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Modern Dreams

DJ. Tatum

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T.D stood there just staring out."Silia,may I ask of you a question?"T.D said."Mmmm..hmmm go right ahead."Silia said."How come I was chosen to forge the power of wind?"T.D asked,"Well it seems like you don't know.Have you ever seen me in your dreams?"Silia asked back."I have seen your face before hiding from me,so I guess so.That still doesn't answear my question though."T.D replied."Well what do you dream about?"Silia asked.

"I have dreamed about being as fast as the wind when I weild a sword,I dream of being as fast as the wind when I run,and controlling the wind...."T.D replied "It seems that you have answeared your own question T.D." Silia said.

T.D looked down at her green bladed sword "And what kind of blade is this?"T.D asked still staring at the blade."It is a Titanium blade almost impossible to properly hold and break,but the one who has the strongest wind in their soul weilds it like it is just a short sword.You weild it just fine,so you are the chosen one."Silia replied.

"I see....I will call it wind blade!"Exclaimed T.D while shinning the sword in the sun."Hmmmm something is missing....may there be a sheath for wind blade?"T.D asked Silia,Silia nodded"Yes you already have it in your hand."Silia said."You mean the stone?"T.D said "Yes,when you say "Stone" it'll come back but then if you want your sword you must say "Sword" and we musn't forget magic,you will learn magic when we train."said Silia.

"First you all must trust in your power so then your power will know if you will use it for good than evil,we shall train soon.Anymore questions?"Silia asked.
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Banner picked himself off the ground and looked at Silia. "Yeah I gotta question," he shouted. "Why the hell did you blind me! All I wanted was your phone number!" He then walked over to Silia and put his arm around her, "Come on, if you just gave me a chance, I'm sure we could be really good friends."

Silia just stared at him. "Careful digit boy," she warned. "I do have the power to take away your sight forever."

Banner backed off, "Hey don't be hatin'. You can't blame a guy for trying."

Silia sighed, "Does anyone have a real question?" she asked.

Banner slowly raised his hand, "Yeah all these other guys got cool weapons, where the hell's mine?!"

Silia walked over to him. "Banner you have the power to summon the great Shadow Nigita," she explained.

"Aw cool!.....what the hell's a Nigita?" Banner asked.

Silia sighed once again, "Just focus on your stone and say the word Nigita."

"Alrighty," Banner replied and held his stone out in front of him. Banner closed his eyes, and started chanting something. He then quickly opened his eyes and shouted "Nigita!"

There was a flash of dark light and suddenly the long Shadow Nigita appeared in his hand.

Banner was filled with excitment. "Kick ***!" he yelled. "Why didn't you tell me it was a pike with a long blade on the end?"

"The Shadow Nigita is a very powerful weapon," Silia explained. "Hopefully through your training you will learn how to bring out its full potential."

"Yeah, Yeah," Banner said, walking off twirling his new found weapon.

Tate walked over to Silia. "You have to forgive him," he said. "It seems he is easily destracted.":bluesweat

Silia smiled, "Yes it seems so, but I sense a great warriors's spirit within him."

"In that guy?" Tate said objectively, watching Banner swing his nigita around.

Silia nodded, "Yes, he shall be a great asset to our cause."
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Tate watched as the others marveled at their new weapons. " Why?" he muttered in a low voice to himself.He looked at his stone."Why me?".
Silia sensed Tate's doubt."Because you have great courage."she answered.

Silia walked over to Tate."You have the purest power of them all, light. You may not think so, but your power can do great things."
Tate's sword appeared ,"This can do great things?Who would of thought."Tate said.

"Soon you'll be able to do more things with it,after you have the proper training."Silia exclaimed."Hey Tate, get over here" T.D called out.

