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Favorite death scenes and why???


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Favorite death scenes and why?

Hmm...this is quite the morbid thread. :blackeye:

But since I'm here, then I'll contribute my thoughts.

I don't really have a favorite, but there was a particular death scene that fascinated me for a while. Actually, it wasn't fascination either--it was more of a spooky...it kept me in a spooky daze.

The scene was from Rurouni Kenshin--when Shishio started to evaporate his blood, and then eventually self-combusted. Echh. Not the best way to go, man. Quite scary, and most likely painful, actually.

So yeah :butthead:
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Well, let's see...
I, too, loved [spoiler]Wolfwood and Legato's[/spoiler] death scenes. I was crying by the time I finished episode 24...It's such a contrast...[spoiler]Wolfwood[/spoiler] finally realizes himself before he dies, and [spoiler]Legato[/spoiler] accepts the fact that he was only made to torture Vash.
[spoiler]Spike's[/spoiler] scene was very, very pretty, and so unexpected that it really hit you hard. Rocco's death was pretty suprising, and it was one of the things that made me watch more Cowboy Bebop. Just the fact that they would do that made me more interested in the series.
[spoiler]Asuka's[/spoiler] in EoE(and she DID die, whoever has something against this can IM me and I'll explain why) also really hit me. [spoiler]Kaworu's was really touching, and Misato's[/spoiler] in EoE made me cry too(I tend to cry over anime a lot). Gendo's 'death' in EoE was very amusing, but it also made me like Gendo a lot more than I had before.
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I don't think Gendo exactly 'died'... that was the third impact, everyone being assimilated. His assimilation took a more... gorey turn... And yes, Asuka did die as I explained a couple of posts above, but hey! she was alive at the end so who cares? :p
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=deeppink][FONT=times new roman]Oh, my God. The saddest one I ever seen was the one on Sailor Moon.....when she was trying to save all of her friends, and the crystal breaks, and then her eyes go pale, and she passes out...SOB SOB! WAH WAH!!!! But she comes back to life...lol[/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :love:
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  • 5 weeks later...
Just saw Princess Mononoke and the death scenes in that were really good. Heres the one/ones i liked.

[spoiler] It was really sad when Moro the Wolf died i mean she was a great character (mostly the dialouge of what she said) and when she rescued her daughter for the sake of Ashitaka. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] Not sure of the name but the Warhog God that died was really sad as well. I mean he was blind but had the courage of anyone ive seen in a while. Even though he let the demon get to him he still tried to find hope even though he knew he was doomed.[/spoiler]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I'd have to say my favorite death scene would be when Julia died in Cowboy Bebop.
[spoiler]Probably because I haven't seen lots of other anime...[/spoiler].

But it was emotional, sudden, and the whole setting was perfect. The sessions with Julia are probably some of my favorites. ^_^[/color] [/size]
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Mine has to be when [spoiler]Hotohori dies[/spoiler] in Fushigi Yuugi. His last words: "[spoiler]I have loved, and lost...[/spoiler]", refering to Miaka, make me burst into tears every time... *gets teary-eyed just thinking about it* WAAAAAHH!!! [spoiler]Nuriko[/spoiler]'s death got me the same way...

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Hmmm, hasn't this thread been done before? I mean, I'm sure I posted in one like this at one time or another. . .maybe I'm just suffering from mindlessness. . .:tasty:

As for me, I agree with the people who posted that the [spoiler]Wolfwood and Legato scenes in Trigun were among some of the best-written anime deaths, :bawl: though both should have stayed alive IMHO they were such well-written characters :bawl: and I would give an honorary mention to Wen and Rocco in their respective episodes of Bebop ("Sympathy for the devil" and "Waltz For Venus")[/spoiler]

I am also completely surprised that nobody mentioned the scene in Bebop where [spoiler]Gren died[/spoiler]
Although I wasn't really a big Gren fan (I thought that for the most part he was fanservice to the yaoi fans) that scene was really touching, especially the part where [spoiler]he decided to be "buried" in space so he would always be on the way. . .[/spoiler]:bawl:
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My God! How could I forget about [spoiler]Gren and Rocco! Rocco's[/spoiler] death was what first made me want to delve farther into the series! And [spoiler]Gren's[/spoiler] was the first anime death that really made me get close to crying...
And The (Sic), put spoiler tags. It's in the rules, not that hard to find, and saves a mod from spoilers.
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I was really mad when Wolfwood died. [spoiler]Those stupid Gun Ho Gunman kill poor lost wolfwood[/spoiler} made me so friggen mad.

