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Dragonball-a new hope


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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing went Feral Laporin again and flexed her wings slowly...[/i]

Sabir: The next challenge will be mine.

Craig: Are you sure you're up to it?

Sabir: The next challenge will be MINE! :demon:

Andrew: I suggest you let her have her way.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Neil had just singed up for the tourny, when he saw a strange, green person. Neil walks over, and inspectes the character

Neil: Hmmm...
???: What are you lookin at?
Neil: You... Just wonderin who in God's name you are...:smirk:
???: Wipe that smirk offa ya face before I rip it off.
Neil: You wish!
Zeo: I am Zeo, king of Rires! YOU WILL SHOW ME RESPECT!
Neil: *thinking* The Rire?! Zeo?! That means... Crap. I hope he doesn't recognize me...
Zeo: What now?
Neil: Watch your back, your highness...

Neil flies off, and does some meditation.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Ha-ha! I'm dead and I killed a king! Ha-ha!
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deek: it would be best to use craig and sabirsing's feelings against each other on the 5th level

thor: yes, you are right, for now, lets send out the next squad of minions, these are much stronger than the previous ones

[thor closes his eyes and 10 more minions make their way to the other fighters]

deek: the energy they will ratiate from this battle should be all that we need, to hatch....Bajin Muu

thor: indeed, and when he hatches, it will be all over for those fighters

[I]On level 4....[/I]

seph: here come the next batch of minions, even stronger than before

craig: yeah, but from what I can sense, still no match for

seph: I haven't even had to transform yet

craig: yeah, no point changing to ssj or ssj2 if there is no need

seph: ah well, I'll just fight whoever comes at me

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
[B][b]Bajin Muu?!
ROFLMAO >_<[/b] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]LOL, d*mn straight. HAHAHAHAHA!!! :laugh:
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: *cracks neck and hands* Oo...how scary...

Craig: Why go Feral Laporin when you can beat them without transforming?

Sabir: The transition doesn't waste power, and it makes me a much more dangerous fighter...so why worry?

Seph: Fair enough.


[i]With a strange spiraled ki blast, 4 of the minion's are blown away...leaving the other 6 slightly freaked out.[/i][/COLOR]
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Ok, sumthin new. I now don't sound like Vegeta. I sound like Future Trunks! *classic Goku scratch-back-of-head-and-anime-sweatdrop* Sorry! lol
[size=1][color=red]Neil: Finally! Time to fight!

{A day has passed in the Other World, and Neil's power has greatly increased}

Neil: *flying to the tournament check in.* Yes, yes, YES! Finally, a chance to test my ultimate powers!
Zeo: You're here already?

Neil spun around, to be staring eye-to-eye with the Pikkon-like Zeo.

Neil: As if...
Judge: Now, if we can have your attention, we'll explain the eliminations! Since we have over 300 competitors, we have decided on a way to cut down to the numbers! Yes, a pressure bag! Now, please line up in a ordearly fasion!

Neil dashed over with a cocky smile on his face, but did an anime stop-and-look-in-shock thing
{insert DBZ music when everyone falls anime style}
when he sees that a woman that looks very much like Sabirsing, and Zeo made it in the line before him.

Neil: *classic Goku scratch-back-of-head-and-anime-sweatdrop* Wow! You guys are.......fast!
Zeo: Hmm!
Neil: -.-'

First off the woman slightly taps the bag, and scores a 740. Next is Zeo, who tapped the bag also. Zeo got a 830. Neil, somehow, was now at the end of the line. As the endless hours of waiting passes, Neil become very agitated. Neil finally has his turn. His draws a fist back, and simply pushed forward. The bag flew back, hit the wall, and exploded!
{Insert Vegeta's lil theme music. Ya know, with bells and chimes and a electric guiter! Yeah, I watch too much DBZ! :cross:}

Neil: Now, can we continue?!
Judge: *Anime shock face with mouth wide open* Su....re......
Ahem... Well, the list is as following!
1. Acira(The chick. Hey, I just made it up!)
2. Zeo
3. Hammer
4. Dise
5. Octil
6. Krew
7. Optic
8. Cron
9. Cron's brother, Tronp
10. Neil
The battles went on, and the remaining finalists were:
Acira, Zeo, Neil, Optic, and Tronp.

Now the next fight was up... Neil verses Tronp.

Neil: Time to give up, eh?
Tronp: *Russian accent* Huh? You think you can beat m---

Tronp is thrown from the ring...

Next up is Zeo and Optic. Optic is beaten just as quickly as Tronp was.

Now Neil and Zeo must throw fists to see who fights Acira...
Neil: THIS should be good...
Zeo: Hmph! Let's just get this over with! Want to do a bit of warm-ups?
Neil: Why not?

