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Modern Dreams

DJ. Tatum

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Kiara then called for Engetsu and got on his back. The other three creatures spread their wings and flew into the sky with Engetsu and Kiara. Taiin smelt Tate's scent and followed where he should be. They were near the chapel and then behind the chapel. Then they spotted Tate near a pond. Engetsu landed near Tate. He looked towards Kiara and her creatures. He was suspicious.

Tate: You seem to like following me.
Kiara: Seems you don't know yet.
Tate: Know what? That you seem to like following me?
Kiara: Take out following and what do you have?
Tate: That you seem to like me???
Kiara: Yes. I admire someone with great courage and power as you. Before I came here, I lived with my older brother. He cared for me and taught me things I should know. Also, you remind me of someone I used to have a crush on.
Tate: Oh... well since your here, we should train.
Kiara: Right. Armor! Guardian's Sword!
Tate: Reala's Sword!(iono what tah call it) Ready?
Kiara: As always. Heat Stroke!*she slashed her sword to the ground and a slash of heat slashed through*
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Tate slashed Reala's sword to the ground which caused a shockwave that deflected Kiara's heat slash.

Tate:Nice,I call this sword shining abyss.
Kiara:You've gotten stronger.

Kiara lunged at Tate and swung her sword towards him.Tate backflipped and dodged it.Tate flew into the air.

Tate:Whew, So have you.*Tate holds out his other hand and his light sword appears.* Lets see how you do with two swords.

Tate flew down and landed behind Kiara.She turned around and swung her sword again,Tate blocked it with both his swords and pushed her away.
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Aiko was walking along with her Ice Blade and saw the battle between Tate and Kiara.
She watched from a bit far off in case their attacks wavered.
The battle was raging and getting exciting.Tate had just gotten another sword and was fighting Kiara with 2 swords against 1.
Aiko sat cross-legged with her sword in her lap.
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T.D stood in the very spot were Iria's blood was shed."Err....I didn't learn Kokori Wind Blow Iria.....How do you expect me to learn it without you?"T.D said to herself while she stared at the ground."So you are Iria's replacement.."Said a voice,T.D looked up and saw a man almost as old as T.D he seemed to be 2 years older then her,he had black hair,a school suit but green,and had a sword attached to his belt."Yes I am....and who are you...have you come to kill me?"T.D asked,"K-k-kill you!"He just laughed"No I'm here to asstist you and show you techniques you have not learned yet,and some techniques that Iria didn't wish to learn."He said

"Ok...First you didn't answear my question who are you?"T.D asked once more."I am Anzai,I wanted to become a Wind Gaurdian,I was second best in the academy,but I was not chosen to be the real Wind Gaurdian Iria was.But now that she is gone I shall teach you,but first..."Anzai stopped and put his hand out,suddenly a wind blew."Huh?What are you doing?"T.D looked down at her shirt it was going up slowly.T.D stopped it by pulling her shirt down making it so that the wind can't blow it,"You pervert!"She yelled she then slapped him making it echo so that everyone can hear it.

"Heh...I shouldn't have under estimated you.."Anzai said rubbing his cheek."Hey you can't blame me it's just the way I am."T.D turned around ignoring Anzai."Ok hey I'm sorry is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?"Anzai asked."You have to teach me the techniques that you said you'd tech me."T.D replied,"Oh uhh right..."

T.D turned and nodded."So you will."She asked,"Yeah I will,Iria sent me to teach you.So let's get to work shall we?"Anzai replied
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Banner still sat underneath the tree, in a deep medatative state. He was calm, sensing everything that went on around him. He focused on Tate and Kiara's fight, then on T.D.'s meeting with Anzai.

But soon his concentration was broken by a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?!", the voice exclaimed. "This is no time to be resting."

Banner quickly opened his eyes and saw the former Shadow Guardian, Gideon, standing before him.

"Why the hell are you here?" the startled Banner asked.

Gideon looked down at the warrior. "Why do you sit there and rest, while you should be training?"

Banner slowly stood up and brushed himself off. "Training? What are you talking about?" he asked. "I thought you taught me everything."

