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Dragonball-a new hope


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[size=1]Neil suddenly pops back with the others.

Sephiroth: Yo. That was fast. Only a day or so bein' dead.
Neil: Errrrr. T'was two months for me. -.-'

Neil looks at Sabirsing, eyeing Neil down. Neil detransforms, and sidesteps away.

Neil: :toothy:
Sabirsing: :demon:
Neil: Errrrr......................................

There is a long silence as everyone waits. They wait on hours on end, not a single one of them saying a word, execpt from the ocassionel outburst of ''HURRY UP, DAMNIT! WE'RE WAITING!!!''. Neil hovers in the air, pacing back and forth. Suddenly Neil drops to the ground, and gaspes for air, on hands and knees.

Sabirsing: Hmm?
Everyone else: Hmm?

Neil starts pounding his head into the floor, time after time(Like the ninja in MGS, in Otacon's lab.). Neil finally rears up, and screams, and holds his head. He holds his head so tight, that his skull begins to crack. He flies up, and shakes violently. He falls to the ground once again, and stands.

Sabirsing: What the Hell was that?!
AJ: Amen.
Neil: I......I......I.I.I don't know. It felt like someone was in my head. Looking through me, into me. And it hurt.....[/size]
Soon to com! ^__^'
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[COLOR=seagreen][i]Sabirsing quickly runs up to Neil and places her hands on his face. She dives into his mind and searches for answers.......Soon, she screams in fear and falls to the ground.[/i]

Neil: .....ow...

Sabir: Oh god.......Neil.........you've got to fight their control....

Craig: What's going on?

Sabir: I looked into his mind...and it's not pretty....Thor's trying to take control of Neil's mind. And it's it's it's horrible! The pain they have in store for him....that was just the begining....Aruke's helping Thor with the magic....

Sephiroth: Any idea what they'll do to him?

Sabir: They will force him to grow to his full maturity level.....like Aruke forced me to grow to a girl of 12. The spell is painful......like being ripped away from life, to be restored to a half life....a cursed life...

Seph: What do we do?

Sabir: We can do nothing. Until Aruke comes.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Neil: UH-UH! NO! WE just blow it up now!

Neil quickly flies up, and extends his hand upwards(For all of you that have seen this, don't worry.) Neil charges his hand, and a pink-red Ki blast begins to form in his hand. The blast swells, and in a few seconds, it is filing the room. Suddenly, Neil screams again, and cluthes his head. He falls to his knees, and transforms into a Super Sayian. Pure energy sparks of of him.

Sabirsing: Oh, no!

Neil rears his hand back, and slams his head into the floor. His energy auora dies down, but he's still transformed. He just kneels there, gasping for air.

Neil: Ha....ha.........ha........ha........ha.....he.........he(Gaspin. Doy!)
Sabirsing: Is.....is it over.....?
AJ: Too weird.....
Andrew: Tell me about it.
Craig: *Classic Vegeta-type gasps of shock* It's.....unreal....
Sephiroth: Tell me about it.....
Stats, New
Strength: 7,900,000
Speed: 7,900,000
Dexterity: 7,700,000
Spirit: 7,600,000
Ki: 9,900,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 9,500,000
Speed: 10,000,000
Dexterity: 9,800,000
Spirit: 8,600,000
Ki: 12,400,000

???(Hmm. Wonder what this could be)
Strength: ???
Speed: ???
Dexterity: ???
Spirit: ???
Ki: ???[/size]
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[size=1]Neil slowly stands, energy bouncing all over him. His eyes are completely white.

Andrew:......Neil? You ok?
AJ: Neil?
Neil: Cometo le cospur-rito!
Andrew: Huh?
Neil: Le carsdo pret ya ve............
Sabirsing: What the Hell......

Suddenly, everyone is thrown of their feet.

(I used one of my attacks, Mega Force. Mega Force. Read it: Mega Force: An invisible force attack that blows your opponent back with great force. It has the same force as a rocket going 1000 MPH, and ramming into a 10 mile thick concrete wall. It can be shot either from an open palm or from the eyes.)

Craig: What the Hell was that?!
Sephiroth: Uggggggh......God, felt like my head exploded!
AJ: Woah! Uh, damn! Look at him!

Neil stood there, pulsating with pure energy. He raised his hand, and the others were hit with another Mega Force.

Andrew: FUUUUCK! That hurt!
Sabirsing: Andrew! DON'T!
Andrew: SHUT UP!

