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Dragonball-a new hope


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[the beams continue to collide, sephiroth beginning to put more pressure onto it]

seph: you are....no match.....for me!

muu: ghaaah!!!

[suddenly bajin muu greatly increases the force of his kamehameha, and it begins to overpower sephiroth's, just before the beam hit sephiroth, sephiroth teleported out of the way and kicked muu to the back of the head]

seph: dammit, your much stronger than I thought

???: you won't be able to win

seph: huh? who are you?

deek: I am deek, I work for thor, and I have been waiting for this moment in which muu hatches

seph: so, your to blame for this....and I can sense that your very strong

deek: indeed, and now, I will become a part of muu, come muu, absorb me and become far more powerful!

seph: no, you fool!

[muu walks up to deek, taps him with the tentacle on his head and turns deek into a cookie, he then eats the cookie]

muu: mmmm.....cookie....cookie! :bellylaug

[suddenly, muu's powers greatly increase, as he begins to transform, the force so strong, it sends everyone flying back]

seph: dammit deek, what have you done!

[when the smoke cleared, muu stood there, changed, grown up (just think super muu here, wearing gokou's clothes]

seph: crap....his energy is much higher than mine....

to be continued....
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Craig and Neil arrive next to Sephiroth.

Craig: We're hear to help Seph.

Sephiroth: I don't know what to do........ he's so much stronger than us all........

Craig: Well we still have to try!

Craig whips his hands out behind him, as his energy explodes. His hair spikes up more, and his eyes turn completely white.

Neil:*thinking* Why didn't he use this power when we fought?

Craig stands next to Seph, his aura blazing around him, and electricity flickering around his aura.
Craig' new stats:
Strength: 30,000,000
Speed: 30,000,000
Dexterity: 30,000,000
Spirit: 30,000,000
Ki: 35,000,000

Craig's new SSJ2 stats:
Strength: 95,000,000
Speed: 95,000,000
Dexterity: 95,000,000
Spirit: 95,000,000
Ki: 110,000,000
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Andrew grips the staff and spins it, throwing Sabir back. He hits her away with a small ki.

Andrew: Now check my Pyschic power! *throws out his hands*

Sabir stops completly frozen.

Sabir: Dammit! I can't move!

Raising his hand to the air Andrew smirks as Sabir goes up with it and smashes into the ceiling. He throws his hand down and Sabir then smashes into the floor. Screaming with pain as Andrew laughs evily:devil:.

Andrew: Come on, get up!

Sabir gets up and looks at him.
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 20,000,000
Speed: 20,500,000
Dexterity: 20,000,000
Spirit: 20,000,000
KI: 21,000,000

Andrew's new stats as SSJ2:
Strength: 65,000,000 --- --->?
Speed: 66,000,000 --- --->?
Dexterity: 65,000,000 --- --->?
Spirit: 65,000,000 --- --->?
KI: 66,500,000--- --->?
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Ok, enuff Music-a-vision. Just imagine all da DBZ music while you go along! :)
[size=1]Neil powered up slightly, and looked coldly at Andrew. His hair spiked up even more, and more towards the middle. He closly resembled SSJ2 Gohan.

Neil: Craig, you help Sephiroth. I'll help Sabirsing. ............Jeez, never thought I would say that...

Neil zanzokened next to Andrew, and implanted his fist in Andrew's gut. Andrew bent over, and gagged and gasped for air. Neil slowly removed his fist from Andrew's tangle of intestines, and hammered his face with a kick. Andrew fell up to the ceiling, and Neil phased in behind him.

Neil: Andrew, stop it.

Neil flew down, and kneed Andrew in the spine, and floated around to look him in the face. Andrew clenched his back, and his face twisted in horrorible pain. Neil uppercutted Andrew in the neck, and Andrew fell from the sky. He landed in a loud thud, and Neil flew down slowly, and landed next to him.

Neil: This will put you out........ FLAAAAAAAAAAARE!

As soon as Neil cried out, and literal flare of energy shot out, swallowed Andrew up, and exploded. Andrew landed on the back wall, causing it to tumble down apon him.