"Don't be a fool," Gideon said sternly. " I mearly taught you the basics. Your training is not yet complete, for you must master the final techniques."

"But I thought the Shadow Void Armor was the final technique," the confused Banner said.

Gideon sighed. "While the armor is one of the most advanced techniques, there is still one that is more powerful, the Kuraizuki!"

"What the hell is that?" Banner asked.

"It is the final and most powerful attack that you shall learn," Gideon answered.
The guardian then brought forth his Shadow Nigita.
" Allow me to demonstrate," he said as he got into an offensive stance. "Remain completely stil."
Gideon then started chanting some odd phrases.

Banner looked on, wondering what Gideon was going to do. He then noticed that all the surrounding shadows were being drawn towards Gideon.
"Is he summoning the void armor," Banner asked himself.

Suddenly Gideon's chanting ceased, as the shadows circled around him. He then let out a scream, and the shadows quickly expanded, blocking out all the surrounding light.

Banner was in complete darkness, his visibility was at zero.
"What the hell is going on" he thought. "I can't see a damn thing!"
He then felt something poke his face, but couldn't see anything.

The shadows surroundig him then vanished, revealing Gideon with his nigita's blade at Banners face.

Banner quickly jumped back. "Whoa, watch it!" he said eradically.
"What the hell did you just do?"

Gideon smiled. "What you have just witnessed was the Kurai Shroud," he replied. "Like the Shadow Void Armor, you summon forth the surrounding shadows. But instead of using them to form the armor, you send them forth to blind your opponent. This leaves them open for attack."

"Cool," Banner said. "But I thought you were going to show me the Kuraizuki thing."

"The Kurai Shroud is the first step towards mastering the Kuraizuki," Gideon said. "You must first learn this technique before we can move on to the Kuraizuki."

"Damn," Banner complained, as he summoned his Shadow Nigita. " I was hoping I was rid of you and your crazy training."
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Hey .Look in recruitment for a suprise.

Tate's wings covered his arms and formed the buster cannon.
Tate: Lets see how you can dodge this.
Kiara: Ready

Tate's cannon charged up as Kiara assumed the defense position.
Tate: Heavens Retribution.....Fire.
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Kiara stared at the cannon then rolled on the ground out of the way. Tate looked at Kiara with the Well, Well look. Kiara stood there impressed. She then sheathed her sword and called for her armor. The armor this time looked similar to the one just like Hikaru's in Magic Knight Rayearth. Her sword was similar to Fuu's and Hikaru's put together. The creatures sat silently watching.

Tate: Impressive armor. Where's your weapon?
Kiara: That's my surprise. Blinding Light!

A bright light from the sun shone down and surfaced the whole area, Tate couldn't see anything. He searched his way towards Kiara but instead was holding his hands up when the light disappeared. Kiara was standing right behind Tate with a bazooka like gun cannon in her hand.

Kiara: Turn around.
Tate: *turns around* Nice. Let's stop. I think that's enough.
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Tate's wings spread and he began to lift into the air.Kiara stared up at Tate.

Kiara: What is it like to fly?
Tate: Wanna come?

Tate picked Kiara up and held her by the hands. Aiko watched in amazement as Tate flew higher and higher.

Tate:Watch this.

Tate swooped down and picked up Aiko in his other hand.
Aiko:TATE,what are you doing?
Kiara:He won't drop us I think.
Tate:No, I won't.