As Tate began to walk over,Silia smiled and said"The CD player is a nice touch too."
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"This is great and all, but you forgot one thing..."
[I]Silia raised an eyebrow.[/I]
"Oh? And what is it?"
[I]Domino pointed at himself.[/I]
"[I]My[/I] weapon."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about it. You have a pair of sickles." [I]She said.
Domino said the name of his weapon like everyone else, and a pair of long sickles appeared on his arms. He swung them around.[/I]
"Wow, cool. So are we going to train now?"
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Kiara looked around. She then remembered that she too had a weapon. She thought to herself,"Sai" instead of sword and appeared before her were sais. She wondered about this. She walked over and everyone looked at each others. Kiara thought to herself,"sheath" and the sais disappeared. She then saw the sun/moon stones were imbedded on her belt as if to be a belt buckle. She looked at Dominic, Aiko, Tate, and the others. She seemed to have seen them before, but where?
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"Since there are no more questions, we shall now begin the training process," Silia informed.

"Alright!" Banner exclaimed.

"Its about time," Dominic added.

"First I must warn you," Silia remarked. "The training is very hard, meant to push your mental and physical skills to the limit. But if you all succeed and complete your training, you will each posess the full powers of the guardians."

"Yeah Yeah," Banner said, swinging his nigita around. "Lets get on with it!"

Silia smiled and closed her eyes. "Very well then," she said, and raised her staff up into the air. "Come forth Guardians of Zarkadia!" she yelled.

The sky lit up with a blinding white light, and the warriors covered their eyes.
Then as the light dissapeared, they all opened their eyes to see five strange beings staring at them.

"Who are they?" T.D. asked.

"These are the spirits of the fallen guardians," Silia explained. "I have called them here to teach you the secrets of your new powers. You shall all pair up with the guardian you are to replace and face them in battle. Only when you defeat them, shall you reach the full potential of your powers."

"Your jokin', right?" Tate asked in disbeleif. "You expect us to fight a bunch of ghost?!"

"Yes, except for you Tate," Silia replied. "For you shall face me!"

The guardian spirits then gathered around Silia.

"Let the training begin!" Silia yelled, and the spirits quickly rushed towards the young warriors.:wow: :wow:
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"Oh Crap!" Tate said as he watched the spirits attack their replacements.
Just then Silia charged at Tate,"Here I come!"she screamed.
Tate turned just as Silia swung her staff and hit him in his back.

"AAAAGGGGHH!"Tate screamed." OK, you want some don't you?!"
Tate swung his sword and knocked Silia's staff out of her hand.

"Your good."Silia smiled.Tate charged at Silia and then jumped in the air preparing for a downward strike."Take this!" Tate yelled.

Silia smiled and disappeared in a flash of light. Just as Tate landed Silia reappeared and kicked him in the back."But I'm better."
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Kiara looked around and found that her guardian had 4 animals on both sides of her. She came forward. The two of the animals was a Pegasus and a large black dog with devilish wings. The other two was Goraikou, the guardian of the Sun, which was a bird, and Engetsu, the guardian of the Moon, which was a dragon. "So, you are the replacement. I am Celest. If you want to replace me, you're heart must be pure and you're mind must be free. You must be willing to die for your friends, as well as your rivals and enemies when fighting for the greatest Evil. First, we shall practice with simple controlling your stones. The sun stone possesses your weapon as well as your moon. Now call for your sword." Kiara thought to herself,"Sword." It appeared before her hands. Celest looked at Kiara and knew at once that she must have been one of many chosen.
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Banner jumped backwards, avoiding the charge of the Shadow Guardian spirit.
The spirit was an old bald man, with deep black eyes. He was dressed in a black ninja uniform, with a red scarf tied around his neck.

"Hey you're pretty fast old man," Banner said smiling.

The spirit stood silently, staring at the warrior. "Words shall come later," he replied. "Now come on, attack me!"

Banner grasped his nigita tightly, "Okay gramps, you asked for it!"
He then rushed foward, preparing to thrust his blade into his ghostly enemy.

The guardian just stood there, emotionless, as Banner came closer. Then just as Banner's blade thrusted forward, the spirit stepped back and fell into his own shadow, avoiding the attack.

"What the hell!" Banner exclaimed. "He dissapeared!"
Banner began scanning his surroundings. "Alright, wheres he gonna come from?" he asked himself.

Just then the spirit's hand emerged from Banner's shadow on the ground, and grabbed the confused warrior by the leg.