Andrew launched himself, directly for Neil...[/size]
No hard feelins, y'all. Just makin this intesting...
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Andrew launces a punch directly at Neil's face. Neil blocks with his own and punches Andrew in the face. Andrew gets up and stares Neil down. Andrew tenses his right arm and with immense speed he smashes Neil in the face. He is sent across the room and through the wall. Neil lies on the floor motionless

Andrew: I know you can take more than that.

Neil get's up quickly and kicks Andrew in the face. He flies across the room and stops before hitting the wall. He flies back at Neil and they begin fighting
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[size=1]Neil launched at the still-fallen Andrew, and punched him square in the gut. The world seemed to go into slow motion as Andrew coughs up blood.

{Music plays where Vegeta died on Namek}

Andrew gagged as Neil pushed his fist further and further into his gut. Andrew managed to kick Neil off of him, and stand. Neil backfliped away.

Neil: So, you holdin back power? You'd better hope so.

Neil extends his arm, and the air wavers in front of his outstreched palm.

Andrew: NOOOOOO!
Neil: Fury...........FLAMMMMMEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

The beam of firey flames shot straight for Andrew as Neil smirked confidently.

Thor: My plan is working perfectly! At this rate, Deek, you won't even have to fight!
Deek: Yes, but what if he does indeed blow up the ship?
Thor: Oh, nonsense! I'll just stop them before they can do anything! *Deminuative evil laugh*

Sabirsing: This is madness! Why is he doing this?!
Craig: Why didn't he fight like ya told him to?!
Sephiroth: I think......I think Neil is only partly controled.
AJ: Why's that?
Sephiroth: Dunno. Just a feeling I have. He seems like he's being pulled between Thor and himself. Just an intution.
Sabirsing: Let's hope........he can stop himself......[/size]
BTW, does Thor look/speak like Babidi? Just wonderin......
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The flames head for Andrew but with all his power he jumps out of the way. He gets up to his feet still dripping blood from his mouth. He wipes it away and looks at Neil.

Andrew: No way is this my full power.

He gets on his feet and begins to yell. His muscles tighten and his hair sticks up more. There is a lot of force coming from him and the ship starts to shake.

Andrew: Now we will continue.

With lightning fast speed Andrew sweeps Neil and then puts his foot on his chest and begins to crush his lungs.

Neil:*gasping* Uuugggghh

Andrew: Do you give up?
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 7,000,000
Speed: 7,500,000
Dexterity: 7,000,000
Spirit: 7,000,000
KI: 8,000,000

Andrew's new stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 14,000,000
Speed: 15,000,000
Dexterity: 14,000,000
Spirit: 14,000,000
KI: 15,500,000
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[size=1]Neil smirks and Andrew, and grabs his ankle, and slams Andrew on the ground. Andrew screams in pain, and Neil jumps up, and pulls Andrew's leg over him.

Neil: You have yet to see my poker face.
Andrew: BASTARD!

Andrew pulled his leg free, and hammered Neil's chin with a rolling heel stomp. Andrew kept his momentum, and elbowed Neil in the chest. Neil just hovered in air, and frowned disapprovingly at Andrew.

Neil: Poor boy. Doesn't know who he's dealing with.....
Andrew: *classic Vegeta gasps-o'-shock*

Andrew jumpflips back, and lands some 50 odd yards away. Neil powers up slowly, but his life force expands quickly.

Andrew: What?! NO WAY!
Craig: It's unbelievible!
Aj: No! Immpossible!
Neil: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Neil suddenly bursts with energy, and his hair spikes out. It looks like Future Trunks' when he transforms, only the spikes spike straight-out. Neil raises his hand

Neil: Boom.....

The all-too-familier golden beam that is Mega Blast, Neil's strongest in his arsonal. It flies at Andrew at way-too-fast speeds. The beam is mere millimeters away from Andrew. He cannot dodge it....
Strength: 11,900,000
Speed: 11,900,000
Dexterity: 10,700,000
Spirit: 10,600,000
Ki: 13,900,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 13,500,000
Speed: 14,000,000
Dexterity: 13,800,000
Spirit: 11,600,000
Ki: 15,400,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 19,000,000
Speed: 20,000,000
Dexterity: 18,000,000
Spirit: 16,000,000
Ki: 23,000,000

If this is too extreme, Seph, please tell me. I'll do sumthin. But I would like to keep it. -.-' Well, it's not my final call...
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Andrew looks at the blast and fires a small blast of his own. He is pushed back and jumps out of the way.

Neil: Can't escape that easily.

Neil moves the beam back towards Andrew.

Andrew: ****!

the beam flies at Andrew and he catches it. He is pushed back and smashed against the wall.

