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Dragonball-a new hope


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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Cute. *arm glows blue and regenerates*

Siren: What the-?

Sabir: It's called: [i]mage.[/i]

Siren: Sure, okay.

Sabir: Well, now that we're evenly matched, wanna move to energy waves?

Siren: Certainly....:devil:

Sabir: :smirk: SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!!!

[i]A blinding yellow light appears around Sabirsing's palms and rushes towards Siren, causing damage and completely blocking out her vision temporarily.[/i][/COLOR]
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siren grabbs her face with her hands, temporarily blinded...

siren: *thinking* listen for her...

siren stopps trying to see...

she hears her 10 meters to the right and fires


gotta go... see ya tommarow!
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: DRAGON'S HEART!!!!!!

[i]The black beam collided with the red blast from Sabir and pushed back and forth, finally exploding in the center.[/i]

Sabir: Cool.

Siren: Cool?

Sabir: Never mind. *turns Feral Laproin* *bares fangs* WING BLAZE!!!![/COLOR]
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Craig is still not quite used to 550 gravity with 80 tonne weights. He does 10,000 bench presses, then starts flying round the room, punching and kicking.

Craig: Whoa, talk about a power booster.

Craig: Kame hame HA!!!

Craig dies instant translocation to the other side of the room.

Craig: Masssenkko!

The 2 beams collide, causind a huge explosion. Craig isn'r harmed.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 160,000
Speed: 165, 000
Dexterity: 155, 000
Spirit: 155, 000
Ki: 180, 000

Craig's new stats as SSJ:
Strength: 360 000
Speed: 370 000
Dexterity: 340 000
Spirit: 340 000
Ki: 430 000
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[sephiroth suddenly stops and begins to think]

seph: I'm sure fist is doing just fine, I want to spar with craig, and that other guy wanted me to teach him the secrets of ssj, and from what I can sense, they're both at the same place, I can kill to birds with one stone, so to speak

[sephiroth disappears and reappears right in front of craig and andrew]

craig: hey, whuts up

seph: I think its about time we sparred

craig: really?! heh, cool, I always wanted someone to test my strength against

andrew: can I watch? this should be cool

seph: do what you want, craig, lets take this outside

craig: heh, sure thing seph, sure thing

[everyone steps outside and both sephiroth and craig go into their fighting stances]

seph: its your call, craig, and don't hold ANYTHING back....

to be continued....
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Craig powers upto SSJ, as does Sephiroth. They both are emmiting yellow aura's. Sephiroth flies towards Craig, and goes to punch him in the gut, but Craig grabs his fist, and throws Sephiroth into the air. Craig fires a beam, and it is about to hit Sephiroth, when he uses instant translocation and appears behind Craig. He goes to kick Craig in the back of the head, but Craig dissapears and appears in the air. Sephiroth flies up at him, and Craig starts firing many ki blasts at Sephiroth. Sephiroth crosses his hands infront of his face, as Craig pummels him with beams.

Sephiroth: You've..... greatly...... improved.

Craig: I know, your not so bad yourself.

Sephiroth flies around the blasts, and kicks Craig in the back. Craig hurdles towards the ground, but pushes off the ground with his hands, and lands on his feet.

Craig: Kee Mee Haa Mee HAA!!!

Sephiroth: JujinSeiko HAA!!!!!

The two beams collide, and Craig's slowly starts to push Sephiroth's back.

Craig: If I could beat you in anything, it was always ki.

Sephiroth: He........YYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Sephiroth's beam suddenly doubles in size, and pushes Craig's back. Craig then starts pushing harder, and neither move.

Craig:*thinking* I must end this. *speaking* Super Kaioken!

Craig glows a red aura, and his beam almost quadruples in size! It rushes forward compleely obliterating Sephoroth's beam, and Sephiroth just manages to escape with instant translocation.
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ooc: the proper romanization of the japanese name of the teleport move in english would be something along the lines of instantaneous translocation, so basically trunks is partly correct
seph: you've improved a lot, but I have to be level with you about something

craig: oh, and whats that? :therock:

seph: I'm holding back some of my power

craig: I figured as much, but I have some rserves myself

seph: I know, that super kaioken move of yours is pretty handy, but it tends to exhaust its user after being used, particularly if the user uses it more times than his body can strain

craig: maybe so, but I think I can handle it

seph: well, just try and last against me at full power, and don't forget, I've always been faster than you, craig

[sephiroth begins to power up, and within seconds he has reached his maximum]

craig: *thinking* just what kind of training did sephiroth do, anyway? I'm gonna have to use kaioken to even keep up with him

seph: ahh, much better, now craig, show me what you've got!

to be continued....
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[size=1]Stats, new
Strength: 29,000
Speed: 29,000
Spirit: 23,500
Ki: 38,500
Neil: *thinking* It's UNBELIEVEIBLE! How can they be so strong and so fast at the same time?! I must have that power!
Sephiroth: What? Go Super?
Neil: Whatever it is! Tell me how! You two are very strong, is that it?! You get to a certain level and you do whatever that is that you do?!
Craig: Partly. But do not interupt our battle!
Neil: TELL ME NOW! I [i]MUST[/i] KNOW!!!
Sephiroth: Maybe later; we're busy![/size]
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Suddenly, Craig's power starts to rise.

