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Modern Dreams

DJ. Tatum

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As T.D woke from her sleep she saw the others runing by,she struggled to stand."Hey guys wait up!"She yelled as she started running toward them,they all turned around and saw one messed up T.D,her hair was messy but her cap was gone,rips on the sleeve of her shirt and holes rips in her jeans.

"What happened to you?"asked Tate,"Well I just ran into my gaurdian who had a barrier around her but it was 3times stronger then the others so it made me hit a tree and fall unconsions.But they mean nothing to me,"T.D answeared back"So what are we doing?"

"We're gonna look for Silia."Aiko said."Trouble is coming our way that it is.I can see it in your eyes.We must find her quickly!"T.D said.They all nodded and started to run looking for Silia.
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As the new guardians came upon Silia, they were all worn out. Silia looked worried. She did not see these children so worn out and scared.

Silia: Whatever is the matter children?
Kiara: *talks through gasps* Big.. trouble.
Silia: What kind of trouble?
Aiko: Starr.. says... Commander of... minions... is coming.

Silia stood there in silence. She feared that something like this would come... but not this soon. She looked at the children and they looked at her with eyes of "what are we going to do?".

Silia: Tate, Aiko, gather the others. Banner, get the weapons. T.D. make sure no one follows us. Kiara, follow me.

They all split up. Aiko and Tate ran off to get the other guardians, Banner went to go get the weapons, not the ones given but the ones needed, and T.D. went to the highest point. Kiara, just followed Silia.
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"Right, get the weapons," Banner responded to Silia's orders. "Anything for you, honey buns."

He then ran back to the chapel, to where the weapons were said to be stored. When he reached the chapel doors a strange feeling came over him, as if someone were watching him.

Banner gazed out into the dark forested surroundings.

"Something's there," he mummered to himself.

Suddenly he saw lights coming from the shadows of the forest. He soon realized that they were the eyes of his enemy.

"So, they're here already," Banner replied, grasping his black stone tightly. "Well bring it!"

The young warrior then summoned forth his Shadow Nigita, and prepared for battle.
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Tate and Aiko came upon Domino who had finished his training.
"They coming!"Aiko said.Domino had already drawn his weapon."They're here already here" Domino said sternly.

Tate and Aiko had drawn their weapons too."This is strange, even for me."Tate muttered to himself. But before any of them could say anything else, a flash of dark light interuppted them.

"So, your the guardians that are going to defeat us."A mysterious voice called out.The warriors turned around and saw a shadow creature who resembled a 6- foot bunny."I'm Reala,but it won't matter to you soon you'll be dead, here is a taste of my power!"

Reala began to dash around the clearing , Tate, Aiko and Domino looked around trying to spot the creature."Where did he go?" Domino asked.

Aiko looked at Tate in horror. Domino turned just in time to see Reala's Nigita blade go through Tate's chest."AAAAGHHHH!' Tate sreamed as he fell to the ground.Reala disappeared.

Aiko and Domino ran over to Tate."Protect Silia......"Tate uttered before he died.Aiko and Domino sensed that Reala was heading towards where Silia and Kiara were.
"We got to go!"Domino screamed"He found Silia!" Aiko stared at Tate, " We can't help him now,he is gone."They both ran to find Silia.
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Kiara stood with Silia. Suddenly Silia dropped her staff. Kiara could her the screams. She called for the Guardian's Sword. It came to her. It was a long sword with gold and silver. She held it in position. She called for Goraikou, Engetsu, Taiyou, and Taiin. They came to her. Standing to fight Reala. Silia stood beside Kiara.

Silia: Kiara, it's time.
Kiara: Goraikou, Engetsu, Taiyou, and Taiin protect me from the evil. *thinks to herself* Celest, watch over me and protect me.

Reala appeared and slashed at Silia. Kiara struck the sword towards Reala's and it created a blinding light. Reala dropped his sword and covered his eyes.

Reala: NO! It can't be! The guardian of Sun and Moon... aaaah! Sword come to me.
Kiara: Phoenix Wave!*a firey heat resembling a phoenix rushes towards Reala*

As it hit Reala, Goraikou and Engetsu use their powers to stall him. As did Taiin and Taiyou.
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T.D scouted the area.When she heard the scream of Tate she felt worried she thought to herself,"How come I got stuck with scouting..but who cares at least I'm still helping..But I still do wanna be with the group and help them."