Tate flew over the mountains to where Banner and Gideon were training.
Banner:What the...
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Aiko and Kiara looked around in amazement.
They waved with their free hands at Banner.
He just stared in confusion then shook it off and continued training.
They flew around for quite a while before landing.
Aiko:Thanks Tate.That was fun.
Kiara:Yeh..Thanks...And good battle.
Tate:My pleasure.It was a great battle Kiara.Well done.
They all smiled and walked back to the main camp.Aiko decided to do some training.She made cuts and slashes against an imaginary foe then suddenly a blade connected with hers.Aiko looked up to see who it was and saw......
[Anyone can insert here.If no one wants to then I'll battle Sasuka]
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Aiko looked up and saw that it was Kiara. Kiara looked at her. Aiko was surprised that Kiara would still train after her training with Tate. Kiara just smiled. Somehow, Kiara was glad to be there. She was glad she was away from the stress.
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Aiko smiled at Kiara.It was good to have some training.
Aiko smirked and fired a blast of ice before jumping away and getting into her fighting stance,crouched a bit with sword stretched behind her and her empty hand in front.
Kiara dodged the ice attack and got into her own fighter stance.
Kiara fired a beam of light that Aiko deflected with her blade.
The battle had started.
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Tate watched the battle between Aiko and Kiara.It got fiercer and fiecer.Tate took to the air so he wouldn't get hit by anything.

Tate:These two are tough.We will win for sure.Gimmeran doesn't stand a chance.

A mysterious voice called out to Tate."Its almost time."
Tate turned aroun to see a girl about his age with silver hair with blue streaks.
She was wearing a red shirt under a blue jean coat, black jeans and red adidas. She had a stone and wings just like Tate.She smiled at him.

Tate : Who are you?
Andrea:I am Andrea.
Tate: Are you one of us?
Andrea:Yes. I'm Silia's Daughter.
Tate: WHAT? Silia has a daughter.
Andrea: We have no time for talking. Lets train.

Andrea summoned a staff that looked exactly like Silia's.Tate 's light sword appeared.

Andrea: Ready Tate?
Andrea:Lets go.

Andrea spun her staff which caused a tornado that headed towards Tate.
Tate swung his sword and cut through the tornado. He then swung his sword and made a shock wave that Andrea blocked with a light shield.

Andrea:Impressive, I like you.
Tate: Ummm...thanks.
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Banner fell to the ground in exhaustion, as a mixture of sweat an blood ran down his face. He looked up and saw his trainer, Gideon, smiling at him.

"Don't tell me you're giving up," the old guardian said. "You know what will happen if you do."

Banner clinched his fist, and struggled to get to his feet.
"There's no way I'm getting taken down by some old geezer like you," he exclaimed.

Gideon got back into attack position, holding his nigita in front of him.
"Thats more like it," he said. "Use your emotions, for they are the key to breaking your limits."

"Shut up," Banner yelled. "I'm sick an tired of hearing your damn psycho bable!"

Gideon stared at the young warrior, who lowered himself into a fighting stance. The guardian spirit then let out a slight chuckle.

"What the hell are you laughing at" Banner asked.

Gideon lowered his weapon.
"Nothing," he answered. "Its just that I'm happy to be replaced by such a great student."

Banner was caught offguard by Gideon's words.

"You kinda remind me of myself when I went throught this vigorous training," Gideon explained. "Sure you acted a bit weird when I first met you, but now I see that it was just an act. You are a true warrior William, and I know you will make a great Guardian of Zarcadia."
Gideon then got back into his stance.
"Now let us finish this, he said. "Show me what you have learned. Show me the great Kuraizuki!"

Banner smiled. "Aw you almost made me cry," he joked, as he raised the blade of his Shadow Nigita.

The two warriors stared at each other with great focus and admiration. The shadows around them, were quickly being absorbed by the two. Then, suddenly, they both charged at each other with great speed.

They both pulled back their nigitas, preparing to let loose their great attacks.

"Kuraizuki," Banner screamed, as he thrusted his blade foward.
As he trusted forth his nigita, the Kurai Shroud was emitted from the blade, blocking out Gideon's vision.

"Perfect," Gideon said, just as Banner's blade plunged into his chest, with lighting fast speed.

The force of the attack, sent Gideon flying backwards, and leveled a row of trees.

Banner again fell to his knees in exhaustion.
"Heh," he laughed. "That really takes alot out of ya."
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Kiara envieled the area with a blast of darkness. Aiko looked aroun cautiously. Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her and the darkness disappeared. Afterwards she felt a blade against her throat. Luckily, Aiko used a small ice spell to freeze Kiara's feet. Kiara suddenly let go. She used a small spell of heat to unfreeze. It was too late. She was blown to the ground. Aiko held her hand out. They both looked to the sky to see a guardian out in the sky. They looked at each other. Kiara connected to Tate with her stone. Tate didn't reply. Kiara walked over to Engetsu and commented on the girl.

