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Craig: well, it's about fu.cking time!

Andrew: Huh???

Craig: God, it was less painful getting myself to Super Saiyan.

Andrew: You mean.......... you did all that......... to help me???

Craig: That was the basic plan.

Andrew: Thank you dude........ I owe you so much!!!

Craig: Yeah, whatever............ now, how about sparring? Though you don't really stand a chance.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 220,000
Speed: 225, 000
Dexterity: 205, 000
Spirit: 205, 000
Ki: 240, 000

Craig's new stats as SSJ:
Strength: 460 000
Speed: 480 000
Dexterity: 440 000
Spirit: 440 000
Ki: 530 000
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[size=1]Neil: Where did the Hell did they go? Let's see....... They were over in that direction, up there. I guess I'll haveta go check it out. Ha-de-en-so times 4!

The white auora of the Ha-de-en-so completely surrounds Neil, and he blasts off in a flash. The trip is long, so he decides to trian along the way. He begins punching and kicking as he flies along.
Stats, New
Strength: 65,000
Speed: 63,000
Spirit: 49,000
Ki: 81,000
Neil arrives at a huge tower, and cautiosly lands on the floor, and looks around. He sees a green figure standing looking at a big building.

Neil: Excuse me, I'm looking for..........these people who I know.
Dende: Your friends are training...

Neil talks low, as to himself, like Squall always does.

Neil: At least I don't consider them my friends...do I?[/size]
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dende: 2 days are almost up, aj, neil and craig should be coming out any second now

popo: indeed, and sephiroth and claire still have another 3 days to go

dende: yes...but there's something strange about sephiroth, mr popo, ever since he arrived back on earth, I have felt a strange energy coming from him

popo: really? why didn't you say this before?

dende: I don't know, mr popo, although he emmits a strange energy, he is still the same sephiroth in terms of attitude, anyway

popo: when he comes out of that rost, he will be considerably more powerful, and yet, he will still be able to use the other rost

dende: yes, but sephiroth's closest rival, in my opinion, is craig, but sephiroth, experience wise, is probably better than craig's

popo: of course, with age comes experience

dende: I also felt another strange energy, coming from that fist person

popo: yes, I have felt it too

dende: ....what will come of this, I do not know....


fist: you bastard, release me from this paralysis right now!

thor: I think not, fist, you have 2 more days to go before you are under my control, heh heh....

to be continued....
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Suddenly, the door too the old ROST opens. Out steps AJ, followed by Andrew, and finally Craig. All their clothes are severly torn, and everyone is severly cut.

Craig: I need a new look. I'm sick of these clothes.

Craig raises his hands, and a white glow emits from his body. When the glow fades, Craig has a new suit (like Vegitto's, except all the blue is black, and with Picollo's cloak).

Dende: Craig........... you power has grown. As has yours Andrew.

Andrew: I went Super Saiyan in the ROST.

Craig: As for me....... well I have passed the level of Super saiyan.

Everyone: WHA????

AJ: When did this happen?

Craig: In our second year. I trained alone for a long time, and surpassed the level of Super Saiyan. No doubt Sephiroth has done the same.

Andrew: Show me this power!

Craig: Since when did I have to do anything for you?

Andrew: GGGrrrrrrrrrrr

Craig: I'm going to stay here until Sephiroth and Clare come out.

Craig lifts off the ground, and starts to meditate deeply. His cloak fluttering in the wind.

Andrew:*thinking* Dammit, will I always be one step behind him and Sephiroth?
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Andrew: Well my work here is done I'm gonna go back to the CC and train some more in the Gravity room

Andrew blasts off and gets to the CC in no time

Andrew: Gravity.........550and as for weights............I think I'll try 200 tonnes on each limb

Even in SSJ form Andrew struggles for some time but after some streches and deep meditation he is able to fly with ease

He goes back to his training incresing the weights when he is completly used to the force
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 90,000
Speed: 91,500
Dexterity: 89,000
Spirit: 88,500
Ki: 91,000

New stats as SSJ:
Strength: 205,000
Speed: 206,500
Dexterity: 204,000
Spirit: 203,500
Ki: 206,000
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Letting her spine curve forward, Sabirsing easily absorbs the energy Siren used and flips forward to attack again. Kicking Siren's head viciously, she hears a snap and Siren's head turns in an unatural direction.[/i]

Siren: Ungh...