A voice laughed behind her,T.D turned around to see who it was but he was in the shadows so she couldn't see him."Come out of the shadows!"She yelled.The man stepped out he was about 7ft and had a couple of scars on his face with red eyes and red hair."So you want to help,why don't you help me and tell me where Silia is?"He said."First,who are you?Second,Why do you want to see Silia?Third,this!"T.D yelled soon the man saw T.D cahrging at him with her sword,the man just smirked and laughed."I guess that mean no...but those who say no to me shall die!"He said,soon there was a flash of red in the sky,T.D looked confused and looked at the man he was chanting something but that didn't stop T.D from attacking.

"Hah!"T.D yelled as she lunged toward the man a force field stopped T.D from attacking her.T.D jumped back "What the heck?!He has a barrier around him!"T.D said to herself,"What the heck is he chanting about?!" Soon the sky turned back to it's normal color,everything was the same until."You die!Dragon Punch!"The man said as he punched from far.The punch made a dragon like picture going toward T.D it was huge,it was almost impossible to dodge."Aggghhh!"T.D screamed as the dragon hit her,it pushed her off or the high point,"It as conducted by wind!"T.D said to herself.As T.D hit the ground there was a loud thud.

She struggled to stand but the man jumped down and held her head down with his foot as he laughed "Hah!You are a weakling...You didn't put much of a fight!By the way T.D,My name is Zeroshi!Heh you should remeber me from your dream!"T.D tried to stand but the foot on her head made it hard."Hah!Don't even try!I can crush your skull right now,but I shall use you to lure the others here so I can kill them as well!Now scream!"He laughed as he pushed harder on T.D's head."I mustn't scream,I mustn't scream..But it i the only way to get help..."T.D said to herself suddenly there was a loud shreik.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"T.D screamed as it echoed.The man laughed "Hah...my plan shall work!Now scream louder!"He pushed even harder on T.D's head."Agggggghhhhhhhhhhh!"she screamed it was louder then before.The man laughed and left his foot on T.D's head until the other's came.
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Banner was attacked by a small group of black dragons, like the ones he had fought before.
Where at first he had trouble with them, after his vigorous training, they were easy prey.
Banner easily cut his way through the dark minions until none were left standing.

"Not so tough now are ya?!" he gloated, untill he heard a loud scream echo through the trees. "Damn, the others are in trouble," he exclaimed before running into the forest.

As he ran, Banner heard another scream, but this time it was a woman's voice.
"S***! Who was that?" he asked himself, before heading in the direction of the screaming.

Banner soon emerged from the woods, and made his way towards the large cliff that T.D. had once stood upon.
At the base of the cliff he could see two figures, one standing on top of the other.
Another scream rang out, and Banner knew that it was the voice of T.D.

"It seems she's still alive," Banner said. "I just hope I can make a difference."

He then stepped back into his own shadow, and transported himself into the shadow demension. There, he searched for a portal he could use to travel to T.D.'s location.

Zeroshi smiled as he applied more pressure upon the fallen T.D.'s head.
"Come on scream!" he ordered. "I find the sound soothing."
He suddenly sensed someone behind him, and quickly turned around.

Banner had ascended from the dark warrior's shadow, with a smile upon his face.
"You'll soon be the one who's screaming," Banner exclaimed, as he readied himself for an attack.

"The Guardian of Shadows," Zeroshi snarled. "I was hoping we would pick each of you off one by one, but it seems there must be a change in plans."

"We?" Banner asked, keeping his guard up.

"Yes I along with my partner Reala," Zeroshi explained, as he took his foot off of T.D. "It seems he has already gotten one of your comrads, but don't worry you'll be joining him soon!"

The large warrior then let loose another Dragon Punch, taking Banner by surprise. The force of the fierce punch sent Banner flying into the side of the cliff.

Zeroshi then let out a sinister laugh. "Too easy!" he said as he started walking over towards Banner.

He suddenly heard a weird chanting sound coming from Banner. Zeroshi stopped a looked down just in time to see his shadow leaving his body.
"What the hell?" he asked himself.

He turned his attention back towards Banner, who was now standing.
Shadows now surrounded the warrior, and his eyes had turned completely black.

"Oh your gonna get it now," Banner said with a smirk. "Shadow Armor!"
The shadows then wrapped around Banner, just as they had done at the end of his training.

