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Dragonball-a new hope


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Andrew stares at the Grand Kai as his endless speech goes on. He talks about power and how to use it properly and when it should be used.

Andrew: Can you speed this up a bit?

GK: A fiesty(sp) one eh? We'll see what you have learned, in a fight with me!

Andrew: *sarcastically* oh no, oh no.

GK: Shut up and fight!

They both take stance and begin to fight using little of their powers.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]ceroth: we have no time to train, sephiroth's time limit here on earth is nearing completion, 3 hours are left

neil: ....great

ceroth: we need to get back to earth and try to stop him

sabir: great, but how? I can't fly, and if I do I have to wait an hour for my magic

ceroth: don't worry about it

[sabir begins to float]

ceroth: I'll take you there using my mind

sabir: great, then I can just relax! :D

ceroth: now lets go to the earth! we should be able to sense muu once we are there....

to be continued.... [/B][/QUOTE]

Wait. We're not on Earth? Where are we then? Bah!
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We where meant to be on a ship in space I think.
After many hours of fighting continuesly The Grand Kai decides to stop.

Andrew: Chickening out are we?

GK: oh no! I've made my anaylasis of your power and am considering how to make your trainng suit it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinVegeta [/i]
[B]We where meant to be on a ship in space I think.

yeah, your right....
[afer a while, the fighters finally arrive on earth]

sabir: so, where do we start?

ceroth: I wish I knew, I can't sense him anywhere

sabir: well, how about we-

ceroth: what the?!?!

sabir: whats wrong?

ceroth: I felt a huge explosion at a city somewhere near here, we have to go investigate!

to be continued....
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Neil: Damn...... Party's gettin started without me... :devil:
Sabirsing: Forget me, and I'll rip you head off! :demon:
Neil: Erm....yeah. So, which way?
Ceroth: To the west. About 50 miles.
Neil: Let's.........go.
Aj: Yeah.

Neil quickly blasts off, and detransforms from Super Saiyajin 2. Ceroth quicky follows, then Sabirsing and Aj at the same time.

Neil: Already???

Neil stops, and slides forward as his body catches the wind. The others fall in suit.

Neil: So,...........where is he?
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AJ: Ooh...I'm shivering with excitement..

Ceroth: (motionless) shh....

AJ: What? Hey guys,...this remind of the twilight zone? Huh? Just a teensy lil-..

Ceroth: ..-Shut up for Kami's sake!

AJ: [size=1]Is it just me, or does this guy [i]really[/i] hate me?[/size]

Sabir: It's you,...but not in the sense you meant..

AJ: :confused: --:bawl: --:(

Sabir: :rolleyes: :laugh: [/b]
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Andrew: *telepathically* Don't harrass the boy Sabir!

Sabir: Andrew?

Andrew: I'm ready to come back now

Sabir: I still have to rest my power for a while. Make sure your fully powered down when you come back, it won't put a strain on me.

Andrew: Figures! I'll see you all later.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ...........*sigh* I guess I'll summon the rest of my strength for this...

Ceroth: Don't hurt yourself.

Sabir: He's at a resting point, power wise. I'll be fine.

Neil: LOL, if you faint, I'm not doing anything about it.

Ceroth: Figures...

AJ: ...do your stuff. :D

Sabir: Right.......

[i]Extending her arms fulling in front of her, palms out, she closes her eyes and a golden orb apears around her hands. She murmers her incantation and the circle spreads outwards and the shape of Andrew appears inside of it.[/i]

Andrew: *orb opens* Wow...that was fun!

Sabir: :rolleyes: A thank you would be nice.[/COLOR]
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[muu explodes out fron beneath the ground, surging with power]

muu: ah, so you have arrived

ceroth: what the, I thought you couldn't talk?

muu: true, but that was before I absorbed all the people of this city, and as you can probably sense, I have gotten far more powerful

ceroth: .....

sabir: damn, he's right

muu: so, who will be the first to face me?

ceroth: ....guess it will have to be me

muu: very good, let us begin

to be continued....
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[size=1]Neil: Well, fuc.k it. I wanted to fight. Show him what I can really do...
Sabirsing: And that is?
Neil: Rip his spine out, beat the shi+ outta him wit it, and they hang him from that tenticle thingie, and pretend he's a pinyata.
Sabirsing: As if...
Neil: If you don't shut up, I'll transfer that plan to [i]you[/i]! :demon:
Sabirsing: :demon:
Aj: :nervous: Um... Yall chill out.
Neil: Coming frm you, shaking in ya boots, I won't pay heed. Yoink.
Neil:......Watch your tounge.