Neil's white aoura pops up, and Neil launches at Zeo. Zeo takes flight, and they both skyrocket up...[/color][/size]
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[one of the remaining minions makes its way towards sephiroth]

seph: so, you want to play with me?

minion: :devil:

seph: very well, your move

[the demon launches itself at sephiroth, throwing punches and kicks, but sephiroth merely blocks them all with his right hand, without much effort]

seph: is....that all? damn, I thought level 4 would be more difficult, if you have anything terribly important to say to fist, I suggest you say it now?

minion: huh?

seph: .....too late

[sephiroth puts one hand on the demons head, and crushes it instantly]

seph: now that wasn't too difficult, now....

to be continued....
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Craig sits down, and relaxes. A minion makes it's way towards him, but Sabir launches at it and takes his head clean off.

Sabir: You could atleast defend yourself.

Craig: Against these...... give me a break, I don't need to. Anyway you said you wanted the next fight.

Sabir: Fine..........
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Andrew just stands there thinking while the others fight.

Andrew:*thinking* How do they get so powerful? I can't take it anymore! I must know!

Andrew's anger grows and His power grows with it.


He power's up to his max. His power then increases. It goes higher and higher and then his spikes up more. his power increases greatly.

Andrew:*Thinks* Excellent!
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 5,000,000
Speed: 5,500,000
Dexterity: 5,000,000
Spirit: 5,000,000
KI: 6,000,000

Andrew's new stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 10,000,000
Speed: 11,000,000
Dexterity: 10,000,000
Spirit: 10,000,000
KI: 11,500,000
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[sephiroth notices andrews transformation and walks up to him]

seph: so, you've become ssj2

andrew: heh, of course!

seph: want to see my power as ssj2?

andrew: sure :smirk:

seph: very we....

[in an instant, without even charging up, sephiroth becomes ssj2, a huge golden forcefield surrounds him, his powerlevel going through the roof]

andrew: HOLY S.HIT!!!

seph: don't forget, this is just ssj2....

andrew: huh, what do you mean JUST ssj2? :therock:

stats as ssj2....

Strength: 78 000 000
Speed: 78 000 000
Dexterity: 78 000 000
Spirit: 78 000 000
KI: 78 000 000
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *crosses arms* Are you guys done showing off?

Seph: :D

Andrew: SHOWING OFF?!?!?

Sabir: Yes. :demon: Showing off.

Andrew: ....If I could match your strength...I would...

Sabir: Key word: "if" And since you don't, get your head together and calm down or I'll take your head off completely, and then your friends could try to put it back together. :demon:[/COLOR]
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Andrew: Dammit woman calm down!

Sabir: Did you just call me woman?

Seph: Now he's done it!

Andrew: *slips out of sight* Yoink!

In the shadows of his hiding place Andrew thinks to himself.

Andrew: He's still got more power! How is it possible? The other world*grins evily:devil:*If I can get there. This requires more thought.
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Abandoning her natural calm state, Sabirsing lashes outward with her psychic power and knocks Andrew out of his hiding place.[/i]

Sabir: Coward....hiding from me...

Andrew: Aggh! Let me go!

Sabir: *holds up hands* I'm not holding you...

Seph: Let him go Sabir.

[i]Shrugging, Sabirsing removes her psychic hold on him, and drops him to the ground with a vicious twist.[/i]

Craig: What's with you Sabir?

Sabir: I'm tired...angry....and I'm starting to get hungry...:demon:[/COLOR]
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Craig walks over to Andrew, in hysterical laughter.

Craig: Man, I bet you consider your self strong don't you?

Andrew: Well....... umm......... uh.........

Craig: You haven't seen anything yet........

Craig see's Seph's stern face........

Craig: I mean besides Seph obviously......

Seph grins.

Craig: I bet you actually thought you could hide from Sabir too?

Craig falls on the floor laughing.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: :laugh: You really are funny, despite your already strange appearence.

Andrew: :demon: Are you calling me ugly?

Craig: *now in hysterics* No....she's calling...calling...calling you..a.a.a.a freak!

Seph: Enough of this.

Sabir/Craig: *sober up instantly*

Sabir: ......so.....what will come to us on the fifth level?

Seph: I'm not sure...

Sabir: Hey! Your wife will want to say hello.

Seph: I'll get her.

Sabir: No. I will. *teleportation*

Clair: ...*playing with the baby*

Sabir: *appears next to her* Clair, let's go.

Clair: Huh?

[i]Quickly, Sabir grabbed Clair's arm and touched the baby's forhead, teleporting them both to Sephiroth.[/i]

Sabir: Meet your husband. :angel:

Seph: ...Clair...

Clair: :eek: ....Sephiroth![/COLOR]
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[size=1]Neil launched more upwards, and was about to reach Zeo when he zanzokened away!

Zeo: Where is he?!
Neil: BOOM!

Neil swung a hard right, only to have Zeo block it.