Neil: Sorry, but it had to be done...
Sabirsing: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Strength: 47,000,000
Speed: 46,000,000
Dexterity: 46,000,000
Spirit: 46,000,000
Ki: 49,000,000

Super Sayian stats
Strength: 56,000,000
Speed: 56,000,000
Dexterity: 56,000,000
Spirit: 56,000,000
Ki: 62,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 82,000,000
Speed: 80,000,000
Dexterity: 80,000,000
Spirit: 80,000,000
Ki: 83,000,000[/size]
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[i]Super Muu snaps his neck (like Piccolo) and then rolls his shoulders,
adjusting to the feel of his new outfit..he looks across the room, and decides how to play his cards..
Sabir-Shocked at Neil's beating of his friend
AJ-Nothing to worry about
Neil-Too busy knocking Andrew in
Craig-Ready to rumble
Sephiroth-Sort of worn out..[/i]

Super Muu: Me..me want challenge...challenge after challenge..

Craig: Then fight me

Super Muu; WOK!:flaming: Start from ...from weakest up..gha...YOO!

AJ: Me?

Super Muu: *extends head-tentacle and slaps him across the face*

Super Muu: YOO![/b]
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Super Muu: Wok...NO..behind

[i]Behind AJ, lies the battered, now normal (but with a Red B) Andrew..[/i]

Super Muu: *hits AJ with head-thing again* Stupid fool..WOK!

[i]Muu massively powers down, then puts the other fighters into unbreakable glass orbs of energy(no, you can't break Muu down psychologically through these, Raiha, and Sephiroth can't break 'em down til it's his fight :p)[/i]

Super Muu: Staaaaaaand yup! Fight!

Andrew: *dizzily walks around, determined to beat him*

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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *muters* Damn that ****ing bastard to hell....

Andrew: ....:blueshift:

Neil: You okay?

Sabir: Sure. *stands up*

[i]Putting her magic skills to their limit, Sabirsing places both hands on Andrew's forhead.[/i]


Andrew: :eek: Oh...that's nice...

[COLOR=seagreen]Mm...let me point something out to you Majin Vegeta, Sabirsing is half Laporin which roughly translates to: Strongest psychic powers in the galaxy. Translation: You can't use psychic power to defeat her, the only thing that will is a mage with supernatural powers or brute strength, and a whole lot of it.[/COLOR]
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OOC: First of all, Andrew is OUTSIDE the lil box thingy. Second of all, you don't really think your psychic power is number one, do you, Raiha? Can your's change past as we know it? Erase the universe? Now, I'm not saying MINE is best, just that your's isn't. Got me? Ok.
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[COLOR=royalblue]LOL, let me point something out SSJ4444: Sayjians are not the most psychically inclined beings in the universe. Laporins are waaaaaaaaaaaay better at the whole "psychic" deal. If it's in their blood, and they're inhabited by Spirits, then of course their minds are going to be stronger than the minds of Sayjians. Duh.[/COLOR] :whoops:
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See, there you go again. Ok, look. There's something you don't know about Neil. He's not an average Sayian. He was...how can I put this... [i]enhanced[/i] with psychic abilites. He may be a bit stupid, but his powers are unchartible. So, as many spirits as a Laporin has, he can easily match him/her(are there male Laporins?). And, of course, if by some miricle(and this is HIGHLY unlikely), someone's abilites are higher than his, he simple reconstructs the universe. I'm just trying to be fair for once in an RPG. *looks at how he beat the $hit into Majin in his post* Well, he was evil!
Everyone: Mmmmmmmm-Hmmmmmmmmm :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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[COLOR=royalblue]Well then, Mr. High and Mighty, perhaps this thought never occured to you.......but you're not a god. You can't reconstruct the universe. Yes there are male Laporins, but they don't have as much psychic power. Perhaps you should take a trip into your mind sometime.........and reevaluate your so called "psychic skills."[/COLOR] :p
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[b]Everyone calm down with the arguing...listen...it doesn't matter who has a bigger brain, remember, you're/we're all in big washing-up liquid bubbles, and no matter how psychic you are, you can't break 'em.
The only one out of one is Andrew.
Now, he can either stand side-by-side with Super Muu, as a Bajin, or he fight him til he gives up..
..in which case it's my turn, and then Neil's, then Raiha's then Craig's then Sephiroth's...
..this way, Muu can release little-by-little his power, and everyone gets a fight with the Big/Super Cheese, himself...OK?