Neil flicked his duel golden earrings with his index fingers, then laughed. His laughing is inturupted by an idea.

Neil: Hey, what happens if Sephiroth's time runs out before Buu is defeated?!
Sabirsing: I guess someone else'll have to fuse with Craig.
Aj: Well, it won't be me or Neil, and prolly not Andrew, cuz we ain't as strong as Craig.
Neil: As much as I hate to admit that I'm inferiour to Craig, AJ's right.
Sabirsing: Omigod! He admitted he's weak!
Neil: Shut up! BTW, you're gonna havta fuse with Craig, Sabirsing...
Neil: At least, I think so. I dunno how much I stack up against Craig, since I stole power from S.I.
Sabirsing: Stole? Man, your're just in a cheatin way today.
Neil: Only when nessicary...;)
Sabirsing: :smirk:
Neil: Well, let's try this out...

Neil jumped into a large hole, created by Bajin Muu. Neil stood with his feet planeted strong, his arms curled up, fists balled, with his fists even with his shoulders. He screams out in anger and pain as energy flows freely from his body. His white auora flares out, and deatomizes the area around him in a twenty foot radius. Neil throws his head back, and screams in pain again. His hair flickers from black, to golden, to black again, to golden. He screams one final time, and his auora turns to a golden wall of pulsating energy. The others could hear the pulsating sound of Neil's auora, as it rose dust around him. The dust slowly decended back to the ground. The others now stared hard at Neil, pure energy bouncing everywhere on his body. His hair was now up like his SSJ2 transformation, but without the hair on his face. The ground cracked and sizzled, as Neil powered up once more. The ground beneith him twisted into a huddled mass of debris, and broke apart and Neil hovered down to the ground. Neil walked back to the others, auora still shining brightly and such.

Aj: Aw-ahah-ah-ah-aw(gasps of shock. You'll see it alot, so get use to it! lol :D)
Sabirsing: Woah.....

Neil stopped a few yards away from the others, energy crackling in front of his face often. He smiled evilly, and chuckled demonically. This chuckle rose into a small laugh, and bursted into a full out ''evil Cell laugh''.

Neil: *voice a lot like Cell's(Per. Cell), but not as britishy, and a lil deeper* So, what do you think? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sabirsing: Is....he.....for....real?!
Aj: Umm......I think he's gonna attack or sumthin!
Neil: Oh, don't be rediculus! I wouldn't waste my time with you two! I want to kill Muu!

Neil walked all the way back to the others, and stared at Muu and Ceroth, still facing off.

Ceroth: *thinking privatly so Sabirsing and Neil cannot hear* Hmm....he's stronger, and only at Super Sayian...... But, why is he even powering up. Either I'll defeat Muu, or he'll kill us all. Wait a sec. I'm gonna win! Yeah. That's right Muu..... Your day has come...:devil:
Stats For Bajin Neil
Strength: 55,000,000
Speed: 54,000,000
Dexterity: 54,000,000
Spirit: 52,000,000
Ki: 56,000,000

Super Sayian Stats
Strength: 62,000,000
Speed: 60,000,000
Dexterity: 60,000,000
Spirit: 58,000,000
Ki: 64,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 92,000,000
Speed: 90,000,000
Dexterity: 90,000,000
Spirit: 90,000,000
Ki: 103,000,000

Steel Inferno Stats
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Dexterity: 0
Spirit: 0
Ki: 0(he go bye-bye! :p)
Ok, I stole everything from S.I., and I healed from when Muu beat the fuc.k out of me, so pweeze lemme keep the stats. BTW, Craig is gonna be missing for about 5 more days. Went with some family for the holidays.[/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *crosses amrs* Well...nice that people don't expect me to fuse with Craig now. I can't even fuse with anybody anyways.

Andrew: What about that one elf girl...?

Sabir: Elves, Laporins, and Changelings are alright, but not full blooded, or even half blooded Sayjians.

AJ: Convenient.

Sabir: You could say that.

Andrew: Well, magic in the place of fusing...what a deal!

Sabir: *shrug* With any luck, I won't be forced to power up for this, and I won't have to use this.

[i]The sound of steel on steel rang out and a long Zamma-To appeared in Sabirsing's hands. She whirled it once, then let it rest in her palms.[/i]

AJ: What is it?

