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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#808080]Yes, but what I'm trying to get at is that the implication is that you're either a "homosexual supporter" or "curious about homosexuals".[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah. OK, I accept that it's implied that it's either one or the other and I see where you're coming from.

I was just more concerned about what the two options were rather than the fact that there were only two.. but yeah.

I see what you're getting at now.
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ok honestly homosexuallity for someone to be homosexual i think they have something wrong inside their brain(thats just my opinion and i dont really care just as long as it dont bother me) and the stuff u said the closest thing to homosexuallity in squall? HOW MY GOD i dont see any signs of homosexuallity in there mainly because squall keeps to himself and hates mostly everybody until the end where he falls in love with rinoa and whats the crap about cloud,sephiroth,and zak?????? i dont see any signs of that be homosexual and how would cloud and sephiroth be gay because cloud was never in soldier and sephiroth never knew him until cloud killed him and zak and cloud was just friends like u and ur best friend if anyone wants to fight with me over ff7 or ff8 i welcome u to do so as for homosexuallity in games i personlly dont want to see any of that (if thats ur thing fine but in my opinion i think its sick)

[size=1][color=crimson]In denail *laughs* Anywho, you might wanna take the agression out of your posts somewhat. And improve its quality.. lots. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
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[color=#808080]What can I say...your post doesn't surprise me. Unfortunately it's an example of how a lot of people think. V_V

Not to mention the fact that your post quality has [i]not[/i] improved, despite the fact that you were asked on several occasions to improve it.

Please try to make your posts a little clearer, or your stay at OtakuBoards will be a short one.[/color]
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NOTE: THIS IS MALADJUSTED SPEAKING. I'M AT KEYBLADE'S HOUSE. (what is this, my eigth time typing this?)

Whaddaya mean what's the deal between Cloud/Zak?

I'm not sure the game is implying homosexuality, but [spoiler] it seems to me that Zak was Cloud's only real friend. Cloud and Zak MUST have had a very close relationship, mentally at least. And then they were experimented on by Hojo for FIVE years. Who else would they turn to? They probably had an extremely close and strong friendship. I guess fans just took off with that. [/spoiler]

I don't know about the Sephiroth thing. Maybe it was because Cloud looked up to him.
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