby rock with my shoe.[/i]

[B]Ciel:[/B] You, and you alone know hwy I choes to show you. You want to find her. The one hwo is most preashous to you. And I alone know where she now dewls.

[B]Danielle:[/B] YOU ****ING PICE OF TIN! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG..why make me suffer!!! if shes dead tel me now and you'll be rid of me forever.

[B]Ciel:[/B] She is not dead. but alive barely. If you wish to save her you will need me. And to save her life, I do not think Yuginocho can provide enough heat to break the bitter cold she feels. I heard her calling for you. Before she passed out.

[I] Anger welled within me at this..creation of Mike's. I felt like destroying her, but I knew I could never come ot that. I needed her. If I was ever gonna find my..Osema. I smiled inwardly rembering that phrase. The joyous phrase rang in my heart as I looked up at Ciel.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Ciel, give me her cordnates, please. I have to save her.

[B]Ciel:[/B] Here, we all can go-

[B]Danielle:[/B] *cutting her off* No. I will, must go alone, not even John, can come..

[I] She nodded and handed me a calculator looking thing. It was a map of sorts, showing all the energy around me, I was shone on it by a red dot, and machines were blue. my ocnema would be red also. I nodded. Before I walked off I turned to Ciel and hugged her tightly, tears streaming from my eyes. I wiped them away and stepped back.[/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Ciel..I wish I wouldn't have to be alone on this journey but..I know, no one in there...

[B]Ciel:[/B] I would acompany you, but I am needed here, and I know you would not allow me to. Take Yuginocho and go, he is after all, yours.

[I] Nodding I noticed for the first time htou we could talk to Yugi from inside where we were, it was not him we were in. Yuginocho's smaller round "porche" form came around from the side of this ship. The door opend and I hopped him. Waving fare well to Ciel we took off.

I held on to my "map" As Yuginocho sped across the barren wastelands to where she was. I wonderd if anyone notced my absence yett, I knew I shoulda asked Jaimie to come but, no. I was fine with Yuginocho.

I yelled out as I pitched forward, Yuginocho tumbling in midair. He righted himself and opend the door, showing me what had attacked us.

I huge ship stood before my eyes. I slipped out my pistols and fired through the open door, the bullets bounded off like i was throwing rocks. I jumped you yelling to Yugi.[/i]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Yuginocho! Go get Ciel and tell her to hurry! We need weapons, GO NOW before this gets to her!!

[I] He tried to protest but I manually shut the door and kicked the outside of the ship pushing it back toward the direction we came, the negines light up as he took off, going faster than i'de seen him go yett.

I turned to the Sip before me, I realized it wasn't a ship, but a huge machiene, I stod near the edge of a cliff, running to it I almost screamed as I saw what lied before me. Rows and rows of small capsules, machines looking like people in crop fields, harvesting the small capsules which I knew held babies.

I shook my head I was now serously pissed off. I fired again at the top ofthe ship this time, hitting one of the tenticles that wipped towards me, The firing severd the tenticle, it wipped around as it fell, the tip, I didn't see lash towards me, cutting me across the face, from over my right eye to my lip, i tasted the bloodand felt the sting of the gash it made. I tossed the pistols as I ran out of ammo. Slipping my Katana from across my back I charged towards it, attempting to sever another tenticle.

Forgetting there were almost a dozen and dismissing the fact it could use more than one at a time, I ran towards one, another swinging out and connecting with my stomach throwing me backwards towards the cliff. I cried out hitting the ground, feeling my skin being shredded by the ground as I slid.

Realizing I couldnt win I grabbed my Katana and ran, following the clodd I bolted.

After about an hour of blind running my run was now a staggering walk. I knew I was far from the machiene and the felid of human crops.

I staggerd a few more feet then fell to my knees. My hands comming up over my face as I sat crying. I don't really know why, but I did, the release felt good, like I was helping to let go of something. My mind drifting back to her I foced my weak tired mussles to mak me stand. Slipping out the map I still carried I saw the other red dot, mine moving, hers..not. I Mesured the distance, seeing she was a good days walk off. Even if I didn't sleep still a good 13 hours, 12 if I ran. I set off walking fast..

I walked what felt like days but I knew wasn't more than 4 or 5 hours. The lil red dot growing ever so lcoser. I also noticed sevral other dots moving about, using my map to steer clear of them. when I absloutly could not walk anymore I colapsed, making myself crawl to a big, what seemed like a shell, and I curled up in a ball, hugging my knees I nestled my head dow and slept, my dreams however, preventing much rest.


I was awake I belived, walking at home, having run into many of my older friends, none seing me for some odd reason. I heard something chaseing me, but I did not run. The constant clanging of keys haunting my memories. I turned to face nothing but darkness, in a flash I was on the ship, lookign at everyone talking, but oddly they didn't see me either, I wonderd if I was dead or.. I don't know.

I walked over by Jaimie and tried to make out their convo, I couldn'tmake any words out, I felt as if I was watching tv on volume 1.

Walking over to Mike I peared over his sholder as he typed away doing..something, on his computer.

I then walked by Ron, his head perked up, as if he senced me but shrugging he went back to talking with Denny.

I yelled out, but no one even glanced around, no one heard me. I was nothing...


I woke up cryign and pale purple, my skin deathly cold.

I forced my aching self to stand as I continued my treck to Stephanie. She lil red dot still growing ever so closer.

6 hours later my map showed her dot nearby, but my surrounding showed me it would be hell finding her without getting myself killed.

My map also showed a bunch of machienes around me. I prayed for her safty, but then kicked myself wondering who I was praying to. I shrugged.

Slipping low, the walking having gained some of my sgrenth. I snuck around corners od what lookedl ike it used ot be a city, now duminshed to piles of rubble. I kept trying to find paths ot her, but oddly everyone was guarded by something, and my map couldn't tell me what.

I sat aginst what was part of a wall. I rested my head on my knees as I slipped into thoght.

My eyes slipped shut as I stumbled towards unconchoness.

My mind raced, thinking of everyhting but nothing, my thoughts drifting to a place I used to live, I went when I couldnt take the world, I burrowed deeper into my mind, burying within my self, digging my mental hole deeper. I walked alone now, thought the streets of my mind, I wonderd if New York looked like this now.

I walked through the fog, looking for the street lamp I had on last time I left. Noting the dim light in the distance. I walked towards it, knowing what awaited me there. I kept walking, knowing if I did, I might never come back.

I reached the street lamp, I glanced at the shdow of someone standing aginst the wall, cloaked in shadow. He nodded his head as I walked down the aley and say in the corner, wondering when he would show, as if on cue, my gargoyle came padding up next to my, still thin and sickly, I patted his head welcoming myself home.. knowing my happiness was just a figment of my imignation.