A amazed Zeroshi looked on.
"Shadow Armor?" he wondered, as he watched the transformation.

Banner was soon completely covered in the Shadow Void Armor. The young warrior smiled confidently, and pointed his nigita at Zeroshi.

"Well what are you waiting for?" he asked. "Come get some!"

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When Aiko and Domino got to Kiara and Silia. Reala was weak. Kiara somehow looked different. She had armor. It was silver and gold. They also noticed a large dog with wings, a flying horse, a large white bird, and a dragon. They looked at her as Kiara advanced on Reala, although he was weak he was pretty strong.

Kiara: I would think other wise. Darkness Falls!
Reala: NOOO!

Silia notices Aiko and Domino and they run over to her. They look scared. Reala runs from Kiara, but the Darkness enveiled everything in its path. Reala started screaming, figures of shadows came from the Darkness and grabbed Reala and took him down to the Underworld. Silia looked straight forward and saw Celest. As did Kiara. Celest walked forward.

Celest: You have mastered your armor, your sword, your guardians and protectors. You've managed to master the greatest, most powerful magic of the moon. You have yet to master the magic of the sun. I am proud of you. But I have noticed you have not used your ring. As I have said it hold great power and magic.
Kiara: I know. *armor is gone* Finally, I can breath. Anyways, what are you doing here?
Celest: I came to talk to you... the Highest Ones told me to give you this... something I have never seen before.

Celest holds out a sharp object that was wrapped in a handkerchief. The handle had some sort of gems embedded on it. Kiara took it and uncovered the object. It was a dagger... a dragon dagger to be certain. It was silver bladed. The handle was gold.

Celest: It is said that it was passed down by the Guardians of Element. The Highest Ones prove to say that you are among those. So I present you the Dagger of Elements.
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T.D struggled to stand.Then she saw Banner,somehow he was different.."He has some sort of armor on!"T.D said,the only thing she could stare at was Zeroshi and remebering what he had said saying how weak she was."Hey what are you waiting for goto the others!"Banner yelled."Hey I ain't leaving!This is my fight,I mustn't run away!"T.D yelled back.Zeroshi turned his attention to T.D and laughed "Hah you want to battle me again?You already lost and you might as well lose again if you fight me again!"

"Errrr!J-j-just shut up Zeroshi!"T.D yelled as she grabbed for her stone."Sword come forth..."she said as her sword appeared in her hand.She then did a flip over Zeroshi and landed right next to Banner.Banner looked at T.D when he looked at her he saw rage in her eyes then he looked back at Zeroshi."Banner,Let's get'em...."T.D said.
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Just as Banner and T.D were charging Zeroshi, a flash of black light appeared in front of them."What the...!" Banner screamed. As the light cleared a familar figure appeared......

Silia sensed this and so did the others."It can't be." Silia thought in horror.Banner's eyes widened."Tate is that you?"

It was Tate but he was different, he had an angel wing and a demon wing on his back, his hair was spikey and his eyes were blood red.

"Tate what happened to you?" T.D asked.
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"Tate the others said you were dead!" T.D. exclaimed. "Whats going on."
She took a few steps towards Tate, who remained emotionless.

"Stay away from him!" Banner yelled. "He's not the same as he used to be!"

T.D. looked back at Banner. "What," she asked, before getting hit with another one of Zeroshi's Dragon Punches.
The young warrior was knocked backwards and crashed into the side of the cliff.

Banner watched on, and became enraged. "Damn you!" he yelled.

Zeroshi smiled and rush towards Banner. He lifted his fist and delivered a fierce punch into the young guardian's chest.

Luckily, Banner's shadow armor absorbed the attack, which caught Zeroshi by surprise.
"What the hell is this?" he asked.

The dark warrior's left hand had dissapeared into the darkness of Banner's armor.

Banner stared deep into Zeroshi's eyes, and with a quick turn of the wrist, he swung his nigita around and cut off his hand.

The mamoth warrior screamed in agony as blood gushed from his severed limb. He then retreated back to where Tate stood.

"Thats enough," Tate muttered in a low voice. "Go attend to the other children. I shall take care of this one."

Zeroshi nodded, and in a flash of dark light, dissapeared.

Banner stared at the transformed Tate.
"Damn Tate, what the hell happened to you?" Banner asked, as he got into attack position.