"Oh ****!" Banner yelled, as he was pulled down into his own shadow.
He soon found himself in complete darkness, just as he had been in the chapel.

The spirit's voice then rang out, "To be a master of shadows, you must first learn to fight in this shadow demension."

Banner quickly turned in the direction of the voice, where he saw the guardian staring at him.

The spirit extended his left hand out and in a flash of black light, his Shadow Nigita manefested it's self.

"Whoa you got one too!" Banner said.

"No more talk," the guardian replied, as he got into a fighting stance. "From now on we communicate using our actions! Prepare to face the true power of Gideon, Shadow Guardian of Zarcadia!"

Banner smiled, nodded his head, and got into his own stance. The young warrior's training had begun.

*Heres a pic I did of the Shadow Guardian*
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"Hah!"T.D yelled as she jumped into the air with her sword going to slash the wind gaurdian."Wind Barrier!"Said the Gaurdian suddenly a green like barrier came up and pushed T.D away."That's cool!i wish to learn that!But for right now I must fight you!"T.D said as she stopped herself from hitting the wall. "Must you have skills with a sword T.D?"The Gaurdian asked "That I do!I have been practicing since my father died!No more talk let's fi-.....wait how did you know my name?"T.D asked "I'm in all of your dreams but...I am not in human form...You can call me Iria"Replied the Gaurdian "Heh....so Iria....you are the wind,"T.D said"Well no more talk!Let's fight!"T.D yelled as she got into her figthing stance.
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[color=royalblue][i]Aiko looked and saw a young girl that didn't look much older then her.She had blue misty eyes and icey blue hair.[/i]

"So you are my replacement?I shall see if you are worthy.I am Sasuka."

[i]Aiko nodded and got into fighting stance with her glaive in front of her.The spirit lunged at her and in her hands suddenly appeared a sword made of ice.She tried a slash but Aiko blocked it with a horizontal block with her glaive.She smirked and saw that Sasuka was too.Aiko cast a blizzard spell at Sasuka and got countered by an icebeam.[/i]

"Not bad Aiko."she said jumping back and getting into her own stance.Aiko smiled and got into her own.

"Sasuke...was it hard to become a guardian?And did you have to go through this?!"she said as she lunged at Sasuka.

"It was quite hard.And yes we went through all this.When you woke up were you in a place filled with ice and snow?"she asked blocking and countering.

"Yes...How did you know?!"Aiko replied casting an ice spell but Sasuka slashed through it with her sword of ice.

"Haha...And did your stone glow and guide you to an igloo.And the next day you walked for a long time and finally reached an ancient broken down chapel?"Sasuka said casting her own blizzard.It was stronger then Aiko's and Aiko got hurt by the broken ice flying around.

"Yes...Did you have to do that too?!"she managed out as she was caught in the storm.

"Yes.That was terrible and torture!"she replied stopping the blizzard and charging.

[i]Aiko swung up and caught the blade in the gap in her glaive blade.She twisted and it flew out of her grip and into Aiko's hand.She held it.[/i]

"Aiko...Does it feel cold to you?My sword I mean."Sasuka said quietly.

"No...It feels normal...why?"replied Aiko looking at the sword.

"You truely are meant to be the new guardian.but you still have to get past me to make it into a guardian state."said Sasuka.

[i]She cast an icebeam but this time Aiko was ready.she sliced through it with her glaive.Aiko went into a stab position.Sasuka was ready and caught the shaft just centimeters from her abdomenen.Sasuka pushed up and the fell out of Aiko's grip and into hers.They had each others weapons.Aiko looked at the ice sword carefully.It was beautiful.It was a light blue see-through blade with the same materials used for the crossbar and handle.It had areas for fingers to hold and wrap around for the best position to use it.[/i]

"It was given to me by the past spirit when I faced him.He gave it to me as a present,for good luck and he hoped I would become a great guardian.His only request was...If another beat me then I would give it to them for the same reasons.I believe it belongs to you.But you will have to earn it."Sasuka said.