Grave of the Fireflies. Man that movie really took my soul and switched it with this sad, lonely human being. I have to agree, seeing someone being burned made me cry. Poor kid.

I liked the one where cell died on DBZ. That was cool. I really can't think right now. :bleh:
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My favorite death scene is when Frieza gets cut up by Trunks. After that first slash, he was sliced in half but he couldn't feel it, he just saw Trunks splitting in half then you could tell how much his pride was ripped apart when he thinks that when he has grown strong enough to beat a monkey while another one just comes in and cuts him in half without any effort at all.
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I'd have to say the saddest is when [spoiler]Genkai[/spoiler] of Yu yu Hakusho dies. It just sad seeing how depressed yusuke was. That and [spoiler] it was sad that she knew she'd end up dieing, plus you got to find out how Toguru knew her.[/spoiler]

I also liked [spoiler] Aeris' death by Sephiroth.[/spoiler] It was cool.
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1. .hack//SIGN: When Tsukasa's guardian killed him. Erm...he came back. It's my very favorite because I had to wait a whole week and I kept crying whenever it popped inter me mind.

2. Yu-Gi-Oh!: When Yugi fainted in the Shadow Realm and Yami couldn't sense him. *sniffles* But he came back too. This is my second favorite because it's so sad when your second favorite character seems to die...<_< I didn't know there was another eppy after it and little Yugi comes back...it disappointed my friend...and my dad.

3. Sailor Moon S: When y'know...erm...Hotaru is killed for being the Sovereign and then is reborn...<_< That's coming back, too! I like that one because Hotaru's cool, and for a minute there I thought she was dead...but then Super Sailor Moon came out...*sighs*

4. Pokemon: (I dun like Pokemon, this just makes me cry whenever my cousins mention it because I used to love it...) Ash turning to stone and all da Pokemons cryin' there little eyes out. That's kinda sad.

5. Shaman King: (I know this is a manga, but for a long while I thought Yoh was dead!) When that other Shaman Dude (I forgot his name) nearly killed Yoh with that long...erm...scythe thingy!
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Guest Savage
i like the death scenes in Vampire hunter: D and Hellsing because they're heartless and involve blood and decapitations.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Savage [/i]
[B]i like the death scenes in Vampire hunter: D and Hellsing because they're heartless and involve blood and decapitations. [/B][/QUOTE]
Heheheh...I wouldn't really call 99% of the deaths in Hellsing "Scenes"...
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I'd have to say the X movie. The entire thing was one big death scene. EVERYBODY dies. NEVER in my LIFE have I encountered a movie where EVERY SINGLE PERSON bites it. Good guys, bad guys, the stupid dog, everyone was DEAD, all except Kamui. And how many boxsets you wanna bet he jumped off Tokyo Tower to his doom after that? I know I would have.

I admit it, I cried like an utter pansy when that movie ended, and the depressing end song didn't help one tiny bit. Forever Love, Forever Dream, my rear. They're all DEAD. Not much love 'round those parts.

THEN there was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. It had a total Romeo and Juliet thing going when Charlotte died. I SWEAR I thought she was gonna live, that she and Meier would live happily ever after . . . and I shoulda known better. Totally gothic movie plus doomed romance? I've seen The Crow. I know how these things work. Wah!

And DON'T even get me started on Cowboy Bebop. Tragic don't know tragic until you've seen "The Real Folk Blues".

I'm depressed now. I think I'll just go lie down.
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