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Dragonball-a new hope


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Sorry Seph! but my Speed has always been second my highest stat. I'll change it right here but when I go to the next level it'll be back up again
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 1,000,000
Speed: 1,500,000
Dexterity: 1,000,000
Spirit: 1,000,000
KI: 2,000,000

Andrew's new stats as SSJ:
Strength: 3,500,000
Speed: 4,000,000
Dexterity: 3,500,000
Spirit: 3,500,000
KI: 4,500,000

Andrew's new stats as USSJ:
Strength: 5,000,000
Speed: 3,000,000
Dexterity: 5,000,000
Spirit: 5,000,000
KI: 5,500,000

How's that?

Andrew appears behind the others in constant SSJ (like Goku and Gohen where)

Andrew: Hey guys, I followed your power levels

All: Hi
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[i]A claw/hand grips Sabir's shoulder...
she turns around and slashes its face and growls..
the whole gang turn around...[/i]

AJ: *holds face* Like,...ow...that [i]soooo[/i] hurt..

[color=red][u]Stats[/u] (Me no SSJ)
Strength: 3,750,000
Speed: 4,000,000
Dexterity: 3,750,000
Spirit: 3,750,000
Ki: 3,750,000 [/color][/b]

Now to carry on typin up the Aestus Tourney post...
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thor: these impudent humans are beginning to bore me, I think I will place them all at the 1st level of this ship, they will never get to the 5th level

deek: a wise choice

[thor closes his eyes and casts an enchantation, the 5 fighters are suddenly teleported to the bottom level of the ship]

sabir: what the-?"

craig: ummm...I don't remember being here

aj: hmmm, maybe its the main dudes handywork?

sabir: who, thor?

aj: its possible

andrew: hey look, there's a notice over there

[everyone goes to examine the notice, craig reads it aloud]

craig: for those who seek to see the master, 5 floors you must pass, the 1st floor be where you are standing

neil: great....

sabir: 5 floors huh

craig: well, may as well get started....

to be continued....
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[size=1]Deek: You arrogant fools... Don't you realize that you'll never get past me?
Neil: You'll see...
Deek: Oh, the cheeky one... Want to try your luck?
Neil: Sure.

Neil zanzokens behind Deek, and downcutter him with an iron left fist. Deek feel to the ground, and got up drunkenly.

Deek: What the?! I didn't even sense you!
Neil: No $HIT. You think you can keep up with a Sayian?

Deek growled angrily, and phased behind Neil, and sluged at him. But Deek hit nothing but air, and got hammered into the ground.


Thor: :eek: Deek! He's being pummled!
???: Master, why don't you move their fight to Deek's home planet? He'll have an advantage there.
Thor: What an exellent idea!

Thor mutters a quick spell, and Deek, Neil, and the other fighters are teleported to a strange planet.


Deek: Ah, my home planet... You now have now chance! Look at you! You're struggling with the gravity! It's 50 times that of Earth's! You die now!

Deek flies at the crouching Neil, and stops dead when Neil pops up effortesly. Neil chucles evily, and makes small jumps to the side, his head kinda swaying with his motions(Like Vegeta when he fought Pui-Pui). Deek gasped repeatilly, in great shock.

Neil: This is nothing! I've trained at 500 times Earth's natural gravity. Now, ready to die?

Neil phases in front of Deek, and gave him a one-two punching combo. Deek falls to the ground, letting out a sigh. He started to get up...

To Be Continued when someone else continues me beating Deek up, because I'm way stronger.[/size]
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No shite.................... Didn't you see what I posted?

Seph, ar we doin this like the Buu Saga? Like, Deek bein' Pui-Pui? And me playin as Vegeta? Cuz I REALLLLLYYY wanna fight. Only thing different will be no Buu. :babble: :babble: :babble: How's that?

See? Now post me kickin some serious ***!!! AHAHAHAH-hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
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[COLOR=royalblue]*sigh* Have it your way.
[COLOR=seagreen]Neil: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! *kicks Deek down again* Had enough?!? :devil:

Deek: You foolish Sayjian. D*mn you! D*mn you all to hell!!!!

Neil: *proceeds to beat the heck outta Deek*

Sabir: Now that wasn't very nice. I'm not fully Sayjian. Only half.

Craig: Naw, same difference.

