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Poetry: Forgotten


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Read the post above image. She had called me "lover-girl" That's not funny...


Take oyur leave as you may
You not wanting to be...
It's been that way for years
Staying here because,
you want to be in controll
Leave here now,
you have no need to be here
Leave right now,
find your own way
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Guest dayday
8P No it's not, but about you it was. ^^ That's why I can think of an image right now of you in dress and heels. So I'm going to leave you like that. ^^
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Thanks ShadO MagE, and I don't really think you'd want to join in on dress or the name "lover-girl" I hate dresses, and "lover-girl" not funny. And never will be.
Let go

Let go of all feelings,
and all the things you knew
Let go of the world you knew,
and what memeories of that place
Fall in to the shadows,
and let go of your fears
Let go and take a chance
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Guest dayday
Then stop saying things that'll make me talk about it. Anyway 'Let Go' was good. Some people would never do that and stick to everything forever. *cough* lover-girl *cough*
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i got that part but im still confused... ugh forget i get confuesed easaly... i get confused in mirror house fun house places and run into thoses mirrows.... wonder if im a vampire cuz i never get a reflection... LoL sorry bout ranting there...

[i]let go[/i] is good too.
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dayday...never mind. And ShadO MagE try putting out your hand before you walk in those things so you do run into the mirrors. Really don't want you to get hurt because of theose fun hoses. And I'm ok with people ranting.


Going around, and aroundAlways the same place over and over again
Confound in this place
Trapped here in a dark room,
with no way out nor a way in for lightThey've locked me away from reality
Making the world turn alway from
Leaveing me alone here
One day,
the world will fade away from my memeories
And I from their's
Trapped in darkness forever,
with no hope to be free
And away from this place
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Guest dayday
Ruby...nevermind to you too. That poem reminds me of a movie I saw about some guy having a fake life. He was limited to where he could go and one day he found out about it and stepped outside his world. A good title for that would be 'Trapped'. I can't believe you couldn't come up with something that simple.
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8P Yeah well, I wasn't thinking too much when I wrote it. Plus I'm drawing right now and I was then too so...I'm foucsed on that right now.


Take the fall
Make away for others to walk
The path you've made should be one unwalked
The path to your future shouldn't be so clear
Take a chance to try something no one else has
Take the path you choose,
and have no regreat for what comes
Take to the path you choose,
and walk looking forwards to what may be
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Guest dayday
You're starting to get on my nerves again. If you keep it up, I'm going to stop posting here. If you tihnk I'm kidding then try me.
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I thought there would be pain,
for when the world forgot me
The pain of knowing,
that knowing no one has a clue on who I am
Pain of fading and watching the world pass you by
Yet I feel nothing,
I'm fading and I feel no pain
I'm gone from the world with no pain
There is no pain...
No pain from fading away,
and being forgotten
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I lost my note book, so these are going to be from the top of my head. That is till I find it again.

Blood Wave

The waves drift in the red sea
In this I stare out to the sea
The sea is red, yet there is no sun set
Thinking of what I had done
It has to be all the blood,
that was set a drift because of me
This blood wave will stay
Untill I'm gone
The blood wave will contuine to grow
Unless I'm gone, it will always stay
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Guest dayday
Just set it overtop your computer. You'll know where it is every time. That poem reminds me of the red sea. IT turned to blodd when Moses put his rod in it.
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I would but I mostly take my note book where ever I go. So if I think of something new I write it down. I think I used this title before...


Floating and drifting in the tides of time
My life stands still,
it's just drifting with out a care
Drifting in and out of the light
And drifting in and out of memeories
I'll drift untill,
I'm lost in the tides of time
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Guest dayday
Then stick a notepad in your pocket or something. Write it down in there. I liked that last one. Reminds me of the time my cousin almost drowned. *has a flashback and starts to get teary eyed* I'm not crying. I'm going to be okay.
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I think I'll stick a mini note pade in my pocket. And that cousin thing yay they're alive. ^^;; Sorry about that, I wrote it thinking of a fish in the tank down here. It's been swimming on it side, but when ever some one comes naer the tank it starts to swim just like all the rest of the fish. I think it may be sick...

Deep Blue

Deep blue is the ocean,
in the very depths it has been forgotten
Humanity left alone long ago
It sits there,
in it's deep blue color
Waiting for humans to come again,
into the deep blue
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Guest dayday
That's one freaky fish. And my cousin, we left in the middle of a family reunion and had to rush him to the hospital. nobody even knew he was in the water. I liked the poem but now I'm starting to think about 'Deep Blue Sea' and sharks. ^^;
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Hee...I really wasn't thinking about the water till now that you said sea and shark. I was drinking Pesi Blue. (my touge is blue now) Heeee...sharks...I'm fine with a few sharks, but the other kind I don't want to be left alone if I have a cut or bleeding. with them in the water.

Dragon Fly

It flies around in my view
The black dragon fly will not stop,
but once it lands...
I hope it not stay
If so it lands,
and stays there seeing the world around it
It's gone forever
That one dragon fly,
I so longed watch
I wish not to forget it,
nor anyone else
I hope that Dragon fly,
stays in the air
Mucking me all year round,
so it's life not end
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Guest dayday
Almost everything you write reminds me of something. This time it was it was when my brother ripped his arm and had to go to the hospital. I was sitting in the waiting room and I had on a sleeveless shirt. I fly kept flying around me and everytime it landed on my skin I would twitch no matter how hard I tried not to.
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They remind me of well dragons, some elements, or fading. Ok here's another one but it's an old one. Ironically I wrote it after I killed a spider, funny, I felt sad for the spider because I killed it.

Spider Rust

Kill not of spider rust
The joureny long and hard
Many spiders gather,
just to see the shell
Kill not of spider rust
For each eye gone,
let red tears shed
Kill not of spider rust,
spiders now be gone
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Guest dayday
I can't believe you killed a spider! How can you be so cruel to nature?! And you still reminded me of something. When my brother saw a green spider that was only a centimeter big and he was scared to go over where it was.
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Yeah I should've picked it up and put it out side...poor spider...And how can my porms keep reminding you of things. He was scared to go near a spider only a centimeter long. What, he dosen't like bugs or something? Um....I would give this poem a title but, I already gave a different poem the same title.

It seems so femillour
I'm glade to return to this place
Yet I've never been here before
I've not even seen it in my dreams
So how can I return?
The darkness lurks in this place
Creating fake memeories,
for me to fallow
Waiting to take me away from the world
I've forgotten most of the world,
and yet the world forgot me years ago
So I'll stay in this place,
along with the darkness
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Guest dayday
For a minute there I thought you said porns. ^^Yeah and he's older than me, imagine that. Your poems probably keep reminding me because I've had a lot of stuff happen to me over my life. That poem reminds me of Kikaider. Since the girl went to the dam and never really been there before.
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Now I'm reminding you of Kikaider with my poems...come to think of it I wrote that while watching Cybroge009 and that was made by the same people who made Kikaider.


Leave me here,
with out a word
Once gone,
make me disapper from your world
Let me fade from your memeories,
along with the rest of the world
Fade...bakc into your shadow,
so every time your around I'm not
Forget that I was alive,
forget that you ever knew me
Leave here,
with no memeory of me
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Guest dayday
It was .hack that time. With Suberu and Tsukasa. I keep thinking of Tsukasa leaving and forgetting everybody the
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