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Dragonball-a new hope


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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ...Bilouhou...now would be a good time..

Bilouhou: I'm working on it! Save your batteries...

Sabir: *groan* This is sooooo boring...

Seph: So give us a hand!

Sabir: I would if you two would get off his ***.[/COLOR]
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[sephiroth lands next to craig]

seph: need any help?

craig: not right now, I want to see what he's capable of!

seph: your in over your head, he's far more powerful than the both of us

craig: well, I'll be the judge of that

seph: well don't forget, if you still have those earrings, we can still fuse....

to be continued....
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Muu: Neh, two SSJ3's...... neh!!!

Craig: I knew you'd say that.

AJ and Muu continue to fight, and Craig still bangs on his glass container.

Seph: Maybe I can get you out from the outside.....

Seph blasts the container, smashing it to pieces. Craig and Sephiroth look on at the fight.
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Andrew and King Kai arrive at the Grand Kai's house.

Andrew: It's big.

KK: It would have to be. He's very important.

Andrew: So let's get to the training.

KK: Hold on! he's busy at the moment! He's a very bust man.

Andrew: I don't care! I want my training!
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[size=1]Neil stood, looking at Seph and Craig banging on the glass.

Neil: Muu........You...will.....DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!

Neil's power level jumps once again, and he unleases his true Super Sayian 2 powers. His hair slides back in a large group, pointed back. About 10 thin groups remain in his face, just above his eyebrows(think Jin from Tekken 4, only Super :D). Neil's eyes.....turn a bright white again.

Craig: Oh, ****! NOT AGAIN!
Sephiroth: Aw, man!
Neil: Relax! I'm just gettin ready!

Neil reached up, and put his right hand on his head. He yelled out in pain, and a steel-colored auora envonloped him.


The auora took shape to Neil's body, and expanded into a shape of a dragon. The dragon, with Chinese-style body, neck, head, claws and tail and English wings stood 9 feet tall, and 20 feet long with the tail(12 without tail), and a wingspan of 17 feet. (Steel Inferno was a bio-mechanical dragon, which Neil took over. By bio-mechanical I mean that the dragon is living, yet metal and such) The claws were a foot long each, and razor sharp. The teeth were half a foot each.

Craig: :nervous: Ummmmm.......
Sephiroth: O.o WOAH!
Sabirsing: :eek: EEP!
Steel Inferno: Now......Muu dies!

Steel Inferno reared is head back and slammed the glass box. But the box held together.

Steel Inferno: Well, looks like Muu will have to wait to fight me...
Strength: 50,000,000
Speed: 49,000,000
Dexterity: 49,000,000
Spirit: 49,000,000
Ki: 52,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 85,000,000
Speed: 84,000,000
Dexterity: 84,000,000
Spirit: 84,000,000
Ki: 88,000,000

Steel Inferno stats(Note: *stats are temporary*)
Strength: 285,000,000
Speed: 284,000,000
Dexterity: 284,000,000
Spirit: 284,000,000
Ki: 288,000,000[/size]
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The doors to the house open and the grand kai comes down the steps

Andrew: Finally!

GK: So you must be Andrew.

Andrew: That's right. now can we get on with the training.

GK: eager are we? Well then let's go.

Andrew and the Grand Kai walk into a large training room. The training begins.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *looks to the sky* It is time.

[i]Moving into a perfect lunar eclipse, the entire moon was blocked out by the shadow of the earth.[/i]

Sephiroth: What's that mean?

Sabir: I can do this!

Craig: What?

Sabir: WHITE SPELL!!!!!!!!

Seph: woah!

[i]A huge white light glowed from Sabirsing's body and surged towards Sephiroth, engulfing him completely....Swiftly, the virus was erradicated from his body......and he was totally healed.[/i]

Sabir: Fun!

Seph: That's a rush...

Sabir: Any time.[/COLOR]
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[I]Meanwhile, as all this was going on, someone almost forgotten was standing on the edge of a cliff, a large clumb of dirt in his hand, and his jet black cloak swaying in the wind. [/I]

Warlock: "I wonder what the others are up to..."

[I]Thinking for a few seconds, Warlock clamped his hand hard on the dirt clump, crushing it into heaps of small pieces, which slowly dripped off Warlock's hands like an hourglass.[/I]

Warlock: "I really need to get training again...I can't even sense anything out of a 100 mile radius..."

[I]And with that, Warlock jumped off the cliff, and started flying off into the distance...[/I]
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heh, welcome back warlock :)
[sephiroth thanks sabirsing for completely healing his virus, and continues on to watch the fight with craig and her]

craig: hmmmm, he's pretty powerful, think he can defeat muu?

sephiroth: ......no, he has no chance

craig: I thought not

[the fight between inferno and muu goes ever intense, but after a while it becomes apparent that muu is the stronger]

seph: see? told ya

sabir: but how will we defeat muu?

seph: .....well craig? the earrings?

craig: .....

muu: candy, candy, fireman is candy!!!

seph: huh?

[they all look at muu, inferno nowhere in sight, a piece of candy is on the floor with a -_- on it, and muu makes his way to eat it]

seph: s.hit!

[sephiroth quickly flies in and lands a huge kick at muu, sending him back, sephiroth grabs the candy and heads back to the others]

seph: uhh, sabir, anything you can do about him?

sabir: .....

to be continued....
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Craig holds up the potarru earings.

Sephiroth: You ready?

Craig:*deep breath* Yeah. Here, catch.