Aiko: She is a good fighter. Look! A staff!
Engetsu:*female giggle* Calm yourself, girls. That is Silia's daughter, Andrea.
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Andrea got into a fighting stance." Mother chose well I see, now I want to know something."

Tate stared at the girl with a puzzled look on his face." What is that?"

Andrea smiled and spun her staff around."Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tate backed up a little bit."First Kiara, now her. OK this is wierd, Banner has tried to get a girlfriend yet gets rejected, I on the other hand don't do anything and 2 girls are crushing on me." he thought to himself.

But before he could answer, Andrea flew towards him and swung her staff. Tate blocked with his sword and dissappeared in a flash of light.

"Where did he go?" Andrea thought to herself as she scanned her surroundings. Tate appeared some distance away from her. Andrea sensed him and prepared a familiar attack. Her wings folded over her arms forming a buster cannon.

" Thats Tate's special attack!" Aiko shouted. Tate had a smirk on his face." Yes, I was hoping she do that, now I can try out my other attack."

The buster cannon charged as Andrea shouted" Hey Tate, lets see you get by this!" The cannon glowed. " Heavens Retribution....Fire!"

The cannon let loose a huge beam of light energy. " Watch out!" Kiara shouted.

Tate began to glow and charged towards the beam, his wings glowed with a white fire." Heaven's Justice!" Tate screamed as his light sword cut through the beam. Tate held out his sword towards Andrea's face before he stopped.

"Wow, you have to teach me that Tate." Andrea shouted with glee. Tate smiled " Yeah." The glow stopped and Tate fell to the ground and fainted.

"TATE!" Andrea, Aiko, and Kiara shouted. They ran towards him.
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"Ok let's get started you need to learn wind blow,concentrate all your enery to either your hand for a punch or to your leg for a kick.When you think you have enough energy attack that rock over there from here."Anzai explained,T.D nodded and concentrated a green ball formed around her hand she then punch the green ball turned into a speeding blast and broke the rock in half.

"Good,now try a kick towards the boulder."Anzai said,T.D contrated all her energy to her leg and kicked,it hit another rock."Good.Your trainning is done."Anzai said."Wh-what?I didn't learn the Kokori Wind Blow!"T.D exclaimed.Anzai jumped back and faded away "That is for you to find out,Iria would have said the same thing."Errr!Dang it!"T.D said she then shrugged."There maybe more attacks but I will have to learn them myself.I'm gonna go look for the others."She then started walking looking for the others.
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After a short rest, Banner got to his feet and took a look at the damage he had caused.
The power from his thrust completely leveled a row of trees.

"Damn," Banner said with amazement. "Seems all that training really did me some good."

The young guardian then began searching among the fallen trees for his master.
"Gideon," he yelled out. "Where the hell are ya?"

Banner soon heard a muffled scream coming from under a near by pile of trees.

"Hey is that you," Banner asked as he rushed over.
The faint yelling seemed to express great anger.
"Yeah thats him," Banner concluded, and began pushing aside the fallen timber.

Minutes later Gideon was uncovered, and Banner kneeled next to him.

"You don't look too good," Banner said, and he stared at his master's battered and bruised body.

Gideon smiled. "Don't worry, this spiritual form of mine can take a beating," he replied. "That was a perfect Kuraizuk. You ought to be proud, not many can master such a technique in such a short time."

"You got that right," Banner laughed. "Luckily I'm such an amazing guy.":D

"Heh," Gideon chuckled. "I see your personality is still the same."
He then stared deep into Banner's eyes.
"Your Kuraizuki has weakened me," he explained. "I don't have the power to stay in this form, and will soon cross back over to the spirit world."

Banner looked at his fallen master. "Bummer," he said. "I was hoping you would help us fight."

