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Time travel(what do you think)


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This is all VERY confusing!!! I don't think that you can go back in time, but if you did, i think that there would DEFINITELY be parodoxes,whoa, if you think about it, you travel back to yesterday, and you see yourself, but then the next day, your "pastself" will go back in time, and then the next day your past self's past self will go back intime. SO basically, it must be impossible, because there is only one time that is being lived. so there is no place to go back to, you can only stop time if you go fast enough, or reverse your age somehow, but actually going back is impossible.
O great...i am gonna be thinking about this topic for the rest of the week...
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[size=1][font=century gothic][color=gray] Dan is exactly right. Although I've only taken a required Physics class, and I still didn't understand most of the things I learned (math is just not my thing), I know these equations do actually work; I mean, they've been proven. And although I don't completely understand the equations that you showed us, Dan, I simply am certain they are right. There isn't a doubt.

It makes sense to me; as matter is made to go faster and faster, it will grow more stretched out or bigger. That's not exactly right, I'm certain, but that's how it works in my mind; if I'm wrong in anyway, or if you can explain it easier for me Dan, I'd love that.

So it's impossible to reach the speed of light without dying. And only pure energy products such as light could go that fast. But let me tell you this, Dan; let me tell you there has to be a way to go farther than our physical and purely law-found ways. I believe for certain that someday, far away perhaps, scientests will become something of Gods. They will be able to mimic the very essence of everything; Physics included.

So thus, someday, everything or near to everything will be as possible as they can be; time travel included. The thing is, I cannot assume how far that will go. But I do think it's possible--that there's some way--to go faster than light without dying due to the circumstances. There's a way to get around it, or even mimic the laws of physics themselves. As for the energy needed, I know it is quite a lot, but we have such crude ways of making energy now; someday it will be a lot better, trust me there. We will have to develop ways to get energy easier because eventually we'll drain all the resources from every planet we find--that's assuming we make it off here before the sun goes, or whatever the hell else happens.

As for time itself, I go with what Ajeh said. If you were to change something in the past, it would not change what had happened on that timeline, but it would create an entire new instance and world: a new dimension of time and space if you will, in some ways. So thus there really isn't any contradictions or paradoxes. That would explain that.

Time as a word is a figment of our imagination, but there is such a thing. If there isn't time, then what causes us to age? Our cells, true, but what causes these cells to age? It can only be time.[/size][/font][/color]
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I agree with you almost 100%! but the Time thing kinda threw me off. I feel Cells, can be almost compared to a sun. The sun can only produce so much energy, after awhile it collapses, but only after it expands. The cells that age us go through those same patterns also. They are young at first, then they go through a growth spert. After the growth spurt they are at a controlled pace.Then it just starts goin downhill i guess..
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But what causes cells to age is the question. Time, duh, but what is it? Time is a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. And of course being a continuum means no one segment of time can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division. But what sort of matter is it? What causes time to occur?
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