Sabir: Oh.[/COLOR]
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erm, you weren't supposed to fight deek until you get to the fifth floor -_- the enemies start weak and become stronger, but carry on if you must....
thor: it would appear that dear deek underestimated them

???: why don't you give him a helping hand?

thor: heh, ok, I guess

[thor closes his eyes and deek's strength and speed increases 20 fold]

thor: there, he is about as strong as that neil guy, although craig and sabirsing are far stronger

???: indeed, they could pose a problem, but no matter, the energy they are radiating is all we need, to hatch....[I]it[/I]

thor: indeed, after 1000 years, finally, the time has come for him to awaken

[I]In the other world....[/I]

grand: hmmm, how long has sephiroth been training now, king kaio?

kaio: hmmm, about 6 months now, I think

grand: man, talk about intense, just look at him go, he has become stronger than.....

kaio: no, son gokou still surpasses him, I can tell

grand: well, I'll take your word for it, no one knows son gokou better than you do

kaio: I sense something evil will be happening soon, and the earth may be doomed if sephiroth is not there to help

grand: but....you know I can't send him back for a day for about another 6 months?

kaio: yes, but there must be a way....

to be continued....
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Craig: Oh hurry up Neil....... this is getting boring.......

Neil: Hey, give me a break, not all of us are SSJ2's.

Craig: Well Sbir isn't, and she's still stronger than you.

Sabir grins.

Neil: Ah shut up.


Thor: Oh, bored are they........ send out some of my minions to occupy the SSJ2 and the chick.

4 alien like creatures appear infront of Craig and Sabir.

Craig: Hmm......... what do you want?

Alien: Shut up, you will die!!!

Craig: Umm........ there's only one person in this room strong enough to kill me...... and your not her.

Sabir: Thanks Craig......

Alien: Shut up! Lord Thor has instructed us to destroy you.

The aliens teleport all of them back to the 1st floor of the spaceship. The aliens split into teams of 2, and attack Sabir and Craig.

Craig: Hey, get of me, little punks!!!
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Sephiroth? Thanks for incresing my power 20 fold! :D
Oh, and the Deek thing? It's wans't Deek. It was ummm.....Keed! Yeah, here we go! lol
[size=1]Neil: You may be stronger, but not nearly strong enuff!
Keed(lol): We'll see!

Keed rushes over, and slugs Neil. Neil bends back, just like SSJ2 Gohan, and looks at Keed the same way.

Keed: No! Immpossible!
Neil: And you think this is fighting? Let's see. I haven't even done the Ha-de-en-so, or gone Super, or done both! And you're almost a match! Hahahahahaha!!!!

Keed jumps back, and powers up to his max. He surpasses Neil, his power level doubling over Neil's own.

Keed: Impressed?
Neil:..............Haaaaaa....Deeeeee...........Ennnnnnnnnn......SOOOOOOO TIMES 60!!!!!

Neil's power jumps greatly, and he is a bit stronger than Keed.

Neil: Now, if you wish to continue, hit me. If you want to just die, hit me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Keed flies over, and slams Neil into the ground. Neil stands after a bit, and stares at Keed. Keed gets angry, and assults Neil with punches and kicks, each of which Neil blocks. Neil gets pissed, and knees Keed in the gut. Keed falls to the ground, and Neil stomps him away. Neil walks up, as Keed backwards crawls away, in an attempt to get away from the ever-intimidating Sayian.[/size]
Betta? :cross: :cross: :cross: :laugh:
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AJ: Hm...looks like they don't need my help..

*sits down on a rock*

Sabir: Hey you! Will ya quit being so low?

Craig: She's right, man. Are you alright? Coz you some sorta schizo right now...

AJ: :therock:

Craig: *still fighting alien-dude-bug* What I mean is,...chill out,..like the good ol' days...

AJ: *lost in...thought*...
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Concentrating only slightly, Sabirsing easily fends all attacks from both aliens, then loses her patience completely.[/i]

Sabir: I've had it with you freaks! MASS ZENNIS!!!!!!!

Alien1: Mass what?

[i]Instantly, a small ball of ki formed inside Sabirsing's hand, then swelled into a beam of light, that spiraled upwards, and circled the two aliens, destroying them completely.[/i]

AJ: Cool...

Sabir: .....boring. I'm still waiting for a real challenge.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Neil: This has been fun and all, but it's time to end this.

Neil raises his hand, and screams out ''FLARE!!!''. The instant the words were spoken, a literal flare of energy swallowed up Keed, and exploded. Keed was nothing more than a memory.

