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The Animetrix [RPG]


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[b]Ron:[/b] You. LittLe. MothER. F***ING. PEiCe. OF. SH**! John, you're NOT going to die here!

[i]I ran at the squiddie, katana flying behind me. It lashed it's tenticle at me, just as it did John just seconds before. I leapt, stabbing downward on the tenticle as the squiddie screeched. Was it in pain... or something else? I could not tell. Danielle ran to John's side and helped him up while I kept the squiddies at bay for as long as I could.[/i]

[b]Ron:[/b] Wouldj'ya mind making this fast? This squiddie seems PRETTY pissed off...

[i]Seconds later, I saw what it was that the damn thing was doing. It called it's little...er...BIG friend. Danni stood to face it. I knew I had to do something to go help her. But what?[/i]

[b]Danni:[/b] Ron...

[b]Ron:[/b] Comming...

[i]With that I slashed repeatedly at the smaller squiddie's head area, hoping to throw it in a rage. It worked. The squiddie threw me back with its other tenticle. I flew back and landed about a foot from John and slid back to where Danni was. She helped me up and continued to attack with her other arm. I looked around frantically for something to throw... something... sharp... Ahhh, yes, and I found it. It was a peice of machine that had been broken off, so it had nice sharp edges, almost as if it was a cutting disc. I threw it like a frisby at the smaller squiddie and in a screech, it died... or as dead as a Squiddie can get.

I turned to face the bigger one. We were in for a nice fight.[/i]
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[color=darkred][I] My eyes flared angrily, My arms tenced. I was mad. Verry..verry..mad. I moved my arm up, no longer defending Ron or John. A small x shaped vein puled over my right eye towards my hair line. My hair was slicked bakc, sweaty and slightly not perfectly smelling good. I sighed deeply and Yelled out, my katana raised as I ran break neck speed, the tenticles flew at me and missed, deflected by some force.[/I]

[B]Ron:[/b] Uh oh.....

[I] Ron grabbed John and pulled ihm as far back as he could, knowing what was to come was not gonna be pretty...

I Yelled out as I stopped dead still and lept up, my katana's tip thrusting into the biggest eye of the massive squiddy. Electricity travled up the blade and to me. I screamed out as it sent over 1000 volts through my body. The big squiddy screached, my ears felt as if they would bust as I screamed more now for my ears than the jolt I recived. I was used to shocking volts, One of Rons speicalties.

IT flaired and fell back, taking out half the smaller ones in its wake, unfortnately I went with it, flung forward, hurdled ful speed into the wall of the tunnel. I heard Ron scream out as twenty of the smaller ones went down, the last few turned and fled. Smoke clouded the air. My unchoncous form felt someone tugging at my arms, lifting me up, gradding me from the path of a massive tenticle, the final one, as it fell. A few more moments and id'a been shish cabob.

I groaned and winced, the blood dripping from my head and various places over my body ached. [/I]

[B]Danielle:[/b] Who?..*groan*..who are you?

[B]Adam:[/b] shhh..rest now, I saw all you did. Your verry brve. I'm Adam.

[b]Danielle:[/b] A..ah?..*cough*

[I] I don't rember what happened next, I heard Ron yelling omg Danni, and John yelled something..then I...darkness...[/I][/color]
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[color=darkblue][size=1]After I took Danielle away from the..... thing, I started the long trek to get back up onto the ship. A little while walking, I saw two guys running towards me. One of them had out their Katana, and I imediattly let go of Danielle's arm.

Ron: Who are you?! What are you doing pulling on her?!

John: What're you doing here?

Adam: Please, I don't want to start a conflict. I just saw that Danielle here was in trouble. She passed out along the way. I started pulling her up the ship.

Ron: WHo are you then?

Adam: Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Adam. May I ask your two's?

John: Uh... my names John and this here is Ron. How did you get here?

Adam: I saw Danielle was in trouble. She passed out after the shock of her striking the... beast. She is hurt, but not enough to paralyze her or cause serious damage.

Ron: Um, thanks.

Adam: Now then, we better get her up onto the ship to let her rest.[/color][/size]
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[color=blue] [I]I shifted in my unchonshousness. My mind drifted in and out of black pools of abyss, I desprately wanted to not wake up, old longings welled within me again, to leave, never wake up, leave this horrid place. Or if I died here this nightmare owuld end and I'd be home typing on my computer and this would all be just...just a dream.

