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Dragonball-a new hope


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AJ: Grr...all of you...[color=red]STOP IT!!![/COLOR]

[i]His hair stands on end, and floats up, his muscles bulge, and his eyes disappear..
He looks like Super-Trunks, but without the blonde hair..[/i]

AJ: Why do you all have to keep fighting for?!

Sabir: *yawn* Ah...he's at it again....well...atleast he did it in record-breaking speed this time..[/b]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Arching her back slowly, Sabirsing floats gently through the astro plane..........slowly breathing.......quietly moving....

Sabir: ....why do I fight?

????: To recieve life...to give to those who have none...

Sabir: It seems so harsh....with no family....

????: Fight on...press on....we will come soon...

Sabir: Thank you....[/i][/COLOR]
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[sephiroth has been watching calmly as all the events unfold, when he suddenly has had enough]

seph: enough of this insolence! you will all stop.....NOW!!!

[sephiroth charges up, huge bolts of lightening surround him, the force so powerful, it is sending everyone against the wall]

craig: holy s.hit, I think he's snapped

sabir: you can say that again

[sephiroth's body begins to glow, as his eyebrows begin to disappear, and his spiky blonde hair goes all the way down to his feet]

b.neil: what the-a new level?!

thor: yes! what power! bajin muu will hatch now!

[behind thor, an egg begins to hatch, and a green monster emerges out (think of a green kid buu)]

thor: yes! he has finally been released you are all dead now!

seph: I think not

[sephiroth aims his hand at thor and blasts him, there is nothing left of thor]

sabir: bajin muu has been released, looks like were in trouble

craig: I dunno about that, seph's power is STILL growing!

[sephiroth and muu stare each other down, as muu charges up to his maximum]

to be continued....

ssj2 stats

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 75 000 000
Speed: 75 000 000
Dexterity: 75 000 000
Spirit: 75 000 000
Ki: 75 000 000

Super Sayian 3 stats
Strength: 150 000 000
Speed: 150 000 000
Dexterity: 150 000 000
Spirit: 150 000 000
Ki: 150 000 000
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[i]Muu spits towards the side, all the while facing Sephiroth[/i]

Muu: Wok wok! :flaming:

SSJ3 Sephiroth: Grrr....*still powering up* :demon:

Sabir: That is some intense.. :wow:

Andrew: S.hit :excited:

AJ: Those bangs s[i]oooo[/i] don't suit him now... :freak:

Craig: (thought: shut up) :therock:

Craig: Hehe,...you guys think he's the only one? :naughty:

[i]Everyone except Muu, and Sephiroth turn round and face Craig[/i]

Strength: 17,000,000
Speed: 17,000,000
Dexterity: 17,000,000
Ki: 17,000,000
Spirit: 17,000,000

Strength: 20,000,000
Speed: 20,000,000
Dexterity: 20,000,000
Ki: 20,000,000
Spirit: 20,000,000[/b][/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing smiles thinly, then throws back her head and screams. In an instant, her powerlevel rivals Craigs. At the same time, her already huge wings turn scaly and leathery. Then her eyes go silver, and her hair turns to fire. She steps forward next to Craig and faces Bajin Muu.[/i][/COLOR]
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Andrew, still lying on the floor, holds his head as the pain goes through it.

Bajin Muu: *Telepathically* Rise my friend! come to my side and infinite power is yours!

Andrew: *holding his gaping head* Aghhhh.

Somehow he is completly healed and the B returns to his head. He flies to Muu's side and wathces Muu and Seph stare down.
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Bajin Neil smirks evily at Bajin Muu.

Bajin Neil: Bout time......

Bajin Neil suddenly appeared next to Craig, and hammered him in the face with a right backhand. Craig flew back into the remaining wall, completely obliterating it.


Craig zanzokened behind Bajin Neil and pummled him with a left uppercut. Bajin Neil recovered, and he and Craig threw their hands at each other. Their hands locked, as each of them pushed at each other. They both screamed in anger as their energy caused a massive electric storm. Bajin Neil narrowed his eyes, and screamed as his enery shot up.

Bajin Neil: HA-DE-EN-SO TIMES 400!!!

Bajin Neil's power came dead even with Craig's. They both jumped back, and then sprang forward again.

{DBZ battle music where Pikkon and Goku were fighting plays}

Craig and Bajin Neil engage in close hand-to-hand fighting, each of their moves cancelled out by the same exact move. Their punches collided, and huge explosions of force expanded outwards from the impact. The ship was being torn apart.