Craig: You know, you said you were always faster than me. Well, WERE is the kewword there.

Sephiroth: Really, then lets see it!

Craig muscles suddenly tighten, and he flies towards Sephiroth. Craig punches and kicks at Sephiroth, and Sephiroth manages to block.

Sephiroth: *thinking* He's actually keeping up with me, but I'm still faster!

Sephiroth suddenly knocks Craigs hand out of the way, and punches Craig in the gut. Craig flies up into the air, and Sephiroth gives chase!

Craig: Kaioken!

Craig aura glows red, and he flies down at Sephiroth, punches him in the face, and then clubs him in the back of the neck. Sephiroth hurdles towards the ground, creating a huge cloud of smoke. Sephiroth bursts out of the smoke and goes to punch Craig, but Craig uses Instant tranmission (happy now Raiha?) and appears on the floor.

Craig:*thinking* Lets see you dodge this!

Sephiroth flies down towards Craig, and Craig crosses his hands infront of his face.

Craig: BakuhatsuHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A shockwave explodes from Craig in all directions!
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[sephiroth suddenly stops and grins]

seph: its a good thing that fist trained me, he taught me how to see a moves weakness

[sephiroth raises one arm in front of him, the shockwave spreads out and is about to hit seph, but it goes right past him instead]

craig: what?! but how?!

seph: I learnt a move which lets me "cut" through energy attacks

craig: very interesting move, I should learn it sometime

[both fighters jump right back into action again exchanging punches and kicks, sephiroth kicks craig down to the ground and puts 2 fingers to his forehead, gathering a large amount of energy]

craig: holy crap, thats gonna be a big beam he's gonna fire

[sephiroth aims his 2 fingers at craig]

seph: MAKKENKOSAPPOU (special beam cannon to dubbies]

craig: huh? that small beam, you've GOT to be kidding

[craig gets ready to slap it out of the way, but as it becomes closer it dawns on him how powerful it is]

craig: holy crap, that things for real!

to be continued....
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Craig raises his hands.

Craig: This is it.

The beam draws closer.


Craig emits a huge beam from his hands which is has foughly 80 times the surface area of Sehiroth's. However, neither beam pushes the other back.
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(From all of neil's training)
Andrew's stats
Strength: 17,000
Speed: 18,500
Dexterity: 16,000
Spirit: 15,500
Ki: 18,000

New stats
Strength: 20,000
Speed: 21,500
Dexterity: 19,000
Spirit: 18,500
Ki: 21,000
Andrew: I've seen enough!

Neil: What?

Andrew: I just realised watching isn't going to do us any good

Neil: What do you mean?

Andrew: The more training we do the more powerful we are so we have a better chance of turning super! Anyway I'm gonna go back to training

Andrew goes back to his room and puts the gravity up to 450 and puts on 15 tonne weights and takes some time to get used to but after a short time he's back to his old routine of weights etc
Andrew's stats
Strength: 20,000
Speed: 21,500
Dexterity: 19,000
Spirit: 18,500
Ki: 21,000

New stats
Strength: 22,000
Speed: 23,500
Dexterity: 21,000
Spirit: 20,500
Ki: 23,000
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[size=1]*Neil adds 6 tons to his weight, and starts flying around, kicking, punching, and firing Ki blasts like a mad-man*

*After a bit, Neil spars with Andrew. Neil keeps his weights on, and adds another 4 tons(30, I think). He also powers up Ha-de-en-so to 6 times, and his power level triples.*

Neil: Now Andrew, this may hurt a lil.

*Neil zanzokens behind Andrew, and slams him head-first into he floor*

Neil: Haaaaay........OKEN!!!!!!

*The green, spinning Ki ball head striagh for Andrew, and hits him dead-on. Andrew goes fliying out the wall. Neil stands and shakes his head. While Neil is distracted, Andrew flies in, yelling in rage, and implants his foot in Neil's gut!*

Neil: *coughs up blood* Damnit!

*Neil flies up, and punches Andrew in the face, kicks him in the spine, and ax-handles him in the neck, tossing him to the ground. Andrew lands, unconscence*

Neil: I told you...

*Neil gives Andrew a sensu bean, and they take a long breather, listening to Metallica*

Neil: This is some pretty good tunes(Yes, I know that makes me sound like a dork-.-)
Stats, new
Strength: 34,000
Speed: 35,000
Spirit: 32,000
Ki: 42,000[/size]
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seph: haha! here's the special part of the makkenkosappou, it can go THROUGH beams bigger than it!

craig: what?! your kidding!

[the makkenkosappou slowly goes through the beam and makes its way towards craig]

seph: you better find a way out of that, or it'll go right through ya....

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
AJ: I guess no matter how you think about it...I'll be goin nowhere without those guys...

*Blasts of towards CC*

[[/b] [/B][/QUOTE]

whats cc? should have explained yourself better, ummm, capsule corps?....
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Craig: Oh I've got a way through it!