Sabir: The Zamma-To of the House of Bane. It's quite useful.

Andrew: How nice, a blade on a stick.

Sabir: *SLASH*

Andrew: :eek: What the?

Sabir: *holds up three strands of black hair* Looking for these?[/COLOR]
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Andrew: THAT'S MY HAIR! you realise it's gonna stay like that for the rest of my days.

Sabir: *shrugs* eh

Andrew: you may as well give me a quick trim.

Sabir starts cutting parts of Andrew's hair off until it looks like Vegeta's hair in GT.

Sabir: Happy?

Andrew: Extatic!:rolleyes:. So, what's happening? what'd I miss?

Sabir: basically.......*explains all that's happened*.........and know we're about to fight.

Andrew: I see.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: So......does anybody else have anything to do?

AJ: We could play some cards. :D

Sabir: And I suppose you've been carrying around a deck this whole time. :therock:

AJ: Oh yeah....

Andrew: This is stupid.

Sabir: *leands on Zamma-To* *sigh* I wish they'd get on with it.

Andrew: And Sephiroth's time is almost gone.

Sabir: We'll hande Bajin Muu until I can bring him back. I have the beginings of another idea.

AJ: What is it?

Sabir: I'll tell you later.[/COLOR]
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Neil: Bah! This is so boring!
Sabirsing: Hey, what's with the voice?
Neil: *normal voice* Nothin. Just playin a joke. Heh-heh...
Sabirsing: :rolleyes: Men......
Neil/Aj/Andrew: -.-;

Neil jumped up into the air, and formed a copy of himself.

Aj: Oh, great. He's gonna fight. -.-

Neil launches at his copy, as does the copy. They begin in close hand-to-hand combat. After a few minutes, they appear on the ground, snarling at each other. They lock their hands together, and try to push each other. The ground tears apart, as a horrific energy storm whipped up. The others were forced back a few feet by the escaping energy, as Neil and his clone powered up.


Neil sweeped his right leg in, catching his clone's ribs with his knee, and slung his deadly foot inwards, snapping the clone's shoulder out of socket. The copy landed on the ground, far away. Neil raised his now clawed left hand, as he powered up even more, causing even more calateral damage to the surrounding area. He yelled louder and louder, as he charded for some collosial ki attack.

Sabirsing: It's...unreal. He's that strong....and just a Super Sayian.
Aj/Andrew: :wow:

Neil aimed his hand dirctly at his paralized clone, and focused more energy into his blast.

Neil: This has been fun and all, but it must end....

Neil zanzokened a mile and a half in the air, and smirked at his clone.


With that, Neil unleased his energy attack. He screamed out ''ATOM SPLITER!!!'', and a green blast shot from his clawed hand at mind-shattering speed(see note). It hurled straight at his clone, screaming and sending of green vapor tails. When it hit the clone, it exploded in a huge fire and energy storm. when the smoke cleared, the clone was gone. Neil landed on the ground, and smilied.

Neil: All to easy......
Note: Atom Spliter looks like the first blast Vegeta shot at Cell when Cell killed Trunks in the Cell Games. Only green, faster, and it ''screams'' when fired, and sends off light green vapor trails off of the ''head''. Yeah, I have way too many attacks. Doink! :cross: lol
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[ceroth starts off the battle with a kamehameha, muu blocks it and appears behine ceroth, kicking him to the back of the head, ceroth quickly gets up and replies with a punch to muu's face, muu falls back and hurtles multiple mini ki fireballs at ceroth, ceroth dodges most but gets hit by a few, but retaliates with sephiroth's patented new move, the spiked needles, thousands of ki's formed in the shape of needles rapidly make their way towards muu, he is seriously cut by them]

ceroth: had enough?

muu: heh, not bad at all, but you will still not be able to defeat me

[muu regenerates instantly]

muu: see?

ceroth: ....you cannot regenerate if I KILL YOU!!!

[ceroth erupts in power and charges towards muu]

to be continued....
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Andrew: He's just a show-off.

AJ: what?

Andrew: That's right *turns to side and spits*

Neil: And you think you can beat me?

Andrew: exactly.

Sabir: look at you....you're like....boys with toys.

Andrew: Whether that be the case or not I need a good fight to test my new power.

Neil: I'm up for it. Let's go.