"I couldn't accept something like this?!It's so delicate and beautiful.What if I brake it?!"

"It's damage proof."

"What weapon did you have before you recieved this?"Aiko said still staring at the wonderful blade she would recive if she beat Sasuka.

"Haha..Believe it or not I had a glaive like this."She said flipping the glaive.

[i]Aiko lunged with the blade but Sasuka was ready.They both cast the same ice spell and the attacks clashed.Which power would win.Their weapons fell to their sides as the put a second hand up to make the attack stronger.They were getting tired.Whoever won this battle of ice spell would win the entire battle.Aiko knew they were both getting tired and put more energy so she would win.She wanted the sword so badly.It was beautiful.Aiko purged on but it didn't look like Sasuka would be giving up any time soon...[/i][/color]
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Tate staggered away as Silia held out her hand. Her staff flew back into her hands."Come on, you can do better Tate!"she replied.At that moment Tate turned around and lunged at Silia. " Your getting predictable."Silia shouted.

Just as Silia was about to hit Tate with her staff, he disappeared in a flash of light. " What the!"Silia thought as she scanned her surroundings. Another flash of light appeared behind her.Tate dashed out and rammed Silia knocking her to the ground. Tate jumped into the air and shouted " I think its about time to end this!"

Tate held out both his hands as if he was holding a gun. Light energy began to gather around him. Two wings made of light appeared and folded over his arms and formed a buster cannon in his hand.Silia's eyes widened as she looked at Tate.

The cannon began to charge up as Tate shouted" HEAVEN'S JUSTICE....FIRE!" A huge beam of light shot out of the cannon toward Silia.Before the beam could reach her she jumped into the air and flew out of the beams reach.

The warriors and their spirit counter parts looked in shock at such power.Silia flew over to Tate."H-How did you do that?"she gasped

"I could never master that attack, you will indeed make a worthy replacement!" Silia smiled.:cool:
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Banner had suffered many injuries in his training with the guardian, Gideon. His clothes were torn to shreds, his glasses were cracked, and blood had begun to run down his face.
In his dark surrounding he could sense the stealthy Gideon, circleing him.

"This guys too much," Banner thought. "He been constantly attacking for nearly half and hour."

Just then a loud rumble echoed throughout the darkness, and the portals emitted a bright light.

"Man something big must be happening outside," Banner thought.

Just then Gideon emerged from over head, ready to impale Banner with his Shadow Nigita.

Banner rolled out of the way, and quickly retaliated with a sweeping slash. But it was no good, Gideon had already jumped back up into the air, ready to attack again.

"Damn," Banner muttered as he raised up his nigita, blocking the spirit's downward slash.
He then quicky kicked Gideon in the gut, and uppercutted him with the bottom of his nigita's polearm.

Gideon staggered backwards, before regaining his footing. The guardian smiled in approval.
"Good," Gideon said in a low voice. "You have learned to focus even in complete darkness, and predict my movements. Your training is nearly complete."

Banner smiled, "Yeah I had a little trouble keeping up with you at first, but now you're pretty predictable."

"Well lets see how you do out of this shadow demension," Gideon replied. "Follow me, and try to keep up."
The guardian jumped into a near by portal, with Banner following closely behind.

Banner soon found himself back in the forest opening.

"The final part of our training shall begin here," Gideon said, while getting into his fighting stance.

"Bring it!" Banner yelled.

Gideon quicky rushed towards the warrior, and jumped over him. The guardian then dived into the shade of a nearby tree and vanished.

"Crap!" Banner exclaimed. "Not this again." Banner jumped high into the air, so that the crafty Gideon wouldn't be able to attack from any near by shadows.

But Gideon emerged from the shodows of a near by tree top, and jumped up towards Banner.

The young warrior was caught off guard, and Gideon's blade plunged into his left side. Banner screamed in agony, while falling to the ground.

Gideon landed and whiped the blood off his nigita. He turned towards Banner, who lied on the ground, holding his side.

Blood ran freely from Banner's side, and he groaned in pain. He slowly got to up to one knee, and leaned on his nigita.