Bajin Neil's and Craig's hands lock again as they appear on the ground.

Bajin Neil: This is not an opproprite place.

Both Craig and Bajin Neil disappear, and reappear in the Sahara Desert.

Bajin Neil: Yes, *grunts in struggle* this will do.
Bajin Neil: You're just sayin that cuz you want to be Sephiroth's shadow! Or do you not have a choose? How would you like to have HIM follow two steps behind YOU? You can, if you join Muu's side! C'mon! You'll finally be free of living in his shadow!
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Muu places his hand on B.Andrew's shoulder and a huge power goes from Muu to Andrew. B.Andrew smirks evily and Muu is uneffected and still has his full power.

Andrew: thank you my friend!:devil: Now Sabir would you like to comtinue?
Bajin Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 64,000,000
Speed: 64,500,000
Dexterity: 64,000,000
Spirit: 64,000,000
KI: 65,000,000
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Craig: I'd rather be Sephiroth's underling than Muu's *** licker! And no-one ever said I was two steps behind him anyway!

Neil: What?

Craig: Hmph, you'll see!

Craig charges at Neil, and their hands lock, as they try to push each other back. A crater starts forming beneath them, as their huge powers collide! Electricity flickers around them both.

Neil: I'm as strong as you now Craig.

Craig: Yeah, and you cheated to do it. But I will still win!

Craig launches his knee into Neil's gut, and Neil punches Craig n the face. Neil drops to the floor, winded, as Craif flies uncontrollably back. Craig regains control, as Neil starts to fly towards him.

Craig: Rintexsoruku!!

Not so much a beam, but more of a force, launches seemingly from Craig's oul itself towards Neil. It has the appearence of a huge wind, invisible, but you can still feel it coming. It strikes Neil, and it knocks him back into a mountain.

Neil: GGGGGGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Craig: Come out Neil!

Craig loks on at the bellowing smoke cloud, as a winded Neil plots his next move.
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[size=1]Bajin Neil extended his hand from within the mountain. His face was stern and cold. He slighty snapped his wrist, and Caig was sent flying to the ground.

Craig: Damn, that hurts!
Bajin Neil: No ****!

Bajin Neil powers up, and the escaping force causes the mountain to explode. His hair moves slightly up as his power continues to skyrocket. Bajin Neil is now completely even with Craig, in every which way.

Bajin Neil: Looks like this is the end.
Craig: In your dreams! You think that stupid attack put me out?! FOOL!
Bajin Neil: *Angry Turlitz snarl* What?!

Bajin Neil begins pummling Craig with Mega Forces. Craig takes most of the blasts with ease. But some hit him with full force.

Craig suddenly bursts from the ground, screaming in anger, he hammers Bajin Neil with a right hook to the face. Bajin Neil goes flying, out of control. Craig thrusts his left hand out, and his right hand behind it.


A white blast with a kind of red auora flew out, and impacted straight on Bajin Neil. Bajin Neil managed to raise his arms in protection, but most of the blast hit him. The blast exploded in a huge fireball, and when the smoke cleared, Bajin Neil had tons of scrapes and cuts.

Bajin Neil: You're gonna pay!

Bajin Neil raises his hand, and screams out ''NUCLEAR BLAST!'' As soon as the word were spoken, a pure white energy beam crossed the distance between Bajin Neil and Craig. It hit Craig dead on, and exploded in a huge mushroom cloud. When the dust cleared, Craig had an equal amount of cuts as Bajin Neil.

Bajin Neil: Well, looks like this will keep me busy for the moment....
Bajin Neil and Craig's stats:

All: 90,000,000 >>>84,000,000[/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabirsing: Certainly......*whipsers* Fear Factor....

Andrew: *eyes open in surprise* AGh! NOOO!!!

[i]Instantly, horrible memories of pain and death flood into his mind and he screams as he relives his worst experiences....His nightmares rise from his subconcious and whirl around him, taunting him.....[/i]


Sabir: I'm sorry Andrew. I can't have it any other way...MAJESTIC FLAMES!!!

Andrew: *is hit by the fire brand*

[i]He goes flying back into the ground, body on fire...Sabirsing stalks up to him and places her fists against his chest. With a mettalic clang, 6 inch claws spread from her fingers into his body. She releases him with a vicious twist. And he begins to bleed horribly.[/i][/COLOR]
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[both muu and sephiroth have charged up to their maximum and both charge at each other, exchanging punches and kicks, their battle is so intense that the whole ship begins to fall apart]

muu: ghaaaah!!!

seph: so, you cannot speak yet, can you?

muu: ghaaaah!!!

seph: fair enough

[the battle becomes so intense, that all of the fighters begin to be blown away from the sheer force]

seph: enough of this....