Craig throws an earing at Seph. He catches it, and they each put one on. They fuse, and a brilliant white light erupts from the being. The others sense a tremendous power, and when the white flash vanishes, one body is there. An SSJ2. A huge aura flames around him, and electricity flickers violently around him.

Sabir: Whoa, Craig and Sephiroth..... in one body.....

Ceroth: Now Muu, you will die!!!
Seph, you can do the stats.
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muu: huh? who you?

ceroth: I am ceroth, the tool to your destruction, your death will be because I have willed for it to do so

muu: ugh....fishcakes

ceroth: .....-_- whatever, time for you to die!

[ceroth charges up to his maximum, muu starting to get a little worried]

ceroth: you will pay for your folly

[in an instant, muu is punched and kicked in several places at once, ceroth's speed is too great to even comprehend]

muu: aaah....ouchies

to be continued....

stats as Ceroth

Strength: 700,000,000
Speed: 700,000,000
Dexterity: 700,000,000
Spirit: 700,000,000
Ki: 700,000,000
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ..............hard candy.......this is strange...

Hard Candy: ..............

Sabir: Ah, a reversal spell, this is easy.....

Ceroth: Do it now!

Sabir: Of course. *claps hands twice* Power of earth, fire, and water, head the call of a father's daughter! REVERSAL!

Hard Candy: :eek:

[i]In a burst of flame, the Candy turned back into the dragon and flew off into the air.[/i]

Sabir: As I figured......I didn't get a thank you...:rolleyes:[/COLOR]
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ceroth: you are no match for us, muu, we are your destruction

muu: why you say we? you 1 person! crazy!

ceroth: call me crazy?!

[ceroth lands a huge punch to muu's face]

muu: ugh, time for bye bye now

[and in a puff of smoke, he disappears]

ceroth: dammit, he ran away, this can't be good, he can still get more powerful by absorbing, as we have just seen

sabir: well what are we waiting for? lets go!

aj: hmm, may as well just join you guys

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Should I bring back Andrew?

AJ: Naw, it's nice and quiet without him.

Ceroth: But we might need him later.

Sabir: *sigh* and I brought him back already...

AJ: On second thought, let him stay and train with the Grand Kai.

Sabir: *shrug* Sure, I already expended alot of magic Reversing Steel Inferno.

Ceroth: How long before your magic levels go to normal again?

Sabir: Half an hour if I don't fly, or stress myself.

Ceroth: ....and if you fly?

Sabir: An hour.[/COLOR]
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With an immense weight on him and a very high gravity Andrew trains in a small room. The grand Kai watchin his every move and telling where his faults are.

GK: No no! do it this way... that's it!

Andrew: When do you teach me some new techniques?

GK: Once your style is better.

Andrew: What do you mean?

GK: you are alittle sloppy.

Andrew: SLOPY? me?

GK: Now, let me see you do some push-ups.

Andrew: what's that gonna prove?

GK: I wanna see how long you caan last with out food, water and constant excercise. This will start you off.

Andrew: Do you actually eat here then?

GK: Of course! don't be silly!

Andrew carries on as the Grand Kai keeps telling him how to do eveything.
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AJ: Hey Ceroth...when you were Craig and Sephroth...how did Sephiroth get out of the bubble..

Ceroth: Muu let me out...I guess he got bored of fighting a weakling..

AJ: Well...I guess you're very straightforward..

Ceroth: Hmm...so...

AJ: Before you go on..a question..

Ceroth: Yees?

AJ: Why do you say 'we' still? And what's with the double voice?

Ceroth: Mind Your Own Business..

AJ: Touchy...[size=1]schizo..[/size]

Ceroth: Grr..:mad: [size=1]brat..[/size][/b]

Cool! New Smileys! I guess me being reported to the Mods *cough cough Kuja cough cough* for flaming about it, was worth it then *takes a bow*
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *slap* Act your age AJ!

AJ: I am!

Sabir: ......like hell you are.

AJ: Well slapping me isn't nice! That's immature!

Sabir: In case you forgot......I'm 15.

AJ: :blush: Oh yeah. :whoops:

Sabir: *sigh* WHY ME?!?[/COLOR]
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I'll let ya know when I want to come back.

Andrew carries on for 3 days in otherworld time.

GK: Good!

Andrew: But I can carry on!

GK: Your pushing yourself to far. you need some rest. We will continue tomorrow.

Andrew: got it.
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Out of nowhere. Neil appears, his normal self. His outfit has change to an almost exact copy of Vegito's, only his shirt sleeves are a bit longer. He also has small, golden loop earrings,...one on each side.

Ceroth: Copy cat.
Neil: Naw. Price I had to pay to unleash Steel Inferno.
AJ: But......didn't you know about Steel Inferno before?
Neil: Yeah. *reads AJ's next question telepathically* But I only summoned him during meditation. Mind Training and such. So, I knew what the effect was.
Sabirsing: Wait. You actually thought something out before hand? YOU?
Neil: :laugh: Yeah.
Sabirsing: These past few days have been weird...
Ceroth: Yup! :cross:
Neil: Sooooooooo.......... Where do we go? I personally think we should train. I'm not sure, but I have two more times of being able to use the new ROST. Right? And once more for the old. Am I right?
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ceroth: we have no time to train, sephiroth's time limit here on earth is nearing completion, 3 hours are left

neil: ....great

ceroth: we need to get back to earth and try to stop him

sabir: great, but how? I can't fly, and if I do I have to wait an hour for my magic

ceroth: don't worry about it

[sabir begins to float]

ceroth: I'll take you there using my mind

sabir: great, then I can just relax! :D

ceroth: now lets go to the earth! we should be able to sense muu once we are there....

to be continued....
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