"I regret to inform you that I am no longer Tate," the sinister being explained. "At least not the Tate you knew. I am the great Reala! Commander of the first squad of the Nightmarian army."

"Who?" the confused Banner asked.

"I was defeated not too long ago, by one of you guardians," Reala replied. "But not before striking down this new guardian of light. My dark blade infected this boy's body with my essence, allowing me to be reborn within him."

The newly restored Reala then opened his wings. "I now control this body along with the great power is holds," he snickered. "And with this new power I shall destroy all the Guardians of Zarcadia."
He then let out a sinister laugh.

"Shut up!" Banner ordered. "You talk too big for a person who has to steal other people's bodies in order to become stronger."
"It seems I'll now have to take you out quick, fast, and in a hurry," Banner exclaimed with a confident smirk.

Tate/Reala suddenly stopped laughing.

"Have at you," Banner muttered, before charging towards the dark warrior.:flaming:
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T.D woke up and struggled to stand again to see Banner and Tate/Reala fihgting before her eyes.She just stood there watching talking to herself,"Errr...Damn it..Damn you Reala...Why Tate's body?Why.."T.D fell to her knees..."So then it'd be harder to kill him because he was one of us...?"T.D stood,just then Banner flew back and hit the cliff,but he was ok."What are you doing?Go to the others!They need help,Zeroshi is going after them,"Banner said as he stood "I can take care of this bastard."

"Errr....I wish I could help you but then the others need me.."T.D said."Hey don't worry kid I can take him,"Banner said"Go to the others they need you more."T.D nodded "Just...please be careful...and please don't kill him,because he is in one of our friends body.."T.D said then she started to run off."What?!Don't kill him?!In't he dead already?"Banner said to himself as he began to charge at Tate/Reala again.

Soon T.D arrived,T.D could see Zeroshi already started a battle with Kiara,Aiko,Domino,and Silia."Zeroshi!"T.D screamed,Zeroshi turned around from the fight he was having with the others,he then saw T.D charging at him,he then smirked "You just like my Dragon Punches don't you?!"He said as he launched one,but then he was suprised,suprised that T.D dodged it and reflected it back at him,now the Dragon was now heading at Zeroshi."I-i-impossible!"He screamed as he was flying backwards."Heh I knew that wind barrier would come in handy.Now....It's time for you to die Zeroshi!"T.D screamed as she was running toward Zeroshi."Hmph!Now that's what I'm talking about T.D!"Zeroshi as he got up and wiped the blood from his lip onto his sleeve."But can you block my Dragon Combo!"He said as he jumped into the air then did his dragon punches and did some kicks to."Wind Barrier x3!"T.D said as Zeroshi was blown back again but this time it was different.T.D caught him before he hit a cliff.

"W-w-w-what are you doing?"He said in a weak voice."This!"T.D said as she threw him into the air and jumped up."Sword come forth!"T.D's sword appeared in her hand,she then made a couple of fast movements with the sword,then landed on her feet when she touched the ground.Zeroshi was still in the air like he was floating."Stone..."T.D said as she turned,suddenly blood came gushing out from the sky,the blood was from Zeroshi.Zeroshi fell to the ground dead in a puddle of his own blood.

"That's what.."T.D said,she then turned to the others."Common we gotta go help Banner!"She yelled.
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Just as Banner got close to Tate, he reached out and slapped him. The blow sent him crashing to the cliff ."What the Hell?" Banner exclaimed.

Tate began to walk towards them. He stopped and fell to his knees.
"Whats happening to me?" Reala shouted just as Tate took over.

"Hey Banner,this is Tate,I'm still alive. Do me a favor will ya,keep my body busy while I take this guy out inside of me ok?"Tate shouted before Reala took over again.

Tate/Reala rose to his feet."He'll do no such thing!" Banner got to his feet."OK, Tate was just talking to me, keep his body busy?".Banner thought to himself.

Inside of Tate's mind he was flying around searching for Reala."Where is he?"Tate thought to himself.

"I'M RIGHT HERREEEE!" Reala sreamed as he charged towards Tate. Tate dodge Reala's charge and slashed him in the back."Well well, your not so tuff as I thought, now lets do this I want my body back!" Tate shouted.
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"Damn it," Banner said to himself as he stared at the deranged Tate. "How come everythings got to be so complicated?"