In a flash I saw evertyhing, like in a strobel ight I saw 2 thigns at one, flashing back and fourth, someone, a figure slowing getting in a pool, to me sitting in the alley, the flashed oncinted as the seconed flash of the pool the person was almost fully, in, the flashes ocntiuned, growing slower, flickering back every 10 or so seconds. Then the images stayed on the person by the pool, she was fully in now, almost her head under. I wastched asshe let herself slip in, then go under, at the same time I felt my mind slip to full unconshosness.

I sat there, shakign and alone, trapped within my self, machienes swarming around, but my brain sending them no signals now, as because I was asorbed in a cloak of darkness...[/I][/color]

OOC: Don't Ask. Look close to see the girl in the picture.
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[i]I stepped out of the conversations with everyone because i noticed Ciel walking back in with a very worried and puzzled face, anyway i had to speak to her about something anyway. I made my way over to her and asked her my questions.[/i]

Denny: You awright?

Ciel: Um....yes, how may i help you Denny?

Denny: Oh eh, well i was wondering...could you know you said i have the ability to slip in and out of the Matrix at my own will? Could you try and teach me how i actually do it?!

Ciel: Well i could try...

[i]She placed her soft tender hand onto my forhead as i felt a huge electrial surge run through me! She began to nod and then she jumped back with what looked like, an electrical shock! She grabbed her hand soothing it softly.[/i]

Ciel: Ah, that was damn sore! Well...i got most of the "source" i geuss you could call it...

Denny: I see...and...?

Ciel: Hold on! Geez! I'm trying to process it so that i can implant it easy for you to know exactl what to do...you already ahve the knowledge you just don't know how to use it. It's like you have the times tables in your pocket yet you don;t knwo how to count. I must first make it into, almost a manuel for your brain. Get it?

Denny: Yeah...man you have brains and beauty...

Ciel: What?!

[i]I just noticed that i had said that out loud...[i/]

Denny: Eh...nothin' nothin'

Ciel: :smirk: Ok...Well here it is...

[i]Once again she touched my forhead and the jolt of energy errupted into my body. This time it was me who got an electric shock! I leaped back looking at my hands...I HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE![/i]

Denny: I'm gonna try it out...Chow for now!

[i]Ciel gave a small smirk and wave as my body digitalized*** as i jacked into the Matrix at MY OWN WILL! I landed straight into the middle of Glasgow! MY HOME CITY! I pranced down Argle street, then onto Suchiehall street looking at all the people oblivious to what is happening. A junkie barged into me squeling for "Any Spare Change, Pal?". I've always wanted to do this! I said to myself as i picked him up and threw him for at least 100 meters. "I hate them, they kid on that they are in need but they are wearing top brand names with half an ounce of crack in their back pocket....bastards! Just then the junkie that i had threw started to run at me at an amazing speed then his body began to mutate! He turned into a large man in a smart, sleek, black tux with pitch black shades.[/i]


[i]I was canondated 300 meters back! My face was bleeding bad and the man kept running...he liftd his arm and as soon as he was inches from my face i digitalized back to Yugi![/i]

Denny: ****IN' 'ELL!


[i]She ran over with extreme distrot as i collapse to the floor, everyone ran over from all ends of the ship...even Mike left his laptop to see what had happened. Ciel fixed me up quickly before i died of blood lose...that's how bad of shape i was in. I jumped to my feet explaining the story to "the crew"...[/i]

*** Like when in The Matrix they answer the phone and there body digitalizes and the wierd noises happen ;).
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And so frustration pays a
hefty dividend. I was one happy camper. I had retrieved the information on
the reasons for flushing for everyone but Danielle. Her case was the index.
Her scenario was not logged. I look at Denny, watching him materialize. "Heh...Baka
no Briton," I had only looked away from my monitor once, and it was to
denote his stupidity. I had to though, asking Ciel such a weighty favor.
Doesn't he know that now the 'collective' as I like to refer, knows when and
where to look, simply by splicing data between Denny's last known
whereabouts in the real world with the fact that he entered the matrix, it
just scared me mostly. Also it made me mad that I, the **hole of the crew
(not no more, hopefully) had been putting forth so much effort to conceal
our location.

But that lead me to why
Denny was flushed in the first place...His incredible luck. I pulled Ciel
over to my console, asking her to give me a holograph projector, so I could
display the results of my searches for everyone. She does so, a weary look
on her face. Since I was her creator we kind of shared a bond. This right
now was telling me that she was definitely uneasy about something. Since she
looks like my dream girl, her appearance is not too dissimilar from that of
Danielle. Thus, her shadow is almost a replica. Everytime I saw her shadow,
I just assumed it might have been Danni. I sigh, realizing that with Ciel
looking upset, and Danni not in the picture at the moment, that they must
have had some minor type of argument. I reluctantly smile.

With my projector now in
place, I decide on displaying the raw text instead of dolling it up any.
Time is money, and in this case time is lives.


Sigint: FE12C-EDB39-FFFF-F3D2 Brief: Post Int: Signals.



?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: Hunter Fname: Michael, Steven

?>Gen: Male

?>Loc: South Ontario

?>FarmID: F-F34-DE3B-DFFF

?>Flush/?:Crown Mischief



?>Flushed for reasons that conflict with the matrix guidelines,

?>essentially, he is virus, a plague best dead.



?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: Blume Fname: Danielle, Marie

?>Gen: Female

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: N/A Fname: Kevin

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: Reeves Fname: Jamie

?>Gen: Female

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: Schock Fname: John

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: N/A Fname: Denny

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: N/A Fname: Ronald

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: N/A Fname: Flynn

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock


Fname: Neil

?>Gen: male

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A







?>ProdTag: Livestock

?>Sname: N/A Fname: Melondy

?>Gen: Female

?>Loc: N/A

?>FarmID: N/A








::End Transmission::Array Exploit v0.35 para Mi::


ooc: obviously a rather information lacking 'array
exploit' ...I don't care because my info is as I want it..I dont think
anyone wants me to write their section...namely this is for the reason your
char was dumped. If you want to fill this...pm with the assorted info
required. If I missed you it was likely cuz you havent posted here yet.
Butif that is not the case, than pm me with the info and i guess I can doit
for you :-D




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[color=blue][i] I looked over to John signaling him to come over to me. He did and sat down. His new apearance wasn't quite what I expected but it was way better then what he used to look like. I smiled uneasily and looked into his new silver eyes.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b]John, you know I won't let anything start again between us right?

[b]John:[/b]I know.

[i]I leaned in to whisper in his ear.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] How's Kale and Kaylee?

[i] He looked down fighting tears.Something wasn't right.[/i]

[b]John:[/b] They're.....dead.