[sephiroth flies up into the air and puts both arms in front of him]

seph: KAAAAAAA......MEEEEEE......HAAAA.....

[bajin muu looks at sephiroth curiously]

seph: MEEEEE......HAAAAA!!!!

[the huge beam is hurtled towards muu, who puts up both of his arms]


[muu launches a kamehameha back at sephiroth's beam, both collide with each other]

seph: impossible! he done it after seeing it once!

[both beams collide, its a face off]

to be continued....
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Looking at his new wounds Andrew stands up and places his hand over it and begins to concentrate. He stands fora minute or 2 and then moves away his hand. The wound is gone

Andrew: Ya gotta do better than that!

He flies at her full speed and before he hits her he zanzokens behind her and jabs her in the back of the head. She quickly flips round and round house kicks him in the face. They begin fighting some more exchaning blows. Andrew uppercuts her in the chin then flies backwards and fires a small blast at her right in the face.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *sigh* I wish you hadn't of made me do this...

[i]Pulling her tunic over her head, she throws it to the floor, making a huge crater. Next she kicks off here pants and faces Andrew, dressed in barely anything. She pulls out her Spirit Stone...[/i]

Sabirsing: Spirit Stone Transformation...ELEMENT...EARTH!!!

[i]In the center of a huge earthquake, Sabirsing's body morphs and writhes with power. Imediatly, her fingers sprouted into claws and her hair turned into a mane. Her body became tigerlike and she hit the ground on all fours, as a Sphinx. A lioness's body and a girl's face.[/i]

Andrew: ...:therock:

Sabir: RAA!!

[i]Leaping upwards, Sabirsing rushes through the air and lands on Andrew's chest, knocking him to the ground. She bares fangs and her eyes glow red...[/i][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *sigh* I wish you hadn't of made me do this...

[i]Pulling her tunic over her head, she throws it to the floor, making a huge crater. Next she kicks off here pants and faces Andrew, dressed in barely anything. She pulls out her Spirit Stone...[/i]

Sabirsing: Spirit Stone Transformation...ELEMENT...EARTH!!!

[i]In the center of a huge earthquake, Sabirsing's body morphs and writhes with power. Imediatly, her fingers sprouted into claws and her hair turned into a mane. Her body became tigerlike and she hit the ground on all fours, as a Sphinx. A lioness's body and a girl's face.[/i]

Andrew: ...:therock:

[u]Sabir: RAA!![/u]

[i]Leaping upwards, Sabirsing rushes through the air and lands on Andrew's chest, knocking him to the ground. She bares fangs and her eyes glow red...[/i][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

[b]Meh, I was close enough before,...but anyway...another SST?
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Craig: I don't want to kill you Neil!

Neil: Like you could!


Neil: What are you talking about? Your no stronger than I am....

Craig: That's where your wrong Neil.....

Neil: No, I am not wrong, I'll show you!

Neil charges at Craig, throwing punches and kicks, Craig managing to block them. Neil is perspiring a lot more than Craig.

Craig: Whats wrong Neil? Getting tured?

Craig does a backflip, booting Neil n the chin as he does so. Neil rockets into the sky. Craig flies after him and grabs his arm. He slings him down towards the ground.

Neil: GGGGGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Neil stops, then charges at Craig again. He kicks Craig in the side of the head, and then punches him in the gut. He then goes to punch him in the nose but Craig ducks, and uppercuts Neil.

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B.Andrew grips Sabir's paws and throws her off. He fires a small blast into her face which blinds her temperarily(sp). While she id disabled he fires the

B.Andrew: FINAL FLASH!!!!!!

It hit's her in the chest and sends her flying into the wall. He then prepares another attack.

B.Andrew: ENERGON BOMB!!!!

The large ball flies at her with amazing speed and hits her through the wall. B.Andrew follows her.
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Bajin Neil: Oh, you FOOL! You want to see my true power, huh?!
Craig: What are you talking about?!
Bajin Neil: Oh, you'll see!