Suddenly Tate/Reala summoned his light sword, and started swinging it frantically at Banner.

Banner easily dodged the sword swipes. "His moves are sluggish and unfocused," he thought. "His mind must be concentrated somewhere else."

Meanwhile the battle within Tate's subconscious continued.

Tate had done great damage to Reala's essence, and clearly had the upperhand.

"Now prepare yourself for the end," Tate said, raising his sword high. "This'll teach you to steal my body!"
Tate came down with his sword, but stopped when Reala suddenly dissolved into thin air.
"What?!" Tate yelled and started looking around. "Where did he go?"

Just then a loud cackle rang out.

"Show yourself!" Tate ordered.

Reala then appeared far away in the distance.
"Here I am boy," he snickered. "Come and get me."

Tate growled and charged foward with great speed.

Reala watched on, unflinching, as Tate came closer and closer.
He then smiled. "Fool!" he yelled, as he raised his hands outward. "Nightmarian Shroud!"

Suddenly large bolts of black energy came from Reala's hands.

Tate was caught off guard and was unable to evade the attack.

The dark energy bolts wrapped around Tate, incapacitating his arms and legs.

"Damn," Tate exclaimed. He then looked down and saw that the black energy was spreading all over his body.
"What is this?" he asked.

"Its my special technique," Reala explained as he floated over to Tate. "I call it the Nightmarian Shroud of Darkness. I will continue to spread over you until you are completely encased within it."

He then smacked Tate. "It shall enprison you, giving me total control of this body."

"Damn you," Tate muttered and the shroud of darkness ascended up his neck. "I'll make you pa...." Tate added, before being fully encased within the darkness.

"Sure you will," Reala said, before letting out another laugh.

Outside of Tate's mind, Banner continued to assault Tate's body, making sure not to kill him.

"This is almost too easy," Banner laughed as he sent Tate/Reala flying up into the air with an uppercut strike.
He then followed the beaten warrior up into the air, and prepared for another attack.

But suddenly Tate spread his wings and stopped his ascention. He then swooped down and head butted Banner.

Banner hit the ground with a thud.
"What the hell...," he wondered, quickly getting to his feet.
He watched as Tate/Reala landed on top of the cliff.
"Oh crap!" Banner explained. "Reala must have regained control. Damn it Tate I thought you was gonna take care of him."

Reala looked down at Banner, and noticed the other guardians were in the distance.

"Hmm. Seems Zeroshi didn't complete his mission," Reala said to himself. "Oh well, with this body I can do it easily."

The evil Tate raised his hands outward, and his wings began to glow.
The wings folded over his arms and transformed into light cannon that Tate had used previously.

The cannon began to surge with energy, and Reala smiled.

"Dark Heaven's Retribution," he screamed, before the energy cannon shot a massive blast outward towards the guardians.

Below, Banner watched the path of the huge blast.
"Crazy sucka," he muttered, before seeing that its target was the other guardians. "Oh S***!"

Silia froze when she saw the incoming blast.
"Quickly take cover in the forest!" she screamed.
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Silia was guiding the children through the forest to a cave. It was sealed. Silia muttered some chant and it opened and closed when the Last Guardian was in. The blast hit the door, but didn't phase anything. Silia counted the guardians, two were still out there. Banner and Kiara.

Silia: Where is Banner and Kiara?
Aiko: They must still be out there!
T.D.: What? NO! They can't!
Silia: Wait, the Highest Ones say that Banner and Kiara are the ones that need to bring Tate out of the trance. With Banner's void armor, not much can hurt him. And with Kiara's magic and creatures she can make Reala come out of the body into an Astral form, where Engetsu will send him back.

~*~*~Outside of the forest~*~*~
Banner: Why didn't you leave?
Kiara: You need my help.
Banner: What can you do? You're a girl!
Kiara: I can do many things that you can and more. Heaven's Arrow!

Kiara pulled on the string of a light bow and fired an arrow made of light. It hit Tate's heart. It sunk in and spread into his body. Banner then knew that he could use his magic to make him weaker.