Gideon got back into his fighting stance. "If that is all the strength you have, you have no right to be a Guardian of Zarcadia," he yelled. "I shall now do you a favor and put you out of your misery!"
The dark guardian then rushed foward, prepared to deliver the final blow.:nervous:
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Celest looked to the animals and nodded so that they were to stand away from the two. Kiara stood relaxed with her sword blade down.

"Kiara, you are powerful in many ways. Let us see, if you are indeed worthy enough to receive this orb."

Celest pulled out a sun/moon orb. It swirled in colors of gold, black, silver, white, yellow, green, and many colors. Kiara looked in awe at the orb. Celest put it away. She called for Taiyou, the flying horse similar to Pegasus. It had a sheathed sword around its head. Celest unsheathed it and revealed a sword of silver and gold. It was so bright that it nearly blinded Kiara. But she was not blinded.

"Kiara, this is the sword made from the silver of the moon and the gold of the sun. Hand-made by me. If you defeat me, you shall receive this." Celest explained.

Kiara replied simply,"Well, if I want to defeat you, I must fight you."

Kiara positioned her sword as if she would while playing her favorite video game character, Hikaru, in Magic Knight Rayearth. Celest noticed that and so she positioned herself into her ninja position. Celest slashed through the air and hit the ground and a great huge burst of wind slashed at Kiara. Luckily she blocked it with a simple Light spell.
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Banner watched as Gideon's blade came for him, and time seemed to slow down.
Many thoughts began to run through the injured warrior's head.

"No, I won't let it end like this!" he thought. "I have to make it back home, to my family, my friends."

Banner suddenly felt a large power growing within him, and all the shadows within the forest began to shift.

Banner slowly got to his feet. "I will not let myself be defeated so easily!!!":flaming:

Gideon soon noticed all the surrounding shadows were being drawn towards Banner, and stopped his attack.
"No, its impossible!" he yelled, as his shadow left him and ran acrossed the ground towards Banner.

Banner now stood on a heaping mass of shadow energy, and his eyes turned completely black.
He then let out a loud cry, and the shadows swirled up around him.

Gideon watched in awe. "Where is all that power coming from?" he asked himself.
His jaw dropped when Banner's shroud of darkness dissapeared, revealing a transformed Banner.

Banner's skin and clothing had been completely covered in complete blackness.

"Its the Shadow Void Armor!" Gideon exclaimed, not believing his eyes.

"Is this what this is?" Banner asked, marveling at his new form. "It kinda makes ya feel all tingly all over."

Gideon smiled, "It seems your power increased with your emotions," he concluded. "Even I couldn't form the armor that quickly, but it seems your power has surpassed mine."

"Ya think?" Banner said with a smirk. "Whats this Void Armor do?"

"I'll show you" Gideon replied, before thrusting his Shadow Nigita into Banner's chest.

"Whoa! What the hell are ya doing?!" Banner yelled. He soon realized that Gideon's blade had been absorbed into his armor.
"Dude, thats cool!"

Gideon then pulled his nigita from Banner's chest. "This armor you have created from all the surrounding shadows acts as a void into the shadow demension," he explained. "It transports any attack it comes in contact with into the that demension, allowing no harm to come to it's wearer."

"OK...I think I understand," Banner said, scratching his head. "But how do I get it off?"

Gideon smiled once again, "You mearly have to will it away," he said.

Banner took and deep breath, and closed his eyes. The shadows then left his body and went back to their original locations.

"Your training has ended," Gideon said proudly. "I've taught you everything I know, and you have surpassed me. I am now proud to say you are the new Zarcadia Guardian of Shadows."

"Cool," Banner said, before falling the ground in exhaustion. He then looked up at Gideon, who was begining to fade away.

"Farewell my young friend," he said. "Silia shall guide you to meet you destiny." Gideon then dissapeared, all that was left was silence.