Sabir: Opps. Healing Ring...

Siren: *neck mended, but that's all* Thankx alot.

Sabir: Don't mention it. :smirk:[/COLOR]
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[I]4 days have passed on Earth....[/I]

thor: so, fist, how does it feel to be under my control?

fist: ......

thor: ah, excellent, the power of the most powerful being in the universe is mine!

fist: what is your order, master?

thor: this planet makes me sick, go and destroy a few cities, make sure they're densely populated populated, I will destroy this planet at a different time, just go and cause some chaos for now

fist: as you wish, my lord

[fist disappears and begins to cause havoc and destruction on the planet]

[I]Meanwhile, back at dende's tower....[/I]

dende: whats....going on?

popo: whats the matter, dende?

dende: I sense many lives being killed, cities being destroyed one by one, I think its....fist!

craig: say what?

dende: this is terrible, someone must stop him, surely you can do something, craig?

craig: I...don't know, if we wait another day, sephiroth will come out of the rost, and he will be much stronger than I currently am

dende: but in a day, we may all be dead, at least try and gather the rest of the fighters and try and slow him down?

craig: .......

to be continued....
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[size=1]Neil flies back up to the huge tower, and lands. He trys to stretch out from all his meditating.

Neil: What's going on?


Neil: Aight, riddle me this... How did you get that strong, Craig? And Andrew?! How did he get that strong?!
Craig: He's a Su........ We uh.....We went in the ROST.
Neil: ROST? What the fu.ckin Hell?
Mr. Popo: ROST means 'Room of Spirit and Time', and you can stay in there for 2 days.
Neil: What's so special about that?
Dende: 2 days equals 2 years in the ROST
Neil: Cool. So, how do you use it?
Mr. Popo: Just go in and train...
Neil: I think I'll do that.

Neil runs off towards where Mr. Popo showed him, and he finds the room. He runs in, and trys to compirhend what he sees...
After a bit, he starts his mind training... His stats increase dramically...
Stats, new
Strength: 85,000
Speed: 83,000
Spirit: 69,000
Ki: 101,000[/size]
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Craig: The only warrior that won't slow ME down is Raiha, atleast until Sephiroth comes out. You contact Raiha if you want, but I'm going.

Craig explodes with aura, and flies off in the direction of Fist. A few seconds later he arrives next to Fist.

Craig: What are you playing at Fist?

Fist: Ah, the one that dwells in Sephiroth's shadow. Always one step behind him aren't you?

Craig: I don't care, we are friends, I couldn't care who's stronger. But the fact is that I'm more than a match for you.

Fist: I doubt that a lot. You are merely a Super Saiyan, just like Sephiroth.

Craig: I am beyond the level of super saiyan!!!

Fist: Wha???

Craig throws off his cloak, and rears his head. Power explodes in all directions around him, destroying the nearby mountains. A white light blinds fist. When the light clears, Craig is in his ascended form. His muscles are much tighter, and his hair is more spiky.

Fist: My my thats quite an improvement.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 280,000
Speed: 285, 000
Dexterity: 265, 000
Spirit: 265, 000
Ki: 300, 000

Craig's new stats as Ascended SSJ:
Strength: 760 000
Speed: 780 000
Dexterity: 740 000
Spirit: 740 000
Ki: 830 000

Seph, is that power increase Ok? I did ascend after all, and their power goes up by more with each transformation.
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yeah, your stats are fine....

fist: haha, thats it? my dear boy, you cannot even begin to contemplate how powerful I am, you are merely a sub-ussj (ultimate super saiya-jin), and you don't even know its weakness!

craig: weakness? what weakness? your bluffing, how can there be ANY weakness in this form?

fist: very well, fight me if you wish, but you will not prevail....

to be continued....
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Craig: Your limitations will soon become apparent Fist.