I groaned and fought to stay knocked out, but I felt my mind slipping to. uhhh..I slipped back into the darkness. Outside my body was being brought to Yuginocho. Was I in a coma? I could hear, think, but I wasnt awake. I..was this my sub chonshous?(sp?)

I...I slipped out again and couldn't think any longer..[/i][/color]
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[i]I quickly agreed.[/i]

[b]Ron:[/b] Come, Yuginocho is this way.

[b]Adam:[/b] Alright.

[i]I sheathed my katana and picked my sister up from the ground. Adam helped John.[/i]

[b]Ron:[/b] Hey, sorry about what happened back there... With the way things are going around here, I don't know who I can trust anymore.

[b]Adam:[/b] No problem, let's just get back to the ship in one piece.

[b]John:[/b] That would be nice...

OOC: Sorry 'bout the short post, but kinda busy...
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[color=blue][i] I was sitting in a corner when I heard something banging on the door. Everyone heard it too. I was the first one to the door though and when I opened it, I saw Ron, Danni, and John and some other guy that I hadn't met before. I grabbed Danni's arm, throwing it over my shoulder to help support her and carried her to Ciel. John wasn't my problem, so I left him to the others. Ciel look concerned when she say my sister's condition. I looked at her questioningly. [/i]

[b]Ciel:[/b] She'll be fine...I hope.
[b]Mike and Ron:[/b] What do you mean you [i]hope[/i]?!
[b]Ciel:[/b] She will be fine if she doesn't get any worse. Trust me she'll come out of it.

[i] Mike said something but no one could hear it. I shrugged and stood back to give Ciel some room. I looked back to my little spot. There were at least two empty bottles sitting on the floor next to my bag. I saw Ron from the corner of my eye. They were sitting John in a place to wait for Ciel to heal him. The new guy was being greeted by the other crew members so I didn't bother going to meet him just yet. Instead, I sat back in my corner with my favorite teddy bear. [/i][/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
The next day, the carouse of time had shifted within my head. Instead of being where I was/am needed, I was alone on my vast plane of silence.

The feelings of being stranded didn't affect me. I was one with the quarrelous new surroundings, meshing gaily within the womb of silence.

I quickly rise to my feet to greet the Taiko, he entourage of personal handpicked guards, all clad in their red kimono bearing their fief's ensignia embroidered along the collar and backs of the silken fabric. The bearers knelt and the palanquin-housing the Daimyo of Izu and three of his most trusted retainers and generals-sunk to the ground. Yoshi and Akedo Toranaga quickly peeled from the skirting of their palanquin and walked forth to greet me, both had a lazy hand on the hilt of their respective katana.

Before I realized what I was doing, my face bit the dirt in front of me, my bow more than formal for such a pleasant day and pleasant meet of the council.


My fingers gripped tighly to my katana, it was halfway out of it's sheath and at length I was sweating, gasping and nervous. My eyes focused on my surroundings and at once I realized where I was. I sighed with digruntled rage.

"Twelve pounds, six shillings and a pence to the first person who will end my life now, silently." I mumbled half-alseep.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=teal][I] My eyes felt like someone placed 1000 ton weights on them, I didnt bother forcing them open, I wasn't even aware of wether I was awake or not. My mind slipped in and out of consciousness. I wasn't sure where I was, or who, for that matter. I grumbled, not nowing if it came out or not, hopeing someone, anyone heard me.

I thought my eyes opened at one point. I wasn't sure, but they quickly slipped shut. Suddenly everythign was bright red light, my hands felt like they were on fire. A Voice..from far off, said osemthing..I couldn't quite make it out..Sounded like..might not make it.. Who was she?

In an instant everything dissapeared. I was standing at home, in my room. where I belonged... My computer was on, the monitor humming lightly. An instant message was open, obvously no one had touched it.

I leaned over to read what had been said.

DaniLovesMisha: Yeah I can't wait.
MishaLovesDani: Thats Great
DaniLovesMisha: Yeah it is isn't it?! Ron and I will have a Blast...
DaniLovesMisha: I hope we win.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I shook my head. I sighed to ymself as a faint, fimillar meow filled my ears.


My eyes flodded as I wondered if she rembered me. Obvously so, because the moment I looked up she was in my lap, purring away.

Everything went white.

I was in darkness again, drifting in and out of my daze, the concussion having the best of me, my eyes, still feeling like led weights were on them...[/color][/i]
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