"See ya old man," the exhausted Banner muttered, before passing out of consciousness.:sleepy:
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[color=royalblue][i]Aiko and Sasuka were still at it an hour or more later.They were panting and the ice magic was a medium beam.Aiko picked up the ice blade and some how it gave her more power.She was renewed and she stood straight and let a large wave of ice into her beam and Sasuka gave in.Sasuka knealed on the ground panting.Aiko walked over to her.[/i]

[b]Sasuka:[/b]Well done Aiko...You have beaten me.I now pass this Blade of ICe to the next guardian.Well done again Aiko.You deserve this and serve the world well.Just make the same promise I made to my past guardian.

[b]Aiko:[/b]I promise Sasuka.I'll do you and the past guardian proud.You'll see.And please.Keep my glaive in rememberence of me...

[b]Sasuka:[/b]*Smiling*I have no doubt in your capabilities like Faban said to me.And good...I'm proud to watch over such a strong student.I will keep the glaive close to me at all times Aiko.Make sure you do well in what you do.And be a worthy opponent against everyone you fight and make sure to pass that blade on to the next guardian to defeat you.I have faith in you...Guardian of Ice...

[i]She said as she faded away.Aiko looked at the new blade and it shone as the light hit the blade.Sasuka had taken Aiko's blade.Aiko was glad.She fullfilled her promise in keeping it close.A tear fell from Aiko's eye.She'd do Sasuka and Faban proud.She wipped her eyes and gripped the blade and walked over to whoever else had finished.She sighed and looked at her prize.It was beautiful...She'd use it well...She promised.[/color][/i]
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Celest and Kiara did not stop. Both guardians were powerful. They used great magic and great swordsman skill. Kiara knew how to control the stone as well.

Kiara: Solar Winds! *waves of winds of heat came at Celest*
Celest: Heaven's Barrier!

It was too late. The Solar Winds got to Celest. It hit her powerfully. But what Celest noticed was that Kiara added her own Light Beam sword to the Solar Winds, making it twice as powerful.

Celest: Well done. I pass this orb, these four animals, and... the Guardian's Sword. Do well and keep revealing secrets of the way of the sun and moon.
Kiara: Thank you. Before you go, I would like you to have this.*takes off sun/moon ring* This ring was forged from moon rocks and sun rocks. I would like you to have it. It gave me powers I never knew. And those powers weren't physical, but emotional and mental.

Celest accepted the ring and stepped back and disappeared. Kiara walked over to Aiko. They were both happy.
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[I]A tall, muscular man with silver hair and sunglasses walked up to Domino and shook his hand.[/I]
"You must be the one that came here to replace me. I'm Conrad, the Metal Guardian."
"Uh...I guess I am. My name is Dominic, but my friends call me 'Domino'. You look...tough..."
[I]The tall man laughed.[/I]
"Thanks, kid...I mean, 'Domino'. I didn't always look like this, though. I used to be a normal kid just like you before I became the new guardian; this is what he looked like."
"Really?"[I] Domino asked.[/I]
"Yeah. A few years after taking his place, I changed into what I am today."
[I]Domino was impressed. Would he look like this too someday? He then noticed that Conrad was frowning.[/I]
"Okay, that's enough of the formalities. It's time to fight."
[I]Double-bladed sickles appeared on Conrad's large arms. He stepped into an offensive stance. Domino held up his hand.[/I]
"What is it now?"
"If you want me to become the guardian so much, why don't you just give me the position?"
[I]Conrad smiled.[/I]
"I'm sorry kid, but I can't just give it to anyone. I have to find out if you're worthy of replacing me. Now...let's fight!"
[I]Conrad charged at the boy. Domino called forth his sickles and raised them in a defensive position. At the last second, he changed his mind and jumped out of the way. Conrad landed with a thud at the spot where Domino had just stood.[/I]
"You're smarter than I thought, kid. You can't match my strength so you're going to try and outrun me, huh? There's only one flaw in your strategy...sooner or later I'm going to hit you!"
[I]Domino dodged again. He tried to turn around to face his opponent but he couldn't move his feet. He looked down at them, they were held down by a layer of metal.[/I]
"You've lost, kid..."
[I]Domino tried to pull free from the metal, but it was no use.[/I]
"But...but that's not fair!" [I]He protested.[/I]
"Yes it is, it's perfectly fair. There's no rules that say we can't use
our powers to help us win. You just didn't think of it first, kid."
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While the others completed their training, Banner was still resting in the forest.:sleep: While he slept, a strange dream manifested itself inside his mind.