Banner: I see, but Shadow Bomb! *throws a bomb made of Shadows and makes Reala/Tate weak* Do your thing Kiara!
Kiara: Engetsu, it is time!
Engetsu: *Growl* Reala! I will send you back to your imprisonment! You cannot escape this time!
Reala/Tate: Oh, can't I* gasps for air*
Banner: Seems the bomb worked... as did the arrow.
Kiara: The arrow goes straight to Reala's subconscious heart and your bomb created a fuse in his mind. It made him crazy... and now... Engetsu will send Reala back to his imprisonment.
Engetsu: Your time... is... up, Commander Reala. *opens dragon mouth and a black energy fires to Reala* Phases of the Moon!
Reala: NOOOOO! *astrals out of Tate, black energy hits Reala and sends him back to his imprisonment*
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"Hey Silia open it up!We gotta go see if they are ok!"T.D. said,as soon as Silia opened the door T.D. rushed out,she ran as fast as the wind no wonder she was the wind gaurdian,Silia smiled "That girl always wants to help."She said as she exited the cave.

"Hey guys I'm coming to hel..--"T.D said when she was out of the forest to see Banner and Kiara alive."What were you going to say T.D.?"Kiara asked."Oh uhh nothing..."T.D said as she scratched her head.She then looked at Tate,only to see him laying on the ground,she then ran over to him and just stared at him."Hey you did you beat that bastard Reala?"T.D. asked Kiara and Banner nodded. "Oh yeah in your face evil!Hahahaha!"T.D started to dance around she then saw the others looking at her weirdly.She then stopped and chuckled.Just then Tate woke up."Hey dude Tate your alive!"T.D yelled,just then everyone crowded."Yeah I am alive!"Tate said.

"Thanks guys!"Tate said."Hey I really didn't do anything...So you uhh don't have to thank me,"T.D said"You gotta thank Banner and Kiara here.."Just then T.D pushed Kiara infront of Tate."Uhh....Thanks.."Tate said.
"No problem..."Kiara said blushing."Hmmmm...."T.D said as she watched the two,she then laughed quietly to herself "hehehe..."
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Silia watched the young guardians with pride.
"These children do have the power to bring forthe Zarcadia's salvation," she thought.
Suddenly her smile faded, and a chill of fear ran down her spine.

"You have interfeared long enough," someone said in a low sinister voice.

Silia quickly turned around to see a large,dark warrior floating behind her. The being's face looked reptilian, his body was covered in black armor.

Silia was frozen in terror. "G..G..Gimeron," she whispered to herself. "Why have you come here?"

Gimeron smiled, showing his fangs.
"I've come because those children of yours have killed two of my army's commanders," he explained.

Silia tried to raise her staff to attack, but the great power of Gimeron had paralyzed her.

Gimeron floated over to her and grabbed her face.
"I'm curious to see if those young warriors can handle themselves without your guidence," he muttered, staring into her eyes.

Elsewhere the young guardians were still talking to each other.

"So you see that dream I had was like a prophecy," Banner said to the others. "Except for that part about Tate stabbing me and all."

Tate had a confused look on his face.
"What dream," he wondered. He then looked around and noticed that Silia was not present.
"Does anyone know where Silia is?"

"Last time I saw her she was in that cave," T.D. responded.

Suddenly each of them felt a weird sensation come over them.

"What the hell," Banner said. "I can't move my arms and legs!"

The others tried to move, but they too had been paralyzed.

"Whats going on," Dominic shouted.

They the heard a laugh come from above, and looked up. There they saw Gimeron holding an unconscious Silia in his arms.

"Don't even try to move," the evil beast said as he descended down among the group.

"Who are you, and what have you done to Silia?!" Tate yelled.

"I am the Gimeron, king of the Nightmarian hordes," Gimeron answered. "As for your lovely teacher here, I've decided to take her from you."
The dark king then slowly floated away.
"If you are brave enough, come for her. She will be waiting for you in the dungeon of my castle," he explained.

"Where the hell is that?" Banner yelled.

"It lies to the south," Gimeron replied. "Come, try and save her. I'll be waiting!"
He then faded away, along with Silia.

Soon after he was gone, the young guardians regained their movement.

"So now what," Aiko asked. "Do we go and face that guy or what?"

"Hell yeah we go," Banner answered. "That rat bastard has my sweet Silia from me, and I shall go through hell it self to save her. Now who's with me?!":flaming:
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"Errrr....We can't let the stupid bastard get away with Silia....We can't give up on her...She helped us alot!I will not tolerate with this so count me in I'm gonna try my very best to save her,"T.D said"I will destroy Gimeron like I destroyed Zeroshi!"T.D got sharp eyes."If we do go after him we must train hard,harder then ever before that it brings pain...Well that's what my trainnings gonna be like!"T.D said.Just then T.D heard Iria's voice,"T.D I heard what you said,that is what you must do,train hard that it brings pain,please meet me at the highest point..."Iria's voice faded away.

