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Dragonball-a new hope


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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing's wings flicker slightly, and she controls the urge to fight alonside them.

Laurii: Good, you are learning.....

Sabir: They're so mismatched.......Neil's gonna die.

Laurii: Why would you be sad?

Sabir: I'm not. I could flick him away in a second if I wanted to.

Lauii: Oh really......?

Sabir: No. But he does make me mad. *crosses arms*

Laurii: .......you should blast Fist with a psychic attack.

Sabir: I'm not going to interfere.

Laurii: *shrug* Alright.[/i]

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Craig is about to attack Neil for interferring, but stops.

Craig: Sabir, would you mind freeze him please?

Sabir: Sure.

Neil suddenly stops moving. Craig walks over to him.

Craig: Neil, you interfere again, and I'll kill you myself. Not that you can move anymore. Thanks Sabir.

While Fist lowers his guard, Craig unexpectedly flies towards him and punches him in the face, then kicks him in the gut.


Craig grabs Fists arm, and slams Fist into the ground.


Craig explodes with power, destroying the nearby area. Craig raises his hands above his head, and charges up a small red orb in each hand. Once they are big enough, he brings them down infront of his, and the balls fuse, greatly expanding and growing in power.

Craig: I end this now.

Sabir: No Craig, you'll destroy the earth.

Craig:*telepthically* Don't worry Sabir, this will scare Fist into flying away, and I'll shoot it at him when he's in the sky.

Fist: You wouldn't dare, you'll destroy the planet!

Craig: KIKO.......


Fist takes to the air, and flies away at speed.

Craig: Fool! HAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Craig suddenly teleports infront of Fist, and fires the huge beam. Fist couldn't defend, and the beam starts ripping him apart. Fist is thrown back into a nearby mountain, causing a huge cloud of smoke. Craig stands there, aura still blazing, breathing hard.

Craig: He....... he's not..... dead

The smoke clears, and Fist is there, he has lost his left arm upto the neck.

Sabir:*telepathically* Craig, use the move you used on Sephiroth.

Craig: I want to, but if he survives, I'm a sitting duck.

Sabir: But at your max, while usong Kaioken, there's no way he can survive. Have faith Craig........ I believe in you.

Craig: Okay........ thank you Sabir.
Craig's new stats after ROST training:
Strength: 2,500,000
Speed: 2,500,000
Dexterity: 2,500,000
Spirit: 2,500,000
Ki: 3,000,000

Craig's new stats as SSJ2 after ROST training:
Strength: 10,000,000
Speed: 10,000,000
Dexterity: 10,000,000
Spirit: 10,000,000
Ki: 12,000,000
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[size=1]Neil finally breaks free, and jumps back. He also detransforms.

Neil: Damnit! I really wanted to fight... Poo.

Craig's power increses as he charges his attack.

Neil hangs his head and upper torso, anime style.

Sabirsing: Oh, get over it! You coulda been killed, you idjut!
Neil: *stands up quickly and transforms to Super Sayian, in an angry storm of energy* YOU DON'T GET IT! THAT'S THE IDEA! IT'S THE DANGER OF FIGHTING! THE RISK OF LOSING YOUR LIFE IS WONDERFUL! YOU'LL NEVER GET IT!

Neil hangs his whole upper torso again.

Neil: *sigh* Just forget it. You'll never get it...

The area is now being torn apart, time after time from the combined energy from Craig, Neil and Sabirsing.
Strength: 1,600,000
Speed: 1,500,000
Dexterity: 1,500,000
Spirit: 1,500,000
Ki: 2,300,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 3,000,000
Speed: 3,000,000
Dexterity: 2,800,000
Spirit: 2,500,000
Ki: 4,400,000[/size]

Are these aight? I basically rounded them off. Just tell me:cross:
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Calmly reaching over with normal hands, Sabirsing swiftly pinched Neil's ear and dragged him to where she was standing.[/i]

Neil: Ow owowowowowow...Let go!

Sabir: *claws slash out* I know the thrill of fighting! I'm not afraid of death! And I DO UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!

Neil: :eek: Ow...I think I've gone deaf.