(Dream Sequence)

The dream first consisted of him and Silia having a picnic in a Cherry Blossom orchard. The was blowing, sending the petals of the trees flying through the air.

Silia, dressed in a very revealing tight leather outfit, was feeding grapes to Banner, who rested with his head on her lap.

Everything was calm and cool. But soon things started to change. The sky turned black as night, and the winds picked up.
Suddenly all the trees in the orchard burst into flames.

Banner quickly jumped to his feet, wondering what the hell was going on. Then when he turned to Silia, she had vanished.

"Where did you go?!" Banner yelled as he looked around at the burning trees. He then saw a shodowy figure at the top of a near by hill.
The curious Banner rushed over to the hill side, where he noticed the figure was Silia.
She was on her knees crying, and trying to say something. But when she opened her mouth, no words came out.

Banner stared at the weeping godess. "Whats wrong with you?!" he shouted, but there was no reply. He then marched up the hill, determined to find out what was going on. When he reached the summit he found that someone else had already gotten there.

It was his partner, Tate, who was leaning over Silia.

"Hey what the hell are you doing here?" the confused Banner asked, but Tate did not reply.
Then Banner's mind came to a pretty odd conclusion. "Oh...I see whats going on here!" he muttered. "So sorry to enterupt you two!"

Tate and Silia did not respond to Banner's accusations, but mearly stared at each other.

"So thats how its gonna be!" Banner yelled at Silia. "Well fine! Screw you, screw your screwy mission, and screw Frank Sinatra!"

Tate then turned towards Banner and began to walk over to him.
Silia tried to shout something out to Banner, but again no words emerged.

Soon Banner came face to face with Tate.
"What? You wanna throw down?" Banner asked sternly. "You ain't got nothing on me Fro Face!"

Suddenly Banner felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that Tate had plunged his light sword into his heart.
Banner fell down, and blood began to flow from his body.

Tate then started laughing maniacally, and his eyes turned blood red. Then in a flash of light he dissapeared.

The blood from Banner's wound spread over the hill top, and soon flooded the burning forest below.

As he died Banner looked at the crying Silia, who was still silently shouting something. This was the last thing Banner saw, before being sucked into the pool of blood beneath him.

(End of Dream Sequence)

Banner awoke from the dream screaming.
"What the hell was that!" he yelled out, frantically scanning his surroundings.

He again found himself at the spot he had collapsed after his training.
"Whoa, it was just a dream," he said with relief. "Damn, that was weird, ...maybe I ought to see a pshychiatrist when I get back home.":worried:
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Tate had finished his training, he started walking around. He came to the forest where Banner was resting.Tate sat down beside Banner, who opened his eyes.

"Siliaaaaaaaaaaaa!"Banner screamed as he woke up.He looked to his left and saw Tate staring at the sky."AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!"he screamed.

"What is wrong with you?"Tate asked."Why did scream out Silia?".
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When Kiara heard the screams she started to look for where they came from. She came upon Tate and Banner. She looked down and saw that Banner was taking a nap and woke up from a horrible dream. She can see these type of things.

Kiara: What's with all the screaming?*looks up to Tate* Oh, hello. *blushing*(hmm, wondering wondering). *shakes head slightly* Wait don't tell me... You had a bad dream about...

Kiara was stopped abruptly by Banner as he got up saying Don't. He grabbed Kiara by the arm leaving a confused and concerned Tate.

Banner: What were you going to say?
Kiara: I was going to say that you had a dream about Silia. Then she disappeared and Tate came along, stabbed you and you woke up.
Banner: How did you know that?
Kiara: Hello? Guardian of Sun and Moon? I know what happens at night and day. It's part of me.
Banner: Well, since you know...
Kiara: Don't tell anyone. Got it. Let's head back now. *waves to Tate* Hey Tate! Come on! *looks at Banner* Let's go Meatball.(she calls people Meatball for the reason that they act "dumb" in a way).
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"Man, somethings up."Tate though as he followed Banner and Kiara.
"Why is it that her face turns red whenever she looks at me?".