Andrew quickly powers up with out going SSJ. He zanzokens behind Neil and punches him in the back of the head. He then swing sround into a round house kick into Neils ribs. Neils quickly turns and gives Andrew a kick of his own in the ribs. It hits with tremendous force and Andrew Glares at Neil. He grips the still implanted leg and swings Neil around, throwing him into the air. Neil flies back at Andrew and is met with a huge beam which hits him right in the face. Neil zanzokens directly infront of Andrew and begins pummeling him. He knocks Andrew to the floor face down. Andrew gets up and starts laughing.

Andrew: I guess I have underestimated you. I'll take it up a notch.

With that Andrew takes stance and his body begins to surge with power. His hair flashes blonde, his muscles tighten and become bigger. His huge yellow Auro comes over him and the ground shakes as he sinks into it.

Andrew: shall we continue?
Andrew's new stats:
Strength: 60,000,000
Speed: 60,000,000
Dexterity: 60,000,000
Spirit: 60,000,000
Ki: 60,000,000

Andrew's new SSJ stats:
Strength: 85,000,000
Speed: 85,000,000
Dexterity: 85,000,000
Spirit: 85,000,000
Ki: 85,000,000

Andrew's new SSJ2 stats:
Strength: 105,000,000
Speed: 105,000,000
Dexterity: 105,000,000
Spirit: 105,000,000
Ki: 105,000,000
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[b][size=1]Neil: Fool...... Fine. Let's play...

With that, Neil charged up again. The ground tore open, Neil's energy eating away the area around him. When he finished powering up, pure energy bounced off of him, and ripped the ground to shreads. Neil phased out, back in, then zanzoken behind Andrew. He placed his open palm on Andrew's back, and screamed out ''GIGA SHOCK!!!''. A yellow energy beam, as wide as Neil's hand, shot out, and pierced Andrew's chest. The beam shot clear through. Andrew fell to the ground, gasping for air. But Neil didn't stop attacking.

Neil: Andrew! You're about to see my ultimate attack. Are you ready?
Andrew: *gags on own blood*

Neil dashes into the air, and backflips. He stops suddenly, energy reverberating off of his body. He turns and faces Andrew, as he raises his open hand. He charges up this unknown attack, and focuses on Andrew. Right before Neil fires, Sabirsing teleports in front of him.

Sabirsing: KNOCK IT OFF!

Neil raises his other hand, and back-hands Sabirisng away.

Neil: Don't ever get in my way!

The red "B" stamp on Neil's head turns black again, and his eyes got completely white. Bajin Neil screams ''OMEGA CANNON!!!!''. As son as he does, a pale-white, baseball sized Ki blast with a long tail shot out, and covered the distance to Andrew almost instantly. It detonated on impact of Andrew's gut, and exploded in a huge, pale-white, firey storm on Ki and flames. When the smoke settled, and the flames died, Andrew laid there.....not moving.

Bajin Neil: Fool.......He's alive.

Bajin Neil landed next to Andrew, and kicked him in the ribs a few times. Bajin Neil took a sensu bean out, and put it on Andrew's unconscense body. He walked off, and looked at the ever-impressive fight between Muu and Ceroth.
Stats For Bajin Neil (3/4)
Strength: 59,000,000
Speed: 58,000,000
Dexterity: 58,000,000
Spirit: 56,000,000
Ki: 62,000,000

Super Sayian Stats (3/4)
Strength: 80,000,000
Speed: 80,000,000
Dexterity: 80,000,000
Spirit: 68,000,000
Ki: 84,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats (3/4)
Strength: 108,000,000
Speed: 108,000,000
Dexterity: 108,000,000
Spirit: 105,000,000
Ki: 110,000,000[/size][/b]
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Andrew slowly gets up. Neil turns to look at him. Andrew holds the snezu bean......and crushes it. Neil just looks at him. Andrew scrambles to his feet and glares at Neil.

Andrew: *blood comes out of his mouth* I'll.....show you...my newest ability.

Neil: oh really?

Andrew just stands there and looks focused. His wounds start to knit themselves back together as he powers up to SSJ2.


Andrew: *Classic Vegeta smirk of evilness* You seriously thought you'd put me down that easily? I'm shocked.

The smirk dissappears from his face and turns evil. He flies at Neil with emmence speed and gives him a good hard right in the face. it sends Neil back a few yards and Andrew quickly follows. He elbows Neil to the ground, picks him up and lobs him into the air. Andrew Fires a large Ki blast after him which collides with Neil's spine. As Neil falls to the ground Andrew catches him and throws at the ground.