[i] I felt the "Rain" left inside me cry; they were their children. I was saddened but could not cry myself since I never really wanted them as my own.I hugged John in a comforting way then he pulled away.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]I will not rest until I kill the murderer!

[b]Jaimie:[/b] He's dead...It was my Richard that did it. He didn't know what he was doing! That and my hatred for you and all of we had together led me to tell him where you were who they were...I am sorry. He's gone now please don't bring him back in anyway it would be too painful.

[i]My gaze landed somewhere out the window. I had to run, I had to get away for a while. I grabbed a few extra clips of ammo and stashed them into my pockets. I headed for teh door when John walked infront of me.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Get out of my way!

[b]John:[/b] No!You don't need to go and if you do I'll go with you.

[b]Jaimie:[/b]Can't you see I'm running from you? God damnit! UGH! No one keep a track on me I must go and not be bothered. By ya'll.

[i] No one noticed I left except for John. I walked alone in the field that semed like it never ended. Where the hell was I? Where was I going? Something told me to go back but I didn't listen. I was determined to get away from everyone. Before Danni found me I wanted to be with someone so badly but now...I was alone again.[/i][/color]
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I knew that
nothing was going right, the situation with Danielle had gotten worse. Why
had she been so John'ish? I swore to myself, knowing that I should have paid
more attention to her, that way I would not have lost track of her with my
stupid god forsaken information gathering.

I wish she
hadn't left on us but I frankly don't care, now I must find her. Looking to
Ciel, the only linkage between us and them. I ask away, hoping my first
guess and gamble will pay off. "Ciel, I know you know where she is, I know
this because I made you and I have a direct, undetectable link to your very
being. It can be shut off now, but only if you tell me where she is, give me
a XGFP system and...obviously some weapons." She looked at me, as if
betrayed. I smile, knowing that no such 'direct connection' was ever in
existence. "Fine, but just because you think that you are god, I can assure
you that you aren't." I grin happily as she hands me the small device. It
looks much like the one she gave Danielle, except a few minor changes. The
XeroGravitationalFactoredPoint system was much more precise and also
included a few handy features, such as a com-link between myself and the
'collective'. This sort of gave me the power to watch the 'police' lines as
I moved. It worked different from how Danielle's did in that I could tell
before any patrollers came, where and when they would come. I was the
perfect tool in which to avoid conflict. My mind was racing too, conflict
would be short and pleasant if it lasted, especially with me in my current
state of mind.

there comes a time when people you know, trust and even love, will take a
dagger and stick it in your back. Well I have did this once to you, and now
I twisted the blade. I had to you see.. Danielle's location is very
important to me, and you cannot hide from me." She grimaced, probably
wondering how I guessed. I will leave her in the dark for now.

"Sorry, but
lets move on, we both made mistakes. Fortunately we can forgive and get back
on track. I really need only two base weapons from you, but of course, I'll
ask for more. I want an mp3sf, using five clips of shunted nickel parabellum
capsule tips. Twin berretta elite pistols, same amount of casings please. I
want a Francium embedded four foot katana, and three Francium embedded
single pointed shurikans in an appropriately lined leg holster." She filled
my order out with a rather curious gaze, wondering what I wanted Francium
for.. Before she got a chance to ask I piped up, "Well, as you know Francium
is the only metal that reacts with air within less than a millisecond of
exposure. You may or may not want to put two and two together, but I don't
think that by any means can this blade be stopped by another metal..." I

worried about Danielle, I figure that speed will be best if I had a damned
vehicle. Since I'm too stupid and stubborn, I chose to set out on foot. To
my dismay, my tracking system showed that I was approximately 240 Kilometers
from her. This was disgustingly far. "Ciel..Make me a car....please make me
a car...something please!!!!!!" She looked at me awkwardly "Wouldn't a more
modern mode of transportation be a bit more effective?" "YES!!!!! Give me
one of them!" She sighs, "Okay". Thinking that Danielle would likely be
angry if I came with Ciel..I stopped and looked at Ciel, smiling. "Don't
follow me, remember you hate me now? hehe" She smiles back, knowing my real
reason for telling her to go away. "Fine, the others probably need me right
now, im so very special to everyone" she spits out sarcastically.

I lower my
head but continue on my way, now at the bridge of a small three person
hovership. Looking avidly, knowing a mess of bug-like machines should be on
their way to stop me, hearing the 'police' signals broadcasting their
detection song. I've already been tagged?

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[color=teal][i][u]No....he isn't dead......just plugged. Revenge.....it will be mine......I swear it, revenge WILL be mine! I must avenge my kids.......my son.....my daughter......[/u]

John rushed back into the Matrix chamber, grabbing a chair and forcing himself into it as hard as he could.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]Data! Put me in the Matrix, location: Four blocks south of a young man, the image is in my head.

[i]Data complied, pushing the young man into the Matrix, somewhere in Alabama. John felt a data download coming into his system: the exact location of Richard. John rushed forward, pulling out a Colt .45 and slamming open the door the Matrix indicated was Richard's. Inside was......

Not Richard. Four men in black suits stood in front of him, odd headphones plugged into their right ears. One walked forward, smiling maliciously.[/i]

[b]Suit:[/b]Good morning, Mr. Schock. I see you are well, at least for the moment. Your revenge wil not come about yet, I assure you. Your anger still has use to us, but for that to come to pass, you must be destroyed, your renegade data must be absorbed.

[i]John calmed down, thinking what he was about to do through. He sighed and turned around, heading out for a steak.....

The men appeared before him.[/i]

[b]Suit:[/b]I don't think so, Mr. Schock. You will not leave.....in one piece.

[i]John pulled his gun out, firing at all four of them. Not a single bullet hit, and John prided himself on being an expert shot. They were fast. So fast that in one movement, John was in the suit's grip and being thrown into a brick wall. And going through the brick wall. He coughed blood, the men kicking him, punching him, throwing him across the room. He couldn't think anymore. He stood up when they gave him a reprieve. A phone began ringing....

He ran. Full out, he just ran. He picked the phone up just as four bullets entered his body. One in his shoulder, two in his back, one in his leg......

He woke up, blood covering the chair. The needle came out of his neck, and he fell to the floor. He managed to crawl himself into a nearby bed and began to cough blood uncontrollably. He felt his life ending, even as Ciel came over to heal him.[/i]

[b]John:[/b]No! Get away from me. *coughcough* I deserve this......for certain sins...*cough*....go, if it's my time, I'll die. If not.....I'll *coughcough* live.......