Craig powers down to under half his max.


Craig: I only powered down because I don't really want to destroy you.

Craig raises both hands above his head. A blue ball forms, and it and Craig start to charge with electricity. The ball rapidly increases in size.

Sephiroth: I just told you that makkenkosappou will go through bigger beams.

Craig: Not this time! KaioDAKAMA!!!

Craig throws the huge blue ball. It strikes Sephiroth's makkenkosappou, and completely cancells it out! It hits Sephiroth, exploding on impact! Sephiroth falls to the floor, unconcious. Craig stands there, and also faints. Both warriors lay motionless on the floor. Andrew and Neil notice this, rush over and give the SSJ's some senzu beans. Both are now normal saiyan.

Sephiroth: What the he.ll was that?

Craig: A little thing Grand Kaio taught me while I was dead. It's called Kaiodakama. It is strong enough to kill a being 4 times stronger than myself, which is why I used such a weak one. After use, I become paralysed. Not even Super Kaioken will help.

Sephiroth: Well, lets have a small rest.

Craig: Sure.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 190,000
Speed: 195, 000
Dexterity: 185, 000
Spirit: 185, 000
Ki: 210, 000

Craig's new stats as SSJ:
Strength: 400 000
Speed: 410 000
Dexterity: 380 000
Spirit: 380 000
Ki: 470 000

Seph, I raised my norm stats by 30,000, and my SSJ stats by 40,000. I think you should raise yours by more, because you haven't raised your in a while.
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Andrew continues his trainig on 500 gravity and with 20 tonnes on each limb. Andrew struggles to stand but starts to meditate. His power level increases and he can take the strain of the gravity and weights so he adds another 10 tonnes to each limb and does his usual excercises of sit-ups, press-ups and bench press

Andrew: Now Let's see what I can do

Andrew fully powers up and flies round insanely fast punching and kicking.

Andrew: Yeah this is good!

Andrew makes a clone of himself and both fire Ki blasts at each other

After a few hours Andrew rejoins with the clone and carries on training
Andrew's stats
Strength: 22,000
Speed: 23,500
Dexterity: 21,000
Spirit: 20,500
Ki: 23,000

New stats
Strength: 27,000
Speed: 28,500
Dexterity: 26,000
Spirit: 25,500
Ki: 28,000
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[i][b]Yeah,..CC was Capsule Corps...me just too darn lzy t spll whl wrds out fr u all :)[/i]

AJ: *stops directly above the gang*

Seph: Ah,..here he is...

Craig: Here's who? OH! AJ...How did you know?

AJ: *flies down*

Craig: Telepathy?

Seph: No

AJ: hey y'all *smiles* --> :)

Seph: Hey

Craig: *ignoring* You sensed his power level?

Seph: Naw, I searched his feelings..I knew he'd come to talk to us, the way he's been feeling recenetly, and now...

AJ: Say whut? :confused:

Strength: 170 000
Speed: 170 000
Dexterity: 170 000
Spirit: 170 000
Ki: 170 000[/b]

We need more ppl in this Thread! C'MON! Where are all the others who signed up? EH?
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seph: heh, ineresting technique, I'll keep an eye for it next time, who knows, I may even learn something more deadly

craig: hah, I think not

seph: well, you put up a good fight, very good in fact, but now we need to teach those newcomers about ssj, they won't stop hassling us about it -_-

craig: yeah, you got that right -_-

to be continued....

Sephiroth's new stats

Strength: 210 000
Speed: 210 000
Dexterity: 210 000
Spirit: 210 000
Ki: 210 000

Sephiroth's new stats as SSJ

Strength: 440 000
Speed: 440 000
Dexterity: 440 000
Spirit: 440 000
Ki: 440 000
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[size=1]*Neil gets socked into the gravity machine, and experiences regular gravity. He takes this chance, and zanzokens behind his clone.*

Neil: Enough of this.*Neil raises his hand, and puts it against the copy's back* Giga Shock!

*A yellow and blue beam shoots out of Neil's hand, and blasts straight through the copy. The copy falls to the ground, and Neil retracts him.*

Andrew: What was that?
Neil: A special move that, no matter how strong you are, it cuts straight through you. I also have a move that does the same thing, only I make a slashing motion(Called Diamond Cutter, and it's used like what Frieza used, where he cut the ground right in front of Goku. It's white, and I make a slashing movement, and it flys off in the direction of where I move ma hand, yada-yada).
Andrew: Cool.
Neil: Very :smirk:

*Neil adds 10 more tons, and begins kicking and punching everywhere. After a bit, he falls and can't get up. In an explosion of anger, he powers up the Ha-de-en-so up to 5. After a whole lot more training, Neil watches Andrew train, and he begins to do his Mind Training( from BTAS if you know what I'm talking about, and if you don't :p). His power level more than doubles in a few minutes*
Stats, new
Strength: 60,000
Speed: 59,000
Spirit: 44,000
Ki: 76,000[/size]

Is this better? I can still go lower, if it needed be.
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