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Bruce Almighty

Senor Ding Dong

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Oh no. You just made a republican reference.

*waits for Gokents to turn this into something political*

Seriously, though. This looks like a funny movie. Jim has a lot to make up for ever since the "Cable Guy" incident. His movies are funnier when they're less realistic, and this looks like it's going to be one of his better films.

Hmm. Suddenly, I feel like watching "Once Bitten."
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Guest Steiner
Im dieing to see this movie i havnt had a good dose of Carrey since his classic Ace venturer days,

*looks at his ace venturer dvd and laughs lol.*
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It will be great to see Carrey after his long hiatus in comedy. The last time I saw him was in "Me, Myself and Irene", and "The Cable Guy" before that (am I the only one who like it?)

I can't believe the guy is 41. I always saw him as a 30, or a 28.
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[size=1][color=seagreen][i]Yeah i im looking forward to this one too...Ive loved everything jim has done(and yes that includes cable guy and the majestic :p )

I really hope its as funny as it looks...Ofcourse i know jim cant be anything but funny...Its just his nature :D [/i][/color][/size]
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Why would walking on water piss off Republicans instead of religious fanatics? Okay. I'm actually surprised I haven't heard anyone complain about Morgan Freeman being God. I figured that would annoy some random person by now.

Anyway, it looks decent. The Jim Carrey scenes look fun, but some of the other stuff makes me not want to see it. The dog sitting on the toilet reading a paper especially. It makes me roll my eyes and think "another of these movies??," which would put it on the same level as Daddy Daycare (ugh)... Thankfully, it looks much, much better.
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Actually Daddy Daycare looks hilarious---no? Okay. :shrugs:

Yeah, so, I'm not too excited about this movie. The concept just doesn't do it for me. If anything, this film will rely on a shopping list of gags that doll up a predictable plot.

Jim Carrey is probably the best physical comedian there is, even surpassing the likes of Steve Martin, but if the trailer serves as any indication of the overall quality of this film, it'll take God herself to make this one worth seeing.
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[size=1][color=darkblue] heh, This movie looks really funny. I'm definately seeing this one when it comes out in theaters.

[QUOTE] [i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/1]
[b]Why would walking on water piss off Republicans instead of religious fanatics? Okay. I'm actually surprised I haven't heard anyone complain about Morgan Freeman being God. I figured that would annoy some random person by now.

I quite enjoy the Idea of Morgan Freeman being God, I mean, if it were true that God was African American, think of how the KKK would feel lol. and besides, countless christian movies portray various actora as jesus or God, I don't see why there would be a special exemption for the secular world, other than getting peoiple thinking about God,

Maybe the special DVD features willl include a "be God for a day" heh. [/size][/color]
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I can't wait to see this movie. I thought the part of the trailer where he rips off his clothes in one swoop was pretty damn funny.

Oh yeah, Morgan Freeman playing god is pretty funny.
Morgan Freeman Rules!:D
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a Republican and I'm religious. Personally I thought it was pretty funny.

I think I still prefer Ace Ventura and the ultimate, Dumb and Dumber, but this got quite a few laughs. I think it was better than Me, Myself and Irene but not quite Liar, Liar. Interestingly it got pretty serious at the end.

Overall, it was enjoyable. I was hoping it would be a bit funnier but as it stands, it's definitely worth a rental.
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Guest Matt
[color=red][b]I saw it. It had its moments, but wasn't really all that funny. [spoiler]the bologna a**hole part was one of the funniest parts, along with the zapping with Gods fingers at the end and the van full of pot[/spoiler]. And Cathrine Bell was in it. Hottt++[/b][/color]
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[color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Great googly moogly...Bruce made 86.4 million dollars...And beat the heck out of Matrix Reloaded...

I didnt expect this one too do THAT good...Well def. looks like ol' Jim is back in a big way...And he deserves it :cool: [/color][/font][/b]
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First we had cigar-chumping, laugh-a-minute George Burns as God in "Oh God!" and "Oh God 2"

Then there was Alanis Morisette as God in "Dogma"

Now Morgan Freeman in "Bruce Almighty". Personally, Jim was, as usual, at his best, but the movie it self fell short of originality. Of course you can figure out even before reaching your aisle seat that he's going to screw things up, using his power for personal gain, and ruining civilization. Most of the greatness to this story comes from the gags, rather than the plot. Where else can you see [spoiler] a monkey pop out of a gangster's ***, or Jim part of a bowl of soup like the red sea. The ending was actually a near tearjerker compared to most of Carrey's other movies, but undeserved. After all that occurred in the movie, everything should not have ended up so nicely wrapped up the way it did.[/spoiler]

Surprisingly, for a movie to be co-written by Steve Oederkerk (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, and writer/director/star of Kung Pow: Enter the Fist) this movie is rather tame when it comes to gags as compared to the absolute silliness of Oederkerk's other movies.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Senor Ding Dong [/i]
[B] I'm sure the walking on water scene wil;l piss some republicans off, for sure. So, who is seeing Jim Carrey's Latest comedy? [/B][/QUOTE]

1. Republicans aren't always worshipors of God.

2. Why would they be pissed off? Its a comedy, about someone being God. I'm sure its not meant to undermine anything or give subliminal messages, its just good, (somewhat) clean fun.
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Let's not turn this into a political topic. We should all know by now that not all republicans even have a religion, let alone be offended by a comedy less controversial (religiously) than Disney's [i]Lion King[/i].

ANYWHO, I finally saw it last Saturday. I haven't laughed this hard at a Jim Carrey movie since [i]Liar Liar[/i]. It was a lot funnier than I thought it'd be, and little more toned-down than I thought it'd be. If I ever find myself at the movies again with time to movie-hop, I'll probably go see it again.

[color=green]Cue the cheesy inspirational music![/color]
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[color=darkblue][size=1]First of all, I love Jim Carrey, he is the funniest man on earth, and I'm going to marry him.

Secondly, I've been trying to convince my parents to go see this with me (going to the movies is what we do together) but my mom thinks it might be blasphemous. I guess I'll have to go by myself.

Third, I saw on the local news that this woman in Richmond has the same cell phone number as God's in the movie. Her phone has been ringing off the hook with people asking for God. Yes, I have sympathy for her, but what I really wonder is "What kind of idiots are these?" Because you know the odds are that some of those people were really serious.[/color][/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
I saw this movie yesterday and it was damn funny lol. I didn't really like how it was all serious and cheesey at the end but it was still a hoot, lol.
I loved the part when [spoiler]Even was it? was ripping the crap outta Bruce at the meeting saying "thats the way the cookie crumbles" and stuff and then Bruce asked "Do you like jazz? Well let me give ya a little bit of jazz" then he started pretending to play the tumpet but stopped on a note giving Even the finger then said "I could hold this not all day buddy" LMAO! that was great![/spoiler]
Ah well if you haven't seen it...see it
It's great ^^;
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