Spearding his arms out in an ''X'' formation, Bajin Neil screams in rage, as his power level shoots through the roof. Bajin Neil rears his head back, and screams defeafeningly. His hair adjusts, and shoots out in all directions. Basically the same as before, but only more spiked. His muscles cut down, and he grows a few inches taller. He launches at Craig, and shoulder-rams him in the face. Craig lets out a long sigh as he plummets dow to the Earth. Bajin Neil phases in and out, hovering in the air. Craig heads straight for him. Bajin Neil rears his leg back, and hammered Craig in the spine(Like SSJ2 Gohan with the Cell Jr.). Craig's eyes go completely blank, and he falls to the ground.

Bajin Neil: Fool. No match at all.
Craig: *Classic Vegeta gasps of shock/pain* Ahh.....ah...aha..ahaha......aww....ahhh.ahaha
Bajin Neil: Fool. *Bajin Neil raises his hand, and charges up an enegy attack* NUCLEAR BLAST!

The white beam flickers in Bajin Neil's hand, and becomes solid. Bajin Neil flies up about 100 yards, and fires the beam at Craig. It hurls down, straight towards it's target...
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Craig explodes with power, quickly surpassing Neil's. He easily deflects the blast away. He then charges at Neil and kicks him straight in the nose, sending him high into the air.

Craig: This ends now!

Craig extends his two first fingers, and points them at Neil.

Craig: ShindanGERU!!!!!!!!!

Craig fires a fist sized beam, but extremely needled at the end. It heads straight for Neil at tremendous speed. Neil starts to head away, but the beam goes straight through his knee. Neil cries out in pain.


Craig flies up, and kicks Neil straight in that knee. Neil cries out in pain once again. Craig kicks him in the face, then delivers a double blow to his back. Neil hurdles towards the ground, and crashes with amazing force. Craig holds his two fingers out again.

Craig: The next one goes through your head Neil, give up. You cannot win.

Neil: GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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[size=1]Bajin Neil slowly stands, leaning on one leg. He raises his hands, and the air infront of him wavers. Craig sighs sadly.

Craig: Goodbye...

Bajin Neil slowly starts to charge, but suddenly he falls to the ground, on his knees. He clutches his head, and screams in pain. He rears his head back, and yells, louder than ever, in terrifing pain. Craig looks on at him, as his clothes change to the traditional Sayian armor, and to a suit exactly matching Vegito's, and to a suit that matches Majin Vegeta's. The clothes flicker between themselves, and they finally stop at the Sayian armor. The 'B' tatoo on Bajin Neil's forehead has changed to a deep, deep, deep red. Bajin Neil's eyes turn dark green again, and he collapes on the ground.

Craig: He did it..........He regained control.......He's too damned much.
Neil: Yeah.........I am......*Vegeta laugh of triumph*
Craig: One question......what was it like?

Neil stands, and extends one arm over his wounds. White energy soars onto him, and wraps him up. The energy disperses, and Neil is completely healed. He does the same to Craig after he walks over.

Neil: Very weird. I was, like, pulling myself both ways. One side wanted me to fight you. The other.........the other screamed out in agony every time I injured you.
Craig: And that coming from you sounds very, very, VERY weird.
Neil: -.-' Don't remind me.
Craig: Oh, why do you still have the 'B' on your forehead?
Neil: It'll go away once Muu is deafeted. Now, let's go kick some ***!
Craig: -_- .......Great. He's back to his normal self again...

Neil and Craig both disappear, and reappear in the ruins that was once called Thor's ship.

Neil: Nice. I like the redecorating. I just wish I coulda done in.
Strength: 42,000,000
Speed: 40,000,000
Dexterity: 40,000,000
Spirit: 40,000,000
Ki: 43,000,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 53,000,000
Speed: 50,000,000
Dexterity: 50,000,000
Spirit: 50,000,000
Ki: 54,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 72,000,000
Speed: 70,000,000
Dexterity: 70,000,000
Spirit: 70,000,000
Ki: 73,000,000[/siZe]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabirsing: Enough is enough! MIND BLAST!!!!!!

[i]Instantly, a white swirling mist appeared around Sabirsing's forehead and moved to encircle Andrews. He tries to claw it away, but it enters his mind and implodes......sending lancing pains through his entire body.[/i]

Andrew: AGAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!! What is this?!?!?

Sabir: The true psychic power of the Laporin race...

[i]Moving with incredible speed and grace, she leaps off the ground, and swiftly returns to her Laporin self, except with silver hair. With a quick flip, her long bladed staff appears in her hand. She whirls the point an inch from Andrew's neck.[/i]

Sabir: Had enough? Or shall I disconect your head from your body?[/COLOR]
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