Andrew: AAAAhhhhhhhhhhh F**K!

The beam hits him in the chest and then he falls to the floor.

Neil: Who's next?

Andrew slowly gets up

Andrew: *coughs up more blood* We're not....... done yet!

Neil: you want more?

Andrew:.........hell yeah
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Craig: Oh you are done!

Neil: You can't stop me now Craig, I'm as strong as you now!

Craig: Your nowhere near me!

Neil: Prove it!

In an instant, the ground starts shaking as Craig smirks. He goes SSJ2, and his hair spikes up like Vegitto's. His muscles tighten greatly as the ship starts to crack.

Craig: There, you are little more than 1/4 of my power.
Craig's stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 60,000,000
Speed: 60,000,000
Dexterity: 60,000,000
Spirit: 60,000,000
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[size=1]Pure energy sparked up in Neil's face, and gave him an idea.

Neil: So that's how I complete the move...
Andrew: *couch, cough, hacks up blood* What?
Neil: I've always wondered how to complete the Fury Flames attack. It always leaves you sort of drained. So, I wondered how to perfect it. And I found out. I now realize that you have to push it, not simply let it flow. But now I have a better idea.....
Andrew: Oh? and what's *cough* that?
Neil: I've made a new attack. But enough of this mindless babble!

Neil raised his hand, and {Music plays where Vegeta attacked Cell when Cell and Gohan both fired Kamehamehas} charged for this unknown attack.


A golden beam shot straight for Andrew.
(It looks like the second energy beam that Vegeta shot at Cell after he killed Trunks. Ya know, the ones where he fired alot real fast. Like that, only one. Exactly like that, only, er, much more powerful and damnit I'm having a hard time with this.)

Neil: Say GOO' BYE!
Andrew: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Craig: ANDREW!!!!

At the last second, Craig jumped in front of the beam, and knocked it into the far wall. The explosion blew open the ship's hull, and completely obliterated that side of the wall where the beam hit...on the entire ship...

Neil: Oh, so you want some too, huh?!

Neil starts charging for a second, and shakes his head. His eyes go back to the normal drak green of a Super Sayian. His vision blurs, and he falls to the ground. He passes out as everyone looks at him....[/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabirsing: Enough of this! :demon:

Sephiroth: What's your plan?

Sabir: I've had enough of Aruke and Thor! It's bad enough being Varis! I'm not letting Neil suffer like I did!

[i]Filled with rage, Sabirsing marches over to Neil, and presses her hands against his forhead.... Drawing her mind into his with a furious energy, Sabirsing jumps into his mind.....

Neil: ....:sleep:

Sabir: RISE!

Thor: Leave this place to me little girl...

Sabir: No! I'm taking control of this RIGHT NOW!

Thor: You are no match for me.

Sabir: HAH! I am a stronger mage than you will ever be!

She reaches out with her mind and lashes upwards with her power, severing the silver thread connecting Thor to Neil.

Sabir: You will never come to trouble this boy again![/i]

Neil: *wakes up* .....ugh...

Sabir: *draws out of his mind* :flaming: I HATE THAT B*STARD EXCUSE FOR A MAGE!!! :flaming: If he tries to pull another stunt like that, I'll...I'll...

Craig: Take it easy!

Sabir: *breathes* Sorry...[/COLOR]
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Damnit.....-.-' You COMPLETELY messed up me and Majin's plan. ...........*IDEA* Fufufufufufufufufufufufu.... Majin, AIM me.
[size=1]Neil rocked back on his shoulders, and made a backflip. He landed on his feet, and walked up to Sabirsing.

Neil: If you EVER go into my mind again, I'll rip out your FRIGGIN SPINE AND BEAT YOU WITH IT!
Sabirsing: But!
Neil: EVER!
Sabirsing: I was frickin helpin y--
Craig: *Whispering to Sephiroth* I think he's still under Thor's control...

There is a very long silence as everyone simmers down.

Neil: Ok, that's it! We should just blow up the F.UCKIN SHIP NOW!
Andrew: Amen! We should at least bust down the door!
Aj: :therock:

Suddenly, the door opens up.............[/size]
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Andrew Is kinda ****ed up pretty good after the fight

Andrew: Don't we have any senzu beans?

Craig hands him a senzu bean and he swallows it whole

Andrew: That was good! *power increases* Onward!

Sabir: Let's go!

They all go down to floor 5

Thor sends minions against all the fighters except Andrew

Andrew: So where's my fight eh?

Thor: *speaks to him through his mind* come to me!

A small door opens and Andrew goes through it. It closes behind him and he walks up to Thor.