[i]He fell unconscious.[/i][/color]
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I couldn't remember the first time i opened my eyes, or the second. all i remember is waking up in a puddle of sewage and body parts. I was naked, in pain, and alone. i went to feel my body but all i could do was curl up and cry wishing i would wake up from this horrible nightmare.... I don't know how much longer it was before i woke again. My body was cleaned and i was on a hill of junk with a metal bar beside me. obviously someone had pulled me out and cleaned me but at that point I didn't know and didn't care. I reached over, my body still in a dull pain because of having never used my muscles before, and grabbed the steel pipe from beside me. After many hours of walking, who knows how long, I finally came to a stop... a huge dead end infront of me. I sighed and sat down leaning against the wall wondering what has happened and what had become of me. First moment I was messing around infront of my friend mikes computer and then BAM! I wake up and i'm in this nightmare world. I sit down and start to cry in confusion.
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[color=blue][I]I sat there sunken so deeply within myself I wasn't aware of anything around me. My life might as well have been ended by the many bots surrounding the compound I had made my way into. I still sat alone in my corner of my mind, my bout about to die. Along with my mind. The frigid temptures had iced over my skin. I was hardly aware when a bot passed in front of me, pausing to look over my frozen form. It detected life, but no brain activty. It turned and kept moving. I don't know how I mnaged to stand, still deep within my own mind, I was still lost, but something inside of me forced my body to press on. My attempts to save her woul not be in vain. My life will have ment osmething if it killed me. And it probly would. The map, now frozen to my palm, showed she was only about a block away. I truged on, moving but undure of how. I wasn't even sure what part of me was thinking. Maby my subchouncous had taken over and my own will to save her life had taken controll.

My red dot on the screen finally reached hers. My eyes moved, but I didn't know how. It wasn't me moving them. I looked around searching for her. It said she was right he-

I noticed a small clump of blond amist the brown rubble everywhere. I bent down and with my free hand pulled. Her face then after more pulling, body apared from the debris. She was alive, but barely, my map told me. unable to let go of my map I pulled her in my arms. I held on to her, rocking slowly. Her eyes opend a bit, just a tiny bit. The words were raspy and cold when she spoke. I could barely make it out before she passed out again.."Danni" had been what she said. I closed my eyes.

I sat there for what felt like hours, holding the most imporitant person in the world to me. Holding her til she or or I died. Knowing the other would soon follow. After a while I felt warmth return ot her body, and mine a tiny bit. Hoping I was warming her by my slow constant rocking.

All I knew was if she died, her last word would have been Danni i understand.. My name. Not John. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing she still loved me more than him. Still knowing I was her most imporitant person.

I sat, eyes barely open, gazing ta her. A single lowly tear fround its way from my almost frozen eyes.

The tear fell on her cheek and rolled down to the non deserving ground. Sadness welled within me as I knew I feared death more than anything. I held her and continued rocking.

My eyes shut, probly never to open again as my mind, what was left free, raced with sadness, guilt and pain. I felt as if I betrayed her, knowing I never intended to. I didn't mean to let her come ot this, If only I had run faster..if I had left sooner. If I hadn't been so self asorbed with Ron and I's fight we might both be alive. Defeat overwelmed me as I completely lost all hope for my own life. Keeping my eyes closed I pulled her more into my arms, bending her knees and pullig her still small body into my arms, I kept rocking. Hoping I kept her warm til someone, probly John, found us. Then she would live, and my attempts would not have been in vain.

I looked upon her one more time, leaning over I kissed her forhead. Then leaning my forhead to hers I closed my eyes again. Holding her my rocking never stopped, but slowed the colder I got. It seemed the colder I was, the warmer she felt. So my slow rocking continued as I completely let go of myself, only letting enough of me remain to sustain my constant, ever vigliant rocking..[/I][/color]
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[color=blue][i] There was nothing around as I walked in a direction I didn't know. Rubble was everywhere I turned. When I looked up, I saw where I was to go. It was an old house about maybe half a mile away. My pace began to quicken and the house got closer.
The door was at my fingertips. Oddly, it was closed. Normally things would have been busted open but this door was closed and locked. I kicked in the door with my new boots and stepped inside. The place seemed very familiar even though I know I had not been here before. Nothing looked disturbed and the items on the walls were perfectly hung. I explored a bit to find the only bedroom on the first floor.
I saw it when I walked past it. The room I knew most in the house. A pack of sunflower seeds lay on the nightstand. Also was a silver chain. I picked it up and put it on.I walked to the dresser looking at myself in the mirror. Looking down I saw the box that was once discribed to me. I ran my fingers along the chrome edges and opened the box. The smell of cigars filled the air. I found a lighter in the box and lit one. The smell was very comforting to my nose. Rumaging through the box I found some pictures. My hands were trembling when I saw what the pictures were. One, my favorite one,of me and my love. His voice echoed inside me head "I love you,Baby" I closed my eyes to see him. Then, I remembered that John wouldn't rest until Rich was dead. Emidiatley I left and ran back to the ship. All of my energy was spent on running. [/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Ciel, keep John from going to do any battle with Rich. His house is still preserved I'm going to go back and check it a bit more. By the way, can I get a few tattos and piercings?

[b]Ciel:[/b] Where?

[b]Jaimie:[/b] I want a R and J together to form one symbol on my right ankle and a girl teddy bear sitting in a blue rose on my back. For the piercings, I would like my left eyebrow pierced and my belly button. Can I also add two daggars with teddybears ong the handles and a matching lightweight sword?

[i]I can't figure out how she really does it but sure enough I had what I asked for. I looked at her in a thanking way. She smiled and nodded back. I looked at John the looked away thinking he deserved it.[/i][/color]
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The Fighting Music....

Knowing full well that I
had no chance in avoiding a confrontation, I merely hoped that what skills I
had acquired from Ciel and the metal dissolving blades would be enough...If
I was just fast enough.

Hopping off my
hovercraft into the subzero barren, I draw my katana, the shimmer set's the
mood and I charge, blindly into a chilled field of robomechanical droids,
each with a purpose in it's hunt for me. I had already located and memorized
each of the most hostile mechs near me. With that information embedded into
my skull, I veer in, my position changing rapidly as I zero on my first
target. The whirring of the chemical reaction from my blade exited me even
more as I leapt out of the darkness, my blade carving intricate weaving
pattern's over the now tarnished alloy. It bubbled away joyously. I think to
myself, knowing that even if the blade didn't slice it like butter, the
Francium would eat it away.

Leaving the heap of
ever-reacting rubble in my wake, I swiftly ran through the terrain. Looking
over my shoulder, I smiled, my body was invigorated and warm...but most of
all, I loved it.

Speaking of loving the
death of these infernal creatures...I jumped into a cluster of six highly
praised sentinel v.35/x.25 squid-like seeker-destroyers. I smiled as I
sensed hundreds of tentacles all rocketing at me. Four shurikans expertly
thrown, sending a few tentacles to the ground, threat removed. I was having
so much fun that before I knew what had happened all the sentinel's sat
before me, armless and pissed. I grinned and left them, the severing of
their precious limbs had left a fatal dosage of caustic chems on their body.
They were all left to die.