Craig flies at Fist, and ounches him in the face, sending him hurdling into a nearby mountain. Fist flies out, and tries too punch Craig, but he flies too the side and kicks Craig in the gut, sending him high into the air. Craig raises his hand and a small white orb forms.

Craig: Riengiez!

The orb splits into 8 smaller beams as it fires towards Fist. The beams spread out as they move along, but close in and all hit fist. The reactions cause a huge explosion, resulting in a huge cloud of smoke!


The smoke cloud still remains dormant.
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[as craig stands there, waiting for the dust to settle, he is suddenly kicked to the back of the head]

craig: ugh, where....is he? I can't see him anywhere

fist: whats the matter, too fast for you?

craig: grrr....

fist: ok, tell you what, I'll slow down to your level

[fist appears in front of craig]

craig: you fiend, your really p.issing me off now!

fist: such language, tsk tsk

[in an instant, both fighters engage in combat once again]

to be continued....
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[size=1]Neil continues to meditate, and then jumps further out into the void. He creates a copy, and it powers up the Ha-de-en-so times 20, and they begin sparring.

Neil: *thinking* Damn it! This is gonna be tough!

After about a day or so(Not in real time), Neil falls to the floor. The copy lands next to him, and frowns disappovingly.

Copy: Get up! Is that any way to enrich your bloodline?
Neil: Fool...
Copy: What?! We'll see! Scatter Blast!

The copy fires a barrige of ki blasts at Neil. After a bit, he stops.
The copy is then blown to bits.

Neil: As I said...

Neil begins meditating again, and he also thinks at the same time.

Neil: How did those two do it? How did they go Super or whatever? It must be their power, That's it. I'll get real strong. Then I'll beat it outta them! HA! That's the plan...

Neil gets out of meditation, and begins training with another copy...
Stats, new
Strength: 105,000
Speed: 133,000
Spirit: 99,000
Ki: 141,000[/size]

If the stats are too high, just tell me
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[COLOR=royalblue]:demon:For the last time Craig! I'm SABIRSING!!! Not RAIHA!!!! If you're doing it to be funny, it's not, it's just pissing me off.:demon:
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: Wait!

Siren: *holds punch* What is it?

Sabir: My friends are in trouble, I need to talk to Dende.

Siren: Who?

Sabir: Oh never mind. Come on!

[i]Grabbing Siren's arm, Sabirsing teleports to Dende's tower and bows before him.[/i]

Dende: Sabir! We were just talking about you.

Sabir: Yes. I heard. And Craig is wallowing in delusion if he thinks that I'm the only one who can't slow him down. I'm not a weakling like the men seem to think.

Siren: Has everyone forgotten I exist?

Sabir: Oh sorry. Dende, this is Siren, we were sparing when I heard about Fist and Craig.

Dende: Hello Siren.

Siren: Er...hey.

Sabir: So what do we do?

Dende: ....Well....er....[/COLOR]
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dende: I guess....the best thing to do is go down there and help craig, he can't defeat fist, from what I am sensing, fist is using 10% of his full power

sabir: 5....percent?

dende: well, the more of you that fight against him, the better the odds become, try and buy us some time, at least when sephiroth comes out of the rost, we will stand a much better chance

sabir: hmmm....

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Nodding, Sabir backflips a distance away and pulls out a small black stone haning from her necklace.[/i]

Siren: What are you doing?

Sabir: Transforming to a higher level. SPIRIT STONE TRANSFORMATION!! Element: EARTH!

[i]A huge blast of hot wind bursts from the ground and swirls around Sabirsing. Inside the "eye of the storm" Sabirsing's body begins to morph, her teeth elongate and become fangs. Her body is transfigured into the body of a lioness but her head remains the same. The claws that rip from her paws turn into 6 inch iron spikes and thick, rock hard wings spurt from her shoulder blades.[/i]

Sabir: *deep throaty voice* See?