Andrew: now get up..........

Neil: *with his face in the ground*.....................

Andrew: don't want to talk? I'll make you!

Andrew begins to power up a large ball above his head. it starts growing to an amazing size. AJ and Sabir look up at him. His face looks menacing and the B on his head returns.

B.Andrew: you have a few minutes to get up or this bomb lands on your head.

Sabir: bomb?...........he can't possibly mean the Genki-dama can he?

Andrew: *turns to Sabir* that's exactly what I mean.
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing's body courses with rage and the Zamma-To in her hands begins to vibrate.[/i]

Sabir: I'm ending this right now!

AJ: Don't kill him!

Sabir: I won't.

Andrew: You think you can harm me?

Sabir: You have no idea...who you're dealing with... You're going to stop that Genki Dama right now.

[i]Vaulting forward on the pole, Sabirsing swiftly brings the red blade up to Andrew's neck and neatly slashes it open. He screams in agony and stops powering up. Moving her face to his wound, she grows her fangs and quickly drinks in his blood.[/i]

AJ: Ugh that is disgusting.

Neil: Well it worked. *shrug*

Sabir: *draws back* Had enough?

Andrew: :eek: That hurt...

Sabir: It was meant to hurt. And thank you for your blood. Are you going to stop attacking Neil?

Andrew: ...yeah.

Sabir: :demon: Good. Because I won't hesitate to take your blood again. And next time, I won't go as easy on you. Neil, this is going to happen to you if you don't stop either.[/COLOR]
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[b][size=1] Neil looks on, and his face turns to pure rage.

Sabirsing: Uh-....oh...
Aj: Ya had to get him worked up, didn't you?!

A bar of blood-red energy forms in Neil's hand, and grows to 4 feet in length Neil looks at the bar, and swings it around, snapping Sabirisng's spear in two like a dry twig. The remains fall to the ground, and Neil screams ''NITRO BLAST!!". As soon as the words were spoken, a small, bright yellow Ki ball shot from Neil's extended hand. The ball flew almost instantaiously towards the snapped pole, and incinorated it in a firey tangle of energy. While Sabirsing looks on in awe, Neil slips under her, and slices her jugular vein. Sabirsing pops up, an graps her throat. Neil angain slips around, and slices her hamstrings out. She falls to the ground struggling to regain herself, and eventually stops moving.

Neil: Foolish *****! Don't even interfere with my doings again![/size][/b]
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[COLOR=seagreen]Sabirsing; ...nice try...

[i]Her whole being glowed blue and her hamstrings grew back and the flesh around her neck knit itself together. She held out her hands and the Zamma-To reapeared, completely restored.[/i]

Sabir: AJ, help me.

AJ: I'm nowhere near as strong as them..I can't do anything.

Sabir: Are they beyond rational thought?

AJ: ....with the B on their forheads..yeah.

Sabir: *growls* I should decapitate them both.

AJ: I don't think Ceroth would approve.

Sabir: :demon: Shield your mind.

AJ: Okay...


[i]An echoing shriek flew from Sabirsing's eyes and peirced both Neil and Andrew's minds...shattering thoughts and feelings...[/i][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Alright......I hope they've had enough, because I don't really want to hurt them more.

AJ: You could hurt them more??

Sabir: Of course. I'm not even powered up halfway.....am I?

AJ: Oh yeah...I ..er...forgot.

Sabir: ..........:rolleyes:[/COLOR]
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Andrew regains his footing and stares at Sabir.

Sabir: Back down before I hurt you some more, boy.

Andrew: I'm finished anyway. and you couldn't hurt me.

Sabir: Oh yeah?

Andrew: Enough! I have an idea. *looks up at his ready Genki dama* I will use this very well.

Andrew flies back up to his ball and begins powering it up some more.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *sigh* You push me too far.

AJ: What's the plan?

Sabir: I brought Andrew back to life once before.....with a spell my grandmother set up. And now, I'm going to deactiave it.

AJ: So, he'll die.

Sabir: Definetly. And nobody will come back to life until I recast the spell. Which could take me several weeks.

Andrew: Prepare to die!

Sabir: Prepare yourself Andrew. *snaps fingers* Life of one.....DEACTIAVE!

Andrew: :eek:

Sabir: Goodbye.

[i]In a flash of blue, Andrew disapeared from the face of the Earth.[/i]

AJ: He...he's....

Sabir: Gone.[/COLOR]
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