"No," Gideon muttered. "I can't help you. It is up to you and the new guardians to save Silia and rid Zarcadia of the Nightmarians."
The old guardian then lifted up his Shadow Nigita.
"But before I leave, I shall give you this."

Banner looked at the weapon. "Uh, I already have one of those," he said.

"Take it," Gideon ordered. "With the two nigitas you can form the great Shadow Naginata."

"Kay," Banner said, as he took Gideon's nigita from his hands. He then held the two weapons, and in a flash of light, they fused together to form the Shadow Naginata. (A long pike with a blade on each end)

"Whoa," the astonished Banner yelled. "I can really kick some a** with this thing. Thanks."
He then looked back towards where Gideon layed, but saw no one. Gideon had already faded away, back to the spirit world.

Banner smiled, and withdrew his new weapon.
"See ya around old man," he muttered.
The new Guardian of Shadow then followed the destroyed row of trees out of the forest, where he began his search for the others.:confused:
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Tate fainted when he hit the ground. He lost energy when he attacked with Heaven's Justice. Aiko and Kiara ran for the other guys so that they could pick Tate up. Aiko walked off when the guys ran towards Tate. He was already up. She saw Kiara walk off in another direction. Kiara seemed to have lost interest in Tate, but found another. The missing piece on the moon stone and who the boy in her locket was. Everything was a mystery before she even came here. Kiara didn't want to worry, but there was so much at stake. Reala and his minions, that one evil dude, her guardian life, and more importantly her split up family. When she was young, her parents split up knowing that they couldn't be together for a while. The only thing to remind her of her family was a torn up picture. Kiara was so frustated. She called for her armor, the Guardian's Sword, and the orb to her. She also called for Taiin. They flew into the air and to the other side of the island.

On the other side of the island, as Kiara and Taiin approached it, a lady with devilish wings stood in front of a huge army of what appeared to be a demonic creature. Kiara looked at Taiin. He knew who the lady was. It was 1st Commander of the demonic crew, Lady Lira. She ruled part of the Demons with an iron and steel fist. Kiara overheard her talking.

Lady Lira: Vaptors! You are here to bring me the new Guardians alive, not dead, alive. If I see one Guardian dead, there shall be hell to pay to the one who killed the Guardian. Understood?

The Vaptors nodded and roared. Lady Lira pointed her finger into a direction and they set off to capture the Guardians. Kiara had to go back and tell the others.

OOC: Here is a pic of the Vaptors, it kinda looks like the Zerg Lurkers. and on the bottom is Lady Lira, who actually looks like Kerrigan, a Zerg General.(she's green not purple and her eyes are more evil looking)
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Banner walked around the island, until he finally found Tate and the others.
Tate laid on the ground, still woozy from using his new attack.

"What the hell happened to you," Banner rudely asked. "Don't tell me you let that girl kick your a**."

Aiko looked at Banner sternly.
"For your information, he passed out from using too much energy in his training with Andrea."

"Andrea," Banner asked with a puzzled look. "Who the hell is that?"
He then heard someone approaching him from behind. Banner quickly turned around and saw Andrea standing there.

"I am Andrea," she answered. "I'm Silia's daughter, pleased to meet you."

Banner was shocked to see such a beautiful woman, and could barely control his joy. He rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Wow, who knew Silia had an equally hot daughter," he said as he squeezed his arms around her. "You don't know how happy this makes me."

Andrea was a bit put off by Banner's act of affection, and looked over at Aiko.
"Is this normal," Andrea asked.

Aiko stared blankly. "Um... not exactly," she answered. "It may be from whatever universe he came from."

Andrea then felt Banner's hands moving down her back, and quickly threw him away from her.
"Thats enough," she yelled.

Banner hit the ground hard, next to Aiko and the fallen Tate.
"Ow that hurt," he groaned. "Don't be hatin'."

"Hah, serves you right," Aiko laughed. "Ya touchy feely pervert."

"Yeah," Tate added in a faint voice. "Looks like you're the one getting beat up by a girl."