Now shhh........think bubble..[/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
[B][b]Wow,..I stopped an argument...now if I can only get this purple laugh smilie to work..:Purplelaugh:[/b] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Nope, it didn't work AJ, I don't think that one ever has...[/COLOR]
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Andrew rotates his shoulder, snaps his neck and rubs the blood from his mouth.

Andrew: Once we're done Neil, I'm gonna beat so much crap out of you. *looks at Muu* and now you.

Muu: I get tired. Hurry up.

Andrew: Your move.

Muu quickly flies at Andrew and plants his boot in Andrew's gut. More blood pours from his mouth and he grunts angrily.

Andrew: You have no idea how much that hurt!

Andrew then puts a stone glare on Muu and they stare at each other. Andrew powers up quickly and flies at Muu and then plants his foot in Muu's jaw. Muu flies back and looks Angry. He flies at Andrew, full speed and starts knocking Andrew around. Andrew is thrown at the wall and Muu punches him the guts contsantly with a pounding earthquake each time. Andrew falls to the floor on his knees and coughs up a hell of alot of blood. Muu looks at him inpatiently as he stumbles to his feet. Andrew gets up and with his last bit of power he readys an attack. His entire body begins to glow yellow amd his hands shine brightly. He joins them together infront of his chest and closes his eyes. His power increases immensly as he sticks out his arms.

Andrew: If you think your so strong.....don't move!

He begins to shout and the ball of energy in his hands grows larger. He looks at Muu and smirks

Andrew: ULTIMATE FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!

The huge beam flies with tremendous speed and hits Muu right in the face. Andrew callapses to the floor and sighs with relief. Muu appears from the smoke and dust and looks more pissed than ever.

Muu: Strong. Not strong enough! Now you*points to AJ*

Andrew: *gets up Shakely* I'm not done yet!

Craig: Stop! What more can you acomplish?

Andrew: You worry when it's your fight!

Andrew begins to power up some more But Muu shots a thin piercing beam at Andrew, going throw his heart. He falls immeadiatly and lies montionless.

He wakes up and sees a hallow above his head.

Andrew: ****!
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[b]Andrew's dead? Cool! I think that means everybody's died once atleast now...

Muu: He gone, you turn!

[i]AJ's bubble pops, dropping him on the floor, flat on his ***[/i]

AJ: You killed him,...you monster..

Muu: You better challenge,..me put power up little..

[i]Muu closes his eyes and sighs, then reopens them again[/i]

Muu: All done! You want fight outside?

AJ: Anywhere..

[i]Before AJ can blink, he and Muu are standing outside..
in a rocky range, with some flat ground, and a large lake nearby..[/i]

Muu: DING!

[i]Muu lunges at AJ and connects him one on the kisser reeling him backwards

He follows this up with a quick left footed kick

AJ uses the force of the kick to swing himself back towards Muu, and he lefters him

Muu, now kicks him, but AJ cross blocks

Again, he kicks, to be blocked away..

Twice, three times, and a fourth..

AJ seizes the moment and goes for a shot, only to be forced back.
They fight close up, punches and kicks.

Muu has AJ fly-stepping backwards with every block, until he's edged up, back to rock.
He punches, only to hit rock.

AJ counters, with a duck, and a left-knee to the gut, but that too, is blocked with a steady hand by Muu.

Muu lands down, looking up, at AJ who is diagonally up ahead.

[color=red]Muu: Why you no die so fast?

AJ: You killed Andrew

Muu: Oooooh, anger, wok wok, you get stronger...

AJ: Shut up and fight, you dog

Muu: What wrong with dogs?[/color]

Muu laughs to himself, and flashes and disappears.
AJ looks down, and to both sides.
He turns around to get hit by Muu's right foreleg.
As AJ's face & body spin clockwise, he turns around quickly, and tries to forearm axxehandle drop on Muu.
Muu quickly lands down before it.
By the time AJ's landed down, Muu's already prepared a beam which looks like the Final Flash.

