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MS E3 Conference Stuff


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Anyway... I got my info from companies' official sites, to the game, IGN and Gamespot.


The first game up is [b]Grabbed by Ghoulies[/b]. Rare registered the trademark for this some time ago (back when Nintendo still owned them, so I'd have to say they've been making this a while), and it's apparently a sequel to a game they made decades ago on something I don't even remember.

It kind of looks like Zombies Ate My Neighbors... where you're basically clearing out rooms of ghosts and monsters (which is also like Luigi's Mansion). I can't say I'm impressed by the graphics, but time will tell (it supposedly looks nice in the newest videos though). It's supposed to be out this year.


Next up is Conker: Live and Uncut. It's supposed to come out sometime in 2004. From what I've heard it sounds like more of the same, which isn't bad if you liked the last one. Apparently they plan on getting more "mature" with it though.

Some people are telling me it's just a remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day with a ton of new Multiplayer modes, but I don't know if that's true or not. That's all the current screens show though... a bunch of mulitplayer stuff.


The only other game of theirs talked about was Kameo, which is also 2004.


So basically, they have one game coming out in 2003. I can't say I'm that excited honestly, at least until we know more about Conker. It's funny that so many people said that Nintendo was forcing Rare to make these games... they're doing the same crap with Microsoft. I admit I'm not a big Rare fan though. Oh well, I hope they turn out.


Microsoft showed a few other games... Breakdown (last I saw it was like a FPS where you used fists), Star Wars: Republic Commando, PG2, Halo 2 (I'm getting the trailer now), Sudeki, BC (looking good) and Doom 3 (which will be ported, but they showed PC footage for some reason). Plus others I think. Some of these might not have been at the show, but I'll include them anyway, as they are the bigger games for the system.

BC: I don't know tons about this game. It seems a lot like Fable, but in a prehistoric fantasy setting. It looks interesting at the least, although I don't really like the way the people look heh.

[IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_b_c/2003-05-13/screen1_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_b_c/2003-05-13/screen3_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_b_c/2003-05-13/screen5_large.jpg[/IMG]

Sudeki: This is a game I've been hearing about for a while, but honestly know very, very little about. The screens look nice though.

[IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_sudeki/2003-05-13/screen10_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_sudeki/2003-05-13/screen13_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_sudeki/2003-05-13/screen8_large.jpg[/IMG]

Project Gotham 2: Not much to say other than it looks amazingly good and probably plays great too. Should be a great sequel to the first. I hope for Live compatablity, but I'm not sure if it has it or not.

[IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_projectgotham2/2003-05-13/screen1_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_projectgotham2/2003-05-13/screen7_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_projectgotham2/2003-05-13/screen11_large.jpg[/IMG]

True Fantasy Online: I'm really looking forward to this. Level 5 is doing it (they did Dark Cloud 2 and are doing the graphics engine for Dragon Quest 8). It looks like a lot of fun, and it has some really indepth character creation options.

[IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_truefantasy/2003-05-13/screen8_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_truefantasy/2003-05-13/screen11_large.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/screens/xb_truefantasy/2003-05-13/screen16_large.jpg[/IMG]

Dead or Alive Online: This will have both DoA and DoA2 on it. DoA is a fixed up version of the Saturn original, and so it still looks like that heh. DoA2 is a nicer version of the DC game, and looks quite good. Playable on Live obviously. I have no idea what they are doing with DoA3, if anything. These are shots of the DoA2 version.

[IMG]http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20030513/tecmo02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20030513/tecmo03.jpg[/IMG]

That's all I'm going to post for now heh. Although it's also worth mentioning that they are showing off the Xbox Counterstrike game as well.

And if you get a chance, download a new Halo 2 video. It's really, really freaking impressive... and I didn't even like the first one heh.
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Don't kill me.....but...

X-Box Magazine also stated another RARE game....(they didn't mention Conker: Live and Uncute)

The game was PERFECT DARK ZERO. I don't have screen shots or anything. Are they correct or not? Its rumored to be the second of the RARE games to come out. Grabbed by Ghoulies being the first...and Kameo being the third.

Sorry if I'm over stepping my boundries.
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Perfect Dark Zero was originally being worked on for Gamecube. When Rare jumped ship, they showed some renders of Joanna from Perfect Dark... she's been changed to a more anime-ish style based on those, if they're even going with that anymore.

Anyway, I don't think anyone expected it to be there. I've heard some people have seen it, but I've not heard good impressions so far. Apparently it's quite a bit different from the last one, assuming what I'm hearing is true. That's another story.

The main point is that that game won't be done anytime soon. They didn't even show it, and out of the three games they showed only ONE is coming out this year. I won't expect it for quite a long time.
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well, e3 being over, i have seen the new ninja gaide 4 trailers, the first 1 shows a extrodanyry good movie quality... another one shows a beutiful but very short sceen of how a battle looks like (and it looks good), the 3rd one shows a side wich looks more like soul reaver using the 1st person view to look around and to use crossbow.
the forth shows our fav ninja jumping on a wall, no very special but the graphics... amazing...

also the storyline was published, and it sounds like a reall good story line, you should download the trailer its really but really good...
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