[i]Sabirsing's stats are magnified by 20.[/i]

Siren: :eek: Is that you under there...?

Sabir: Yes. Now, let's go.

Siren: Go where?

Sabir: Climb on my back, cause we're flying.

Siren: .......Okay...[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Aight, Sephiroth
Neil begins jumping around, kicking, punching, and firing Ki blasts like a mad-man.


Neil: This is soooo boring. White sux. Well, time to fight.
Copy: Bout time. Moon Blast.....EXPLODE!

The copy transforms, and trys to swat Neil down, as he flies around, firing Ki blasts everywhere.

Neil: That's IT! Buzz Saw!

The blood-red ki disc, flies around, trying to slice off the copy's tail. Neil throws his hand own, and the Buzz saw follows.

Neil: Damnit, stay down!

Neil makes a triangle with his motions, and manages to cut off the copy's tail as it turns to avoid it. Neil absors the copy and continuses to train alone. He looks at the huge clock, and sees that he only has about 3 monthes left in the room.

He goes to sleep, and rest up. While dreaming, he sees visions of the past. He sees a small chicl, sitting on the ground. He looks closer and realizes it's him! A huge figure swoops down, and takes the child off. He flies off in a rage to try and save the child.
BTW, all this happened when Craig was fightin and you ppl were talkin. Peace.[/size]
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Andrew continues training...

Andrew: I sense something.....................something strange...?

Andrew stops training and thinks for some time

Andrew: It's that fist guy! He's fighting with Craig. There must be something I can do!

Andrew continues training for a few more minutes and then flies off to the battle scene
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 190,000
Speed: 191,500
Dexterity: 189,000
Spirit: 188,500
Ki: 191,000

New stats as SSJ:
Strength: 305,000
Speed: 306,500
Dexterity: 304,000
Spirit: 303,500
Ki: 306,000
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Craig: Okay........ it's about time I wrapped this up.

Fist: What?

Craig: I have another level beyond this, I know it's weakness, but you won't be around long enough to find out.

Craig rears his head back, and his muscles bulge greatly. His hair sticks up, and an large yellow aura surrounds him. His eyes go completely white for a couple of econds before returning to green.

Fist: Impressive.

Craig:*thinking* Dammit, I'm still no-where near as powerful as Fist is, and now my speed is greatly impared. But I have to hold him off until Sephiroth gets out!

Craig flies at Fist, and starts punching at him, but Fist dodges easily.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 300,000
Speed: 305, 000
Dexterity: 285, 000
Spirit: 285, 000
Ki: 320, 000

Craig's new stats as Ascended SSJ:
Strength: 790 000
Speed: 810 000
Dexterity: 770 000
Spirit: 770 000
Ki: 860 000

Craig's stats as USSJ:
Strength: 950,000
Speed: 500,000
Dexterity: 770,000
Spirit: 770,000
Ki: 1,000,000
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Andrew arrives to see Craig and fist

Andrew: How the hell did he get so powerful again? ...........and I bet sephiroth is more powerful again! but neither of them can match fist's power, It's amazing!

Andrew sees fist dodging and laughing at Craigs expense so he decides to give him some help

Andrew: FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The huge beam hits fist and does nothing

Andrew: Get him while his back is turned!!

Craig smacks fu.ck out of fist and sends him flying into a building but he immedeatly gets back up

Fist: You want some aswell do you?

Fist fires a huge beam that hits Andrew dead on and he falls to the floor bleeding badly

Fist: I think I'll let him suffer for a bit

Craig: You piece of sh.it
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fist: foolish boy, sacraficing speed for power, how old are you? :rolleyes:

craig: grrr, shut up!

[I]Back at dende's tower....[/I]

dende: they should be coming out any second now....