Andrew: What do you want from me?

Thor: I sense the evil within you. Join me and I will give you great power

Andrew: Really? :devil:
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 9,000,000
Speed: 9,500,000
Dexterity: 9,000,000
Spirit: 9,000,000
KI: 10,000,000

Andrew's new stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 19,000,000
Speed: 20,000,000
Dexterity: 19,000,000
Spirit: 19,000,000
KI: 20,500,000
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Ok, Majin Vegeta's voice is mine since I got back from the OW. Forgot to mention that.
[size=1]The floor around Neil cracks and shakes as he powers up to SSJ2. He screams in ain as he unleases his full potential. The ground snaps and shakes, and finally rests.

{Vegeta's lil theme music here}

Neil: *Classic Vegeta evil snicker(Hmm. Wonder who my fav. character is.)* Time to end this!

Neil flies forward, and begins ''fighting'' with 3 of the many minions. Battles rage around him, and he eventually has had enough.

Neil: {Enter music where Vegeta fired a Final Flash at the Cell Jr.} ENERGY CANNON!

With a single blast, Neil completely obliterates the three minoins. The firey explosion dies down after a few minutes. Battles still continue as Neil just stands there. He turns, and walks into the door that Andrew went in. There, he sees Andrew kneeling next to the deminuative figure known as Thor.

Neil: So, you finally realized Andrew's potential, huh?
Thor: Yes, and I must say he's ripe for the picking. Hahahahahahahaha!
Neil: Peh! Well, too bad you won't live long enough to enjoy it!
Thor: *Whispers a spell*

Neil suddenly launches back into the long, winding corridoor, and back into the room where the others are. His eyes blaze complete white, and he screams out in pain as he cluches his head. Andrew appears in front of him, completely stern. He pushes Neil to his knees, Neil still screaming in pain. Suddenly, Neil's body spazes. He falls on the ground, and all is still. He stands after a minute, his eyes completly white. He stands looking at the others. You could swear he was Majin Vegeta, exept for his hair. A ring of energy rises up, and disappears as it passes Neil's head. Neil sidesteps, and he and Andrew stare at the others.

Craig: Andrew.....
Aj: What the Hell.......?
Sephiroth: This ain't good.....

Both Neil and Andrew raise their hands as they charge for extremilly powerful Ki blasts.
Stats for Bajin Neil
Strength: 15,900,000
Speed: 15,900,000
Dexterity: 14,700,000
Spirit: 14,600,000
Ki: 17,900,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 19,500,000
Speed: 20,000,000
Dexterity: 18,800,000
Spirit: 15,600,000
Ki: 21,400,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 23,000,000
Speed: 23,000,000
Dexterity: 21,000,000
Spirit: 20,000,000
Ki: 28,000,000
Raiha, you can't de-control us. Why? I'll explain in a later post.[/size]
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Andrew stands tall and firm with the new B on his head (Bajin Muu).:flaming: and so does Neil. The both start fireing KI blast at the gang. Neil begins to fight with Craig. Whenever Craig tries to punch Neil He is sent flying back by an invisiable sheild. Andrew takes on Sabir. Like with Craig she can't hit him because of the sheild.

B.Andrew: You fools! Thor's power is endless! you won't be able to beat us!
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Craig: You gonna do it first or shall I?

Sabir: Be my guest....

Craig powers upto SSJ2, and creates a shield of his own, completely destroying the two Bajin shields.

B. Andrew: But how......

Craig: Idiot! Maybe Neil isn't as ignorant as you are...... maybe he sees that we can easily break those shields.

Neil flies towards Craig and starts punching and kicking at him. Craig tries to block all the attacks, with some difficulty. They are evenly matched in strength and speed, but Neil is trying a lot harder than Craig.

B Neil: GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Neil smashes Craig in the face, and Craig kicks Neil in the gut. Neil hurdles up into the air, as Craig hurdles backwards. Neil stops, breathing quite hard. Craig stands there normally.

Neil: Shall we?

Craig: Lets go!

The two warriors fly at each other again........... evenly matched in speed.
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Just liked to say I ain't ignorant and I wouldn't say that
Andrew watches Craig and Neil fight only moving his eyes. He then swiftly punches Sabir in the gut. She looks at him and punches him back. she goes to punch him again but he zanzokens behind her and kicks her in the spine. She falls to the floor and get's back up straight away. she flies up infront of Andrew. They face of with kicking and punching like mainiacs.
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[size=1]Bajin Neil: *Thinking* ...........So that's it, huh?
Craig: Huh?