T.D. nodded "I will..." T.D said out loud."Uhhh...What do you mean I will T.D.?"Tate asked."I need to start my trainning I must go to the highest point again,I must meet my gaurdian there,I suggest you all get with your gaurdians and train hard with them."T.D replied as she started to walk away from the group.
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Tate stared at Banner and Kiara."You knew didn't you?" Tate began to become angry."Why did you let that happen?"

Banner walked over to Tate " Hey come on whats done is done." Tate stared up at the sky." Well , I guess your right,no hard feelings."
Kiara started to blush as she watched Tate.

"Maybe I should ask him now...naw." Kiara thought to herself. Tate reached into his pocket and pulled out his CD player and put on the head phones." Yeah! I'm going to train now but Silia's gone, who do I train with?"

Banner,Aiko,Kiara and Domino stared at each other.Tate held out his hand. Energy began to form in to the shape of a sword."Thats Reala's sword." Kiara said.

"Yes it is." Tate smiled sheepishly"You see when he was inside of me I took his sword as my own before he was ejected from my body.I also learned his attacks and your light arrow Kiara."
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Banner stepped foward.
"Since I already learned everything I need to know, I guess I'll volunteer to be your training partner," he said with a smirk. He then looked at Kiara, "That is if no one objects, and wishes to take my place."

Kiara remained silent and turned away.

Banner sighed, "Oh well I guess your stuck with me Tate. But don't worry I won't go too hard on ya."

"Gee... thanks," Tate said blankly.:shifty:
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When T.D arrived at the highest point Iria was there."Ready?"She asked T.D "Mmmmhmmm.."T.D nodded "sword come forth..."the stone turned into a sword."T.D first you must learn the abilities of the wind blade,first you must learn the wind thrust,the quik wind,and then the wind singnature move,the singnature move is hard to master so you must train hard.First let's start with the wind thrust."Iria said,"Ok....what do I have to do?"T.D asked,"Alls you need to do is just thrust your sword as hard as you can,but don't let go of your sword,the harder the father and stronger."Iria replied.

T.D nodded then she got into a trusting position,"You must hit that rock over there from here."Iria said."Wha?!That's impossible!It's to far away my sword will never touch it!"T.D said,"You'll see just thrust the sword as hard as you can."Iria said."Ok whatever you say."T.D said,T.D concentrated hard,"Hah!"She screamed as she thrusted her sword keeping her grip so that she doesn't throw it,T.D saw a sword like figure racing at the rock,soon it touched and broke the rock in half.

"Hah!Now I see the harder I thrust the farther and stronger it goes,because when you thrust it conducts wind!Now I get it!"T.D exclaimed."I'm glad you understand,now you must learn Quick Wind."Iria said."Weird name for a attack...No affence.":bluesweat

"I know what you mean I thought it was weird to when I was age,anyways back to the topic!What you need to do is thrust you sword as fast as you can in all directions.Concentrate real hard."Iria said.T.D nodded,"Ok all directions.."T.D concentrated and started to thrust her sword in all directions,you couldn't even see if her hands where moving or not.Iria starts to think while she watches T.D,"Hmmm this girl,she's a fast learner,aslways wants to help,always wants to train hard even if it hurts.....it all equals up to she is the one,the right gaurdian."

Soon T.D was panting harshly."O-o-ok I'm ready for the next attack."T.D said tiredly."Ok the singnature attack is Kakori Wind Blow.You must practice hard with this one.What you have to do is...-"
"Hello Iria..It's been a long time..."A voice said,T.D and Iria looked around they both spotted the person floating above them,it was a man,he had small glasses,a cloak,and black aurmor,he also had green spikey hair.

"Inejiro...That it has...What do you want?"Iria said sharply,"I have been told to kill you...So you will not be able to teach that foolish child anything."Inejiro laughed."Errr...Your to late buster!I already learned things!So if you have come to kill Iria you will have to go pass me!"T.D yelled at him,he just smirked,"Oh do I?"He said."T.D please stay out of this!If you die then there will be no wind gaurdian to take my place!"Iria yelled at T.D.Inejiro just smiled soon a sword appeared in Inejiro's hand.