[color=red]Muu: Muu Beam-HA!
[size=1]Yes, I know it means 'Muu Beam Wave' :D[/size][/color]

No sooner has he released tha blast, Muu flies upwards.
AJ sees the blast and also jumps up, so the blast hits a rock behind him.[/i]

I'll post the other part in the next post. Doing them all in one post is way too long, so I'ma bite-size 'em...yes
this [i]is[/i] a Vegeta-Gokou rip-off :pBut you can't stop a-me[/b]
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On snake way...

Andrew: Dammit! I'll get that piece of **** Muu when I return. Although I wasn't using my full power I need to get stronger. I better find that Kai guy.

Andrew runs of towards King Kai's new planet. He quickly arrives to see KK standing around doing nothing.

Andrew: Hey! you must be King Kai.

KK: That's correct. And you are Andrew. How can I help?

Andrew: I need some training from you, and possibly from someone higher.

KK: You mean tha grand kai. It might be arranged, but we'll see.

King Kai begins to train Andrew in the art of kaioken.
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Craig looks on crazily at Muu. His power starts skyrocketing.

Craig: How... many... time.... must.... you.....hurt.... my..... frrriiiieeennnnddddsssss!!!

Craig rears his head back and he explodes with power. His muscles bulge as his eyebrows dissapear. His hair grows down to his legs, and electricity flickers around him violently. He starts banging on the glass, but to no avail.

Craig's new stats:
Strength: 30,000,000
Speed: 30,000,000
Dexterity: 30,000,000
Spirit: 30,000,000
Ki: 35,000,000

Craig's SSJ3 stats:
Strength: 170,000,000
Speed: 170,000,000
Dexterity: 170,000,000
Spirit: 170,000,000
Ki: 190,000,000
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ...The senzu bean isn't working!

Sephiroth: *moan* A healing spell...do something!

Sabir: I can't promise anything...

[i]Centering her energy.......Sabirsing's eyes glow white, then silver. She places both hands on Sephiroth's chest and starts her white magic spell....it momentarily restores him...but soon he falls back to his former state.[/i]

Sabir: D*mn him to all hell!!!

Seph: Is that all?

Sabir: I thought it'd come to this...

[i]Moving Sephiroth's head to her lap, she puts her hands on his face and sighs....her life force slowly flows into his and they balance eachother out......keeping eachother alive....

Seph: *telepathically* Thank you.

Sabir: Just hold on....I'm going to connect to you as soon as the time is right...

Seph: When's that?

Sabir: When the moon eclipses iself. Bilouhou is working on that now...it should only be a few hours....until then....Craig needs to keep Muu occupied...

Seph: Alright....[/i][/COLOR]
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[sephi begins to think, and then closes his eyes]

seph: no need for that sabirsing, you don't need to waste your own life energy, I will just use some of my own life force to heal myself

sabir: what?! but you can't!

seph: don't worry about it, I'm already dead, remember? it won't effect me like it would have if I were alive

sabir: oh, I see

[a blue aura engulfs sephiroth, and within seconds he is fully healed]

seph: there, I don't know when this weird disease will act up again, but I will ask king kaio about it when I return, now I need to go help craig!

[sephiroth charges up to ssj3 and rushes to craig's aid]

to be continued....
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LOL. Coulda sworn Aj was fightin Muu. Then of course there's me. But Muu won't live past me. I can guarentte it. :devil: :devil: :devil:

So, we're all in the lil bubbles, and Aj's fightin Muu, who just killed Andrew(hey, it rymes)

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On King Kai's planet...

KK: Well done! you have now learnt the kaioken technique and the genki dama.

Andrew: Thanks King Kai!

KK: And that training session with the grand kai has been arranged. You just have to go to his house

Andrew: Could you take me there?

KK: Sure. I'll use my Instant translocation(whatever it is) To get us there

Andrew: Why didn't you teach me that?

KK: Fine

King Kai teaches Andrew the technique and then they were on their way to meet the Grand kai.
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