Sheathing my katana, I
draw my pistols, their grips of ivory perfection. Sneaking behind a humanoid
bot, I place the tip of one of my Berettas to it's central fuse panel. "Your
slow anyway, I wouldn't expect you to dodge something like this...", It
turned it's head a fraction of a second before it's chest was blown apart
internally from the parabellum tip of the bullet. Rousing two other humanoid
bot's attention, the second pistol emptied a clip into their vaguely aware
brains, ending their existence. Holstering the pistols, I smile, almost
angry that I didn't get to use my mp5. It was ok...I was well on my way to
finding Danielle.. Hopefully she was still alive...and hopefully...just
maybe, she would return the love I display...

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[color=blue][I] Rhe rocking slowly ceased as my brain stayed bairly alert to the chaos unfolding around me. More machienes had appeared swarming around me and Stephi. She had gotten extremly warm and came to often, my mental state not being much of anything couldn't respond ot her crying and passing out from time to time. She was alive, John would live, having his stephi back, the map frozen to ym hand would show her the way to Yuginocho. She couldn't seem to get from my deathly cold grasp. She started crying upon her next awakening, my eyes barely open looked into her sad sullen terrified eyes.

She pushed up, seeming to be stronger from resting. Grabbing my arms and making me walk. I knew if she didn't play dead she'd die, knowing she'd rather die than leave my side I considered her dead. My mental state was none to even bother talking to, her crying and pleading for me to come back ot her killed my heart, wanting to answer her desprate pleas so badly, but my mind was gone, lost amidsts the avid void, only 2 people had ever been there and back, only one ever literally carried me out and I figured he had long forgotten about me. Althou he did make his little creation in my image.

In a desprate attempt to make a run for it she grabbed my arms ad hoisted my now sickly think body up, tossing one of my arms over her sholder, my sub chnshous taking over a bit and hlping me walk. She half dragged m as she made her way through the constantly annoying bots, firing small blasts at us,not really caring knowing we'd be dead soon. Maby they weren't as dumb as I thought. Logical computation, nice tecnology..verry, If only I hadn't given up then ide be able to tell Mike my findings..meh he prolly already knew.

She tried dragging me completely once my legs gave out, I was somewhat lighter. Maby 50 lbs or so lighter. She was strong but the mussle diteration..had gotten the best of her. She tried as hard as she could, and the bot, she didn't see it comming up behind us, but I heard it. With the last ounce of what was me I grabbed hold of her wrists, Looking in her eyes I choked out..


She looked at me in disbelief as I wreched the map from my hand, it also showed someone heading toward us, I figured it was john. I pointed for her to run to that dot. she tried to protest but I collapsed and she took off, hualing *** probly attempting to get help to save me, if she only knew I was as good as dead.

I laid there as the droid ignored her and looked over me, counting me as dead or close to it, the machiene picked me up and tossed me in a pile of rubble. I laid there pulling my knees up I laid in a fetal position waiting for death to take me...[/I][/color]
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Without delay, I look at
my advanced gps system. Danielle's point of sustenance was not far off. In
fact, she was quite close. I was still teaming with energy, this vigorous
feeling flowing through me was not human. I smiled, uncaring about that...I
knew Danielle had been stubborn, I knew she did it all by herself, and if I
knew anything, she would be alive....too stubborn to die, even if she wanted

I wanted nothing more
than to see her face, just to see her breathing and well. I draw my katana
again. Having already infiltrated the compound that Danielle's position was
within, I course the narrow walkways until I find myself face to face with a
small, blonde girl. Her face and hair were soiled with dirt and muck, but
her eyes and face were not mistakable. It was Stephi-chan. I look at her,
wordless, wondering why Stephi was the bleep on my locator. I was sure to
hell... I froze almost instantly, looking beyond Steph, over her shoulder. I
could only see a lump on the ground, it was Danielle...a very badly worn
Danielle at that.

"Steph....take this, it
will help you with the most minor of inflictions...You have to come with us,
so be careful." She nodded, seemingly fully aware of what has happened. I
grab Danielle's minute body and pull my jacket off, surrounding her in the
drab, but very warm material. Almost instantly I began to shake from the
cold, I was quite vulnerable.

Backpacking her fifty
odd pound body, I kept a weary clutch on my katana, one hand always at
Danielle, while the other kept a protective clutch on the handle of my
katana. Pressing two buttons, my three persons hovercraft began homing on my
location, using a smart algorithm to steer clear of possible contact, hiding
itself within the shroud of a false identity.. the sentiel b5.

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[i]She swished in from the right, her perfect body strutting into the presence of my "territory". I lay back in my chair gazing at the perfection of this human. She flicked her hair out of her face and looked over her shoulder at me twitching her sleek black, long eyelashes at me, almost taunting me...my heart fluttred.

The beauty of Ciel was unbearable. Even in the Matrix i was single for almost a year! A batchular for almost a year...and now i am in this "place" and with a super model of a girl prancing around infront of my love filled eyes. Her deceptive taunts are only just part of her everyday life, most probably a new addition Mike had added. I shook my head to rid me of the thoughts of loving a machine...the devil and angel on my shoulders. The devil telling me she is a machine...cold heartless and will probably turn against us soon. The angel telling me The Truth, she is mostly ALL human, only her neck area where she needs some type of connection to the computer and so on. The angel convinces me that she will soon be ALL human. I stood up in my hypnotic trance leaving the angel and devil squabling behind me.[/i]

Denny: Your beauty hypnotises me...

[i]She turns quickly shyly smiling she blew me a kiss...did i say that out loud again!? I blushed and dropped my head in embarrisment. How am i supposed to be able to pull a girl like this when i can't even keep my thoughts to myself?! She sipped her drink she had created her moist lips leaving a print on the edge of the glass. Once again my heart flutters. I haven't felt like this for almost a year! Hell i have loved someone but just killed the thought knowing i wasn't good enough but i am a new person and there isn't a world full of competition and i think she might...just might, kinda like me? :toothy: I stand beside her leaning against the worktop table she had pertched her elbows on. Her body was the closest to perfect, thinking about it she remotly looks like Danni. Nah not really...but hell she is one girl. I only wish...[/i]

Denny: So how are ya Ciel?

Ciel: Great as you can be in a place like this...

Denny: Hey don't say that, i mean look at you know. Your a new person just like the rest of us...you wouldn't be able to live this "improved life" from what you had without us. Especialy Mike.

Ciel: Yeah thats true...i geuss here does have it's...advantages.

[i]With a small smirk she took another ship of her drink.[/i]

Ciel: Well i better go check up on things...