Neil: Ok, now what?
Stats, new
Strength: 2,900,000
Speed: 3,200,000
Dexterity: 3,600,000
Spirit: 3,300,000
Ki: 4,600,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 5,200,000
Speed: 5,600,000
Dexterity: 4,600,000
Spirit: 4,200,000
Ki: 6,700,000

(it's about time I got to fight!)
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sorry to burst your bubble, neil, but it was keed's energy that increased 20 fold, looks like you'll have to do the battle again, lol....
deek: they put up more of a resistance than I thought

thor: indeed, but do not worry, this is only level 1, my minions are stronger with each level

deek: how bout sending a few more minions? aj and andrew aren't doing anything

thor: good idea

[closes his eyes and 2 more of his minions make their way towards aj and andrew]

thor: there, that should keep them occupied

[I]In the other world....[/I]

grand: I...don't believe it, his strength is amazing

king kaio: he has now surpassed son gokou's son, son gohan

grand: damn, he's a fighting machine! lol!

kaio: erm....yeah, quite :rolleyes:

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Are we going to wait for an hour for those two to fight or what?

Craig: Be a little more patient.

Sabir: As a Feral Laporin...the word [i]patience[/i]is not part of my vocabulary.

Neil: ....as sweet as a hungry tiger....*mutters*

Sabir: Something you wanna say to my face?

Neil: No.

Sabir: :demon: That's what I thought.[/COLOR]
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Andrew looks at his aponent and laughs

???: My name is...

Andrew: I don't give a sh.it! Whoever you are, you're no match for a saiyan

Andrew flies at the guy and knocks him to the ground

Andrew: Get up!

Pearl (the guys name) get's up and powers up slightly

Andrew: Well, you're more powerful than I first gave you credit for

Pearl: Don't under estimate me

Andrew: Yeah yeah

Andrew goes SSJ and they begin to fight
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Craig sits on the floor and starts to sleep.

Sabir: Hey Craig, wake up......

Craig: Wha??? Oh sorry...... but this is so boring.

Thor: Finds it boring eh....... well we'll just see about that.

Suddenly, a Balrog lands in the arena.

Balrog: Craig, we fight now.

Craig: Oh look...... a balrog....... how scary.

Craig gets up, and fires a beam, completely obliterating the Balrog.

Thor: Son of a........ it seems that one is stronger than we first thought.

Craig: Uh.......... A CHALLENGE PLEASE!!!
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Ok, seph... But tell Raiha to stop botherin me in AIM! All she ever sez is ''Can you please hurry up and kill 'Keed'?" lol ;)
[size=1]Keed appears behind Neil.

Neil: What the Hell?! Impossible!
Keed: You mat notice that my stats have increased 20-fold.
Neil: I'll bet! .............................We'll see!
Keed: Yes, we will.

Keed zanzokens in front of Neil, and puts him in a head lock, and starts kneeing him in the face! Neil stuggles to get free, and cannot break free.

Keed: *uppercuts Neil to the ground* Peh! Sayians race? You? You cannot defeat me!
Neil: You're gonna PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Neil stands up, and yells ''HA-DE-EN-SO TIMES ONE HUNDRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!''. His white auora flames out, and disappears, as Neil has absorbed it. Neil's mucsles cut down, and his speed greatly increases. Neil thrusts his hands out, just like the Final Flash move.


Neil powers up, and the air wavers in front of him as he prepares to unlease whatever this attack is...
You're in for a big treat, guys and gal...
Stats, new
Strength: 3,200,000
Speed: 4,200,000 (ummmmmm)
Dexterity: 4,000,000
Spirit: 3,900,000
Ki: 5,300,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 5,900,000
Speed: 6,900,000 (errrrrrrrrr)
Dexterity: 5,200,000
Spirit: 4,900,000
Ki: 7,800,000 [/size]
Please tell me if these are ok. I would like to keep um, seein as how I did a HDESx100 and absorbed it, and plus this spiffy new attack, which you'll see soon ~_^
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[i]The creature appears in front of Feral Sabir[/i]

Kapper: Out of my way!

[i]It pushes Sabir out of the way[/i]

Sabir: RAR!

[i]She attempts to jump Kapper from behind,
but is stopped by a forcefield generated by Thor[/i]

Sabir: RAR!

Kapper: I want the one you call AJ

[i]He head towards AJ[/i]

AJ: Ah...an escape from boredom..

[i]He stands up and begins powering up[/i]

Andrew: What the?

[i]Andrew turns around[/i]

Sabir: Huh? Never seen AJ like this before..

[i]There,...inside the forcefield, is Kapper, sent by Thor to keep AJ busy, and AJ himself...but..different..

His hair is on end,...his eyes blue-green, a yellow aura surrounding him..[/i]

Andrew: Why isn't his hair blonde? Is he...SSJ?

Sabir: Idiots...can't you see he's only managed to reach halfway?!

Strength: 4,000,000
Speed: 4,000,000
Dexterity: 4,000,000
Spirit: 4,000,000
Ki: 4,000,000

Strength: 4,500,000
Speed: 4,500,000
Dexterity: 4,500,000
Spirit: 5,000,000
Ki: 4,500,000 [/color][/b]
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