"Shut Up," Banner yelled. "Why don't you go pass out again.":mad:
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She got on the back of Taiin and they flew to the others. Lady Lira heard a scatter, but Kiara placed an invisibility cloack on them. She ignored it and thought it to be on of the Vaptors rummaging for food. She went back to training her Army. Taiin flew as fast as he could, but not fast enought, so Kiara used a speed spell. They were with the others in less than a minute. Kiara ran to Andrea. She walked her over to somewhere private. Kiara's armor wore off. She was normal again. Andrea was wondering why Kiara brought her over.

[B]Andrea:[/B] What is so urgent Kiara? What is it that you need to tell me?
[B]Kiara:[/B] Hold on. Taiin, over here please! *Taiin walked over to Kiara and Andrea* Please tell Silia what we saw.
[B]Taiin:[/B] 1st Commander of the Demonic Crew of Vaptors, Wainers, and Grimlocks is here.
[B]Andrea:[/B] Who? Wait, you don't mean... Lady Lira?

Taiin nodded and he continued talking.

[B]Taiin:[/B] She has come here to finish what Reala and Zeroshi has begun, except... She isn't here to kill.. she's here to take the replaced Guardians to Gimiran. Either that... or kill them herself and bring their stones to Gimiran so that he gains power.
[B]Andrea:[/B] What army has she brought to the island?
[B]Taiin:[/B] Vaptors. And it seems that they have even more power than before. I saw one use its tail to strangle a rock. It crushed it with its tail. Another spit acid onto a tree and it melted. They gained much power. What should we do? Lady Lira is one of Gimiran's favorites. We cannot defeat her.
[B]Andrea:[/B] True. Metal, thunder, earth, water, fire, ice, and wind cannot defeat a commander like Lira, but Shadow, Dark, Light, and Sun/Moon can. Kiara, gather Tate and Banner. And do not alert them.

Kiara nodded and ran to get Tate and Banner. After a few moments, Kiara was seen with Tate and Banner. They faced Silia.

[B]Andrea:[/B] Children, this is a fight that you must go into alone. There is a commander that is too powerful for the others. The only way to defeat her is by usind the powers of the sun, moon, shadow, and light. These are the powers that defeated her. We mustn't alert the others either. Now, Aiko... can you handle the fight? I must stay here so as it doesn't look like we are going to fight. I will stay here and train them to counter attack the Vaptors. You four and Taiin, Taiyou, Engetsu, and Goraikou... go.

They all left. Kiara on Goraikou and Banner on Engetsu. Tate and Andrea flew along side them. Taiin following close behind. They reached the other side of the island unnoticed. When they dropped down. They went to another part of the island unnoticed. They trained with their powers.
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Tate, Kiara, Andrea,and Banner flew towards the Lady Lira.

Tate was still a little woozy from the training. Andrea kept a close eye on him. So did Banner and Kiara.

" So what is this important task that has to be done" Tate asked.

" You'll find out soon enough " Kiara replied.

The four guardians soon came upon their target.
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Kiara stepped in front of the group but was about a feet away from them. She was at least a good 3 meters away from Lady Lira. A Vaptor noticed her and it tried to attack. Lady Lira caught it and threw it down. She looked up to find three of the remaining guardians along with Andrea. Kiara stood non-challantly and spoke.

[B]Kiara:[/B] Lady Lira. Nice name. Do you pay in liras or pesos?

Lady Lira glared then looked normal. [B]Lady Lira:[/B] Did Celest teach you that? That priss. She had to send a small guardian to do her dirty work. How pathetic. And look, the guardian's daughter. HAH! How pathetic as well. What? And you need men to fight for you? *starts to laugh evilly*

As Lady Lira kept laughing Kiara was starting a spell under her breath, a Freedom Spell.

[B]Kiara:[/B] *whispers* Lost souls of the Vaptors. Lost hearts of the captured. Hear me now, take this vow... you will help us in this time of need. You will be free of the cage of greed. Hear me now, souls of the lost, help us now and we shall bring Lady Lira the cost. *Out Loud* Hey Lira! I just remembered. Reala wanted me to tell you that you are probably the worst commander ever and that you will never get Gimiran's love.