{Insert battle music when Goku fought Pikkon/when Trunks fought Goten at the WMAT}

Neil and Zeo both threw out blow after blow, all being blocked. They bounce around the ring, and began firing Ki blasts. The crowd had to leave the grounds for they were in danger of being injurued. After a few minutes of non-succesful vollies, Neil and Zeo seperate, both winded.

Zeo: C'mon, boy! Show me your real power!
Neil: Show me your's...
Zeo: Boy, this is my maximum!
Neil: Then you'd best pray!

Zeo yelled in anger, and decked Neil straight in the kisser. Neil bent back, exactly SSJ2 Gohan.

Zeo: *Jumps back, and makes a completely scared look* IMMPOSSIBLE!
Neil: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.........

In a flash, Neil transforms into a Super Sayian.

Zeo: :nervous::nervous::nervous::nervous: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek:
Neil: Fuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy...[/size]
Hmmm..... I need a good way to go SSJ2........ Everyone's passin me up... -.-'
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[sephiroth walks up to claire and gives her a hug]

seph: I have missed you greatly

claire: and so have we

[sephiroth looks down and sees his son in claire's arms]

seph: how is shinouku doing?

claire: very well, he has said his first word already!

seph: really? what was it?

claire: .....dad

[a soft look appears on sephiroth's face, and hugs his family again, a tear appears on his face]

seph: thats my boy....

craig: *whispering* hey sabir, I think we should leave them alone for a while

sabir: yeah, I think you are right

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Come on...

[i]Grabbing Craig's hand, the two teleport away...giving Claire, Sephirot, and Shinoku time to be a family again.[/i]

Sabir: That's so sweet.

Craig: Yeah...

Sabir: *sigh* I wish I still had a family.

Criag: ....Well, you turned out great, inspite of the fact that you never had one.

Sabir: :o. Thanks Craig.[/COLOR]
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I'm tired of fightin weak enemies. -.-'
[size=1]The tournament was over. Neil had been declared the winner, as both Zeo and Acira gave up when Neil turned Super Sayian.

Neil: -_- -.-' This is boring...

Tele[b]PATHIC[/b](Happy, Raiha?) link to Sabirsing and Craig.

[i]Neil: Can I please come home now?
Sabirsing: Are you sure you want to? You should train some more.
Craig: She's right...
Neil: Peh. You two have no idea what I've done here. Vegeta's nephew has done a lot.
Sabirsing: Nephew? WTF?
Neil: Eheh... Long story. My dad was Vegeta's half-brother. And here I am. Dunno how though. Oh, well. Ok, do sumthin to get me back to the world o' livin. I need a real fight..[/i][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Placing her hands out in front of her, she lets out a wild screech and her power level goes wild. Instantly, an orb of gold apears around her outstretched palms and spreads into a ball of magic. Letting it fall to the ground, Sabirsing surrounds herself with all the availible magic in the air and screams...[/i]

Sabir: Power of one! Restore, Renew, BE REBOOOOOORN!!!!

[i]Immediatly, a shadow appeared inside the gold orb. It expanded and the magic shattered, bringing Neil back to life. Sabirsing powers down and pants with the effort.[/i]

Neil: ....ungh.....that was a rush....

Sabir: *kicks Neil repeatedly* Stupid stupid stupid Sayjian! You couldn't go to your normal level! You just had to come back super.

Neil: Ow ow ow! What's wrong with being super!?

Sabir: The stronger the being, the harder it is to bring him or her back to life! Thankx to you, my magic is used up for the hour...

Neil: You're welcome.[/COLOR]
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seph: you and shinouku must go now, it is not safe here

claire: ok, but promise me you will come back to us

seph: you know I will, when the dragonballs are restored

claire: ok, just come back soon, ok?

seph: sure

[sephiroth places his hand on claire's shoulder, and both her and shinouku are teleported back home]

seph: farewell....now, back to the action

[sephiroth sends a telepathic message to the rest of the fighters]

seph: guys, its time for the final level now, hurry up....

to be continued....
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AJ: (thought) I wonder if Shinokou's gonna turn out like his Dad...

AJ: (thought) What the hell is he gonna call us? Uncle Craig and Aunt Sabir! lol

[i]AJ bursts out laughing[/i] :rotflmao:

Andrew: :therock:

AJ: (thought) Hehe, and what about Andrew over there?! Uncle Andy? roflhao

Sabir: Uh,...is he...OK? Coz I can't sense what he's thinking...too much...grey..

AJ: (thought) Uncy AJ! HAH!

Craig: Kids these days...just when ya think you know 'em..[/b]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *shudder* They become complete weirdos.

AJ: :laugh:

Andrew: Someone hurt him for me....If I hit him, I might knock his head off.

Sabir" *sigh*

[i]Hauling back, Sabirsing backhands AJ across the face, sending him into the 4th level of the ship. And completely sobering him.[/i]

Andrew: Man that was annoying!

Sabir/Craig: ...No kidding.[/COLOR] :blueshift :shifty:
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