Sabir: :demon: *crosses arms* You really need to go stun gun yourself... you don't listen to Craig, you don't listen to me, you fight for your own selfish gain......and I'm getting a little angry.[/COLOR]
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Ok, I ain't gettin in another fight...-.-
[size=1]Neil: I don't listen to either of you because I choose not to.
sabirsing: Idiot... You should. We know what we're talking about.
Neil: Oh, just shut up and watch Fist get blown to pieces!:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad:
Sabirsing: :eek: Chill out![/size]
RRRRRR. Stupid Writer's Block! :flaming:
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[the fight between sephiroth and apocalypse was an excellent one, but at the end, it was sephiroth that was the victor, and had won the tournament]

apoc: excellent fight, lookin forward to fightin ya again sometime

seph: likewise

[suddenly a look of concentration appears on sephiroth's face]

apoc: whats wrong?

seph: the fight between my friend and fist continues, my friend, craig is going for it all now with one attack, if fist survives this, then the earth is doomed

apoc: damn, hey, since you won the tournament, I'm sure the grand kaio will let you go back to earth for a while

seph: hmmm, I will see how things progress first....

[I]Back on Earth....[/I]

[fist is slowly regenerating his arm, while craig is powering up his attack]

fist: damn....earthling, how could I of all people, be rivalled by someone like him?! damn you!

[fist charges at craig in fury, but just before he got close enough, craig finally charged up his attack]

craig: chew on this!!!

fist: aaaah, nooo!

[craig fired the full blast and it connected against fist head on, the whole battlefield was encased in smoke]

craig: *breathing hard* finally, I...have done it

sabir: hmmm....I wonder if he has....
[I]Back on the other world....[/I]

Seph: huh?!?!

apoc: whats wrong now?

seph: I am needed

[sephiroth goes to the grand kaio]

seph: grand kaio, would it at all be possible if you could send me back to the earth for a while?

grand: well....ok, but you got 30 minutes, ok?

seph: thank you

[sephiroth disappears]

[I]Back on earth....[/I]

[the fighters suddenly sense something]

craig: I....don't believe it, he's....still alive?

sabir: he...can't be, can he?

[when the smoke cleared, fist remained standing, although severely beaten]

fist: damn....you, your a dead man now, you have no energy left!

craig: ugh....it can't...end like this

[suddenly everyone's eyes opened wide, as they sensed something coming closer]

fist: huh? where's that high power coming from?!

craig: It feels like....sephiroth's energy

fist: impossible, he's dead!!!

[no sooner had fist said that, did sephiroth appear right in front of him, glaring into his eyes, sephiroth has a halo on his head]

craig: I...don't believe it, your back!

seph: momentarily yes

fist: aaah, no, this cannot be....

to be continued....
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Sephiroth gets into his fighting stance, when he suddenly feels Craig's energy rising.

Sephiroth: What the???


Craig's aura glows red as he slowly gets to his feet.

Sephiroth: Craig, you must conserve your energy.

Craig: Seph...... if we want to beat him....... we haveonly one option

Sephiroth: What's that?

Craig: We fuse. I got these potaro earrings from my grandfather.

Sephiroth: Well.....................
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seph: we can't fuse

craig: huh? why the hell not, just give me one damn good reason!

seph: .....I'm dead -_-

craig: oh yeah, heh

seph: it is uneccessary anyway, fist is very weak now, he is no match for me

fist: insolent fool! it is YOU who are no match for me!

seph: quiet, you

[sephiroth's eyes blaze onto fist, fists body suddenly begins to float]

fist: huh?! what the hell are you doing to me?

seph: its called psychic powers, telekenesis to be more exact

fist: but....how can you have this kind of power?!

seph: what do you care for, your dead

[and with that being said, fists body explodes into pieces, unable to regenerate, fist is now dead]

seph: and thats my work done, I bid you people farewell, oh, and thor is the one you should be after next

[and with that said, sephiroth disappeared back into the other world]

to be continued....
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Craig falls back to the floor.

Craig: Thor aye. I'll go after him.......... as soon as the feeling returns to my legs.

About 15 minutes later, Craig is back up, and moving freely.