[i]I stood with my jaw open staring at her as she elegantly trotted off leaving me like a dog out in the rain...she playing hard to get?[/i]
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ooc: Denny, pimp that
shizit!!! Btw: Ciel (sky in english) doest NOT remotely look like danni..She
almsot looks identacle..but taller and..as you said, model of a human being,
NOT THAT DANNI ISNT!!! *dodges tomatoes*


While carrying Danielle, I
felt her body slowly grow warm. The warmth exited my, mainly because I knew
that the person I cherished most in the entire universe will be ok....at
least for now. My body was physically spent, my skin a frigid blue but the
blood in my veins was still piping hot. It flowed and as my heart beat
faster, so did my will to move on...

We neared the hover ship and
to my dismay... We had been utterly surrounded. Three sentinels dove in at
me, their robotic maw's ready to dissolve my iced-over self. Quite literally
getting sick of these, I raise my hand, three drop, I feel like 'dropping'
as well, but with Danielle on my back, I let them come, stopping them the
second they get to me...

I finally drop Danielle,
drawing my blade, shrill anger surging through me. I jump, flying at a
hungry sentinel, quenching it's thirst, forever. My blade had carved four
neatly applied lacerations, cutting it in four large, icy chunks of sizzling

I look
do Danielle and Stephany. "GET IN!!!! BAKAA!!!!!!!!" I scream at them. Not
trying to play hero, but really the only one who is willing to fight, with
any effectiveness, I draw my mp5, specially fit for these creatures, bullets
to pierce their armor like cardboard.

Assembled At the
party's current whereabouts

Ciel walks around her
area of worry, the crew. They all seem to be healthy, ready to append
themselves in a hostile situation. She, even though a computer at heart, was
still worrieda bout Danielle and her creator. She sighs, turning to Denny,
"I must confide, disclose...You shall join me? We will speak in confidence."
Her conscience had finally kicked in. Mike would be proud, such a massively
human characteristic... as he said...it was pure vanilla.


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[color=blue][i] I didn't want to stay another minute. When I had what I wanted and made sure things were alright I walked out again, to go back to where I was. The only sign of someone entering was when I kicked the door down and went into the bedroom. Other then that no one had been there. I was puzzled on how it could have remained untoutched for so long.
When I entered the room I had been in before, the cigar burned out. The smell still remained though. I looked at myself in the mirror. My new piercings and tattoos showing. Also my blades on my back and around my waist.Once more thinking to myself "This is what he wanted me to dress like and look like. I walked to the closet. Running my fingers on the edges of the clothes, I found my favorite shirt. The blue Tommy Hillfigure(sp?). I slipped it on over my black tanktop after taking my red jacket off. It still was big on me.The sleves went almost to my elbows and the shirt its self went down to just past my butt.I smiled and told myself "This shirt always looked great on me."
I also found a small carrying bag that I put the shirt in. Not a problem with taking things of my Bears, Right? He unfortunatly doesn't need them. I sighed as I threw the pictures into the bag as well. The bag of sunflowers seeds now belonged to me and I didn't know why but I took two cigars and the lighter. Before I put it in the bag I examined the lighter. I knew it once I read the side of it. His bartending lighter felt like a ton to my hand. It was a while since I held it. I wondered exactly why I took these things.They were only for sentimental reason and not useful.
Then, after I closed the bag and was ready to go, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked to see what it was when it fired at me. The blast missed me but hit a cd palyer.The stupid humaniod thought it could catch me fully off gaurd. It resembled an old friend of mine, I couldn't put my finger on it though.[/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] ****er you should [i]not[/i] have done that!

[i] I pulled out one of my daggers and threw it at my target. It hit it in the chest. Then, pulling out my new sword-that I knew very well-I ran toward the bot. The blade connected with it's neck, severing its head from its body. I examined the bot closely. Now I knew who it resembled. [/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Heh, I'll be damned. How could they have made this ****er look as ugly as Sean? Meh Back to the ship.

[i]I grabbed the pieces and threw them into another room where a person I never liked stayed. No reason to leave his room a mess it's clean for once. I went back to the room and grabbed my bag, throwing a few more items into it like the bear I had given him and some drinks. I thought that we would have a little bit of fun that night. I figured out what key was to the door and locked it behind me.
It was already sunset when I walked out of the house and back to the ship. It took me about thirty minutes to finally walk into the door of the ship. No one really noticed me enter since people were coming and going so much. I sat back down in my corner munching on my sunflower seeds. My head was getting heavy. I grabbed my teddybear and curled up using another shirt I pulled from the bag as a blanket. It was nap time. "WHen I hear Danni and Mike come in I'll show Danni the drinks" is what I told myself and dozed off.[/i][/color]
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MY eyes finally opend, I had been lying there for hours, or minutes? I didn't know. I wasn't where I had been I suddenly noticed. I was back someplace I..where was I? My eyes hurt so bad but I forced them open. A girl leaned over me with a cloth wiping somethign red off my arm. I kepy my eyes squinted, she hadn't yett noticed I was awake. She looked oddly, like me? I opend my eyes fully and sat up, people came running. I was startled. Who were these people? I backed up twards the wall looking scared as hell. I saw weapons on these people, who were they? Did the intend to hurt me??

I jumped up and ran, bolting for the open "door" or what lookedl ike one. All I knew was there was outside out there. A few of the people followed me, but the girl who looked like me stopped them. I heard her say she needs to find herself? Why would I need to do that? I didn't question it. I just ran flat out as fast as I could.


I yelled out as I fell face first on the ground. The cold rugged earth cutting up my legs. I sat up and examined my legs blowing on the wiping the dirt off. I just then noticed my attire. I was in a pair of cutoff shorts and a black tank top. *i shiverd. It was sure cold out here.

My ears perked up as I heard a noise. I breathed in sharply and held the breath. My eyes darting around like I was a scared rat or something. I thought it over.. Well I am scared, and I am really pweny. I shuggred and stood up, not havng taken note of the direction I came from. That ship or whatever was warm... maby I should..but I don't rember where it is.. I sighed having ruined thigns again. Probly my only chance fo-

I saw something. A..person? I looked closer... ducking behind a piece of metal I wastched the man. I was sure he was human..almost..sure. He was wearing..i leaned closer. A trench coat? and.. he was talking to himself about something..boots? I lifted one eyebrow. Sniffing the air I was 100% sure he was human. I didn't sence any machienes..so maby.. I stood and approached him slwoly. He turned his eyes to me, then his head. He looked at me like I was some sorta ghost. I wonderd if I was.

He walked over to me. I looked at him. He poked me.


"Are you real?"

"Yes I'm real! Who are you to go around pokeing people?!"

"Truth is I havent seen another person in a long time.."