They both meet, and each throw a right punch. Their fists crash together, and they just float there, staring at each other.

Bajin Neil: Boom!
Craig: What the?!

Suddenly, another Bajin Neil appears next to Craig, and kicks him in the gut.{Music where Vegeta died on Namek plays} Craig coughed up blood. Craig grips his gut, and slowly desends from the air. He lands on his feet, and gasping for air, and still holding his gut. He stands erect as Bajin Neil and the copy merge. Bajin Neil powers up greatly, shocking Craig.

{Music where Goku tells Cell he'll be the first to fight him in the tourny plays}

Craig: His power is unbeliveible!

The area around Bajin Neil incinorates as his energy aoura grows.

Bajin Neil: *classic Vegeta evil smirk* C'mon, Craig. Don't tell me you didn't see that coming!
Craig: *Classic Vegeta gasping in shock* Ah-ah-aha-haha-ah.....
Bajin Neil: Still reeling from that kick?

Bajin Neil instantly appears in front of Caig, and starts hammering his face in. After a bit, Craig lands a left-right combo on Bajin Neil's skull. Bajin Neil jums back in pain, and stares solomly at Craig.

Bajin Neil: I guess that was a good enough warm-up, eh?
Craig: Yeah....[/size]
Stats for Bajin Neil
Strength: 17,900,000
Speed: 17,900,000
Dexterity: 16,700,000
Spirit: 16,600,000
Ki: 19,900,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 22,500,000
Speed: 23,000,000
Dexterity: 21,800,000
Spirit: 18,600,000
Ki: 24,400,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 27,000,000
Speed: 27,000,000
Dexterity: 25,000,000
Spirit: 24,000,000
Ki: 32,000,000
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Craig: Hmm........ intresting.

Neil: Whats so interesting?

Craig: I never thought you'd be so weak as to take the easy way out, just to be strong.

Neil: Well, I'm stronger than you are.

Craig: Wrong again numb nuts.

Craig braces himself and explodes with power. His power matches Neil's.

Neil: But how........ I used a Ha-de-en-so times 350....

Craig: This is my max power as SSJ2. But thats just as SSJ2......

Neil: What do you mean by tha...

Craig launches at Neil and kicks him hard in the gut. Neil goes hurdling into the wall, he coughs up a lot of blood.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Andrew: *kicking and punching*

Sabir: *sigh* *block* *block* *block* COME ON!

Andrew: What the...?

[i]Sabirsing shakes her head sadly, then releases a Silver Noose. The cords whip around Andrew's body and holds him imoble. The more he struggles, the more her grip crushes him.[/i]

Sabir: Move again, and I'll squeeze you like a worm.

Andrew: Let me go!

Sabir: ...tsk tsk tsk...you'd think you would be able to stand up to a [i]little girl.[/i] I mock you.

Thor: BLAST YOU SABIR! :flaming:

Sabir: :rolleyes: Huff and puff all you like Thor. It's not going to really phase me.

Andrew: AGHH!!!

Sabir: I'm really sorry Andrew!

[i]Using one of her most painful attacks, Sabirsing lets her energy sear around Andrew's mind, ripping him away from Thor. He quickly loses the B on his forhead and drops to the ground.[/i]

Thor: You stole my creature!!!

Sabir: ...so?[/COLOR]
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[size=1]Bajin Neil: You arrogant fool! You are no match for me.
Craig: We'll see.

Bajin Neil stands up, and spits some blood and saliva out. He smirked, and curled his arms up, as if he was doing a Big Bang Attack. White and blue electricity bounched off him and hit the floor(Like Metal Gear Rex when you finally beat it. Before it explodes and all). He screams deafeningly, and yells ''HA-DE-EN-SO TIMES THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY!!!!!!!!!''

The blazing white auora flared out, and hammered Craig into the wall. Craig stood, and gaped in horror.

Craig: *Complete shock* He's! HE'S PERFECTLY EVEN WITH ME!
Bajin Neil: Yes. See the true power of the Sayian race! See what we can accomplish?! Come, Craig! Join me and Andrew at Master Thor's side! We'll rule the universe!
Stats for Bajin Neil
Strength: 38,000,000
Speed: 38,900,000
Dexterity: 37,000,000
Spirit: 37,600,000
Ki: 41,000,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 42,000,000
Speed: 43,000,000
Dexterity: 41,000,000
Spirit: 48,000,000
Ki: 54,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 62,000,000
Speed: 62,000,000
Dexterity: 62,000,000
Spirit: 62,000,000
Ki: 62,000,000[/size]
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