They came to the others, Silia walked over to them."Hey, you ok?"she asked."Yeah,we are fine."Banner said.

Tate was over at the lake staring at his reflection,he was wondering what Kiara said to Banner."I need to go clear my head, this is confusing." Tate said.

Tate started to walking through the forest.After some distance he heard some footsteps behind him. He turned around,it was Kiara.
"Hi, Tate!" she said blushing. "Hey." Tate said.
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T.D and Iria where the ones left trainning."Let's turn this trainning session into a duel,"T.D said "Sword...come forth..."Suddenly T.D's sword was infront of her. T.D smirked "Let's go!" Iria nodded.Suddenly Iria saw T.D charging at her Iria smirked suddenly a green barrier came around Iria."Aw man,not wind barrier."T.D said as she did a backflip.

"You are a smart one T.D,"Iria said"Dodging my wind barrier 2."T.D looked confused "2?!" Iria nodded "Yes if you bumped into it you would have been blown away much harder then last time."T.D shrugged "Oh well,let's get back to the fight shall we it just keeps on getting intresting."T.D said as she got back into her stance.Soon Iria saw T.D charging at her again but it was different this time.As the wind blew T.D suddenly dissapeared,but Iria felt her presence.

"Wind barrier 3!"Iria said.Suddenly T.D flew back and hit a tree real hard that it fell down,but T.D still got up panting hard."What impossible!Nobody has ever survived that!"Iria said in shock but then she smirked. T.D smirked as well "I can take as much pain as I want my childhood was a harsh one...after my father died my mother ran away...leaving me with the house...I would often get visited by tax collectors...I would never have the money...So I would get beat offtenly...But I didn't care....I got used to it at the age of 7 and then at age 11 I ran away and bumped into a man willing to teach me the art of the sword...I said yes because my father was a samurai...So hurt me all you want I can take the pain.."T.D said

Soon T.D collapsed,Iria ran over to her and then did something intresting to T.D "T.D you will make a good wind gaurdian,I will give you half of my powers...You will have to learn the attacks yourself...Well I must go.."Iria said as she dissapeared.
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Banner was left alone with Silia, who had a confused look upon her face.
"Are you sure everything is alright," she asked Banner. "You don't seem like your cheerful, idiotic self."

Banner turned to her with a stern look on his face. "I fear.." he said in a low voice.
Suddenly a big grin came accross his face, "I fear I've fallen for you.":D

Silia was not amused. "I see you are feeling better now," she said, as Banner walked over and put his arm around her.

"Shhh," Banner whispered. "The only thing I want to hear from you now is your digits."

Silia became angry and knocked him over the head with her staff. "Digits!? What makes you think I even have a phone?!" she shouted. :mad:
"Inform everyone to meet at the chapel, when their training is complete," she ordered as she spread her wings and flew away.

Banner rubbed the knot on his head. "Oh yeah, I'm wearing her down," he said to himself.
He then looked towards the lake where Tate once stood. "Where the hell did he go?"
Soon, he heard faint voices coming from the forest, not too far away.
"Hmmm, taking a walk in the woods are we? Well Tate, I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said sternly, before walking into the forest.
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Tated seemed concerened with why Kiara was following him. He would have asked, but he didn't want it to come out wrong. Kiara's face expression went from happy to very serious. Tate seemed to notice this.

Tate: Can I ask why you're following me and what's wrong?
Kiara: 1) You'll know soon enough. and 2) Something big, ugly, and evil is coming our way.
Tate: What are you talking about?
Kiara: I don't know. Wait...*hears cry of Goraikou*(talks telepathically to Goraikou through sun stone* What is it Goraikou?
Goraikou: Warn the others that a commander of the minions is coming.
Kiara: *outloud* Damn.
Tate: What?
Kiara: Goraikou says that a commander of the minions is coming. We need to warn the others and Silia.
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