"T.D stay away!"Iria yelled as she raised her hand and a sword appeared then pointed a hand at T.D putting a barrier around her."Huh?!What?!Iria!You can't fight him alone!You can't!"T.D yelled from inside the barrier,but nobody could hear her.T.D could hear them but they could not hear her.

"Errr...Inejiro....Brother why did you have to join Gimeron..."Iria said to herself."Hmph because Gimeron has great powers,I agreed to him to kill one of the gaurdians...I chose you sister,I chose to fight you at a certain time,and that is this time!"Inejiro laughed,"Now come!Come and kill me!"

Iria jumped up into the air and started to float too.She then used a couple of moves that she had not shown T.D yet.But they didn't seem to effect him."Inejiro is Iria's brother?!"T.D thought."Then no he can't....He can't kill his sister!He jsut can't.."

Soon it was Inejiro's turn to attack.He then did moves like Iria's,he was a wind element also,but his attacks did massive damage to Iria,but when Iria attacked him she couldn't,she couldn't move she was paralyzed!Inejiro used the handle of his sword to hit Iria down.

"IRIA!"T.D screamed."Heh now it is your time...Sister..Wind Pummel Sword Strike!!"Inejiro said raising his sword and gripping it tightly."I'll see you in hell Iria..."Inejiro,He then suddenly raced the sword to Iria's stomach and pushed it through.Iria winced in pain "Inejiro...why...?"She said weakly."I can't forget what your novice gaurdian did to my friend."Inejiro said.Soon the barrier was broken and T.D ran out to Iria and fell to her knees."T.D I wish you good luck and your friends"Iria said weakly,then her breathing started to fade a bit.Inejiro just stood there smiling.

"Hmph...My job is finished...I'll see you later kid.."Inejiro said as he faded away."I-I-I-Iria!.....Don't go!You didn't teach me the attack."T.D yelled.Soon Iria's body dissapeared."IRIA!!!!!"T.D yelled that it echoed in the distance that everyone could hear it."Inejiro....I shall gain my revenge,"T.D said to herself.

"I will..."She said with sharp eyes.
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Kiara walked around and noticed that the sky was darkening. The sun and moon were both up. She wondered why. Then suddenly when the moonlight and sunlight hit her, she felt her true power. The others saw the same light and was wondering what it could be, so they raced over to the light and saw that Kiara stood there soaking up the light. Her armor appeared and it became more advanced.

T.D.: Kiara? Is that you?
Kiara: *turns to the others* Yeah it's me. Wow, an advanced armor of light and moon. *looks up* but, the sun and moon are still there. and.... huh?

Engetsu and Taiin spread their wings and flew up to the center between the sun and moon as did Goraikou and Taiyou. They flew against and with each other and formed their own Soon.(moon and sun). The creatures came down from the sky and landed on the side where the moon and sun faced Kiara. The others looked at her with surprised looks.
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Tate walked away from the others."Man, the others are out doing me.I better get to work. I have new attacks and a new weapon but I need more time to perfect my secret technique." He thought to himself.

Tate's wings appeared and began to spread, a fierce wind blew toward the others."T.D would you quit." Banner ordered. Tate began to float in the air."Thats not me." T.D replied.

Banner turned and noticed Tate." Hey where ya going, we got to train."
"I have to train, you don't remember? Someone come to the Mountain behind the chapel when you guys decide when to go."Tate flew off.

"Now hes just showing off!" Kiara said.
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Banner watched with a egotistical smirk, as Tate flew off towards the mountain.
"Well seems he doesn't want to be my training buddy," he said. "Awwww, and I wanted to pay him back for that head butt. Maybe should follow."

Kiara stepped foward. "No, like he said who have completed your training," she explained. "I shall go in your place. I wish to try out my new abilities, just as he does."
Kiara then walked off, towards the mountain.

"Well guess all I can do is wait," Banner said to himself, as he walked over to a near by tree.
He sat down, closed his eyes, and folded his arms.

Dominic looked at Banner.
"What, your just gonna sit their a fall asleep," he asked.

Banner opened one eye, "No, I'm trying to meditate in peace. Now leave me be, or don't you have something better to do?"

The other guardians did as Banner asked, and left him by the tree.

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