Craig: I can sense this 'Thor' person, lets go.

Craig powers up to SSJ2, and is even stronger than before. He blasts off, followed by Raiha, then Neil.

Craig: *thinking* Thor............ he must have been possesing Fist or something.......... oh well.

Craig powers up more and starts flying at tremendous speed.
Craig's new stats:
Strength: 3,500,000
Speed: 3,500,000
Dexterity: 3,500,000
Spirit: 3,500,000
Ki: 4,250,000

Craig's new stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 12,000,000
Speed: 12,000,000
Dexterity: 12,000,000
Spirit: 12,000,000
Ki: 15,000,000
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[i]AJ opens his eyes, and stands up[/i]

AJ: I knew he'd be finished...they didn't need my help....not that I would be of any assisstance....I mean...
They're all super saiya-jins...
all of them-
-all the saiya-jins, that is..
but not me..
because I have no needs?
because i have too much self-control?
because I fear power? attention?
Even if I did transform...
a fat lot of good I'd do...
..these guys have Ascended...and even surpassed that!
aw man,...I gotta find a way out...
ah well...I guess I better follow them all now..
..even though I might be next to nothing compared to any of them..
..they're gonna need all the help they can get against this
new dude...
which makes me think...
aw heck...screw it...it's impossible...

[i]Flies off to intercept the gang[/i]

[color=red][u]Stats[/u] (Me no SSJ)
Strength: 3,000,000
Speed: 3,000,100 :p
Dexterity: 3,000,000
Spirit: 3,000,000
Ki: 3,000,000 [/color]
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[sephiroth has returned to the other world]

grand: gee, that was fast, you still had 10 minutes left

seph: took me a lot faster than I thought

grand: so, you plan on training then?

seph: but of course....

[I]Meanwhile, in Thor's spaceship....[/I]

thor: hmmm, it would appear that those fighters are on their way, let them come, they have 5 levels to go through before they reach me! they'll never even make it past the 3rd level, hahaha!

[a man walks into view]

deek: it would be wise not to underestimate them, my lord

thor: deek? what brings you here?

deek: when trouble looms, I will be there

thor: I see, well, even if they do arrive here, I know you will beat them

deek: but of course....

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJMihoshi [/i]
[B]OOC: ::sigh:: :( I'm not even gonna try anymore...I'm never gonna be able to keep up with this RPG all the stuff I have to do every week. And it's not like you guys need my help...so godbye. [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Okay. *waves* Byebye! Have a nice day! ;)
[COLOR=seagreen][i]Following Craig closely Sabirsing quickly mutters a spell, and she easily catches him up.[/i]

Craig: Been training?

Sabir: Not for speed, more for brute strength.

Craig: Thankx alot.

Sabir: Hah, don't mention it.

[i]Closing her eyes, while still flying, Sabirsing receeds to the astroplane.

Laurii: Transform now.

Sabir: I don't know if I can.

Laurii: You must!

Sabir: Alright.[/i]

Craig: Who are you talking to?

Sabir: Never mind.

[i]Baring her fangs, Sabirsing continued flying as her wings became scaly like a lizards and her hands lengthened into claws.[/i]

Craig: Oh that's lovely...

Sabir: Don't lie. It might not be pretty, but it's important in close range fighting.[/COLOR]
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seph: so....I was just wondering, just how old are you anyway, grand kaio?

grand: you know.....that is a VERY good question!

[sephiroth drops on the floor anime style]

grand: heh, well, I'm at least 10 000 years old

seph: wow, yet....you still look so young

grand: why thanks! I take care of my body!

seph: I see....so, is there anyone of a higher position than you?

grand: yes, he is the supreme kaio, kaioshin, his wherabouts are unknown

seph: when was the last time you saw him?

grand: hmmm, just over a hundred years ago, this majin buu characer showed up and as did kaioshin

seph: so....when do I get my training?

grand: erm......soon enough...I guess *anime sweatdrop*

to be continued....
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[size=1]Neil looks at Crig with a confused look.

Neil: Oh, get over it.

Neil suddenly realizes he's fallen behind.

Neil: *anime sweatdrop* D'oh... HA-DE-EN-SO TIMES 60!

