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Gohan collage


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That top! Better than any thing I could draw. If I get my printer fix, I'll post one. So of mine are good, I like the one with gohan in his armer. (Sorry for the spelling.) If it were out of ten I'd give it;
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Wow, that's amazing! Heh, those were the days, back when I was obsessed with DBZ and Gohan was my favorite character (those of you who have been here a while know what I'm talking about ;)). All of the drawings are proportional, and look just like they do in the anime. The only possible thing you could have done was color it in with a different tool, perhaps colored pencil or a sharp marker. Great job!

My rating: [b]10/10[/b]
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Guest mtduff2oo1
Hey i am no artist by any means but, i can be a critic but i have nothing to critize about that drawing i think it is really good. I love dragonball gt, and guess what, i have all 64 episodes of the ***. version of it to if anyonwe wants to email me at [email]mtduff2001@yahoo.com[/email]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i]
[B][color=skyblue]I really like how you drew the youngest one in the middle.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I agree--he's so cute, heh.[/SIZE]
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Thank you everyone. I don't like the open space in the backround but I don't really have the time to fill it. I have tons of things to draw this weekend, including Mothers' Day gifts. To tell you the truth, thats the best I've ever done on Saiya-jin armor though.:cross:
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Guest darkmaster28
WOW! thats a really good picture I like everything about that pic it is the best thing i every seen!!!!!!!! I give it 10/10.:) :) :)
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Guest Chris
[color=green]as always, your work is lovely. you got a little sloppy on ssj2's eyes, but it looks great other wise.

overall grade:8.6/10[/color]
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[color=gray][size=1][font=latha]Gohan's always been my favorite DBZ character, so I love this. It's great. It goes together well as a picture whole, and lone it's just as good.[/size][/color][/font]
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Looks real good, looks like you got some art talent, and thats coming from someone who already has natural art abilities. Although the SSJ2's eyes look weird but other than that it's an 8 out of 10 from me.
I just wish I had a scanner so I could show off some of my art pics.
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