"Oh. I'm sorry..."

"Why should you be? I'm Flynn."

I looked at him. I hadn't realised it til now. I didn't know my name.I looked at the ground for a moment...

"I..don't know my name."

He looked at me curuosly. Then he nodded. I sat down on the cold ground and thought about it. Why didn't I know who I was? And who were thoes people on the ship? I shuggred. AAH! I helled out and fell over. Sitting up I held my head, it hurt so badly!

The pain stopped And I looked up at him.

"Danielle. My name is Danielle."


He helped me up as we walked, me trying to recall the directon I came from.

I heard a loud screeching sound, and suddenly what seemed like a hundred orange beams were all around us.

He looked up and cured.


He looked at me and yelled to run. I noticed he held no weapons. A little ways away I noticed a fissure in the ground, pipes were leading far far down. I looked at him. He returned the gaze.

"Do we have any choice?"

Shaking my head I gulped.

"nope, guess not."

I grabbed on to his arm and we jumped down. WE slid down the pipe for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probly baout a minute.

We landed on someting squishy and wet. I screamed realizing what it was.

"Its dead people!!"

He didn't say anything. Just pilled the decaying flesh off him and steped off the floating mound of carcauses. I looked down at the murky water. I jumped, glad it wasnt to seep, knee height at most, for him it was up ot his shin. I turned looking once more at the pile of carcuses. I looked closer..

"It looksl ike one isnt decomposing!"

He looked startled and turned to the pile.

"****! That guys still alive. Or living but almost dead."

"Help me pick him up. Wait eww o. you doit, hes naked..."

The guy laughed as he lifted the man, looked to be somewhere near 20-24 years old. He took off his trench coat, revealing a old tatterd **** and moth eaten jeans. He..Flynn, slipped his coat on the guy. The man was breathing, but barely. His eyes opend from time to time as we walked through the murky sewers.

"We need to get back to where I was, the sip I was at might help you."

"Great I dear but do you have any idear how to get back up?"

"yeah, climb."

"Climb what? Up slick slimy pipes with dead weight??"


I thought as we walked back to the pipe we had fallen down..oh!
I called out showing the stairs that followed the pipe upwards. I went to Flynn and put the guys other arm around my sholder as I tried to help Flynn carry him up the stairs.

As we trugged up flight after flight of neverending stairs my mind raced. I went over my thoughts of this Flynn guy. He seemed odd. But oddly calm. The guy we held moaned ocasionally, with pain I supposed, the holes on his arms were bleeding..

When I couldn't walk and carry anymore Flynn told me not to worry about it, he could handle it. I gave thanks as I walked ahead.

We finally reached the top of the stairs. The scorched sky spanned on forever as we breathed in the icky plouted air.

I noticed lights in the distance. We walked towards them. I noticed tracks in the soft earth. Looking to my bare feet I noted they were mine..

"This way!"

I ran back to Flynn and lifted the guys arm over my solder again as we walked fast to the craft I was at.

Upon reaching some guy exclaimed "FLYNN!" And Flynn looked at him like he was an idiot.

"You are.."

"Michael. You know me"

Flynn's eyes widened a bit as he sighed loudly, sounding like relife. He walked with this Michael guy and started rambling on about Boots again. I didn't Get it. The girl who looked like me took the guy. She put him on a bed and started tending his wounds. A girl with a teddy slept in the corner. I hadn't noticed her before. She stirred and rose comming to me talkign about drinks and wanting to know if I wanted any. She..knew my name?

"Who are you?"

She looked puzzled..

[center].:: Press play NOW! ::.[/center]

"I'm Jaimie, one of your best firends?? Sister almost?? You..Danni what are you playing around for?"

"I..honestly I don't know what you mean. I don't know you.. or any of these people. I know Flynn, the guy I ran into but I had only just met him."

"No! You knew Flynn in the Matrix he was on ob.."

I cut her off screaming as my brain was fileld with images of people and thigns, an internet site? Otaku Boards? Flynn, ! Ron, Jaimie! Denny? I screamed as the pain intensified. Mike!!! Stephi I Saving her flashed before my eyes, was she alive? did I get to her in time?! Everythign rushed back to me as I screamed out..

I ran again, out Yuginocho's doors. I again was my sub chonsous, my mind had walled away everythign for me to find people and do what must be one, but again my sub chounshos took over. I was again myself. Lost and alone inside my own mind. No one followed as I walked outside..

I walked on, not caring where I was going, or in whence direction I headed. I just walked, the shadows of doubt and confusion bubbled and weleld within my own mind. I hated the pain, I wished it would stop, would jaimie save me this time? Or this she did? Would she comfort me, would she let me cry? Would Mike carry me from the darkness? Would John, come to my rescuse? Would stephi comfort me? Would ron smack me and tell me to snap outta it? Would Flynn..be here? Would Ciel heal me? Or try to..? Would Denny be concered? Would he care? I cryed as I walked doubting everything, espically myself.

The darkness within my own head pulled at me, wanting ALL of me cousumed within the darkness? Could I do that? Forget everything?

I sat in my bed watchign a movie, an anime. A gut, Kietche, was asking Celestene about Beldandy.

"Rember Belldandy? Rember the feelings you felt? Rember the world you love and the dreans you fosterd there? Would you throw them away? Celestene?!"

"Hah. My gola is to open a world that has been shut tight!"

Why.. I looked around. I was home? But I..


I was back in nothing ness. What just happend? Was that th matrix I was just in, or was itj ust a flashback? Or something I was supposed to know? Was that real? Or did I imigne it?!

I screamed cryign harder, not knowing If allthis wa a dream, just a dream..son ide be home in my bed...home all safe and warm I'll finally be Otaku on ob and everything would be fine, It'd all be OK.

"The same movie...

"Morgan! Why? A faerie princess?! You of all people should udnerstand this isnt right! Get out of your self centerd mindset and realize your not the only one who is suffering!"

"But thats exactly what I'm hoping for!"

"Hope! Your about to open a pandoras box! A place devoid of the light of hope!"


I..dreaming.. maby? I..I started crying as I lost it completely,..

I pulled my knees up and sat in the middle of no where crying and rocking back and fourth.

Back and fourth..back and fourth..to and fro..to and fro..

Rocking....Mindlees..sad..and alone....[/i]

OOC: .:: Let the sonf fnish and then my post is thus over. But only when the songs finished. ::.

BTW. NO ONE DARE pull me out of my psycotic vegitable like state. U can try, you can beg pleade comfort do whatever but dont pull me out of it, I must do that.[/color]
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I know too much. I try
to give up on the facts, but they are useless. Ciel, as usual tells us to
leave her alone, I tell her to go ***k herself and leave, with a second

Following her mindlessly, I retrace her steps, glowering at the fact that
she so simply destroys her body just to get away. Maybe it serves her right
for running, expecting us to follow, but not wanting it. She wants it, I
don't NOT know her. She runs to find out who cares, who doesn't, and
sometimes probably to just think and sulk to herself.

