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Advanced Wars Help( Only For People Who Have Advanced Wars!!)


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ok... try to get as many "cities" as you can... cause they are your sorce of income u get 1K per city... lol... and you have to build as fast as possible... take out all there "long range" stuff first... try to clog the bridge w/ 2 md tanks and have a ton of your own long range stuff so that you dont take much damage while giving out a ton... and have 2 tanks on the brigde so they cant pass threw easily... and get to your long range stuff... i believe that is the one that they dont have bases and you do... if not... ill have to type it again lol... this game rocks... story line is funny too
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]errrrrrrrr... i cant get back to that level w/o starting over... and im fighting a guy not in the book... i think im almost done then ill start over... if you can... email me @ [email]osu_waterpolo@yahoo.com[/email] or PM me and ill give you my AIM name... and ill help you threw that... if we on together... lol...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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