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Modern Dreams

DJ. Tatum

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*Kiara, check out page 5. Silia's kidnapping and Gimeron's first appearance is explained in one of my posts. Its the one posted on 5-27-2003 at 10:04PM :D

Banner got up, holding his head. He then coldly stared at the Crocgator and Kiara.
"Great, now she's got a frickin' flying alligator," he grumbled. "How many of those damn animals is she gonna get?"

"Does it matter," Tate replied. "We need all the help we can get."

Banner turned towards Tate.
"Who the hell asked you," he exclaimed. "Shouldn't you go pass out now, or something?"

"No, I feel fine," Tate answered. "Jeez whats up with you?"

"Nothing," Banner said in a low voice. "Its nothing, I'm sorry, just leave me alone."
He then slowly walked off, away from the others.

Banner made his way into the forest, where he rested up against a tree. He then reached into his left jacket pocket and pulled out a ring.
The gold ring shimmered in the sunlight, and it's diamond sparkled.

As Banner stared at the ring, memories of the past began to stir within his head. Memories about a warm summer day, not too long ago, and the heartache that followed.

"If only I had been stronger," Banner muttered.

He then heared something behind him, and quickly put the ring back into his pocket.
"Who's there," Banner shouted.

"Its just me," Andrea said. "What are you doing out here by yourself," she asked.

Banner lowered his head. "Nothing," he said. He then lifted his head, revealing his goofy smile. "Hey since we're out here alone, maybe we could..."

Andrea whacked Banner over the head, silencing his perverted proposal.
"Enough funny stuff," she said. "Now come on, the others are waiting."
Andrea then made her way out of the forest.

Banner smiled and rubbed his head. He then reflected of his past thoughts and with a sigh erased them from his mind.
"Hey wait up," he yelled, as he tried to catch up with Andrea.
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T.D stood staring around an area.
"Where'd everyone go?"She asked,she shrugged,"I might as well train."she said to herself."Sword.."she said to her self,she started swinging it around,slashing the air.
Just then Anzai appeared,and T.D cut his shirt,"Oops...Didn't mean to do that."She said in a low voice sarcastilly.Anzai looked at his shirt."Hey no worries."Anzai said,"Now what were you doing?"

"I was practicing..What else would I be doing fighting imaginary ghosts?"T.D asked."Yeah that's what I thought!Can you read minds or something?"Anzai said.T.D fell over and said to herself"Gah...He is soo hopeless!"
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:eek: Whoa it seems people nearly forgot about this thread. I was worried that Modern Dreams 2 would complicate things and I was right. We need to start finishing up this story, but I can't do it alone.

Soon Banner and the others joined the rest of the guardians on a hill side.
T.D. rushed up to Andrea. "Where did you guys go?"

"We had to take care of some business," Andrea answered. "I trust that you used your time wisely."

"Yeah," Dominic answered. "We just finished up some last minute training."

Andrea smiled. "Good," she replied. "Because the time for training has ended, we must now begin our journey South, to Gimeron's Castle!"

The guardians looked at each other confidently.

"Alright," Banner yelled. "What are we waiting for, lets go and save that fine mother of yours!"
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Tate flew through the air just dtring off into space.
Andrea seemed to notice Tate.

Andrea:Hey Tate whats wrong?
Andrea:Banner, whats wrong with Tate.
Banner:He is proably worried about Silia.Hey Tate perk up man!

Tate flies off ahead of the others.
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Goraikou sensed Kiara's emotions. He flew back behind the others and waited.

[B]Goraikou:[/B] Tell me, what is going through that wonderful head of yours?
[B]Kiara:[/B] What happens after we defeat Gimiran?
[B]Goraikou:[/B] Your duty is done for now. You will be sent back to where you originally came from until you are needed.
[B]Kiara:[/B] Oh, I see. Umm, I have another question... will we still be who we are when we get back? Would our friends and family notice that we were gone?
[B]Goraikou:[/B] I am not sure. This never really happened with the other guardians. They were born here, so I am not sure.

Kiara sat in silence. Goraikou was still behind. Everyone looked worried, they wondered if they could defeat Gimiran. They didn't know what their true power was. Hopefully, they will know what it is soon.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The guardians continued their quest south, until they saw Tate come flying back towards them.
Tate had a cut across his chest, and was yell out something.

"Whats he saying," Kiara asked.

Suddenly they were all hit by a powerful gust of wind.

"What the hell," Banner yelled. "Where'd this wind come from?"

The young guardians were forced back, until they managed to stop themselves.

"I know whats doing this," T.D. said in a low voice. She then looked up. "Inejiro" She screamed. "Come out and show yourself!"

Then, up above, the sinister Inejiro manifested himself.
"You guardians have come very far," he snickered. "But I'm afraid I can't let you go any farther."

"Oh Yeah, why don't you come down here," Banner exclaimed. "I've got a good a** kickin for ya!"

"No," T.D. snapped. "Leave this guy to me.":demon:
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