We all do it, but she is
instrumental and running like a child. I always follow. Not trying to tug
her out of the misery so placed upon herself, I merely sit next to her and
wrap the second coat around her shivering, stinking body. "Christ where the
***k where you guys?" She shrugs, another common fact of Danielle. I pull
her head onto my shoulder and pull a hood over her head, gripping at the
body which doesn't overtly express any intention of wishing to be held,
helped, or anything meaningful. She was and is lost. I knew patience would
win in the end, so just holding her would be sufficient until
deemed it was time to take a step further.

Turning to my side, I notice a
few onlookers, probably from worry. "Danielle, you can sulk all you want,
you can boo-hoo for ever, you can even piss your pants from fear and not
feel bad about it, whether you like it or not, I'm taking you back to the
warm ship. You can sort out your problems alone there if you please, I am
not going to do anything but carry you there. Than on, you do as you wish,
knowing only that I wont let you leave." She shrugged again, knowing she
could leave, but it would be useless, I would only follow her.

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forever is a long time when you are floating in a pile of dead bodies, I dont' know how many hours, minutes, or even days I was there before I felt a tug on my body and i was dislodged from the mound of cadavers and lifted carried somewhere. I floated in and out of conciousness as i examined where i was and who was carrying me. I blinked once or twice. I didn't recognize the one who called himself flynn but the girl did look very familiar. He tried to call out to ehr but he was to weak. his voice box did not make sound. The last time he was concious he saw he was approaching a semi large craft. He didn't want to go there but he was to weak to protest so he finally let his body lapse into deep slumber.

~through his dreams~

"Randy, this is your story. You have to write it now. It's no longer a program governed by the matrix. You now have the power to control your own destiny. Will you live or die? Will those you love meet their end or will you sacrifice yourself to them out of love or hate? These are all a part of who you are and the choices you must make."

My eyes shot open and I instantly rolled over and vomited the contents of my stomach and emptied the fluid from my lungs at once letting out the most god awful gut wrenching sound and cry ever heard before falling over pulling myself into a fetal ball and sobbing helplessly.
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[color=teal][I]I breathed in deep as I threw up, coughing up something that looked like it had been dead for quite some time...

The first thing I noticed was Mike sitting next to me, his hand now on my back while I was on all 4's over the garbage can. I as still locked within my mind but his prsence and Jaimies, I just noticed, she was on the other side of me, a bottle in her hand. I just grinned, she was always there to make me feel better.

Ron sat across from me ready to change the garbage can once full, Denny was sitting on the counter caddy corner and Ciel was standing next to him, obvously flurting, Flynn was sitting as a computer ocasionally glancing at me. I noticed the guy who we picked up had awoken, he was sitting in a corner crying. I looked closer. [/I]

[B]Danielle:[/B] Randy?

[I] His head leifted, I guessed he had't tolf anyone his name, he wasnt bald any more either, a thin sporut of hair coverd most his head now. He wiped his eyes and looked closer at me, I wonderd if he reconized me.

Seeing I was ok everyone got up and went about their business. Ciel came over n double checked me making sure I was going to recover.

I noticed most my mind was still trapped deeply within the aviod void of my fears, but enough remained for me to function semi-normally.

Randy stood and walked over to me, sitting in front me and Jaimie. I took one of the 3 bottled and drank, chugging all I could hold in one gulp, (which is a lot, I can hold my liquer). My eyes bugged out as I coughed, commetnting it was some strong ****. Jaimie laughed and drank from her bottle, Randy grabbed the other. I had almost forgotten mike didn't like me drinking, so nautrally I offerd him some. He just looked at me as I turned back to Randy and Jaimie drinking and laughing, feeling some of the stress lift, once Randy realized who I was he pratically lept at me hugging me. I hugged ihm back tightly as the 3 of us chatted and reminised, soon after I pulled Mike up behnd me and sat on his lap, the floor was getting cold.

After the drinks ran out Ciel re-filled us. We laughed and drank all night, the convos getting pretty halluraous around bottle 5-6. [/i][/color]
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I get up, walking to my
computer, leaving the dumb drunkards to themselves. Clicking the switch, I
gaze at my own constructed reality. Mine, alone to gaze at for the rest of
the evening.

Ciel manages to wander
over to me an hour later, it was sincerely good timing as I had an updated
network interface for her. It was a smaller, more human looking chip that
would slide into her neck quite easily and stay relatively concealed. "Well,
this will fit fine, just look at the floor and relax." Pulling the existing
card from her neck proved more difficult that first imagined. I was thinking
that hotswapping was out of the question, she would have to go to sleep. She
seemed tired enough, so I let her pass out, sitting her on her belly. Once
down, I pull the 'plug' on her life, basically killing her for a couple
minutes, pulling out the card once she was dead was easy, no pain involved,
and sliding the new chip in, covering it and applying it's interface was a

A minute
later she was up and blazing, in fact going off the wall. I tried relaxing
her but it was of no use, she would best be placed with the other drunkards
at the other end of the ship. I think to myself for a few minutes,
concluding that it was definitely a boost, everyone together, seemingly
happy. I sigh and sit with my laptop, fiddling with it's components sure was

so for the first time in what felt like ages, I passed into a realm of rest,
but was it really rest? or was it an illusion of rest? I wouldn't know until
I woke up...or was I really up?

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[color=blue] [i] I was happy that My sister was finally out of her little veggie state. That was begining to annoy me but I was going to stay there by her side like I always do. I was the most sober person that was drinking since I couldn't hold my liqur right. The I realized something.[/i]
[b]Jaimie:[/b] Hey, Ciel, can I get another bottle of Kettle One and Grey Goose please? And make them warm


I smiled as I had my old favorite drink. This was the stuff I could drink and hold it down. I downed about half the bottle in one try.

[b]Danni:[/b] Damn! I hav never seen you drink like that.

[b]Jaimie:[/b] Ricky tought me how to.

[i] The Kettle One didn't take effect untill I got up. I stumbled trying to get to my bag, the bottle still in hand. I pulled out a small lighter that read 'bartender' on the side of it. I lit it and threw it up but mis judged where it would land and burned a hole in my pants right on my left thigh. [/i]

[b]Jaimie:[/b] OW!...um...I ment to do that....:blush:

[i] I was too clumsy and tripped over the bag falling flat on my face. Everyone buste out laughing at me but I didn't break the bottle! It sobered me up a bit so I sat back down and started to drink some more. This was the most fun I'm sure everyone had in a while.[/i][/color]
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