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Hopefully I can still sign up even at such a late stage.

[B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan

[B]Age:[/B] 16

[B]Hometown:[/B] Staleport City

[B]Appearance:[/B] 6'2", hazel eyes, scruffy black hair. Craig wears a black vest, jeans and army boots. Also wears fingerless leather gloves. On his left shoulder/upper arm is a tatoo of a roaring dragon... (just like in real life)

[B]Bio:[/B] Craig was very fond of dogs ever since he was born. He took great interest in the tales of the Legendary Dogs of Johto, and found a love for other dog pokemon. As such, when he became a trainer and left on his journey, he vowed only to train dog pokemon. Although he only has two pokemon at the present time, they are boh quite strong, and have won many battles.

[B]Pokémon:[/B] Arcanine, Houndoom.
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Hometown:Fortree City

Apearrance:5'5'',black hair,green eyes,long cargo pants,tennis shoes,blue vest on a red shirt,one black glove on his right hand.

Bio:Born in Fortree City 200 years ago,when he captured celebi,he was warped into the future(the current present).Celebi is very loyal to him and is his only pokemon.He has an artifactual pokeball and knows nothing of modern day gadgets.

Pokemon:Deoxys,Celebi(It is not concidered a legendary pokemon in Japan;it is very common on crystal.you just gotta know what to do to catch it(It has somethin to do with a GS ball)).
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