Lady Lira clenched her fists and she grew impatient. She looked over at her Vaptors.

[B]Lady Lira:[/B] Vaptors! Attack! I don't care if the guardians come alive or not!

The vaptors stood still. They looked at each other. Suddenly noticing that they weren't where they were supposed to be.

[B]Kiara:[/B] Here let me try. Vaptors? Come to me! *Vaptors fly over to Kiara* Hmm, I wonder why? Oh right. Vaptors! YOU ARE NOW FREE! ATTACK! *the Vaptors attack Lady Lira distracting her from the real target.* Now! Banner! Tate! Andrea! Use your most powerful weapons! Taiin, Taiyou, Goraikou, Engetsu! You as well use your powers!
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*Hey KiaraStarr, I noticed that you met with Silia in your earlier post. How can that be? She was kidnapped by Gimeron, and we have to save her. Thats why we have been training all this time. You might want to edit that post, maybe change Silia's part into Andrea*:therock:

Now on with the story:

Banner nodded at Kiara's orders and summoned his Shadow Naginata. He then turned towards his allies.
"Tate, Andrea, and you animal things, our best chance at destroying Lira is if we attack all at once," he explained.
The others nodded, and prepared to attack.

Tate flew up into the sky and prepared for his Heaven's Retribution, while the others powered up.

Banner smiled. "Alright," he said. "Lets show this nightmarian ***** how we do things down town!"
Banner then thrust forth his Kurai Shroud, which engulfed Lira and her Vaptor attackers.

Then in one massive attack, Tate, Andrea, Taiin, Taiyou, Goraikou, and Engetsu all let loose powerful blasts of energy.
Each blast hit Lira's position, resulting in a grand explosion that shook the entire island.
The explosion sent out a shockwave that knocked the guardians down.

After the explosion had diminished, Banner brushed himself off and got to his feet.
He then walked over to the massive crater that had resulted from the explosion, and the others soon joined him.

"Wow," Tate said. "Thats a big hole."

"Did we kill her," Banner asked, looking at Kiara.

"No," she responded. "I can still sense her thoughts."

"What!" Banner exclaimed. "You're telling me after all that, she's still alive."

Andrea then noticed some movement at the base of the crater.
"Look," she yelled.

The young guardians quickly turned their attention to the bottom of the crater, where they saw a bloody Lira get to her feet.

"No frickin' way," Banner said in disbelief.

"Her power has greatly dropped," Kiara explained. "She should be easy to finish off now."

"Alright then," Banner said he jumped down into the crater. "I'll take her out now with my Kuraizuki!"

The brash warrior rapidly desended towards the battered Lira, hoping to deliver the final blow.
But when he reach her, Lira disappeared before his eyes.

"Aw, hell," Banner groaned. "She got away!"

"Don't worry," Andrea said. "We shall meet her again at Gimeron's castle. Now let us make our way back to the others."

"Ok," Banner muttered, and made his way out of the large crater.:(
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OOC: Ummm what post? where was she kidnapped? I didn't catch that...

When Banner got out, something hit him on the head. He fell to the ground. He steadily got up rubbing his head. He looked around and to his right he saw a small, winged, two-legged, green alligator. It was sitting and looking at the New Guardians. Banner glared at it and tried to strike it with his sword, but it teleported itself into Kiara's arms. Banner stared at it as did everyone else. Andrea looked at it and saw that it had an emerald on its head. It must've been a newborn Gratian.
[B]Andrea:[/B] This creature is a newborn Crocgator. It holds great powers to whoever it befriends... and it seems that it befriended you, Kiara.
[B]Taiin:[/B] It seems to be that way. But I wonder. Whereever is its mother?
[B]Engetsu:[/B] Killed off probably. A Gratian's emerald holds powers beyond the wisdom of ours. This little is probably looking for it.
[B]Kiara:[/B] Well, it seems that it is still developing its powers... and as long as I'm here, it'll be with me.
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