The blasing white aoura surrounds Neil, and disappears. Neil's power increses greatly, and he is able to gain enough speed to catch up.

Neil: Soooo.....Where do we look for Thor?
Craig: You'll see(?)
Neil: -.- Greaaaat... Well, can I at least fight this time? Thor is bound to be weaker than Fist.

Everyone stops.

Sabirsing: Whatdya mean?
Neil: Well, I was just thinkin... Why didn't Thor attack? Why he/it control Fist?
Sabirsing: I get it! He must be weaker because he sent Fist to attack us...
Craig: Because he was stronger than us! Which means we are stronger than Thor! I hope...
Neil: Same...

They all blasted off again.[/size]
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The door to the ROST opens and Andrew steps out

Andrew; Hi guys no time to talk gotta go help the others!

Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 1,000,000
Speed: 1,500,000
Dexterity: 1,000,000
Spirit: 1,000,000
KI: 2,000,000

Andrew's new stats as USSJ:
Strength: 4,000,000
Speed: 5,000,000
Dexterity: 4,000,000
Spirit: 4,000,000
KI: 5,500,000

Are they ok?
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erm, majin vegeta, if your ussj, then why is it your speed is so high as well....
thor: hah! those insolent fools actually think they can defeat ME! what a joke, well, at least watching you, deek, beat the daylights out of them will be amusing

deek: but of course, my lord

thor: hah, let them come, they have 5 floors to go through anyway....

[I]In the other world....[/I]

king kaio: impressive, that sephiroth character, is'nt he?

grand: I must admit, he is, he has been training in that room for weeks without food nor sleep, he reminds me of son gokou

king: you know, someday, he may surpass son gokou

grand: that, I can believe, my friend....

to be continued....
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[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: Maybe you've forgoten that I'm psychic Craig.

Craig: :blush: Oh no...

Sabir: ;) That's so cute.

Neil: Am I missing something?

Sabir/Craig: No.

[i]In a blast of energy, Sabirsing quickly grew her claws and ripped open a portal. Shoving Neil and Craig through, the three are instantly transported to the Deek's location.[/i]

Neil/Craig: :eek:

Sabir: I sensed his energy a while ago, but figured it was best to wait.

Craig for what?!?

Neil: Hey, save it for the fight.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]The warriors awaited in a room with a small covered hole on the floor(sounds familier, eh?).

Neil: Should we just kick it in?
Sabirsing: Why not?

Neil charges up a small Ki blast as he detransforms out of Super Sayian. Just as Neil finishes powering up, and cover lowers.

Neil: Damnit! -_- I just don't get any fun now-a-days. Oh, well, LET'S GO!

Neil dives in the hole, followed by Sabirsing, and then Craig...[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: Maybe you've forgoten that I'm psychic Craig.

Craig: :blush: Oh no...

Sabir: ;) That's so cute.

Neil: Am I missing something?

Sorry to double post, but I knew Craig thought that, so :p!
Psychic power and all ;)

[b]Neil looks at Crig with a confused look.

Neil: Oh, get over it.[/b]
See? Ok, gotta run!
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lol! It was her! *points to Raiha*
[size=1]Neil sees a door off to the left, and walks over and kicks it.


Deek: He is a stupid one...
Thor: Yes... I think he should die first!

~Back at the group~
Neil: Hey Sabirsing? Can you use your psychic powers?
Sabirsing: Uhhh... NO! DAMN! They must have a filter or sumthin!
Neil: Oh, crap! -.-' Should we....... should we just bust down the door?
Stats, after absorbing Ha-de-en-so, and bein very pissed.
Strength: 2,200,000
Speed: 2,500,000
Dexterity: 2,900,000
Spirit: 2,700,000
Ki: 3,900,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 4,500,000
Speed: 4,500,000
Dexterity: 3,800,000
Spirit: 3,500,000
Ki: 5,800,000
Seph, ar we doin this like the Buu Saga? Like, Deek bein' Pui-Pui? And me playin as Vegeta? Cuz I REALLLLLYYY wanna fight. Only thing different will be no Buu. :babble: :babble: :babble: How's that?[/size]
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