[the doors to the rost suddenly open, sephiroth and claire walk out, claire holding something in her arms, sephiroth's clothes are battered, but claire's are not]

dende: thank god your here sephiroth, a lot has happened since you went in there....umm, what has claire got in her arms?

seph: ....my son

dende: what! :eek:

popo: umm, how exactly did that happen?

seph: gee, figure it out, lol

dende: ummm, well, congradulations!

seph+claire: thanks :)

popo: whats his name?

claire: we named him....Shinouku

dende: now seph, I need to tell you what has happened since you went in there....

[dende tells sephiroth everything]

seph: I see....I guess I should go and fight him then

dende: unless you have transformed beyond ssj, you don't stand a chance

seph: good thing I transformed then

dende: what?! umm, ussj?

seph: no....

[sephiroth disappears and reappears in front of fist, changing his clothes at the same time]

fist: sephiroth, so good of you to come

craig: glad to see you man

seph: fist, I am here to stop you

fist: hah, good luck trying, lets see how far you have progressed

seph: very well, if you say so

[in an instant, a huge force emmits from sephiroths body, his hair begins to stand and his hair becomes golden, a huge amount of power is encircling him, he has become an ssj]

craig: holy crap, you've become that powerful?!

fist: very impressive, sephiroth, but I have a feeling you are still holding back a lot of your power somehow...

seph: .......enough talk, lets fight!

to be continued....

Sephiroth's new stats:

Strength: 700 000
Speed: 700 000
Dexterity: 700 000
Spirit: 700 000
Ki: 700 000

Sephiroth's new stats as SSJ:

Strength: 1 400000
Speed: 1 400000
Dexterity: 1 400000
Spirit: 1 400000
Ki: 1 400000

Sephiroth's next transformation?

Strength: ????
Speed: ????
Dexterity: ????
Spirit: ????
ki: ????
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: I'm there.

Andrew: *bleeding/dying*

Siren: Get him.

[i]Leaping over Andrew's body, Sabirsing uses a quick healing ring then motions for Siren to put him on her back.[/i]

Siren: What good'll this do?

Sabir: I've got to de transform, then heal him fully. So I'll be back, keep a mental tab on me though. I might run into something. *takes off*

Siren: Hurry![/COLOR]
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[size=1]SON?! HOLY SH>IT, MAN!
Neil: Time, I guess...

Neil walks out the door, and is about four steps out, and stops. He senses the huge power out somewhere on Earth...

Neil: *comic-like* Yeah....Riiiiiiiiigh...tttt. Well, I'm goin back in.
Dende: Wait! You can't go back in! you'll be locked in forever!
Neil: Crap...I'd better go then... Ha-de-en-so times 20!!!!

Neil's power level jumps very high, and suddenly, the white aoura disappears, but Neil is just as strong.

Mr. Popo: What was that?
Neil: Ha! Something I learned. To absorb the Ha-de-en-so. Now...Ha-de-en-so times 20!!!!!!!

Neil repeats the process, and once again, absorbs the

Neil: Well, I'm offa. Ha-de-en-so TIMES 20!!!!

Neil's new power level jumps over four times, and he blasts off.

Neil soon arrives at the battlefield, and watches in awe.

Neil: Damnit! I can't believe it! How is it?! No matter how strong I get, you two are a few steps ahead! Tell me!
Sephiroth: Now is not the time...
Neil: DAMNIT! Fine, but I'm still fightin!
Fist: Hm? You wish to die too, eh?
Neil: We all go some day, and when I go, you'll be ahead of......ME!

Neil fires a small, blood red Ki blast with a tail(Like a comet. It's small enough to fit inside your hand, even with the tail). Fist dodges the blast with a little trouble. The blast crashes into some mountains in the backround, causing a HUGE nuclear blast(ya know, mushroom cloud, complete and total destruction, same old, same old).

Neil: *breaths heavly, and kinda drained.* DAMNIT!
Fist: !!!? That woulda been too much! I'll KILL YOU!
Strength: 295,000
Speed: 303,000
Spirit: 259,000
Ki: 341,000[/size]

If this is too much, let me reduce it a little bit only, please? I did absorb the Ha-de-en-so, and all, and I do need to keep up.
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